❶ 急需不同國家的國慶節的英文翻譯
1 月
1日 古巴解放日 Liberation Day (CUBA)
蘇丹獨立日 Independence Day (SUDAN)
4日 緬甸獨立日 Independence Day (MYANMAR)
18日 突尼西亞革命日 Revolution Day (TUNIDIA)
26日 澳大利亞日 Australia Day
印度共和國日 Republic Day (INDIA)
28日 盧安達民主日 Democracy Day (RWANDA)
2 月
4日 斯里蘭卡國慶日 National Day (SRILANKA)
5日 墨西哥憲法日 Constitution Day (MEXICO)
7日 格瑞那達獨立日 Independence Day (GRENADA)
11日 日本建國日 National Founding Day (JAPAN)
伊朗伊斯蘭革命勝利日 Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution (IRAN)
16日 美國華盛頓誕辰 Washington's Birthday (USA)
18日 甘比亞獨立日 Independence Day (GAMBIA)
23日 汶萊國慶日 National Day (BRUNEI DARUSSALAM)
蓋亞那共和國日 Republic Day (GUIYANA)
25日 科威特國慶日 National Day (KUWAIT)
3 月
3日 摩洛哥登基日 Enthronement Day (MOROCCO)
6日 迦納獨立日 Independence Day (CHANA)
12日 模里西斯獨立日 Independence Day (MAURITHUS)
17日 愛爾蘭國慶日 National Day (IRELAND)
23日 巴基斯坦日 Pakistan Day
25日 希臘國慶日 National Day (GREECE)
26日 孟加拉獨立及國慶日 Independence & National Day (BANGLADESH)
31日 馬爾他國慶日 National Day (MALTA)
4 月
4日 匈牙利國慶日 Liberation Day (HUNGARY)
塞內加爾獨立日 Independence Day (SENEGAL)
11日 烏干達解放日 Liberation Day (UGANDA)
16日 丹麥女王日 Birthday of Her majesty Queen Margaret (DENMARK)
17日 敘利亞國慶日 National Day (SYRIA)
18日 辛巴威獨立日 Independence Day (ZIMBABWE)
19日 委內瑞拉獨立節 Independence Day (Venezuela)
26日 塞拉里昂共和國日 Republic Day (SIFRRA LEONE)
坦尚尼亞聯合日 Union Day (TANZANIA)
27日 多哥獨立日 Independence Day (TOGO)
29日 日本天皇誕辰 Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor (JAPAN)
30日 荷蘭女王日 Queen's Day (THE NETHERLANDS)
5 月
9日 捷克與斯洛伐克國慶日 National Day (CZECH & SLOYAKIA)
17日 挪威憲法日 Constitution Day (NORWAY)
20日 喀麥隆國慶日 National Day (CAMEROON)
25日 阿根廷5月革命紀念日 May 25,1810 Revolution Day (ARGENTINA)
約旦獨立日 Independence Day (JORDAN)
6 月
1日 突尼西亞勝利日 Victory Day (TUNISIA)
西薩摩亞獨立日 Independence Day (WESTERN SAMOA)
2日 義大利共和國日 Foundation of Republic (ITALY)
5日 丹麥憲法日 Constitution Day (DEMARK)
塞席爾解放日 Liberation Day (SEYCHELLES)
6日 瑞典國慶日 National Day (SWEDEN)
7日 查德國慶日 National Day (CHAD)
10日 葡萄牙國慶日 National/Portugal Day (PORTUGAL)
12日 菲律賓獨立日 Independence Day (THE PHILIPPINES)
14日 英國女王官方生日 Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ (UK)
17日 冰島共和國日 Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic (ICELAND)
23日 盧森堡國慶日 National Day (LUXEMBOURG)
24日 西班牙國王陛下日 His Majesty the King's Day (SPAIN)
26日 馬達加斯加獨立日 Independence Day (MADAGASCAR)
27日 吉布地獨立日 Independence Day (DJIBOUTI)
7 月
1日 蒲隆地國慶日 National Day (BURUNDI)
加拿大日 Canada Day
盧望達獨立日 Independence Day (RWANDA)
4日 美國獨立日 Independence Day (USA)
5日 維德角獨立日 Independence Day (CAPE VERDE)
委內瑞納獨立日 Independence Day (VENEZUELA)
6日 葛摩獨立日 Independence Day (COMOROS)
