『壹』 幫我找幾個法條名稱的英文原文(英國的)--高分
1.1601 《伊麗莎白濟貧法》(《舊濟貧法》)——The Elizabeth Poor Law
2.牧區濟貧稅法——Parish Poor Rate
3.1722 濟貧法——1772 Poor Law
4.1795 濟貧法——1795 Poor Law
包括兩個方面:日常飲食改革;「斯賓漢姆蘭制度」(Speenhamland Act of Parliament)
5.1905 《失業工人法》——Unemployed Workman Act
6.1908 《養老金法》——Old age pensions
7.1911 《健康保險法》——National Insurance Act
9.1948 《國民救助法》——National Assistance Act
貧民救濟法,濟貧法(英國1947年頒布 National Assistance Act (國民救助法)後予以廢除)
1.1662 (Settlement Acts)《定居法》
2.1795 《貧民遷移法》——Poor Removal Act 1795
3.1846 《貧民遷移法(修正案)》——Poor Removal Act (Amendment)
4.1865 《聯盟負擔法》——Union Chargeability Act
『貳』 外國法律原文怎麼查比如英國《反社會行為令法》原文在哪兒可查
美國憲法 United States Constitution
The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States. It provides the framework for the organization of the United States government and for the relationship of the federal government to the states, to citizens, and to all people within the United States.
The Constitution defines the three main branches of government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress; an executive branch led by the President; and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court. The Constitution specifies the powers and ties of each branch. The Constitution reserves all unenumerated powers for the respective states and the people, thereby establishing the federal system of government.
The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in each U.S. state in the name of "The People". The Constitution has been amended twenty-seven times; the first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights.[1][2]
The United States Constitution is the shortest and oldest written constitution still in use by any nation in the world today.[3]
The Constitution has a central place in United States law and political culture.[4] The handwritten original document penned by Jacob Shallus is on display at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C.
Preamble: Statement of purpose
Article One: Legislative power
Article Two: Executive power
反社會行為令法 Anti-Social Behaviour Order
An Anti-Social Behaviour Order or ASBO (pronounced /ˈæzboʊ/) is a civil order made against a person who has been shown, on the balance of evidence, to have engaged in anti-social behaviour in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland [1]. The orders, designed originally by Tony Blair in 1998[2], were designed to be imposed after minor incidents that would not ordinarily warrant prosecution[3]. The orders then restrict behavior in some way, by prohibiting a return to a certain area or shop, or by restricting public some behavior (like swearing or drinking). As a civil order, the defendant has no right to evidence that might disprove the assertions of the plaintiff, though violating an ASBO can render up to five years imprisonment. In the UK, there has been criticism that an ASBO is sometimes viewed as a badge of honour by youth. Many see the ASBO connected with young delinquents.
In the United Kingdom, an ASBO may be issued in response to "conct which caused or was likely to cause harm, harassment, alarm or distress, to one or more persons not of the same household as him or herself and where an ASBO is seen as necessary to protect relevant persons from further anti-social acts by the Defendant".[5] In England and Wales they are issued by Magistrates' Courts, and in Scotland by the Sheriff Courts.
The British government introced ASBOs by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. In the UK, a CRASBO is a "criminally related" ASBO. One local authority has published photos of those given ASBOs on an Internet site.[6] Anti-social behaviour includes a range of problems including:[7]
* noise pollution
* busking
* drunken behaviour from excessive consumption of alcohol
* abandoning cars
* stealing / mugging / shoplifting
* begging
* vandalism /criminal damage
* loitering
* littering /fly tipping /dog fouling
* dealing/consumption of controlled recreational drugs
* intimidation
* fare dodging
* spitting
『叄』 怎麼找國外法律條文 主要是歐洲除英國以外國家的現行法律條文
『肆』 英國對於未成年子女的撫養義務~急
『伍』 想請教下如何查找外國法律條例原文中文也可以,但是必須是法規條例。求助!!!我想查找英國法律。
『陸』 哪裡能查到國外的法律規定比如英國法,美國法
Computer and CyberSpace Law (http://www.ll.georgetown.e/lr/rs/cyber.html)
外國法律和國際法 (http://www.lawlib.wuacc.e/washlaw/forint/forintmain.html)
法律圖書館 (http://www.lectlaw.com/this.htm)
Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School (http://www.law.cornell.e/ )
『柒』 英國憲法內容及淵源.
『捌』 急求!!哪裡可以找到比較全的英國法律案例
進入West Law資料庫,可以通過檢索可以找到你要找到的案例、法條、文章等。
『玖』 學習法律英語,哪裡找法條官方譯文