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發布時間:2022-01-24 04:23:14

① 弘揚中國傳統文化用英語怎麼說

Carry forward traditional Chinese culture

② 用英語介紹中國傳統文化

We have Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese New Year has
中文 > 英語 互換翻譯

③ 中國傳統文化專有名詞英文翻譯

1.元宵節:Lantern Festival
3.重陽節:Double Ninth Festival
4.清明節:Tomb sweeping day
5.剪紙:Paper Cutting
7.對聯:(Spring Festival)Couplets
8.象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters
9.雄黃酒:Realgar wine

11.戰國:Warring States
12.風水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen
13.崑曲:Kunqu Opera
14.長城:The Great Wall
15.集體舞:Group Dance
16.黃土高原:Loess Plateau
17.紅白喜事:Wedding and Funerals
18.中秋節:Mid-Autumn Day
19.花鼓戲:Flower Drum Song
20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture

21.中國結:Chinese knotting
22.古裝片:Costume Drama
23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie
24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling(Soup)
25.越劇:Yue Opera
26.火鍋:Hot Pot
27.江南:South Region of the Yangtze River
28.《詩經》:The Book of Songs
30.《史記》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian

31.《紅樓夢》:A Dream of Red Mansions
32.《西遊記》:The Journey to the West
33.除夕:Chinese New Year's Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival
35.唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored pottery
40.黃梅戲:Huangmei opera

42.農歷:Lunar Calender
44.臘八節:The laba Rice Porridge Festival
45.京劇:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera
46.秦腔:Qin Opera
47.太極拳:Tai Chi
48.《本草綱目》:Compendium of Materia Medica
49.天壇:Temple of Heaven
50.小吃攤:Snack Bar/Snack Stand

51.紅雙喜:Double Happiness
52.國子監:Imperial Academy
53.春卷:Spring Roll
54.蓮藕:Lotus Root
56.故宮博物院:The Palace Museum
57.相聲:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue
58.五行:Five Elements
59.北京烤鴨:Beijing Roast Duck
60.《桃花扇》:The Peach Blossom Fan

61.木偶戲:Puppet Show
62.敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves
63.電視小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit
64.甲骨文:Oracle Bone Inscriptions
65.古箏:Chines Zither
66.二胡:Erhu fiddle
67.門當戶對:Perfect Match/Exact Match
68.《水滸》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh
69.炸醬面:Noodles with Bean Paste
70.文房四寶:「The Four Treasure of the Study」 「Brush,Inkstick,Paper and Inkstone」

71.兵馬俑:Cotta Warriors/Terracotta Army
74.潑水節:Water-Splashing Day
76.花捲:Steamed twisted rolls
77.羊肉泡饃:Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup
78.冰糖葫蘆:A stick of sugar-coated haws(or apples,etc.)
79.八寶飯:Eight-treasure rice pudding
80.粉絲:Chinese Vermicelli

81.豆腐腦:Jellied Bean curd
82.小品:Witty Skits
83.孝順:To show fillal obedience
84.武術:Wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)
85.宣紙:Xuan paper
88.中庸:The Way of medium(cf,Golden Means)
90.東坡肉:Dongpo Pork

91.中山陵:The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
92.秦淮河:Qinhuai River
93.玄武湖:Xuanwu Lake
94.夫子廟:The Confucian Temple
95.鴨血粉絲:Chinese Vermicelli Cooked with Duck Blood
96.鹽水鴨:Yanshuiya,or salted and baked ck
98.小籠包:Steamed buns
99.明孝陵:Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
100.雲錦:Nanjing Brocade

④ 用英語介紹中國傳統文化(5句話)


Traditional Chinese culture has various holidays and festivals, such as Spring Festival, Tomb-sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and so on. Each of which has its own unique meaning and cultural atmosphere.

For example, we have a unique custom in the Spring Festival, giving children lucky money to express a blessing and care for children. During the Spring Festival, we also paste couplets on the door of our house, which is a good wish for the New Year.