11日 蒙古人民革命紀念日 Anniversary of the People's Revolution (MONGOLIA)
14日 法國國慶日 National/Bastille Day (FRANCE)
17日 伊拉克國慶日 National Day (IRAQ)
20日 哥倫比亞國慶日 National Day (COLOMBIA)
21日 比利時國慶日 National Day (BELGIUM)
22日 法蘭國家復興節 Rebirth of Poland
23日 埃及國慶日 National Day (EGYPT)
26日 利比利亞獨立日 Independence Day (LIBERIA)
馬爾地夫獨立日 Independence Day (MALDIVES)
28日 秘魯獨立日 Independence Day (PERU)
30日 萬那杜獨立日 Independence Day (VANUATU)
8 月
1日 瑞士聯邦成立日 Foundation of the Confederation (SWITZERLAND)
4日 布吉納法索國慶日 National Day (BURKINA-FASO)
5日 牙買加獨立日 Independence Day (JAMAICA)
6日 玻利維亞獨立日 Independence Day (BOLIVIA)
10日 厄瓜多獨立日 Independence Day (EQUADOR)
15日 剛國國慶日 National Day (THE GONGO)
17日 加彭獨立日 Independence Day (GABON)
19日 阿富汗獨立日 Independence Day (AFCHANISTAN)
23日 羅馬尼亞國慶日 National Day (ROMANIA)
31日 馬來西亞國慶日 National Day (MALAYSIA)
1日 利比亞九月革命節 The Great 1st of September Revolution (LIBYA)
2日 越南國慶日 National Day (VIET NAM)
3日 聖馬利諾國慶日 National Day (SAN MARINO)
7日 巴西獨立日 Independence Day (BRAZIL)
9日 朝鮮共和國日 Day of the Founding of DPPK
12日 維德角國慶日 National Day (CAPE VERDE)
衣索比亞人民革命日 The people's Revolution Day (ETHIOPIA)
16日 墨西哥獨立節 Independence Day (Mexico)
18日 智利獨立日 Independence Day (CHILE)
22日 馬里宣布獨立日 Proclamation of Independence (MALI)
30日 波札那獨立日 Independence Day (BOTSWANA)
1日 塞普勒斯國慶日 National Day (CYPRUS)
奈及利亞國慶日 National Day (NIGERIA)
2日 幾內亞宣布獨立日 Proclamation of the Republic (GUINEA)
9日 烏干達獨立日 Independence Day (UGANDA)
10日 斐濟國慶日 National Day (FIJI)
12日 西班牙國慶日 National Day (SPAIN)
赤道幾內牙國慶節 National Day (Equatorial Guinea)
21日 索馬里十月革命節 21st October Revolution (SOMALIA)
24日 聯合國日 UN Day
贊比來獨立日 Independence Day (ZAMBIA)
26日 奧地利國慶日 National Day (AUSTRIA)
28日 希臘國慶節 National Day (Greece)
29日 土耳其共和國日 Proclamation of the Republic (TURKEY)
11 月
1日 阿爾及里亞11月革命節 The Revolution Day of 1st November, 1954 (ALGERIA)
11日 安哥拉獨立節 Independence Day (Angola)
15日 比利時國王日 King's Day (BELGIUM)
18日 阿曼國慶日 National Day (OMAN)
19日 摩納哥國慶節 National Day (Monaco)
22日 黎巴嫩獨立日 Independence Day (LEBANON)
24日 扎伊爾第二共和國日 Anniversary of the Second Republic (ZAIRE)
28日 茅利塔尼亞獨立日 Independence Day (MARITANIA)
29日 南斯拉夫共和國日 Republic Day (YUGOSLAVIA)
12 月
1日 中非國慶日 National Day (CENTRAL AFRICA)
2日 寮國國慶日 National Day (LAOS)
阿拉伯酋長國國慶日 National Day (UAE)
5日 泰國國王日 Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Adolyadej (THAILAND)
6日 芬蘭獨立日 Independence Day (FINLAND)
7日 象牙海岸國慶日 National Day (IVORY COAST)
12日 肯亞獨立日 Independence Day (KENYA)
17日 不丹國慶節 National Day (Bhutan)
18日 尼日國慶日 National Day (NIGER)
28日 尼泊爾國王生日 Birthday of H.M. King Birendara
❷ 英國的國慶節英語怎麼說
National Day
1、It' s a fortnight to National Day.
