導航:首頁 > 中國資訊 > 你來中國哪裡翻譯


發布時間:2023-06-13 07:12:56

『壹』 你到中國了嗎 你現在在哪 譯成英語

have you been in China now? Where are you?

『貳』 你來自哪裡用英文怎麼說

Where are you from

where you come

你的筆友來自哪裡? 是什麼意思? ...你來自哪裡Where you comefrom 前路漫漫 哪裡才是我的歸屬 Oh and where is where I belong 我來自黑龍江省齊齊哈爾市 I am from Qiqihar ...

Where do you come from

其,我愛你! 跟你沒關系... 是什麼意思? ... 海上鋼琴師是一部浪漫的文藝片 Pianist is a romantic dramas你來自哪裡Where do you come from今天是什麼月份 In what is today ...



請問你來自哪裡Where do you come from

你是來自哪裡From wherever you are ; Where do you come from ; Where you come from ; You comes from where

你來自哪裡啊Where you came from ; Where are you from ah

你來自哪裡呢Where you came from ; Where do you come from

你來自哪裡的呢Where you came from ; Can where you come from ; Where do you come from

你是來自哪裡的Wherever you are from the ; Where do you come from ; Where you come from

翻譯公司你來自哪裡Beauty where you came from

我忘記你來自哪裡了I forget where you come from

你媽媽來自哪裡Your mother come from ; Where is your mother from ; Where your mother came from

『叄』 你要來中國的哪個城市英語怎麼翻譯

Which city do you want to come to China

『肆』 你怎麼會到中國來,你哪裡人越南話怎麼翻譯呀

翻譯:tai so anh sang Trung Quoc?qur huong cua anh o dou?

『伍』 你來自哪裡和我來自中國。用英語怎麼翻譯

Where do you come from? I come from China.

『陸』 你到過中國哪些城市 英語翻譯。

What cities of China have you been to?

How are you going to spend your wage/salary?

『柒』 「你來自哪裡」英文怎麼寫

「你來自哪裡」的英文是:Where are you from。


1、Is that where you came from;

2、Where do you come from;

3、Where you come from。




所以,綜合起來「你來自哪裡」的英文就是:Where are you from。


如何回答「Where are you from」:

比如說,在上海的外灘遇到了一位慈眉善目的外國老頭,上去搭訕。在交流完了姓名之後,老外問你「Where are you from?」 你的回答也許是「I'm from Ningbo(或者任意一個中國二線城市地名).」

如果僅僅這樣,你的回答是不及格,因為對不熟悉中國的老外來說,你的回答就相當於一個美國人對你說「我來自波特蘭」 一樣沒有概念。

推薦一種比較得體的回答「I'm from Ningbo, a coastal city located in the east of Zhejiang Province, which is famous for its seafood.」——就是同位語+從句。


『捌』 我來自中國,你來自哪裡呢怎麼翻譯

i am from china ,how about u ?
i come from china ,where are you come from ?



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