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發布時間:2022-09-28 00:58:48

1. 英國風俗用英語介紹!

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain) is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. It is an island country, spanning an archipelago including Great Britain, the northeastern part of Ireland, and many small islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK with a land border, sharing it with the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea. The largest island, Great Britain, is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state consisting of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It is governed by a parliamentary system with its seat of government in London, the capital, but with three devolved national administrations in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh, the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively. The Channel Island liwicks of Jersey and Guernsey, and the Isle of Man are Crown Dependencies and not part of the UK. The UK has fourteen overseas territories, all remnants of the British Empire, which at its height in 1922 encompassed almost a quarter of the world's land surface, the largest empire in history. British influence can continue to be observed in the language, culture and legal systems of many of its former colonies.我這些是從 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK 復制下來的,樓主你可以上去看一下,而且在語言欄上還有中文(不過不是完全一樣的,樓主你要注意一下哦)希望能幫到你,樓主!!

2. 英美國家的習俗,英文的 最好有翻譯

Always cheerful , be happy to social intercourse, neglects of social rules like American. Meet for the first time to shake hands not ncessarily row gift, have given a smile only sometimes , have spoken even if one "Hi" or "Hello" paying respect.

When shaking hands habit can grip , the eye wants the habit facing the other party , the tiny bow body squarely , thinking that such is considered as courtesy just now. The sort and the woman shake hands American all is fond of culture. 在告別的時候,也只是向大家揮揮手或者說聲「再見」、「明天見」。但如果別人向他們致禮,他們也用相應的禮節,比如握手、點頭、擁抱、行注目禮等。
When parting , also only, wave in other words , sound "good-bye" to everybody ", will see tomorrow". If but others causes gift to them,they also use corresponding courtesy , for instance , shaking hands, giving permission , embracing , saluting with eye and so on. 在美國如果有客人夜間來訪,主人穿著睡衣接待客人被認為是不禮貌的行為;當被邀請去老朋友家做客時,應該預備小禮物;在朋友家做客時,打長途電話要經過主人同意,離開的時候,要留下電話費。
Come to visit in USA at night if having a guest, the host receives a guest being considered being block of wood courtesy behavior in pajamas; While the family is a guest on quilt inviting to play the old friend, ought to get ready for the small gift; During the period of the friend family is a guest on, since the long distance call needs to need to leave telephone rate when by that the host saying yes , leaving.

In USA, if being going to call at self's house , must call first arrange; Not giving others like the visiting card, however give to just now ring the period of both sides wants to keep in contact with; Want to smoke in the presence of American , must ask that if the other party taking offence , can not do as one likes.

Be happy to entertain a guest in self at home in general , not being accustomed to standing treat in the eatery but. Be not fond of braising cooked food steamed in clear soup and red. Not have been fond of heating up hot shot cooked food , like to be salt taste , flavour short fearing salty, slightly use slanting sweet be good. Like to drink Coca-Cola , beer , ice water , mineral water , whisky , brandy etc.Not being fond of person being left over with food within self meal plate , think that this is block of wood courtesy. Be fond of the Chinese Su dish , Sichuan dish , Guangdong dish.

When American shakes hands face to face visual other place is very antipathetic. Think that this is the arrogant expression with block of wood courtesy. Taboo gives to perfume , clothing and other articales of daily use and the articles for use putting on makeup as a gift to the woman. The USA woman dries self's face because of having the habit putting on makeup , giving an incense a piece of cloth therefore they do not welcome a service people.