2、People gathered in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.
❸ 「例如:元旦節、情人節、勞動節、建黨節、國慶節、春節……」用英語怎麼說
元旦New Year』s Day
春節the Spring Festival
元宵節the Lantern Festival
國際勞動婦女節International Working Women』s Day
植樹節Arbor Day
郵政節Postal Day
清明節Ching Ming Festival
國際勞動節International Labour Day
青年節Youth Day
護士節Nurses』 Festival
端午節the Dragon Boat Festival
兒童節Children』s Day
建軍節the Army』s Day
中秋節Mid-autumn (Moon) Festival
教師節Teachers』 Day
重陽節Double-ninth Day
國慶節National Day
❹ 國慶節的英文
National Day of China
[網路] Independence Day; 當然也經常稱為Fourth of July 七月四日國慶節
「英國國慶日」官方說法是「Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 」
❺ 英國國慶節用英語怎麼拼幾月幾日
English National Day
❻ 國慶 英語
對任何一個國家來說,國慶都是非常隆重而特別的節日,總要進行各式各樣的慶祝或紀念活動,以激發民眾的愛國熱情,增強國家的凝聚力。 不過,世界各國的國慶節不僅來歷不同,名稱也大不一樣,如許多國家叫「國慶節」或「國慶日」,但也有不少國家叫「獨立日」、「共和日」、「憲法日」、「革命日」、「解放日」等,還有直接以國名加上「日」的,如「澳大利亞日」、「巴基斯坦日」,有的則以國王的生日或登基日為國慶。 而且,由於各國的國情和傳統各異,慶祝方式也多姿多彩。下面,我們不妨來看看世界其他國家是如何歡度自己的國慶日的。
加拿大國慶日是7月1日,每到這個日子,全國放假一天,一同歡慶。大批加拿大人都會在國慶日舉行熱鬧的遊行活動,人們還喜歡在遊行時穿上有代表性的楓葉服裝,表達自己的愛國之情。更為有趣的是,富有創意的加拿大人設計出了千奇百怪的楓葉系列服,連雨傘、眼鏡也都是楓葉的造型,成為一道獨特而靚麗的風景。 另外,加拿大國慶時還有放煙火等活動。2003年,加拿大皇家造幣廠還為國慶發行了一枚彩色銀幣以示慶賀。該幣的反面圖案是一隻逼真的北極熊,上面有楓葉飄落在CANADA字樣上,大紅和銀白的色彩搭配產生了一種強烈的視覺效果。
和世界很多國家都不一樣,英國的國慶日是女王的「官方生日」。英國女王伊麗莎白二世的真正生日是1926年4月21日,但是,她的「官方生日」則定在每年6月第二個星期六。 由於倫敦6月中旬的天氣總是特別好,所以這段時間前後,英國人一般都舉行一些大型的花卉園藝展覽,不僅規模大,設計新,而且漂亮壯觀,國慶自然也更添了幾分喜慶。這一天,英國皇家衛隊的騎兵在倫敦騎士廣場上接受女王的檢閱,場面十分庄嚴盛大。 另外,女王賀壽活動中有很重要的一項內容:為國內外名流封爵授勛。受嘉獎者名單分別由政府和王室擬定,並在女王的官方生日公布。 不過,因為星期六本來就是休息日,所以英國人這一天不放假。
每逢獨立日,全美大大小小的教堂鍾聲齊鳴,以紀念這個特殊的日子。首先敲響的是費城自由鍾。隨後,各地居民自發進行慶祝遊行,形式豐富多彩:有人進行化妝遊行,扮成騎馬的牧師或坐著古式馬車的貴族小姐;有的全家祖孫幾輩載歌載舞,邊舞邊行。這時,各種彩車、模型車、雜技車和小孩玩具車同歡樂的人群一起排成浩浩盪盪的隊伍前進,景象十分壯觀、熱鬧。 遊行結束,人們往往聚在公園或公共場所共同歡度節日,盡情歡歌暢飲。如果正好碰上總統選舉或議會選舉,政客們也往往在這個時候抓緊進行競選演說。
7月14日是法國國慶日。1789年的這一天,巴黎人民攻佔了象徵封建統治的巴士底獄,推翻了君主政權。1880年,7月14日被正式確立為法國的國慶日,法國人每年都要隆重紀念這個象徵自由和革命的日子。 每年的7月14日,法國全國放假一天。節日前夕,到處都掛起彩旗,所有建築物和公共場所都飾以彩燈和花環,街頭路口架起一座座飾有法國國旗顏色——紅、白、藍色布帷的露天舞台,管弦樂隊在台上演奏流行樂曲。 國慶日前後的晚上,狂歡的人群紛紛湧向街頭,脖子上圍著紅、白、藍三色綵帶,隨著音樂跳起歡快的卡馬尼奧舞及其它民間舞蹈。 另外,法國每年都要在香榭麗舍大街上舉行大規模的閱兵儀式,還要燃放煙火。入夜,明亮的紅、白、藍三色探照燈光柱交叉搖曳在凱旋門上空,節日的燈火與天空中繽紛的焰火交相輝映,爆竹聲與狂歡的樂曲聲、歡呼聲響成一片,使節日慶祝達到最高潮。 在農村,國慶日之際,人們往往舉行穿袋子賽跑、小車推青蛙比賽等一些十分有特色的活動,同樣熱鬧非凡。
國王在泰國享有至高無上的地位,所以,泰國的國慶日也定在國王普密蓬•阿杜德的生日——12月5日。 每當國王的生日來臨,曼谷的大街小巷都懸掛國王普密蓬•阿杜德和王後詩麗吉的肖像。同時,身著禮服的泰國士兵將在曼谷市銅馬廣場參加盛大的閱兵式。
7. 朝鮮:閱兵遊行,歡呼聲震耳欲聾
9月9日是朝鮮民主主義人民共和國成立紀念日。國慶前夕,國旗插遍了平壤市的大街小巷,巨型標語佇立在市區交通要道。9日,平壤市中心的金日成廣場會舉行慶祝國慶的盛大閱兵式和群眾遊行。 在一片震耳欲聾的歡呼聲中,朝鮮黨政軍領導人來到廣場主席台,朝鮮陸海空三軍近百個方隊陸續通過主席台接受檢閱。隨後,平壤各界群眾開始大遊行,整個金日成廣場成為一片紅色的海洋。
