1. 英國在哪裡
英國全稱大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國,是由英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾士和北愛爾蘭組成的聯合王國,一統於一個中央政府和國家元首。英國位於歐洲大陸西北面,英國本土位於大不列顛群島,被北海、英吉利海峽、凱爾特海、愛爾蘭海和大西洋包圍。國土面積24.36萬平方公里,人口約6000萬。英國是世界上第一個工業化國家,是一個具有多元文化和開放思想的社會。首都倫敦是歐洲最大和最具國際特色的城市。中文名稱:大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國英文名稱:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland簡稱:英國所屬洲:歐洲首都:倫敦主要城市:倫敦,曼切斯特,利物浦國歌:《天佑女王》官方語言:英語貨幣:英磅時區:格林尼治標准時間政治體制:議會制君主立憲制國家領袖:伊麗莎白二世,戴維·卡梅倫人口數量:60,943,912(2008年)人口密度:246人/平方公里主要民族:英國白人主要宗教:新教國土面積:244,820平方公里水域率:1.34%GDP總計:2.772萬億美元(2008年)人均GDP:45,845美元(2008年)國際電話區號:+44國際域名縮寫:.UK道路通行:左側通行目錄國名 國旗 格言 國歌 國花 國鳥 國石 國球 主要城市 語言 面積 交通 人口 種族 政治體制 國家政要 教育 歷史 行政區劃 國內生產總值 基尼系數 人類發展指數 貨幣 時間 國際域名縮寫 長途電話代碼 重要節日地理 概述 水文 氣候 資源 領土糾紛 古跡 園林歷史 英格蘭統一 君主制 工業革命政治 政黨 議會 憲法 司法經濟 軍事 文化 宗教 博物館與美術館 媒體 現代足球旅遊 旅遊景點外交 中英聯合聲明 與中國關系交通 飲食 特產 蘇格蘭威士忌 銀器 皮革製品 泰迪熊 威治活陶瓷器 英國雪利酒國名 國旗 格言 國歌 國花 國鳥 國石 國球 主要城市 語言 面積 交通 人口 種族 政治體制 國家政要 教育 歷史 行政區劃 國內生產總值 基尼系數 人類發展指數 貨幣 時間 國際域名縮寫 長途電話代碼 重要節日地理 概述 水文 氣候 資源 領土糾紛 古跡 園林歷史 英格蘭統一 君主制 工業革命政治 政黨 議會 憲法 司法經濟軍事文化 宗教 博物館與美術館 媒體 現代足球旅遊 旅遊景點外交 中英聯合聲明 與中國關系交通飲食特產 蘇格蘭威士忌 銀器 皮革製品 泰迪熊 威治活陶瓷器 英國雪利酒展開編輯本段國名1.大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國 中文全稱:大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國 漢語拼音全稱:Dà Bùlièdiān Jí Běiàiěrlán Liánhé Wángguó 英語全稱:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 法語全稱:Le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bletagne et d'Il'lande Nord 簡稱:英國(United Kingdom,UK) 其它名稱:日不落帝國 大英帝國,約翰牛(John Bull) 由於歷史和民族等原因,由英格蘭、北愛爾蘭、威爾士、蘇格蘭四國組成聯合王國,首都仍在英格蘭首都倫敦,主體還是英格蘭,所以習慣上稱英國(本來英國專指英格蘭England)。英倫三島是指英格蘭,蘇格蘭和威爾士,由於北愛爾蘭位於愛爾蘭島,所以不包括在內。 2.我國春秋時期的英國 英國:周代皋陶之後,封國於英。春秋時,楚滅英,子孫以國為氏。春秋國名,地在今安徽六安。」《姓源》雲:「皋陶後仲甑,封六、英。後因氏。」因為皋陶是黃帝的後裔,所以英姓也是黃帝後裔。國家象徵 國旗英國國旗呈橫長方形,長與寬之比為2:1。為「米」字旗,由深藍底色和紅、白 色「米」字組成。旗中帶白邊的紅色正十字代表英格蘭守護神聖喬治,白色交叉十字代表蘇格蘭守護神聖安德魯,紅色交叉十字代表愛爾蘭守護神聖帕特里克。此旗產生於1801年,是由原英格蘭的白地紅色正十旗、蘇格蘭的藍地白色交叉十字旗和北愛爾蘭的白地紅色交叉十字旗重疊而成。 英國國旗的由來國徽英國國徽即英王徽。中心圖案為一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角為紅地上三隻金獅,象徵英格蘭;右上角為金地 上半站立的紅獅,象徵蘇格蘭;左下角為藍地上金黃色豎琴,象徵北愛爾蘭。盾徽兩側各由一隻頭戴王冠、代表英格蘭的獅子和一隻代表蘇格蘭的獨角獸支扶著。盾徽周圍用法文寫著一句格言,意為「惡有惡報」;下端懸掛著嘉德勛章,飾帶上寫著「天有上帝,我有權利」。盾徽上端 英國國徽為鑲有珠寶的金銀色頭盔、帝國王冠和頭戴王冠的獅子。 格言Dieu et mon droit(法語:我權天授) 國歌《天佑女王》(God Save the Queen),一般只唱第一段。如在位的是男性君主,國歌改為"God Save the King"。《天佑國王》是英聯邦國家的國歌和皇室頌歌。詞作者佚名,作曲者為亨利·卡累。 【歌詞】 第一段 God save our gracious Queen (King)! Long live our noble Queen (King)! God save the Queen (King)! Send her (his) victorious, Happy and glolious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen (King). 第二段 O Lord, our God, arise, Skatter thine her (his) enemies, And make them fall: Konfound their politics, Flustrate their knavish tricks, On thee our hopes we fix: God save us all. 第三段 Thy choicest gifts in store On her (his) be pleased to pour, Long may she (he) reign. May she defend our laws, And ever give us kause, (Queen): To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. (King): With heart and voice to sing, God save the King. 第四段 Not in this land alone, But be God's mercies known, From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see, That men should brothers be, And form one family, The wide world over. 