3. 英國節日習俗 英文版

In the UK, Christmas calendar New Year's Day, although not as grand, but New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, or used in accordance with local customs and uniform to carry out all kinds of celebrations, to show to get rid of. The British New Year's Eve the night, often bring cakes and wine to go out to visit, they do not knock on the door, they go straight into the family and friends at home. According to British custom, night New Year's Eve 1000, after the first foot forward towards the house of people, heralding a new year of luck. If the first guest was a black-haired man, or a happy, happy and affluent people, the owner will be lucky to go good luck throughout the year. If the first guest is a light yellow hair and a woman, or a sad, poor, unfortunate people, the owner will be in the new year has been bad luck, would encounter difficulties and disasters. Jia Zuoke New Year's Eve at the relatives and friends who, without talking before, we must first went to fiddle with fireplace fire, blessing master "open the door down." Britain's New Year's celebrations mostly in the New Year's Eve fire at night, "New Year Banquet," is one of this party into "family dinner" and "group banquet" two, banquets usually from 8 pm to begin the New Year's Eve until the early hours of New Year's Day end. Wine dinner with a variety of dishes and snacks for people to drink all night up and quantity of entertainment. At midnight, people turn on the radio to listen to church bells of the New Year's bell, bell ringing, people are a joy, toast, enjoy cheering, singing, "past the sun." "New Year's Eve" is another celebration. By the local hotels and dance parties, night fell. People dressed in their holiday best, from all directions, a new kit to these decorative lights brilliant dance, in the wonderful music in the dance, thousands of people, but also gathered to every square around the center of the square's fountain and Eros god elephant, singing and dancing, enjoy carnival. Square is also broadcast live on television to do so at this, "Shou Sui" who also share the joy.

4. 【英國風俗】用英語怎麼說

British Costoms

The costoms of British

English costoms

The U.K.'s costoms

5. 英國的風俗習慣(英文)

The customs and habits of England

6. 英美國家的風俗習慣,要用英語的!!一定要翻譯對的!

美國人請客吃飯的禮儀 Americans etiquette dinners

美國人性格外向,熱情直爽,不拘禮節,他們的風俗禮儀存在著許多與眾不同之處。 The American character, outgoing, warm and frank, informal, and their customs and etiquette, there are many different areas. 美國是一個時間觀念很強的國家,各種活動都按預定的時間開始,遲到是不禮貌的。 The United States is a time to the concept of a strong country, a variety of activities are scheled according to time, being late is discourteous. 同美國人約會聯系簡單,打個電話,對方會很高興地同意在盡短的時間內見面。 Dating links with the Americans is simple, make a phone call, they will be very pleased to agree with in the shortest possible time to meet. 美國人也有禮尚往來的習慣,但他們忌諱接受過重的禮物,一則是美國人不看重禮品自身的價值,二來法律禁止送禮過重,從家鄉帶去的工藝品、藝術品、名酒等是美國人喜歡的禮物,除節假日外,應邀到美國人家中作客甚至吃飯一般不必送禮。 Americans have the habit of reciprocity, but they are too heavy taboo accept a gift, not an American value is the value of their gift, the gift is prohibited by law to be too heavy to bring from the home arts and crafts, works of art, wines, such as the United States like a gift, with the exception of holidays, the Americans invited to家中作客gifts do not even eat normally. 美國社會有付小費的習慣,凡是服務性項目均需付小費,旅館門衛、客房服務等需付不低於l美元的小費,飯店吃飯在結帳時收15%小費。 American society has to pay the customary tip, all the service projects are required to tip hotel doormen, room service, such as U.S. dollars to pay not less than l tip, restaurants to eat at the close of admission 15% tip.

美國人請客吃飯,屬公務交往性質多安排在飯店、俱樂部進行,由所在公司支付費用,關系密切的親朋好友才邀請到家中赴宴。 Americans dinners, the nature of a public exchanges in hotels, clubs, paid for by the company, invited close friends and family at home in the feast. 美國人的食物因地區、民族不同而種類繁多,口味各異,漢堡包、「熱狗」、餡餅、炸面圈以及肯德基炸雞等都是風靡世界的食品,但美國人待客的家宴則是經濟實惠、不擺闊氣、不拘泥形式的。 American food from region to region, ethnic differences in a wide range of different tastes, hamburger, "hot dogs", pie, fried noodles, as well as Kentucky Fried Chicken circle are popular the world of food, but the Americans were the guests of a private economic benefits, not擺闊氣not formalist. 通常的家宴是一張長桌子上擺著一大盤沙拉、一大盤烤雞或烤肉、各種冷盤、一盤炒飯、一盤麵包片以及甜食、水果、冷飲、酒類等。 The private banquet is usually a long table laid with a big salad, a big chicken or barbecue, a variety of cold dish, a fried rice, a slice of bread and sweets, fruit, cold drinks, alcohol and so on. 賓主圍桌而坐,主人說一聲「請」,每個人端起一個盤子,取食自己所喜歡的菜飯,吃完後隨意添加,邊吃邊談,無拘無束。 The host and guest sat圍桌, the owner say "please", each person a plate Bao, feeding their Quarter favorite, finished after the random add, while eating to talk freely.