挪威5月17日是挪威國慶節(又叫憲法日)。在這個盛大的節日里,你會看到成千上萬的人穿著民族服裝,歡度佳節。街上,一批又一批的乘客,從少女到老婦幾乎都是背帶式拖地長裙,紅色、白色、黑色、綠色,在厚厚的毛呢或棉布上綉著鮮艷的花朵和圖案,每個人的胸前都有漂亮的銀制飾物,有的還披著配套的斗篷,帶著相同色彩的民族小帽,真是五顏六色、絢麗多彩。男士的服裝則從中世紀的宮廷禮服到21世紀的紅色流行時裝,也是令人目不暇接、千姿百態。有許多老人胸前戴滿了各種各樣的勛章,手拿文明棍,頭戴高筒禮帽,頗有紳士風度。 這天,通向王宮的卡爾•約翰大街變成了人的海洋、花的海洋、國旗的海洋。路兩邊臨時豎起的高大旗桿上飄揚著一面面紅底鑲白邊的藍十字挪威國旗;樓頂上、陽台上、窗戶上插著國旗;更令人驚喜的是幾乎每個人手中都拿著一面小國旗,嬰兒的搖籃車上插著國旗,公共汽車上插著國旗,出租上插著國旗,警車上插著國旗,男士的西服上戴著和國旗色相同的紅、白、藍三色彩條,女士的胸花、領邊也是紅、白、藍三色彩條編織的,就連小狗的脖子上也系著紅、白、藍三色彩條。國慶遊行開始的時候,馬路兩邊站滿了歡呼的觀眾,人擠著人,水瀉不通。國王穿著黑色禮服,戴著黑色禮帽站在觀禮台中央;右邊是身著紅色禮服、紅色禮帽的王後;王後的右邊是王子和公主。一切都是那麼自然,那麼純朴,一切都是人們發自內心,發自對祖國、對民族的無限熱愛
For any country, the National Day are very grand and special festivals, to carry out a wide range of the celebration or commemoration, to stimulate people's patriotic enthusiasm, enhance national cohesion. However, not all countries in the world, the National Day of different origin, the name is different, as many countries called "National Day" or "Day", but there are also a number of countries called the "Independence Day", "Republic Day", "Constitution Day", "revolutionary," and "Liberation Day "However, there were added directly to the" Day "," Australia Day "," Pakistan Day ", while some of King's birthday or on the throne for the National Day. But, as their national traditions and different ways colorful celebration. Now, we might look at how other countries of the world celebrate their National Day,.
1. Canada: Maple Leaf wearing various costumes parade
Canada National Day is July 1, each to this day, the day of the holiday together to celebrate. A large number of Canadians will be held in the National Day festive parade, people also like to wear in a procession representative Maple Leaf clothing, to express their feelings. Even more interesting is that the innovative design of the Canadian Maple Leaf Series competing service, and even umbrellas, glasses are also the Maple Leaf shape and become a unique and beautiful scenery. Separately, National Day fireworks and other activities. In 2003, the Royal Canadian Mint has also issued a National Day to show color coin celebrating. The coin's design is a negative realistic polar bear, a Maple Leaf above CANADA recalled in words, the red and white colors proced with a strong visual effect.
2. Britain: Queen's "official birthday" for the National Day