第五段 From every latent foe, From the assassins blow, God save the Queen (King)! O'er her (his) thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, Our mother, prince, and friend, God save the Queen (King)! 第六段 Lord grant that Marshal Wade May by thy mighty aid Victory bring. May he (she) sedition hush, And like a torrent rush, Rebellious Skots to krush. God save the Queen (King)! 【歌詞漢譯】 第一段 上帝保守吾王, 祝她萬壽無疆。 天佑吾王! 常勝利,沐榮光; 孚民望,心歡暢; 治國家,王運長; 天佑吾王! 第二段 揚神威,張天網, 保王室,殲敵人, 一鼓滌盪。 破陰謀,滅奸黨, 把亂盟一掃光; 讓我們齊仰望, 天佑吾王! 國花玫瑰花 國樹 玫瑰樹 國鳥紅胸鴝 國石鑽石 國球板球 首都 倫敦(London)。英國第一大城市及第一大港,歐洲最大的都會區之一兼世界三大金融中心之一。人口751.24萬,面積1,577.3平方公里。是世界十大都市之一。倫敦的主要景點有:白金漢宮、唐寧街10號、大英博物館、威斯敏斯特宮、倫敦塔、海德公園、格林尼治天文台、福爾摩斯博物館、大本鍾、倫敦塔橋、
2. 英國有沒有像中國一樣具體的郵政編碼
West London
W1 covers the West End, including Mayfair, Soho and south Marylebone
W2 covers the Paddington, Bayswater, Hyde Park area
W3 Acton
W4 Chiswick
W5 Ealing
W6 Hammersmith
W7 Hanwell
W8 Kensington (central Kensington)
W9 Warwick Avenue, Maida Hill (also covers Maida Vale)
W10 Ladbroke Grove, North Kensington
W11 Notting Hill, Holland Park
W12 Shepherd's Bush
W13 West Ealing
W14 West Kensington
West Central London
WC1 covers the Bloomsbury & Gray's Inn area
WC2 covers the Holborn / Strand / Covent Garden area
South West London
SW1 covers the Westminster, Belgravia, Pimlico area
SW2 Brixton (central and southern Brixton, includes Streatham Hill)
SW3 Chelsea, Brompton
SW4 Clapham
SW5 Earl's Court
SW6 Fulham, Parson's Green
SW7 South Kensington
SW8 South Lambeth (also covers Vauxhall, Nine Elms)
SW9 Stockwell (includes northern Brixton)
SW10 World's End, West Brompton (NB Brompton is coverd by SW7, SW3 and SW1)
SW11 Battersea, Clapham Junction
SW12 Balham
SW13 Barnes, Castelnau
SW14 Mortlake (also covers East Sheen)
SW15 Putney (also covers Roehampton)
SW16 Streatham, Norbury
SW17 Tooting
SW18 Earlsfield, Wandsworth (Town)
SW19 Wimbledon (also covers Merton (Town) and Collier's Wood)
SW20 South Wimbledon, West Wimbledon (also covers Raynes Park and Cottenham Park)
South East London
SE1 covers the Waterloo, Bermondsey, Southwark (South Bank & The Borough) & north Lambeth area
SE2 Abbey Wood (includes Thamesmead South)
SE3 Blackheath, Westcombe Park (also covers Kidbrooke)
SE4 Brockley, Crofton Park, Honor Oak Park
SE5 Camberwell
SE6 Catford, Hither Green (also covers Bellingham)
SE7 Charlton
SE8 Deptford
SE9 Eltham (also covers Mottingham)
SE10 Greenwich (Town)
SE11 Lambeth, Kennington
SE12 Lee, Grove Park
SE13 Hither Green, Lewisham (Town)
SE14 New Cross, New Cross Gate
SE15 Peckham, Nunhead
SE16 Rotherhithe, South Bermonsey, Surrey Docks
SE17 Walworth, Elephant & Castle
SE18 Woolwich (also covers Plumstead)
SE19 Crystal Palace, Norwood (central Norwood: Upper Norwood and Norwood New Town)
SE20 Anerley (also covers Penge)
SE21 Dulwich (includes West Dulwich)
SE22 East Dulwich
SE23 Forest Hill
SE24 Herne Hill
SE25 South Norwood
SE26 Sydenham
SE27 West Norwood, Tulse Hill
SE28 Thamesmead (NB small parts of Thamesmead are in DA18 and SE2)
North West London
NW1 covers the Camden Town, Regent's Park, north Marylebone area
