㈠ 英語翻譯:中國女排團結一致,時隔12年重獲奧運會冠軍。
The Chinese women's volleyball team is united and has won the Olympic champion after 12 years.
㈡ 「中國女排國家隊」的英文翻譯是什麼
the National Team of Women's Volleyball of China
㈢ 她是中國女排的一員英語怎麼說
她是中國女排的一員翻譯英語:She is a member of the Chinese women's volleyball team
㈣ 女排亞洲杯中國vs日本用英語怎麼說
Women's volleyball Asian Cup China vs Japan 亞足聯亞洲杯(AFC Asian Cup),簡稱「亞洲杯」,是由亞足聯舉辦的國際性成年男子足球隊比賽,每四年舉辦一屆。
㈤ 中國國家女子排球隊用英語怎莫說
中國國家女子排球隊:Chinese country female volleyball team
中國國家隊:Chinese national sports team
㈥ 這是個特殊的日子。這天,中國女排通過自己的努力贏得了比賽,獲得了金牌。用英語怎麼說
This is a special day. In this day, China Female Volley Ball team won the game and was awarded gold medal via their own effort.
㈦ 女排的精神激勵著一代又一代中國人用英語怎麼說
英語:The spirit of the women's volleyball team inspires generations of Chinese people!
㈧ 中國女排用英語怎麼說
China National Women's Volleyball Team