And the world is not the same in many countries, Britain is the National Day of the Queen "official birthday." Britain's Queen Elizabeth II's real birthday is April 21, 1926, but her "official birthday" is scheled in June in the second year Saturday. London mid-June because the weather is always particularly good, and so this time around, the British are generally held some large flower gardening exhibition is not only large in scale, the design of the new, beautiful and spectacular, but also adds a National Day celebrations a bit. On this day, the Royal Guard cavalry Cleveland Square in London to accept the queen inspected, and the scene is very solemn grand. In addition, women Wangheshou activities are very important one: celebrities knighted for domestic honors. The awards list were prepared by the government and the royal family, and the Queen's official birthday announcement. However, because Saturday was first rest day, the British do not leave this day.
3. United States: freedom bell sounded, held a grand procession
American National Day, also known as "Independence Day", the United States is one of the main statutory holiday, the date for the annual July 4, to mark the July 4, 1776 meeting in Philadelphia, the formal adoption of the "Declaration of Independence."
Independence Day in the United States is a very busy day. The past, the Independence Day celebration activities in the main processions and speeches, with some religious overtones. Later, a graal increase in outdoor activities, sports competitions, set off firecrackers and fireworks activities.
Every Independence Day, the national church bell went off everywhere, large and small, to commemorate this special day. First sounded the Philadelphia Liberty Bell. Subsequently, the residents around the spontaneous celebration procession, in various forms: Some people have a makeup demonstration, disguised as a priest or horse-cart sitting ancient aristocratic Miss; Some family several Sun generation singing and dancing side to side dance. At this time, various floats, model cars, trucks and acrobatics children toy cars together with the joy of the crowd lined themselves into irresistible advance team, a very spectacular scene, bustling. The end of the procession, people often gathered in parks or public places jointly celebrate the festival, full of song and drink. What happened was that if the presidential election or parliamentary elections, politicians have often carried out at this time his campaign speeches.
