導航:首頁 > 英國資訊 > 在英國邀請信怎麼寫


發布時間:2022-12-08 15:15:53

① 英語邀請信的寫作格式及模板

邀請函 和請柬,均屬於對客人發出邀請時使用的專用禮儀信函。而英文版本的寫作又將如何呢?以下是我帶來邀請信的寫作 方法 ,希望對各位英學習者有幫助。


邀請信包括宴會、舞會、晚餐、聚會、婚禮等各種邀請信件,形式上大體分為兩種:一種為正規的格式 (formal correspondence),亦稱請柬;一種是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀請信。邀請信是在形式上不如請柬那樣正規,但也是很考究。書寫時應注意:

邀請信一定要將邀請的時間(年、月、日、鍾點)、地點、場合寫清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑慮。例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”這句話中所指的是哪個星期五並不明確,所以應加上具體日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.”


1. 邀請朋友共進午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon

Dear [Zhang Ying]:

Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?

My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you’ll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


2. 邀請朋友同他們不認識的人一起共進晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers

Dear [Susan]:

I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr. and Mrs. Lin n]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too.

[Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer. They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


② 怎麼用英語寫邀請信




Dear Jane,

We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint us!

Warmest regards.





Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2004.

You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and ecator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China.

If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Peter White



Dear Alice,

Thank you very much for your invitation. It will be great pleasure for me to join you on Friday for the wonderful film. I will arrive at the cinema before eight. I look forward to meeting you on Friday.

Thank you for thinking of me.




Dear Professor White,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004.

Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

Faithfully yours,

③ 英文邀請函的正確格式


Dear sir/madam:

I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic "" from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you'll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,



④ 英語邀請信範文五篇

很多朋友都知道 邀請函 的作用以及寫法,但是對於英文邀請函,是否都清楚呢?那麼英語邀請信 範文 該怎麼寫呢?下面是我為大家整理的英語邀請信範文,希望對大家有幫助。


★ 高中英語邀請信範文 ★

★ 英語比賽邀請信範文 ★

★ 英語邀請函回復範文

★ 英語邀請信寫作格式及模板 ★


Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2004.

You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and ecator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China.

If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Peter White


Dear Professor White,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004.

Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

Faithfully yours,

Wang Xuan


Dear Jane,

We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint us!

Warmest regards.



Dear sir/madam:

On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of [name], President of [company]. You are cordially invited to attend the celebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p.m.

[name] has been the President of [company] since [year]. During this period, [company] expanded its business from to . Now it's our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. Please join us to say Good-bye to [name].

See you on [date].

Yours sincerely



Dear sir/madam:

We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new [proct]. The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date]. There will also be a reception at [time]. We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend.

[company] is a leading procer of high-quality . As you well know, recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar procts from other manufacturers.

We look forward to seeing you on [date]. Just call our office at [phone number] and we will be glad to secure a place for you.

Sincerely yours,


英語邀請信範文相關 文章 :

★ 畢業邀請函英語範文三篇

★ 邀請函英語作文三篇

★ 初二英語邀請函範文三篇

★ 聚會的邀請函英語三篇

★ 英文邀請信件範文

★ 英文邀請函優秀範文

★ party邀請函範文英文3篇

★ 展會邀請函英文範文3篇

★ 英文邀請信精選優秀範文

★ 展會邀請函英文範文3篇

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