導航:首頁 > 中國訊息 > 中國畫魅力無窮英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-11-08 11:19:14

Ⅰ 求介紹中國國畫的英語作文

Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The painting is done on paper or silk with a brush dipped in black or colored ink.

According to the means of expression, Chinese paintings can be divided into two categories which are the Xieyi school and the Gongbi school.

The Xieyi school is characterized by free expression and exaggerated forms, while the Gongbi school attaches importance to detail with fine brush work.

Landscape painting is widely regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting. Throughout history, the Chinese paintings paintings at different times mirror people's social consciousness accordingly.


國畫(Chinese painting)是世界上最古老的藝術傳統之一。繪畫時用毛筆蘸黑墨或彩墨在紙張或絲綢上作畫。根據表現手法,國畫可分為寫童派(the Xieyi school)和工筆派(the Gongbi school)兩大類。


Ⅱ 中國畫 英語怎麼說

Chinese Painting

Ⅲ 和國畫有關的英語單詞!

毛筆brush pen 毛氈hair felt 硯inkstone [ˈiŋkstəun]
墨汁prepared Chinese ink 宣紙Chinese art paper 絹tough silk
顏料pigment 中國國畫 traditional Chinese painting
水桶 water breaker 小刀small sword

Ⅳ 中國畫用英語怎麼說

Chinese Painting 請採納

Ⅳ 用一個英語單詞或短語形容中國畫,有什麼


Ⅵ 中國畫英文怎麼說

Chinese painting

Ⅶ 中國國畫、中國油畫、雕塑 用英語怎麼說 或者用韓語怎麼說

中國畫:Chinese Paintings
中國書畫:Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy
中國油畫:Chinese Oil Paintings

Ⅷ 在中國你可以看到有很多有意義的中國畫用英語該怎麼說

In China, you can see many meaningful Chinese paintings.



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