4. France: large-scale military parade, pushing the frog competition
July 14 is the French National Day. On this day in 1789, Paris captured the symbol of feudal rule at the end of the prison bus, overthrew the monarchy regime. In 1880, on July 14, was formally established as the National Day of France, the French every year to mark the symbol of freedom and revolution day. The annual July 14, the French national day holiday. Festival eve hoisted flags everywhere, all buildings and public places are decorated with lanterns and wreaths, put up a street junction blocks decorated with the French national colors - red, white and blue cloth citizen open stage orchestra playing popular music in power. Before and after the National Day evening, the crowds have poured into the rave streets around the neck red, white and blue color bands, the music went up a jubilant Oscar dance and other folk dances. In addition, France in Paris every year for the Korea held a large-scale street parade ceremony, but also the discharge of pyrotechnics. Dark, bright red, white and blue color searchlight Bargraph cross-flicker in the Arc De Triomphe over the festive lights in the sky and harmony colorful fireworks, firecrackers and rave music acoustic sound, sound into a cheering, to celebrate the culmination of the festival. In rural areas, the National Day, people tend to wear bags on race, trolley pushed frog contest some very special activities, the same hot topic.
5. Thailand: National Day for the King birthday
King enjoys supremacy of Thailand, Thai National Day also set • King Bhumibol Alyadej's birthday - December 5. Whenever the King's birthday approaching, the streets of Bangkok have hoisted • King Bhumibol Alyadej and Queen Sirikit portrait. Meanwhile, the Thai soldiers dress in Bangkok Copper Square in the grand parade.
6. Singapore: National Day ceremony, warplanes and parachuting performance
In Singapore's National Day on August 9, every day, the Singapore National Day ceremony will be held nationwide jubilation. It will also hold a grand ceremony warmly reviewed, the National Day, when there will be military aircraft and parachuted brilliant performances.
7. North Korea: a parade procession, deafening cheers
September 9 is the anniversary of the establishment of North Korea. The eve of National Day, the flag inserted times in the streets of Pyongyang, huge banners in the stands urban traffic thoroughfare. 9, Kim Il Sung Square in central Pyongyang will hold a gala to celebrate the National Day parade and the parade. In a deafening cheers, the Korean party and government leaders went to the rostrum at the Korean Air Force will be nearly 100 square reviewed by the podium to accept. Later, Pyongyang began a procession of people, the Kim Il-sung Square as a red sea.
Norway: costumes travel
Norway on May 17 is Norway's National Day (also known as the Constitution). In this grand festival, you will see thousands of people dressed in national costumes and celebrate the festive season. Street, batch after batch of passengers from the girl to the woman almost all of the strap-dragging and gown, red, white, black, green, thick cotton or posters on offshore bright flowers and designs, each of the breasts are beautiful silver jewelry, some of the garb matching mantle, the national colors with the same hat, really colorful, colorful. Men's clothing from the Middle Ages to the 21st century court dress in red popular fashion, is a crisis, Variety. Many elderly chest filled with a variety of wearing the Medal carried civilization stick, wearing tops Topper, quite gentlemanly manners. That day, leading to the palace Karl Johans Gate into the sea, a sea of flowers, flags Ocean. On both sides of the road up the tall flagpole flying a plane dressed in white-impregnated Blue Cross Norwegian flag; The roof, a balcony, with the national flag on the window; What is more surprising is the hands of almost everyone is carrying a small flag, the baby's cradle of the car with the national flag with the national flag on the bus, rental with the national flag with the national flag, police, the men wearing suits on the same color flags and the red, white and blue colors of the three, Ms. Ball, the leading edge is red, white and blue colors of the three weaving, and even a little dog's neck is also in the red, white and blue colors of the three. National Day procession at the beginning of the road on both sides of the stands filled with cheering spectators, who rooms, watery diarrhea illogical. King wearing a black dress, wearing a black bowler hat on the central rostrum; The right side is wearing red dress, red Topper the queen; The queen is on the right side of the Prince and Princess Margaret. Everything is so natural, so simple, all people are heartfelt, from the motherland, the nation's boundless love
迎中秋慶國慶。Ying Guo Qing altogether.