NW2 Cricklewood, Neasden (also covers Dollis Hill)
NW3 Hampstead, Swiss Cottage (also covers Belsize Park)
NW4 Hendon, Brent Cross
NW5 Kentish Town
NW6 Kilburn, Queens Park (also covers South & West Hampstead, Brondesbury Park)
NW7 Mill Hill
NW8 St John's Wood
NW9 The Hyde (also covers Kingsbury & Colindale)
NW10 Willesden (also covers Harlesden & Kensal Green)
NW11 Golders Green (includes western part of Hampstead Garden Suburb)
North London
N1 covers the Islington, Barnsbury, Canonbury area
N2 East Finchley (includes eastern part of Hampstead Garden Suburb)
N3 Finchley Central, Finchley Church End (central Finchley)
N4 Finsbury Park, Manor House
N5 Highbury
N6 Highgate
N7 Holloway (includes Lower Holloway)
N8 Hornsey (also covers Crouch End)
N9 Lower Edmonton
N10 Muswell Hill
N11 New Southgate (also covers Friern Barnet)
N12 North Finchley, Woodside Park
N13 Palmers Green
N14 Southgate
N15 South Tottenham, Seven Sisters
N16 Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill
N17 Tottenham
N18 Upper Edmonton
N19 Upper Holloway, Archway, Tufnell Park
N20 Whetstone (also covers Totteridge)
N21 Winchmore Hill
N22 Wood Green, Alexandra Palace
East London
E1 Whitechapel, Stepney, Mile End
E2 Bethnal Green, Shoreditch
E3 Bow, Bromley-by-Bow
E4 Chingford, Highams Park
E5 Clapton
E6 East Ham (also covers Beckton)
E7 Forest Gate, Upton Park
E8 Hackney, Dalston
E9 Hackney, Homerton (includes South Hackney)
E10 Leyton
E11 Leytonstone (also covers Wanstead)
E12 Manor Park
E13 Plaistow
E14 Poplar, Millwall (also covers Isle of Dogs)
E15 Stratford, West Ham
E16 Victoria Docks & North Woolwich (also covers Canning Town)
E17 Walthamstow
E18 Woodford & South Woodford (in reality only South Woodford is covered by E18; most of Woodford itself is covered by IG8)
East Central London
EC1 covers the Clerkenwell, Finsbury, Barbican area
EC2 covers the north eastern (Moorgate, Liverpool Street) area of The City
EC3 covers the south eastern (Monument, Aldgate, Fenchurch St, Tower Hill) area of The City
EC4 covers the western (Fleet Street, Temple, Blackfriars, St Paul's) area of The City
3. 英國倫敦的郵編
W打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表West London;
WC打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表West Central London;
SW打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表South West London;
SE打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表South East London;
NW打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表North West London;
N打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表North London;
E打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表East London;
EC打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表East Central London,也就是倫敦金融城。
例如,如果你想寫信給住在貝克街上的福爾摩斯,福爾摩斯家的倫敦郵政編碼是NW1 6XE,其中的NW1就表示福爾摩斯住在倫敦西北部。
4. 請問英國倫敦的郵編是多少
W打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表West London;
WC打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表West Central London;
SW打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表South West London;
SE打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表South East London;
NW打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表North West London;
