『壹』 世界各國都什麼時候過年啊
1、羅馬尼亞:每年一月一日是羅馬尼亞的傳統年節,但它又與正教的聖誕和主顯節的時間相臨,幾個節日便合在了一起,所以羅馬尼亞人的新年實際上從十二月二十四日開始,至直翌年一月六日結束。 俄羅斯:歷史上,俄羅斯的新年曾有幾次變遷,古代,人們為迎春送冬而舉行祭禮,以三月一日為新年,十五世紀受,拜占庭文化影響以五月一日為新年;十七世紀彼得大帝統治時期的一月一日為新年:後東正教會又把它改為一月七日,直到本世紀末才把新年定為一月一日斗碼。
3、法國: 中世紀以前,法國的新年是四月一日,直到1564年,查理九世才把它改成一月一日。新年前夜,家人團聚,同餐共飲,按古老的風俗,是夜每個人都喝得酩酊大醉。法國人認為除夕時家中的酒如沒有喝盡,來年必有厄運。所以豪飲是法國新年的特色之一。另外新年時父母或長輩要給孩子們紅包,以表關切,這一點很象我國春節的「壓歲錢」。很多人還用元旦的天氣來預則來年一年的天氣,他們認為,告鋒元旦刮南風,則一年風調雨順;刮西風是捕魚和擠奶的好年頭,刮東風水果可以大豐收。
4、英國: 在英國每年一月一日是新年,但由於它在聖誕節的12天節期之內,所以節慶活動就不突出。但是在蘇格蘭地區,人們認為聖誕節是家人團聚日,而新年才是普天同慶的節日,因而對它的重視勝過聖誕節。
『貳』 關於各國的習俗,英文版
On New Year's eve in England, the family must have wine in the bottle and meat in the cupboard.
They believe that if there is no wine and meat left, the next year will be poor.
In addition, Britain also popular New Year "well water" custom.
People strive to be the first to draw water, think that the first water is a happy person.
French people think that the weather on New Year's Day is a sign of the new year.
Easterly wind, fruits harvest year.
A harvest year of westerly winds, fishing and milking.
It's a windy and rainy year.
When the north wind blows, the harvest year falls short.
On New Year's Day, Spanish parents are especially "benevolent" and they will meet all the demands of their children.
They think that children's swearing, fighting and crying are bad omens.
Meanwhile, most Spaniards carry a gold or copper coin for good luck.
The first thing belgians do on New Year's day is pay New Year's greetings to their animals.
Go to the cow, sheep and pet cat and dog side, solemnly greet them: happy New Year.
The Germans climbed into their chairs just before midnight on New Year's Eve and jumped out of their chairs as soon as the bell rang.
And throw a heavy object behind the chair, in order to show off the disaster, jump into the New Year.
In addition, they will put some scales in their wallets, because scales are the mascot of the New Year, which indicates that money is rolling.