導航:首頁 > 中國訊息 > 如何介紹中國的一個小地方


發布時間:2022-12-14 09:46:09

❶ 怎樣在科學課上介紹中國的某一個城市


❷ 要向外國人介紹中國這個地方大概要介紹哪幾個方面的,幫忙細談。


❸ 介紹一個中國的地方十句英語

The older areas of Hangzhou lie down from the lake in the eastern and southern parts ... there is Suzhou and Hangzhou.he city is famous in Chinese tourism for its West Lake,a large freshwater lake surrounded by hills and gardens,its banks dotted with pavilions and temples.It gives rise to what must be one of China's oldest tourist sayings:"Above there is heaven,below there is Suzhou and Hangzhou." Located in the area known as "Jiangnan" or "South of the River" which covers southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang proinces,Hangzhou lies in one of the most prosperous regions of China.On weekends,the city is flooded out by Chinese who day-trip
down from Shanghai,Suzhou or Wuxi,and daily with buses carrying their cargoes of westerners.Hangzhou is one of China's great tourist attractions,its popularity on par with Guilin 州舊區沿湖向鎮東西延伸,並圍繞著穿鎮而過的小運河 杭州的西湖,是中國著名的旅遊景點。它是一個巨大的淡水湖,小山與花園環湖而立;湖邊還有亭子和寺廟的點綴。這也恰恰驗證了眾所周知的一句話:「上有天堂,下有蘇杭」人們所說的「江南」,包括了江蘇南部和浙江北部。位於江南的杭州,正好位於中國最繁榮的地區之一。一到周末,杭州便會湧入不少來自上海、蘇州或無錫等周邊地區的「一日游」客人;每天,載滿外國人的大巴也在駛入杭州。杭州是中國最知名的旅遊景點之一,與廣西的桂林齊名。

北京My hometown is Beijing.As we know,beijing is our capital so there must be many interesting things there.My hometown Beijing is famous for its places of interes.Tian An Men ,The Great Wall and the Imperial Palace are the most famous places in Beijing.Each year many visitors visit there.In my hometown,roast ck is very famous too.Many people like to eat it and even foreign peole have known about it.
Overall,my hometown is a beautiful place,it is clean and mordern,I like it very much!我的家鄉是北京.我們知道,北京是我們的首都,那裡一定有許多有趣的東西.我的故鄉北京有很多著名的地方.天安門,長城和故宮是北京最有名的地方.每今年許多遊客到那參觀.在我的故鄉,烤鴨也是非常有名的.許多人都愛吃,甚至外國朋友都了解它 3 The mountain city————Chongqing(山城重慶) Chingqing is located in the southwest of China. The city surrounded by the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers and many tall mountains. So it is known as a "Mountain city" and also a "River city".Chongqing has long history. (重慶位於中國西南方向。這座城市被長江,嘉陵江和許多高山環抱。 因此它也被稱為山城和江城。) Chongqing means "double celebrations(慶祝)" in Chinese. The name was given Zhao Dun who is the king of the Southern Song Dynasty in 1189. And it most famous history is in the second world war. Chongqing served as the wartime ``provisional capital'' for the KMT government.(重慶在中文裡的意思是雙重喜慶。這個名字是1189年南宋時期的國王趙惇取得。它最著名的歷史在二戰時期,作為國名黨的戰時臨時政府。) Changing』s hot spicy food is famous. The most well-known dish is the hotpot.(重慶的麻辣食物非常出名。最出名的食物是火鍋) It is an interesting and beautiful city.(這是一個有趣而美麗的城市。) 第四個上海Shanghai (Chinese: 上海; pinyin: Shànghǎi (help·info); Wu (Long-short): Zånhae; Shanghainese (IPA): [zɑ̃'he]), situated on the banks of the Yangtze River Delta in East China, is the largest city of the People's Republic of China and the ninth largest in the world. Widely regarded as the citadel of China's modern economy, the city also serves as one of the most important cultural, commercial, financial, instrial and communications centers of China. Administratively, Shanghai is a municipality of the People's Republic of China that has province-level status. Shanghai is also one of the world's busiest ports, and became the largest cargo port in the world in 2005.[1] Originally a sleepy fishing town, Shanghai became China's most important city by the twentieth century and was the center of popular culture, intellectual discourse and political intrigue ring the Republic of China. Shanghai once became the third largest financial center in the world, ranking after New York City and London, and the largest commercial city in the Far East in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. After the communist takeover in 1949, Shanghai languished under heavy central government taxation and many of its supposedly "bourgeois" elements were purged. Following the central government's authorization of market-economic redevelopment of Shanghai in 1992, Shanghai recently surpassed early-starters Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and has since led China's economic growth. Some challenges remain for Shanghai at the beginning of the 21st century, as the city struggles to cope with increased worker migration and a huge wealth gap. However, these challenges aside, Shanghai's skyscrapers and modern lifestyle mark the pinnacle of China's recent economic development. Contents 1



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