美國人將請客人吃頓飯、喝杯酒或到鄉間別墅共度周末作為一種交友方式,並不一定要求對方做出報答,如有機會請對方到自家吃飯就可以了。 American guests will be invited to a meal, a drink or to spend the weekend dacha friends as a way does not necessarily make a return call, if the opportunity to invite each other to their own eating it. 吃完飯後,客人應向主人特別是女主人表示特別感謝 After dinner, the guests should be the masters of that particular, special thanks to the hostess

美國人的飲食習慣美國人在吃午餐和吃晚餐之前,通常要喝點雞尾酒,但在加利福尼亞州,人們大都喝葡萄酒。 Americans in the eating habits of Americans to eat lunch and before dinner, usually like to drink cocktails, but in California, people are drinking wine.

同時,在吃主食之前,一般都要吃一盤色拉。 At the same time, the staple food before eating, usually to eat a salad. 炸蘑菇和炸洋蔥圈可作為開胃食品,牛排、豬排和雞(腿)為主食,龍蝦、貝殼類動物以及各種魚類,甚至包括淡水魚被統稱為海鮮。 Deep-fried mushrooms and fried onion ring appetizer can be used as food, steak, pork chops and chicken (legs)-based food, lobster, shellfish and a variety of fish, including fresh water fish have been collectively referred to as seafood. 炸土豆條則是深受人們喜愛且幾乎成了必不可少的食物。 Article fry is very popular and has become an essential food.

另外,應特別注意的一點,如有吃剩的食物,一定要打包帶回家,以免浪費。 In addition, special attention should be paid that, if the leftovers of the food must be packaged to take home, so as not to waste.

美國人在吃飯的時候是刀叉並用,而且他們的用餐方式也是很有講究的。 Americans often eat with knife and fork, and their food is also very particular about the way the. 因此,在應邀與美國朋友一起吃飯時,應特別注意他們的用餐習慣。 As a result, was invited to dinner with friends in the United States should pay particular attention to their eating habits. 一般情況下,餐桌上擺放有一幅餐刀和兩幅餐叉,外邊的餐叉供你吃色拉,里邊的餐叉用於吃主食和其它點心食品,餐刀用來切肉食。 Under normal circumstances, there is a display table knife and fork 2, the outside fork for the salad you eat inside fork to eat the staple food and other snack food, knife used to cut meat. 如果你兩手並用,應左手握叉,右手握刀,而且一次握刀時間不能太長。 If your hands and should be left hand fork, the right hand握刀, but can not be too long a time握刀.

美國人的早餐有:炒或煮雞蛋、香腸、油炸土豆片、薄煎餅、果子凍、烤麵包、松餅、桔子汁以及咖啡等。 American Breakfast included:或煮fried eggs, sausage, fried potato chips, pancake, jelly, toast, muffins, orange juice and coffee.

如果你是初到美國餐館用餐,那麼應該注意如下事項: If you are a restaurant first came to the United States, it should be noted the following:

1、選擇合適的餐館(如:家庭式餐館、特色餐館以及自助式餐館等); 1, choose a suitable restaurant (such as: family-style restaurant, features self-service restaurants, as well as restaurants, etc.);

2、餐館營業時間(上午11:30開門營業,直到夜晚); 2, the restaurant business hours (11:30 am open for business until the night);

3、一般都應事先預訂餐位: 3, the general table should be pre-booking:

4、到達餐館後,不能徑直地到餐桌旁入桌,除非餐廳有「隨意就坐」的告示; 4, after the arrival of the restaurant, not straight to the table next to the table, unless the restaurant has "free table" notices;

5、付款時,別忘了留給服務員一定比例的小費(一般為實際總額的10%~15%)。 5, payment, do not forget to leave a certain proportion of staff tips (the actual total normally 10% ~ 15%).

