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⑴ 英國國旗的所代表的意義,歷史由來要中文版的哦 謝謝


⑵ 英國國旗的由來是怎麼樣的



大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國國旗位於白色底紋中的紅色X,各條線的起點和終點位置都略有不同。該旗既不是上下對稱圖形,也不是左右對稱圖形,是中心對稱圖形 。





⑶ 英國國旗代表的是什麼意思是怎樣形成的



1801年,愛爾蘭與大不 列顛聯合組成王國後,這面旗幟又與大不列顛國旗重疊,最後形成大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國的這面構圖奇特的米字旗。





⑷ 英國國旗的所代表的意義,歷史由來要英文版的哦,請大俠們幫幫忙哦!!!

British flag : Flag known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland flag M is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Union Jack flag. The first meters in the Union Jack on April 12, 1606 when England, Scotland and James I of England reunification birth. It is from England, Scotland and St. George's Cross of St. Andrew's cross playwrights. But this banner in the face today is not the flag of dark blue with light blue instead. Wales has been in England since the early conquest surrounded by Eardo life is a part of England, there is no time on the British flag. Today's word-meter flag was born in January 1, 1801, the British component of the United Kingdom and Ireland. St. Patrick's Irish Red Cross water meters and re-flag banner with the words, and thus the word today meter flag. In fact, the royal family is the first m characters flag banner Even today, and Britain has not recognized by law meters to the British Union Jack flag, but it has no functional difference with the national flag. In 1908 the British Parliament declared that the "rice British Union Jack flag should be considered." British Interior Minister declared that 1933 is "the British flag is the Union Jack." Many of the former British colonies on the Union Jack flag in the upper left corner to meters, to show the relationship with the United Kingdom. Those countries include Australia and New Zealand. The use of the national flag of Canada in 1965, there are meters characters flag designs. Chinese national flag : Before the founding of New China, June 16, 1949, the first preparatory meeting of the CPPCC National Committee meeting, decided to set up a development the national flag, national emblem, national anthem, the program team, which issued Call for Papers. Material on the job one month before the domestic incident in 1920, the 1992 rate design. The candidates have their own national programs, such as the Tan Kah Kee hammer-sickle flag is the flag design; Guo Moruo design of the flag are two long, the birthplace of the Chinese nation symbol of the Yangtze and the Yellow River; Zhu blue rectangular design of the flag to the upper left corner, containing a red five-pointed star, symbol of a clear sky. After careful selection of these images, pictorial issued to elect 38 deputies to increase, so we appraisals. Finalization of the complex pictorial characters No. 32, and Mao Zedong in September 27 to review the first plenary session of the CPPCC National Committee formally adopted for the state flag of the PRC. Zeng Liansong, the designers in front of this flag is an ordinary economic Shanghai workers. The moral is : A Big Star flag to guide the last few small satellite around then, the struggle to form a symbol of power and Gongbei trend, namely, the Communist Party of China Star, a small behalf of the Chinese people, united party and the people from victory to victory. In determining the number of small satellites, he think of Chairman Mao "On People's Democratic Dictatorship" the article said : "Four people, including class, or the working class, peasant class, the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie. "So he decided to sing on behalf of four small majority of the people. Since then, the five-star red flag as the official flag of the PRC. Flag reference specifications supporting surface 288cmX192cm flagpole height of 12 meters to 15 meters 1 # 2 # 3 # 192cmX128cm 240cmX160cm 9 meters to 12 meters to 19 meters meters 144cmX96cm 4 # 5 # 4 m to 6 m and 1.5 m to 3 m 96cmX64cm British flag : Flag known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland flag M is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Union Jack flag. The first meters in the Union Jack on April 12, 1606 when England, Scotland and James I of England reunification birth. It is from England, Scotland and St. George's Cross of St. Andrew's cross playwrights. But this banner in the face today is not the flag of dark blue with light blue instead. Wales has been in England since the early conquest surrounded by Eardo life is a part of England, there is no time on the British flag. Today's word-meter flag was born in January 1, 1801, the British component of the United Kingdom and Ireland. St. Patrick's Irish Red Cross water meters and re-flag banner with the words, and thus the word today meter flag. In fact, the royal family is the first m characters flag banner Even today, and Britain has not recognized by law meters to the British Union Jack flag, but it has no functional difference with the national flag. In 1908 the British Parliament declared that the "rice British Union Jack flag should be considered." British Interior Minister declared that 1933 is "the British flag is the Union Jack." Many of the former British colonies on the Union Jack flag in the upper left corner to meters, to show the relationship with the United Kingdom. Those countries include Australia and New Zealand. The use of the national flag of Canada in 1965, there are meters characters flag designs.

⑸ 英國國旗🇬🇧正式名字叫什麼象徵意義

英國國旗的正式名字叫做大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國國旗,這個旗子叫做The Union Jack或者是The Union Flag,國旗的由來是由歷史演變而來的

⑹ 英國國旗的來歷

英國國旗,正式稱呼是「the Union Flag",也常常稱為「the Union Jack"。Union Flag是意為「聯合旗幟」;Jack是海軍用語,指懸掛在艦首的旗幟。英國女王是伊麗莎白二世。












聖喬治十字(St George's Cross)。



在英格蘭王國和蘇格蘭王國在詹姆士一世下共主邦聯後,聖喬治十字與聖安德魯十字(代表蘇格蘭)合並成為最初的米字旗(或「聯合傑克」,Union Jack)。



聖安德烈十字(英語:Saint Andrew's Cross)呈長方形,圖案為藍底白交叉,白交叉象徵蘇格蘭的守護聖人聖安德烈殉道時所用的X形十字架。此旗的歷史可追溯至公元九世紀,是世界上仍通用而歷史最悠久的國旗,若只計算主權國家此名銜則屬於丹麥的丹尼布洛。




聖帕特里克十字(愛爾蘭語:Cros Phádraig)是白底上的X形紅十字,在紋章學里稱為「blazoned Argent」。而由聖帕特里克十字構成的旗幟便叫「聖帕特里克旗」。聖帕特里克主教是西元5世紀愛爾蘭的基督教傳教士與主教。


⑺ 英國國旗如何反映英國歷史




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