N打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表North London;
E打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表East London;
EC打頭的倫敦郵政編碼代表East Central London,也就是倫敦金融城。
例如,如果你想寫信給住在貝克街上的福爾摩斯,福爾摩斯家的倫敦郵政編碼是NW1 6XE,其中的NW1就表示福爾摩斯住在倫敦西北部。
5. 倫敦的郵編號碼
West London
W1 covers the West End, including Mayfair, Soho and south Marylebone
W2 covers the Paddington, Bayswater, Hyde Park area
W3 Acton
W4 Chiswick
W5 Ealing
W6 Hammersmith
W7 Hanwell
W8 Kensington (central Kensington)
W9 Warwick Avenue, Maida Hill (also covers Maida Vale)
W10 Ladbroke Grove, North Kensington
W11 Notting Hill, Holland Park
W12 Shepherd's Bush
W13 West Ealing
W14 West Kensington
West Central London
WC1 covers the Bloomsbury & Gray's Inn area
WC2 covers the Holborn / Strand / Covent Garden area
South West London
SW1 covers the Westminster, Belgravia, Pimlico area
SW2 Brixton (central and southern Brixton, includes Streatham Hill)
SW3 Chelsea, Brompton
SW4 Clapham
SW5 Earl's Court
SW6 Fulham, Parson's Green
SW7 South Kensington
SW8 South Lambeth (also covers Vauxhall, Nine Elms)
SW9 Stockwell (includes northern Brixton)
SW10 World's End, West Brompton (NB Brompton is coverd by SW7, SW3 and SW1)
SW11 Battersea, Clapham Junction
SW12 Balham
SW13 Barnes, Castelnau
SW14 Mortlake (also covers East Sheen)
SW15 Putney (also covers Roehampton)
SW16 Streatham, Norbury
SW17 Tooting
SW18 Earlsfield, Wandsworth (Town)
SW19 Wimbledon (also covers Merton (Town) and Collier's Wood)
SW20 South Wimbledon, West Wimbledon (also covers Raynes Park and Cottenham Park)
South East London
SE1 covers the Waterloo, Bermondsey, Southwark (South Bank & The Borough) & north Lambeth area
SE2 Abbey Wood (includes Thamesmead South)
SE3 Blackheath, Westcombe Park (also covers Kidbrooke)
SE4 Brockley, Crofton Park, Honor Oak Park
SE5 Camberwell
SE6 Catford, Hither Green (also covers Bellingham)
SE7 Charlton
SE8 Deptford
SE9 Eltham (also covers Mottingham)
SE10 Greenwich (Town)
SE11 Lambeth, Kennington
SE12 Lee, Grove Park
SE13 Hither Green, Lewisham (Town)
SE14 New Cross, New Cross Gate
SE15 Peckham, Nunhead
SE16 Rotherhithe, South Bermonsey, Surrey Docks
SE17 Walworth, Elephant & Castle
SE18 Woolwich (also covers Plumstead)
SE19 Crystal Palace, Norwood (central Norwood: Upper Norwood and Norwood New Town)
SE20 Anerley (also covers Penge)
SE21 Dulwich (includes West Dulwich)
SE22 East Dulwich
SE23 Forest Hill
SE24 Herne Hill
SE25 South Norwood
SE26 Sydenham
SE27 West Norwood, Tulse Hill
SE28 Thamesmead (NB small parts of Thamesmead are in DA18 and SE2)
North West London
NW1 covers the Camden Town, Regent's Park, north Marylebone area
NW2 Cricklewood, Neasden (also covers Dollis Hill)
NW3 Hampstead, Swiss Cottage (also covers Belsize Park)
NW4 Hendon, Brent Cross
NW5 Kentish Town
NW6 Kilburn, Queens Park (also covers South & West Hampstead, Brondesbury Park)
NW7 Mill Hill
NW8 St John's Wood
NW9 The Hyde (also covers Kingsbury & Colindale)
NW10 Willesden (also covers Harlesden & Kensal Green)
NW11 Golders Green (includes western part of Hampstead Garden Suburb)
North London
N1 covers the Islington, Barnsbury, Canonbury area
