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『壹』 某公司向英國商人出口一批箱裝貨,對外報價每箱50美元CFR倫敦。求高手指點迷津~~不甚感激。

FOB 也稱「離岸價」,實踐中的使用通常為「……港(出發地) FOB ……港(指定目的地)」。按FOB成交,由買方負責派船接運貨物,賣方應在合同規定的裝運港和規定的期限內,將貨物裝上買方指定的船隻,並及時通知買方。貨物在裝船時越過船舷,風險即由賣方轉移至買方。簡單來說就是由《英國商人》即買方負擔運費及承擔風險。

『貳』 FOB 如何報價


『叄』 fob是什麼意思



英 [fɒb] 美 [fɑb]


過去分詞: fobbed 復數: fobs 過去式: fobbed 現在分詞: fobbing


vt. (用不實之詞)搪塞; ( 把劣質的或不想要的商品) 騙售給; 欺騙(某人)接受(不值錢的東西等); 用欺騙手段賣掉(冒牌貨等);

n. 懷表短鏈,懷表帶; 鑰匙圈上的小飾物;


1. If you turn the feature on, it essentially turns your phone into a security fob.

2. FOB.com aggregates small chemical suppliers for DuPont, Dow and a few other big buyers.

3. When the Alabama legislature passed a bill this year raising the cap, Governor Fob James vetoed it.

4. It was only about five miles from our Forward Operating Base (FOB) to the town of Hit.

5. Killer is departing FOB Eden to Hit police academy, vicinity soccer stadium, with one officer and twenty-one enlisted.

6. There are 13 lots of fob seals, the jewels worn by fashionable gentlemen in the early 19th century.

7. It works because the Bluetooth FOB alerts you when you move a certain distance from a tagged item.

8. This is especially true of the effort to fob off decisions critical to Iraqs future onto the United Nations.

9. Customers lower the barrier using a key fob and the barrier automatically rises once the motorist leaves the space.

10. The proximity distance (sensitivity) of each key Fob and Tag can be personalized.

11. Typically it's something you know, like a password, and something you have, like your cell phone or a key fob.

12. Tag up to five items, such as the Fob, your purse, bag or car, and gain instant peace of mind.

13. Growing up "FOB", as I always refer jokingly to, is definitely an experience unlike any other in regards to childhood memories.

14. Keep-Keep your iPhone in close range with the handy Bluetooth 4.0 Fob.

15. This second ID could be a small piece of hardware, such as an electronic key fob, or a biometric (see the next paragraph).

16. President Clinton will undoubtedly make a well-publicized gesture of shipping some grain and then fob off further efforts on existing international relief agencies.

17. Chris Kolenda, whom I met on a far-flung FOB in a remote corner of Kunar Province, Afghanistan, a few miles from the Pakistan border.

18. Two of the weapons - one disguised as a key fob - were used in three shootings, including one where a man was kneecapped.

19. And she's active and doesn't want to carry around a bulky key fob, so the automated door lock buttons were integrated into the key.

20. The lack of therapeutic equivalence means that, like pioneer manufacturers, FOBmanufacturers will have to market their procts and negotiate indivial contracts with purchasers.

21. With the fob in a pocket or purse, a person can approach a locked vehicle, pull the door handle and open the door or trunk.

22. But the imaginary system that Stajano lays out over twenty pages includes plenty of clever ideas for how to create such a universal key fob.

23. America's marines are creating a smaller model FOB at their base in Quantico, near Washington, DC, to test systems for deployment in Afghanistan by mid-2010.

24. Rather than explain otherwise, physicians fob them off with antibiotic pills.

25. Proximo's App dashboard shows the proximity of each Fob and Tag.

26. Cadillac superserves drivers in a hurry with its optional Easy Key system, enabling passive vehicle and trunk entry and keyless ignition via a personalized keyless fob.

27. In December he reportedly broke into his own Colwyn Bay headquarters to test security, but it recently emerged he may have had a faulty key fob.

28. The latest populist is Fob James, a governor who was first elected as a Democrat in 1978 and then in 1994 was re-elected as a Republican.

29. One idea that has taken root is the use of a token the size of a key fob that generates a random six-digit password every 60 seconds.

30. But the show will still feature Sir Alan shouting at those he thinks are not good enough, and humiliating those who try to fob him off with excuses.


1. She tried to fob all her junk off onto me.


2. Don't try to fob me off with excuses.


3. You can't fob an expert off with cheap imitations.


4. I have here our price sheet on a fob basis. The price is given without engagement.

這是我們以船上交貨價為基準的價格單, 所報價格沒有約束力.

5. Our price in on FOB basis.


6. Well , Mr Smith, you know, our prices are quoted on FOB net basis.

史密斯先生, 你知道, 我們報的是FOB凈價.

7. Next FOB single sample orders, and professional processing, and plans to order!

接FOB單來樣訂貨, 專業加工, 來圖訂貨!

8. In FOB, as the head prior to shipment transport arrangements.

在FOB條件 下, 同樣涉及裝船前的頭程運輸安排問題.

9. Our low FOB quotations do not include this possible hidden fee.


10. Carriers will not accept any direct bookings form you for FOB shipments.


11. All invoices mush show FOB Freight and Insurance Costs separately.


12. Trade Terms: FOB Yokohama Seaport, from Yokohama to San Francisco.

本交易條件為: FOB橫濱港, 由橫濱至舊金山.

13. Please quote for 100, 000 metric tons of urea FOB London.

請你方報100, 000公噸尿素的FOB倫敦 價.

14. Our quotation is FOB UK Ports, package fee included, in sterling pound.

我們的報價將是以英鎊為單位,FOB英國口岸價, 包括包裝費.

15. The prices are all FOB , which is basic price in Xiameng.

所有的價格都是FOB, 即廈門港口離岸價格.

『肆』 外貿貨代問題:20尺的小櫃的FOB廣州,貨代那邊多少錢能搞定


『伍』 出口報價每箱50美元FOB英國是對的還是錯的,為什麼

不對,FOB 貿易術語表示的是離岸價,後面跟的是中國的港口,意思是在中國某港口以越過船舷為界,貨物責任就轉移給進口方了。
所以這個報價應該是FOB 中國港口 USD50

『陸』 要給國外的客戶報FOB價,關於國內的費用有哪些是怎麼算的


『柒』 我某公司出口箱裝貨物一批,報價為CFR利物浦每箱35美元,英國商人要求改報FOB價。



成本加運費(Cost and Freight)指在裝運港船上交貨,賣方需支付將貨物運至指定目的地港所需的費用。但貨物的風險是在裝運港船上交貨時轉移。按CFR條件成交時,由賣方安排運輸,由買方辦理貨運保險。如賣方不及時發出裝船通知,則買方就無法及時辦理貨運保險,甚至有可能出現漏保貨運險的情況。本術語適用於海運或內河運輸。




3.CFR班輪條件(CFR liner terms),指卸貨費用按班輪條件處理,由支付運費的一方(即賣方)負擔;

4.CFR艙底交貨(CFR ex ship's hold),指賣方負擔將貨物從艙底吊至船邊卸離吊鉤為止的費用;

5.CFR吊鉤交貨(CFR ex tackle)指賣方負擔將貨物從艙底起吊卸到碼頭的費用;

6.CFR卸到岸上(CFR landed),指賣方負擔將貨物卸到目的港岸上的費用。



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