導航:首頁 > 中國訊息 > 聽說你想來中國旅行用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-10-20 08:25:19

Ⅰ 我聽說你來中國,我很高興。英語

I'm glad to hear your arrival in

Ⅱ 英語翻譯:我聽說你要來中國旅遊,我想告訴你,關於乘飛機乘火車的好與壞,讓我以從青島到廣州為例為你講

I hear you are coming to China, and I just want to tell you both the advantage and disadvantage of travrlling by air and train. Let me take the tour between Qing and Guangzhou for example: if you take plane, it will cost you 1200 rmb, the train, 550 rmb. But the train will take you 25 hours, much longer than the plane's 2 hours. The jet does provide comfort and save your time, but it is expensive. The train takes longer time and the crowd will make you much tired, but it is cheaper and you may enjoy the view on the way. Hope this can be helpful and wish you a good journey.

Ⅲ 我聽說你要去中國旅行了, 英語怎麼說

你好。我聽說你要去中國旅行了 翻譯成英語是:I heard that you are going to travel in China.




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