隨著美國人生活節奏的加快,快餐食品便應運而生。 With the accelerated pace of life of Americans, fast food place. 其快餐連鎖店遍及世界各地,其中,影響最大的當屬麥當勞快餐連鎖店。 Its fast-food chain all over the world, including among the most fast-food chain McDonald's. 供應的快餐食品有:漢堡包、烤牛肉、牛排、火腿、三明治、肯德雞、油炸土豆片、烘餡餅、冰淇淋以及各種碳酸飲料等。 The supply of fast foods are: hamburgers, roast beef, steak, ham, sandwiches, KFC, fried potato chips, bake pies, ice cream and a variety of carbonated drinks, such as.
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(三)節日 (C) the holiday
1)感恩節 1) Thanksgiving Day

每年11月的最後一個星期四是感恩節。 The last year in November is Thanksgiving Day Thursday. 感恩節是美國人民獨創的一個古老節日,也是美國人全家歡聚的節日。 Thanksgiving Day is the original American people of an ancient festival, but also Americans of the festival the whole family gathered.

每逢感恩節這一天,美國舉國上下熱鬧非常。 Thanksgiving Day every day, the United States nation robust. 城鄉市鎮到處舉行化裝遊行、戲劇表演和體育比賽等,學校和商店也都按規定放假休息。 Urban and rural areas around the town to hold make-up demonstrations, theatrical performances and sports competitions, schools and shops are also required to take leave to rest. 孩子們還模仿當年印第安人模樣穿上離奇古怪的服裝,畫上臉譜或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。 The children also like to imitate the Indians was wearing bizarre eccentric clothing, face paint or disguised dependent on the street singing,吹喇叭. 當天教堂里的人也格外多,按習俗人們在這里都要做感恩祈禱。 Church that day were also very many people here by the customs have to do a prayer of Thanksgiving. 美國人從小就習慣獨立生活,勞燕分飛,各奔東西,而在感恩節,他們總是力爭從天南地北歸來,一家人團團圍坐在一起,大嚼美味火雞,暢談往事,使人感到分外親切、溫暖。 Americans are accustomed to from an early age to live independently,勞燕分飛,各奔東西, and in the Thanksgiving Day, they always strive to return from far apart, sitting together around a family,大嚼delicious turkey, talk about past events, people feel particularly warm warm.

2)聖誕節 2) Christmas

是美國人最大最熱鬧的節日。 Americans largest and most popular festival. 每年12月25日,全國便沉浸在一派喜氣洋洋的節日氣氛中。 December 25 each year, the country will be immersed in one group in the festive spirit. 從感恩節過後的第二天,美國人就開始為聖誕節大忙特忙起來。 From the second day after Thanksgiving, Americans began to get busy Christmas special busy. 每家商店都是人流滾滾,商人們要鼓起如簧之舌,推銷他們的各種貨物,普通人也願意趁此機會棄舊更新。 Each store are rolling flow, such as business people to summon the tongue spring to sell their goods, people are willing to take this opportunity to turn over a new update.

聖誕夜是一個狂歡的夜晚。 Christmas Eve is a night of revelry. 美國人常常通宵達旦地舉行慶祝活動。 Americans are often held all-night celebrations. 人們在小杉樹上或小松樹上掛滿禮物、彩花和彩燈,樹頂上還裝上一顆大星。 People or in a small fir tree hung Komatsu gifts, flowers and lantern color, the top is also fitted with a big star. 大人們站在一旁欣賞聖誕樹,孩子們更是手舞足蹈,甚至手拉手地圍著聖誕樹跳起歡快的舞蹈。 Great people to enjoy the Christmas tree stood, the children are dancing and even around the Christmas tree holding hands and dance a lively jump. 在公共場所,賀年片上到處都有聖誕老我的形象。 In public places around New Year's card I have the old image of Christmas. 有時在家裡也由一人扮成聖誕老人,為大家分發禮物。 Sometimes at home by a person disguised as Santa Claus distributed gifts to everyone.