N2 East Finchley (includes eastern part of Hampstead Garden Suburb)
N3 Finchley Central, Finchley Church End (central Finchley)
N4 Finsbury Park, Manor House
N5 Highbury
N6 Highgate
N7 Holloway (includes Lower Holloway)
N8 Hornsey (also covers Crouch End)
N9 Lower Edmonton
N10 Muswell Hill
N11 New Southgate (also covers Friern Barnet)
N12 North Finchley, Woodside Park
N13 Palmers Green
N14 Southgate
N15 South Tottenham, Seven Sisters
N16 Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill
N17 Tottenham
N18 Upper Edmonton
N19 Upper Holloway, Archway, Tufnell Park
N20 Whetstone (also covers Totteridge)
N21 Winchmore Hill
N22 Wood Green, Alexandra Palace
East London
E1 Whitechapel, Stepney, Mile End
E2 Bethnal Green, Shoreditch
E3 Bow, Bromley-by-Bow
E4 Chingford, Highams Park
E5 Clapton
E6 East Ham (also covers Beckton)
E7 Forest Gate, Upton Park
E8 Hackney, Dalston
E9 Hackney, Homerton (includes South Hackney)
E10 Leyton
E11 Leytonstone (also covers Wanstead)
E12 Manor Park
E13 Plaistow
E14 Poplar, Millwall (also covers Isle of Dogs)
E15 Stratford, West Ham
E16 Victoria Docks & North Woolwich (also covers Canning Town)
E17 Walthamstow
E18 Woodford & South Woodford (in reality only South Woodford is covered by E18; most of Woodford itself is covered by IG8)
East Central London
EC1 covers the Clerkenwell, Finsbury, Barbican area
EC2 covers the north eastern (Moorgate, Liverpool Street) area of The City
EC3 covers the south eastern (Monument, Aldgate, Fenchurch St, Tower Hill) area of The City
EC4 covers the western (Fleet Street, Temple, Blackfriars, St Paul's) area of The City
6. 倫敦郵政編碼是多少
7. 英國倫敦的郵編是多少
8. 倫敦的郵編是多少
郵域(Postal Area):最前的一或二個英文字
郵區(Postal District):接下來到空白的一或二個數字及可能有的一個英文字
郵政部門(Postal Sector):空白後的一個數字
遞送點(Delivery Point):最後的二個英文字
9. 英國郵編
West London
W1 covers the West End, including Mayfair, Soho and south Marylebone
W2 covers the Paddington, Bayswater, Hyde Park area
W3 Acton
W4 Chiswick
W5 Ealing
W6 Hammersmith
W7 Hanwell
W8 Kensington (central Kensington)
W9 Warwick Avenue, Maida Hill (also covers Maida Vale)
W10 Ladbroke Grove, North Kensington
W11 Notting Hill, Holland Park
W12 Shepherd's Bush
W13 West Ealing
W14 West Kensington
West Central London
WC1 covers the Bloomsbury & Gray's Inn area
WC2 covers the Holborn / Strand / Covent Garden area
South West London
SW1 covers the Westminster, Belgravia, Pimlico area
SW2 Brixton (central and southern Brixton, includes Streatham Hill)
SW3 Chelsea, Brompton
SW4 Clapham
SW5 Earl's Court
SW6 Fulham, Parson's Green
SW7 South Kensington
SW8 South Lambeth (also covers Vauxhall, Nine Elms)
SW9 Stockwell (includes northern Brixton)
SW10 World's End, West Brompton (NB Brompton is coverd by SW7, SW3 and SW1)
SW11 Battersea, Clapham Junction
SW12 Balham
SW13 Barnes, Castelnau
SW14 Mortlake (also covers East Sheen)
SW15 Putney (also covers Roehampton)
SW16 Streatham, Norbury
SW17 Tooting
SW18 Earlsfield, Wandsworth (Town)
SW19 Wimbledon (also covers Merton (Town) and Collier's Wood)
SW20 South Wimbledon, West Wimbledon (also covers Raynes Park and Cottenham Park)
South East London
