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1. 印度英文怎麼說

問題一:印度英文簡寫是什麼 Republic of India

問題二:印度英語怎麼說 Indian

問題三:印度用英語怎麼說 印度
[詞典] India;
India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute

問題四:印度的英文怎麼寫首字母大寫 國家首寫字母大寫
India 英['?nd??] 美[??nd??]
n. 印度(亞洲)
[網路] 印度英語文學; 印度泰姬陵; 印第安人;
[例句]As for India's nouveaux riches, they will now have to pay still higher ties on luxury goods.

問題五:印度人說的英語和英美的英語有什麼區別? 印度人的發音受當地語言影響很重,語調上跟英式英語也差別很大,另外一些特別的發音很不一樣.比如:
t發成d: time,dime幾乎區分不開
p發成b: pear,bear幾乎區分不開
除了英美語言習慣不同(印度人總體講屬英式英語),比方說印度人管「去外地」叫「go out of station」,而美國人的說法是「go out of town」,印度人管領導人的車隊叫「cavalcade」,而美國人叫「motorcade」等等,印度人還把很多印地語的詞帶到英語里來,進行「創新」。
印式英語在發音方面的「特點」往往給最初接觸者以深刻印象。很多人都熟悉那句著名的「I'm dirty (thirty)and my wife is dirty (thirty) too」的例子。由於受印地語等地方語
關於語調方面的「妙處」,用文字來形容實在難以惟妙惟肖,但如果你聽過兩個德里的大學生用英語對話,一定會覺得很難忘。其特點是語速非常快,其婉轉起伏宛如印地的一般。詞彙也許是印式英語中讓人最頭疼的部分了。另外,印地語有兩個很有用的後綴也「堂而皇之」地躋身於印式英語,一個是「-ji」,一個是「-na」。前者表示尊敬的意思,一般放在人名字的後面,比方說索尼亞尊稱為 「Soniaji」(索尼亞「吉」),阿德瓦尼叫「Advaniji」,濕婆神叫「Shivaji」。但一些中下層印度人士英語不太好,便在所有英語詞彙後面都加上「ji」,以求「保險」。有一次筆者與一個印度門衛對話,他從打招呼、回答我的問話到道別,只用了三個詞:「hello-ji」(「哈羅吉」)、「sir-ji」(「先生吉」)、「ok-ji」(「0K吉」)。令人叫絕。「na」在印地語表示否定,一般放句尾時表示反意疑問。例如標准英講「You were there,right?」(你當時在那兒,對吧?)現在許多印度人口語中會說:「You were there na?」表示相同的意思。至於其他一些具有「印度特色」的詞彙,例如saffron (藏紅花,在印度指代表印度的杏黃色,引申指印度教團體和人士)、parivar (印地語「家族」之......>>

問題六:印度、新德里的英語怎麼說? 印度:India;新德里:New Delhi

問題七:印度的用英文怎麼說adj 你好!
Indian 英[ˈ?ndi?n] 美[??ndi?n]
adj. 印度的; 印第安人的;
n. 印第安人; 印度人;
[例句]The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years.

問題八:印度英語怎麼說 Indian

問題九:印度用英語怎麼說 印度
[詞典] India;
India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute

問題十:印度語用英文怎麼說,快! Hindi

2. 有沒有關於印度服裝的英文介紹

Of all the arts that have flourished in India, draping cloth to dress the body is the most unique, yet the least studied, cultural treasure. It is also an ephemeral art -- as soon as a woman's sari or a man's dhoti is taken off, the particular style in which it encircled the body is lost, and the garment reverts to its flat rectangular form. If a particular style of draping becomes and remains unfashionable until all its wearers have died, the artistry of that style is permanently lost.
Draped garments have been worn in the Indian subcontinent from early civilizations to the present day. Over the centuries they have undergone innumerable fashion transformations. Many of the styles in which Indian women today drape their saris were developed in the 19th century under colonialism, when drapes were most numerous and indicative of caste.
During the 20th century, a large proportion of Indian men have begun wearing cut and sewn garments, in either Indian or European-influenced styles. In contrast, the larger proportion of Indian women wear draped garments, with the addition of cut and sewn blouses and petticoats. The style of draping saris has continued to change as women adopt regional styles or the national Nivi "Modern" sari, while giving up caste-specific or local styles.