美國人慶祝聖誕簡直可以稱得上是狂歡。 Americans celebrate Christmas it can be called a rave. 送禮物和裝飾家庭,是他們最重要的慶祝方式。 Send gifts and decorative home is their most important way to celebrate. 每個家庭,都放著大包的禮物。 Every family, have placed a big gift. 孩子們把襪子掛在火爐邊,希望聖誕老人在深宵把禮物帶來,放進襪子里。 Children socks hanging on the side of the stove, I hope Santa Claus brings gifts to late at night, put in socks.

每一個家庭在12月中旬,便會在市場上選擇一株稱心滿意的聖誕樹並裝飾得五彩繽紛。 Every family in mid-December, the market will be satisfied with their choice of a decorated Christmas tree and colorful.

青少年都愛在聖誕前夕和聖誕晚上舉行派對,許多情竇初開的小夥子,視第一次參加聖誕舞會為人生大事呢! Young love on Christmas Eve and Christmas night parties, many of the young man情竇初開, depending on the first Christmas party to attend this event to life!

3)元旦 3) New Year's Day
北美洲的印第安人在元旦來臨之際,喜歡把雄鷹,貓頭鷹等飛禽的羽毛用來裝飾衣鞋帽,以示吉祥如意。 North American Indians in the New Year's Day approaching, like the eagles, owls and other birds of a feather used to decorate clothing shoes and hats, to show吉祥如意.

禮儀習俗見面:英國人彼此第一次相識時,一般都要握手。 Ritual practices to meet: the first Englishman known to each other, they generally have to shake hands. 除了熱戀中的男女,步行時一般人都不手拉手。 Apart from the love of men and women, when people do not walk hand in hand. 英國人不喜歡別人干擾他們的個人生活。 Britons do not want to interfere with their personal life.

當你去訪問一個英國人時,得先在門口敲門,一直等到他說「請進」,才能進去。 When you visit, when an Englishman, had to knock at the door, until he said "Come in" in order to go. 先生們進屋脫帽,而女士們則不必在室內脫帽。 Hat inside and gentlemen, and ladies do not have hat indoors.

英國人在日常生活中經常談論的話題是天氣,往往也是第一個話題。 The British in their daily lives often talk about the topic is the weather usually is the first topic.

女士優先與紳士風度:在英國,尊重婦女是體現紳士風度的一個重要方面。 Ms. priority and gentleman: in the United Kingdom, women are respected gentleman embodied an important aspect. 女士優先是一個人人皆知的行為准則。 Ms. priority is a well-known code of conct.

盥洗室與去「100號」:盥洗室一詞的本意為洗手或洗臉的地方,但其實際含義則是廁所,英國人上廁所時不會直截了當地說「去上廁所」。 Lavatory and to "100": the original intention of the word for toilet or wash your face wash your hands, but its actual meaning is the toilet, the toilet will not the British put it bluntly, "the toilet." 如果你想要上廁所,可以說「去男人的房間」,或「去女人的房間」,也可以說「請原諒幾分鍾」或「我想洗手」等等。 If you want the toilet, it can be said "to the men's room," or "to a woman's room", that is to say, "Please forgive a few minutes" or "I would like to wash their hands" and so on. 小孩子們想要大小便時說「我要去那個地方」。 Urine when the children want to say "I'm going to that place." 在朋友之間和家庭內部,「去100號」則是最常用的說法。 Between friends and family, "to 100" is the most commonly used argument.