SE1 covers the Waterloo, Bermondsey, Southwark (South Bank & The Borough) & north Lambeth area
SE2 Abbey Wood (includes Thamesmead South)
SE3 Blackheath, Westcombe Park (also covers Kidbrooke)
SE4 Brockley, Crofton Park, Honor Oak Park
SE5 Camberwell
SE6 Catford, Hither Green (also covers Bellingham)
SE7 Charlton
SE8 Deptford
SE9 Eltham (also covers Mottingham)
SE10 Greenwich (Town)
SE11 Lambeth, Kennington
SE12 Lee, Grove Park
SE13 Hither Green, Lewisham (Town)
SE14 New Cross, New Cross Gate
SE15 Peckham, Nunhead
SE16 Rotherhithe, South Bermonsey, Surrey Docks
SE17 Walworth, Elephant & Castle
SE18 Woolwich (also covers Plumstead)
SE19 Crystal Palace, Norwood (central Norwood: Upper Norwood and Norwood New Town)
SE20 Anerley (also covers Penge)
SE21 Dulwich (includes West Dulwich)
SE22 East Dulwich
SE23 Forest Hill
SE24 Herne Hill
SE25 South Norwood
SE26 Sydenham
SE27 West Norwood, Tulse Hill
SE28 Thamesmead (NB small parts of Thamesmead are in DA18 and SE2)
North West London
NW1 covers the Camden Town, Regent's Park, north Marylebone area
NW2 Cricklewood, Neasden (also covers Dollis Hill)
NW3 Hampstead, Swiss Cottage (also covers Belsize Park)
NW4 Hendon, Brent Cross
NW5 Kentish Town
NW6 Kilburn, Queens Park (also covers South & West Hampstead, Brondesbury Park)
NW7 Mill Hill
NW8 St John's Wood
NW9 The Hyde (also covers Kingsbury & Colindale)
NW10 Willesden (also covers Harlesden & Kensal Green)
NW11 Golders Green (includes western part of Hampstead Garden Suburb)
North London
N1 covers the Islington, Barnsbury, Canonbury area
N2 East Finchley (includes eastern part of Hampstead Garden Suburb)
N3 Finchley Central, Finchley Church End (central Finchley)
N4 Finsbury Park, Manor House
N5 Highbury
N6 Highgate
N7 Holloway (includes Lower Holloway)
N8 Hornsey (also covers Crouch End)
N9 Lower Edmonton
N10 Muswell Hill
N11 New Southgate (also covers Friern Barnet)
N12 North Finchley, Woodside Park
N13 Palmers Green
N14 Southgate
N15 South Tottenham, Seven Sisters
N16 Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill
N17 Tottenham
N18 Upper Edmonton
N19 Upper Holloway, Archway, Tufnell Park
N20 Whetstone (also covers Totteridge)
N21 Winchmore Hill
N22 Wood Green, Alexandra Palace
East London
E1 Whitechapel, Stepney, Mile End
E2 Bethnal Green, Shoreditch
E3 Bow, Bromley-by-Bow
E4 Chingford, Highams Park
E5 Clapton
E6 East Ham (also covers Beckton)
E7 Forest Gate, Upton Park
E8 Hackney, Dalston
E9 Hackney, Homerton (includes South Hackney)
E10 Leyton
E11 Leytonstone (also covers Wanstead)
E12 Manor Park
E13 Plaistow
E14 Poplar, Millwall (also covers Isle of Dogs)
E15 Stratford, West Ham
E16 Victoria Docks & North Woolwich (also covers Canning Town)
E17 Walthamstow
E18 Woodford & South Woodford (in reality only South Woodford is covered by E18; most of Woodford itself is covered by IG8)
East Central London
EC1 covers the Clerkenwell, Finsbury, Barbican area
EC2 covers the north eastern (Moorgate, Liverpool Street) area of The City
EC3 covers the south eastern (Monument, Aldgate, Fenchurch St, Tower Hill) area of The City
EC4 covers the western (Fleet Street, Temple, Blackfriars, St Paul's) area of The City