⑤ 牢記中國傳統節日,弘揚中國傳統文化 用英語怎麼說

Keep in mind Chinese traditional festivals and carry forwardChina's traditional civilization.

該句利用keep in mind、traditional festivals、carry forward三個固定短語,結合英語語法形成完整的句意。


1、Keep in mind

英 [kiːp ɪn maɪnd] 美 [kiːp ɪn maɪnd]


例句:I hope he grew up, also keep in mind: Our ancestors are Chinese.


2、traditional festivals

英 [trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfɛstəvəlz] 美 [trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfɛstəvəlz]


例句:Mid-Autumn Festival is one of important Chinese traditional festivals.


3、carry forward

英 [ˈkæri ˈfɔːwəd] 美 [ˈkæri ˈfɔːrwərd]


例句:We should carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation.


carry forward China's civilization是固定搭配,意思為弘揚中華文化。









Keep in mind Chinese traditional festivals and carry forwardChina's traditional civilization.

此句即省略了主語,達到強調要牢記節日,弘揚文化的效果,謂語分別為Keep in mind,carry forward,賓語分別為Chinese traditional festivals,China's traditional civilization。

⑥ 中國傳統文化 古典詩詞用英語怎麼說

中國傳統文化 古典詩詞
Chinese traditional culture and classical poetry

中國傳統文化 古典詩詞
Chinese traditional culture and classical poetry

⑦ 用英文表達的中國傳統文化

Today, the world belongs to many different nationalities and races. Different races have different cultures and thus causing a cultural difference. For example, in China, the dragon is a symbol of power. In the past, emperors wore clothes patterned with dragons. However, in European countries, the dragon represents evil. This is what we call cultural difference. Regarding cultural difference, we should learn and understand because only then we can become more knowledgeable and well-informed.

The saying, Chinese people are the offspring of the dragon came from the ancient totem and tales.
It is said that before Huang Di's unification of central plains in China, the totem symbol for China was the bear.

After unification of the tribes, Huang Di decided to use a new form of totem; it is called Long—which means dragon. The head of the original bear and the body of a snake forms it the dragon. In fact the totem of the dragon is the combination of the father and mother tribe of Huang Di. The image of the dragon shows the history of Chinese ethnicity and the unity of Chinese people.

Then the image of dragon began to appear in a lot of pictures and form the characters. People can find the character of dragon in the ancient remains of Java and the image of the dragon in the ancient pot chips. Not long ago the archeologists found two pottery fragments in Liaoning province. One is the moving dragon and the other is stagnant. The images are very vivid in which the scales of the dragon are extremely clear.

Since the dragon became the totem of Chinese, Chinese nation is connected with dragon. Therefore,the tale for Yan Di appeared. It said that Yan Di and Yao were all born because of the dragon. If the ancestor of China is all born for the dragon, the Chinese are the nterments of the dragon.

⑧ 有關中國傳統文化的單詞

人名/學派:孔子(Confucius), 老子(Lao-tzu ),孟子(Mencius ),陰陽(Yin & Yang),道教(taoism)等
地名:廣東(Canton),香港(Hong Kong),北京(Peking)

⑨ 教你理解中國的傳統文化用英語怎麼說

teach you (how) to understand the Chinese traditional culture.
= help you ( to ) understand the Chinese traditional culture.
= help you in understanding what the Chinese traditional culture is.

⑩ 中國傳統文化 英語翻譯


Chinese traditional culture(or China's traditional culture )

1.From Generation to Generation. China's traditional culture has been interrupted in some short historical periods.More or less,it has changed in different historical periods,but on the whole it's one culture without interruption. Generally speaking, it has not changed much.
2.National Characteristic.China's traditional culture is unique to China,which is different from other nations'.
3.A Long History.It has 5000 years of history.
4.Extensive and Profound.「Extensive」 refers to Chinese traditional cultur's breadth—rich and colorful;「Profound」means Chinese traditional cultur's depth—unfathomable.



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