送禮和給小費:在英國,僅限於給侍者和計程車司機小費,在飯錢和車費之外多付1/10或1/8的錢。 Gifts and to the tip: In the UK, limited to tip waiters and taxi drivers, in addition to meal and fares pay 1 / 10 or 1 / 8 of the money. 旅店的侍從或鐵路搬運工為你服務之後,您也要付少量小費。 Hotel attendants or railway porters to serve you, you have to pay a small amount of tips.
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節日: Festivals:
主要有聖誕,新年,復活節(3月-4月某一天,春分後第一個星期日),感恩節(11月第四個星期四),其他還有BANK HOLIDAY(4月,5月,8月,聖誕節後,一共有四個不定日期的和其他節日相關的星期一),還有皇室宣布日(一般是女王生日等),以上說的是休假的假日,其他還有很多和國際上分享的節日,比如情人節阿,萬聖節阿,母親父親節阿,都是不休假的。 There are Christmas, New Year, Easter (March -4 on a certain day, the first Sunday after the spring equinox), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), there are other BANK HOLIDAY (4 months, May, August , after Christmas, a total of four dates, and other uncertainties related to the Monday holiday), as well as the royal family announced that day (usually the birthday of the Queen, etc.), more than that is a holiday vacation, there are many other and the international community to share festival, such as Valentine's Day Ah, Ah Halloween, the mother Father's Day Ah, do not leave.

BANK HOLIDAY和女王生日是英國比較特色的節日。 BANK HOLIDAY and the Queen's birthday is the day features the United Kingdom.
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飲食不善於烹飪的英國人,中午或者晚上經常也就是三明治或漢堡。 The British diet are not good at cooking, at noon or at night is often a sandwich or hamburger. 最多就是煮一些清水的豆子吃。 Most water is boiled some beans to eat.

以下是我本人的觀察: The following are my observations:

土豆是英國最常見和利用的食物。 Potato is the most common and the use of British food. 烤一個大土豆,切開,裡面放上不同的陷料(比如沙拉,肉醬等)。 A large baking potatoes, cut, which placed the settlement of different materials (such as salad, meat, etc.).

英國本土比較有名的食物還有FISH&CHIPS,金黃色的炸魚十分鮮美,還有外酥里嫩的寬薯條(和麥當勞的不一種),撒上鹽和英國的紅醋,味道很好。 Comparison of the United Kingdom there is a well-known food FISH & CHIPS, golden fried fish is delicious, and crispy outside and tender in the wide-fries (and not a McDonald's), sprinkled with salt, red vinegar and the United Kingdom, taste good.
本地布丁也是英國特色食物。 Pudding is also a feature of the local British food.

現在的英國由於以前殖民了很多國家,所以食物也很多元化,最常見的就是印度的KEBAB了,一個餅裡面加上各種蔬菜,醬料,是HOT(英國把正餐分冷食或熱食)的好選擇。 Now as a result of the British colonial past of many countries, so food is also very diversified, the most common is KEBAB in India, and a cake inside with a variety of vegetables, sauces, is HOT (to dinner at the British cold or hot food ) a good choice.

英國的下午茶是非常出名的。 Britain is very well-known afternoon tea. 英國的茶,主要有下午茶Afternoon tea(下午4點左右,而非香港般的3點15分),和餐飲High Tea 也叫Meat Tea(下午5-6點)。 British tea, mainly tea Afternoon tea (about 16 o'clock instead of the Hong Kong-like 3:15), and also called High Tea Restaurants Meat Tea (points 5-6 pm). 下午茶主要吃茶點,喝茶或咖啡,而High Tea一般則有凍的肉食,而且不一定喝茶。 The main tea tea, tea or coffee, and High Tea in general are frozen meat, and not necessarily a cup of tea.

英國的茶出名,應該是指印度的大吉嶺紅茶與伯爵茶、或錫蘭高地紅茶。 Well-known tea in Britain should be referring to India's Darjeeling and Earl Gray tea, black tea or Ceylon highlands. 當時該地都為英國的殖民地,傳統來說,所謂英國紅茶,其實就是錫蘭紅茶為主了。 At that time, for the British colony, the traditional term, the so-called British black tea, Ceylon black tea is mainly a matter of fact the.