Chantal Boulanger, a scholar from France, has traveled extensively throughout India ring the last six years documenting styles of sari and dhoti draping. Through photographing and interviewing women, she has been able to collect both contemporary and now seldom worn historical styles, as well as both publicly and privately worn sari drapes.

Once a new drape was found, Chantal wore it through her daily activities in order to learn the more subtle intricacies of the style. As the body moves, the sari moves, putting stress on the wrapping and tying of cloth. Without knowledge of the small details in forming the drape, the sari might ride up and reveal too much of the body, or the drape might lose its shape and style.

Sari is defined by Boulanger as:
1. A piece of cloth of varying dimensions draped to form the main
garment and
2. A particular style of draping the cloth on the body of the wearer.
A sari has two dimensions: Its length, which may vary from two to nine yards, and its height, which varies from two to four feet.

Some of these styles of draping are very complex. Can you figure out how the sari on this "Touch & See" mannequin is draped?
Each of us, in our own culture, is accustomed to "reading" information about people from their dress. We can recognize social, cultural, or religious differences through dress.
In American society, can you tell the difference between the professor and student, doctor and nurse, bride and minister, by their dress?
Now, can you tell which one of these draping styles on the mannequins is worn by a woman from the Boro tribe? a labourer in the fields? a Brahmin?
In India both the sari textile and sari drape give clues to the identity of the wearer. They can reveal such information as the caste, marital status, religion, occupation or regional origin of the wearer. The social and historical meanings of draping often lie in hidden, minute details.
Simultaneously, sari textiles and sari draping styles are subject to fashion changes, as Indian women demand unique and interesting dress that reflects and suits their indivial personalities and changing lives.

Here: Bengali sari, 5 or 6 yards. This sari belongs to the Dravidian family.

Aiyar Sari, 9 yards.

Aspects of some sari drapes carry religious significance for the wearer. The Aiyar Sari is one of these drapes. It is worn by women of several communities found mostly in the states of Tamil Na and Andhra Pradesh:
Aiyar Brahmins, Smarta Brahmins who follow the religious teacher Shankaracharya, Gurukkal Brahmin priests serving temples to the Hin god Shiva, and members of the non-Brahmin Acari caste of craftsmen. The sari must be nine yards long and it must have borders contrasting in color, to highlight the symbolism of the drape: The lower border crosses the front of the body five times, five being sacred to devotees of Shiva. The sari drape also has a male and female side, also symbolic of Shiva. The lower left side of the sari is draped with kosu pleating inside the back, a sari detail common to Tamil women, and the lower right side is draped like a man's dhoti.

This sari belongs to the dhoti family.

3. 印度用英語怎麼說




印度的相關 短語 :

印度河 Ins ; Ins River

印度板塊 Indian Plate ;

印度哲學 Indian philosophy ; Philosophie indienne ;

印度犀牛 Indian Rhinoceros

印度空軍 Indian Air Force ;

印度音樂 Music of India ;

印度宗教 religions en Inde ; religion in India ; Indian religions

印度陸龜 Indotestudo travancorica ;

印度數字 South Asian numbering system


1. India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.


2. She travelled to India after taking her A levels.


3. My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me.


4. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.


5. Wes Hall was once one of the West Indies' great cricketers.


6. India while not racking up such an impressive score beat Japan 3-0.


7. The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.


8. Like any tourist, I was bowled over by India.


9. The social cachet of some form of qualification in India is powerful.


10. Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren.


11. There is enormous, acknowledged and untapped potential in the Indian stock markets.


12. The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.


13. He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder.


14. An experienced Indian guide is provided ring your stay.

在你逗留期間為你配備了一名有 經驗 的印度導游。

15. He said he wanted "to establish a rapport with the Indian people"




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