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發布時間:2024-10-04 19:00:53

⑴ 英國皇家御用軍叫什麼歷史呢

英國皇家禁衛隊Queen's Guard





英國正規的皇家警衛部隊是在17世紀下半葉,也就是資產階級革命以後出現的。當時遷居國外的國王查理二世回國後組建了一支精銳的步兵團和騎兵團,來做為自己的警衛部隊。從此以後,這些部隊就成為了皇家軍隊的核心。 1815年,英國皇家衛隊在滑鐵盧會戰中打敗了法國的老牌衛隊,並因此開始戴紀念戰爭勝利的熊皮帽,來彰顯自己的作戰能力比拿破崙軍隊強。英國皇家衛隊那身一年四季不變的猩紅色緊身短上衣,以及那頂高高的熊皮帽子給許多人留下了深刻印象。 皇家衛隊屬英國陸軍系列,分為騎兵和步兵兩部分。騎兵約有1500人,共分3個團,分別是「國王禁衛團」、「國王藍色團」和王宮儀仗騎兵團;步兵約5000人,編為1個步兵師,下屬8個步兵營。除此之外,在皇家裝甲坦克部隊中有4個皇家衛隊團。


這些新兵每天除了跑步、射擊訓練之外,還需要學會使用各種攻擊火炮,擅長騎術。身高體重要求「孿生兄弟」一樣整齊劃一,而且長相俊朗,聲音洪亮,充分體現英國的軍人風貌。 衛兵們還有厚重的軍裝鎧甲,以及長長的軍靴,僅僅是這套裝束就重得讓常人走不動路。所以說,想當好一名皇家衛兵,能負重、耐高溫是必須具備的素質。

英國皇家衛隊的隊員頭戴熊皮帽子,身著紅色制服,宛如古代將官一般雄健。皇家衛兵頭戴熊皮高帽有著約200年的歷史,這頂高帽象徵的是英國強盛的軍力。 其實,最早戴這樣帽子的是法國士兵,法軍當時戴這種熊皮高帽是為了讓士兵的個頭顯得更高,看起來更具威懾力。但在滑鐵盧戰役擊敗拿破崙的軍隊後,英國士兵從1815年起,取而代之開始戴起了熊皮帽,來彰顯自己的作戰能力比拿破崙軍隊強。 英國國防部直到2010年,每年都購買大約50頂熊皮帽子。平均每年花費在帽子上的錢就有6萬英鎊,其中一半的開銷是為了買新的,剩下的被用來翻新舊帽子。但由於動物保護組織的不斷抗議,英國決定從2011年開始,不再用野生黑熊皮帽子,而以人造皮草代替。


The Queen's Guard and Queen's Life Guard are the names given to contingents of infantry and cavalry soldiers charged with guarding the official royal residences in London. The British Army has regiments of both Horse Guards and Foot Guards predating the English Restoration (1660), and since the reign of King Charles II these have been responsible for guarding the Sovereign's palaces. They are not purely ceremonial as some may believe, they are real soldiers serving in the army.

The Queen's Guard and Queen's Life Guard is mounted at the royal residences that come under the operating area of the British Army's London District, which is responsible for the administration of the Household Division. This covers Buckingham Palace, St James's Palace and the Tower of London, as well as Windsor Castle. The Queen's Guard is also mounted at the sovereign's other official residence, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, but not as regularly as in London. In Edinburgh, the guard is the responsibility of the resident infantry battalion at Redford Barracks. It is not mounted at the Queen's private residences at Sandringham or Balmoral.

The Queen's Guard is the name given to the contingent of infantry responsible for guarding Buckingham Palace and St. James's Palace (including Clarence House) in London. The guard is made up of a company of soldiers from a single regiment, which is split in two, providing a detachment for Buckingham Palace and a detachment for St James's Palace. Because the Sovereign's official residence is still St James's, the guard commander (called the 'Captain of the Guard') is based there, as are the regiment's colours. When the Sovereign is in residence, the Queen's Guard numbers three officers and 40 other ranks, with four sentries each posted at Buckingham Palace (on the forecourt) and St James's Palace (two at the main entrance in Pall Mall, two in Friary Court). This reces to three officers and 31 ORs, with two sentries each when the Sovereign is not in residence.[1] The Queen's Guard is not purely ceremonial in nature. They provide sentries ring the day and night, and ring the latter hours they patrol the grounds of the Palace. Until 1959, the sentries at Buckingham Palace were stationed outside the fence. This stopped following an incident involving a female tourist and a Coldstream Guardsman — e to the continued pestering of tourists and sightseers, the guardsman kicked the tourist on the ankle as he marched. The tourist made a complaint to the police and, despite sympathy, the sentry was confined to barracks for ten days. Not long after, the sentries were moved inside the fence.

⑵ 英國殖民者有著什麼樣的兵力


⑶ 鑻卞浗濂崇帇鏈夊+鍏靛悧

鏈夈 鑻卞浗濂崇帇鏈夊崼闃熷+鍏點備粬浠騫蟲椂涓昏佽礋璐d繚鍗濂崇帇鍙婁綇鎵瀹夊叏錛岀壒孌婃椂鏈熶細琚濂崇帇媧鵑仯鎵ц屽コ鐜嬪懡浠ょ殑浠誨姟銆

⑷ 英國殖民者在印度徵募的僱傭軍叫什麼




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