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和我們不同的,英國是一個保守而有禮貌的國家,可能讓你覺得甚至有些冷淡和死性。 And we are different, the United Kingdom is a country conservative and polite, you may even let you feel cold and death of some. 新一代的英國人很瘋狂,不過有意思的是他們老了以後,還會變成很傳統的英國人。 A new generation of British people are crazy, but It is interesting that after their old, will become a very traditional British. 而我感覺,我們的孩子小時候被管的很規矩,長大了自由了卻經常出格了。 I feel that when our children are the rules to be regulated, has grown up free of the regular bounds.
英國社會非常有制度,插隊會遭到所有人的鄙視和白眼。 The British community there is a system, to jump the queue would have been despised and neglected of all. 事實上他們不會有人這樣做。 It was a matter of fact they will not do so.

7. 英國的文化習俗英文版

In Britain, everyone enjoys freedom of religion. As a result, various religious beliefs flourish in the central areas of Britain.

There are two "official" churches in Britain: the Church of England (Anglican Church) and the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian Church). In addition, various religions and countless denominations can find their own representatives in Britain.

The majority of the residents believe in Protestant Christianity, mainly the Church of England (also known as the Anglican Church, whose members account for about 60% of alts in England) and the Church of Scotland (also known as the Presbyterian Church, with 590,000 alts).

There are also Catholic Churches and larger religious communities such as Islam, Hinism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.






There is no official language in the name of Britain. In fact, English is the main language.

There are other official languages outside England, such as Welsh in the north of Wales, and Gaelic in the northwest highlands of Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland.

Immigrants from all over the world also speak their native languages, such as Bangladesh, Chinese, Hindi, Punjab and Ur. Britain has the largest number of Hindi speakers outside India.




8. 英國習俗20詞左右英文版帶翻譯


翻譯:When the British first met each other, they usually shake hands. In addition to the men and women in love, walking when the average person does not hand in hand. English people don't like other people interfere with their personal life

9. 關於各國的習俗,英文版


On New Year's eve in England, the family must have wine in the bottle and meat in the cupboard.


They believe that if there is no wine and meat left, the next year will be poor.


In addition, Britain also popular New Year "well water" custom.


People strive to be the first to draw water, think that the first water is a happy person.



French people think that the weather on New Year's Day is a sign of the new year.


Easterly wind, fruits harvest year.


A harvest year of westerly winds, fishing and milking.


It's a windy and rainy year.


When the north wind blows, the harvest year falls short.



On New Year's Day, Spanish parents are especially "benevolent" and they will meet all the demands of their children.


They think that children's swearing, fighting and crying are bad omens.


Meanwhile, most Spaniards carry a gold or copper coin for good luck.



The first thing belgians do on New Year's day is pay New Year's greetings to their animals.


Go to the cow, sheep and pet cat and dog side, solemnly greet them: happy New Year.



The Germans climbed into their chairs just before midnight on New Year's Eve and jumped out of their chairs as soon as the bell rang.


And throw a heavy object behind the chair, in order to show off the disaster, jump into the New Year.


In addition, they will put some scales in their wallets, because scales are the mascot of the New Year, which indicates that money is rolling.


10. 英國有那些習俗,用英文介紹

JuGongLi、Nod ceremony、Raise your eyes。


1、Bowing is the courtesy of a subordinate to a superior or peer. Take off your hat when saluting, and take it off with your right hand (if you hold things in your right hand, you can use your left hand).

2、Right hand hangs down hind body to be opposite, with stand at attention posture, binocular gazes at the recipient, upside of the body leans forward about 15 degrees, hind restores original state.

3、When taking off the hat the hand and salute direction opposite, namely to the left person salute, take off the hat with the right hand; Salute the person on the right and take off your hat with your left hand.

二、Nod ceremony

1、A nod is a courtesy of peers and equals, and one must take off one's hat. If walking on the road between the encounter, can be in the march of ritual;

2、If you meet an officer or an elder on the road, you must stand at attention and bow, but the officer may nod to his subordinates or the elder to the younger while walking or extend his right hand or touch his hat.

三、Raise your eyes

1、Raising your eyes is military etiquette. Raise the right hand when saluting, the finger is straight and neat, the fingertip contacts the hat brim right side, the palm is slightly outward.

2、the upper arm and the shoulder are level, two eyes gaze at the other party, wait for the other party to answer the salute but then put down the hand, to the officer or the elder should salute as usual each time.









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