導航:首頁 > 中國訊息 > 外國人吃中國的東西還不知道怎麼吃


發布時間:2024-10-25 20:32:00

⑴ 「兩個外國人來到你的餐廳,並決定去嘗嘗中國菜,但他們不了解。你會如何建議客人嗎」

Foreigner:Hello, we are the first to China, can you recommend us some specialities ?
Waiter:Hello, Chinese food is divided into many areas of many kinds, what『s your taste? Like spicy or sweet or light?
F:We are Brazilians, we like to eat spicy food.
w:Really?! Chinese cuisine is very suitable for you,It become famous for hot.
F:Sichuan?Isn『t it? we seem to have heard of, then can you recommend us some delicious Sichuan dish ?
W:Certainly madam
W:The most famous of course the Gongbao chicken and Mapo Tofu,Sliced beef in hot chili oil,Hot and sour soup,Water cabbage....
F:Sounds very complicated, but it seems very delicious!We can』t wait to eat them!Would you recommend this dish, what wine or beverage can drink?
W:You can try some Chinese white wine.
F:OK,Will that be all,If the food is not enough, we add later.
W:All right, please wait for a moment




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