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『壹』 「巴厘島」用英文怎麼說

巴厘島:Bali Island(來自《新英漢大詞典》)


巴厘島,行政上稱為巴厘省,位於印度尼西亞,是著名的旅遊勝地。省會設於島上南部的丹帕沙,距印尼首都雅加達1000多公里,與爪哇島之間僅有3.2公里寬海峽相隔,面積約5630平方公里,人口約315萬。 巴厘島是印尼唯一信奉印度教的地區。80%的人信奉印度教。通行印尼語和英語,普通話在景點及購物點一般也通行。 巴厘島上大部分為山地,全島山脈縱橫,地勢東高西低。島上還有四五座完整的錐形火山峰,其中阿貢火山海拔3142米,是島上的最高點。沙努爾、努沙-杜爾和庫達等處的海灘,是島上景色最美的海濱浴場,這里沙細灘闊、海水湛藍清澈。每年來此游覽的各國遊客絡繹不絕。 由於巴厘島萬種風情,景物甚為綺麗。因此,它還享有多種別稱,如「神明之島」、「惡魔之島」、「羅曼斯島」、「綺麗之島」、「天堂之島」、「魔幻之島」、「花之島」等。


  1. 巴厘島的故事

    What Happened In Bali ; Ballieseo saengkin il ; Something Happened in Bali ; Remember

  2. 巴厘島海藍酒店

    Ocean Blue Hotel Bali

  3. 巴厘島路線圖

    Bali Roadmap


『貳』 巴厘島在哪裡

位於馬來西亞。巴厘島(Bali Island),是世界著名的旅遊島,行政上稱為巴厘省,是印度尼西亞33個一級行政區之一。巴厘島上大部分為山地,全島山脈縱橫,地勢東高西低。島上的最高峰是阿貢火山(巴厘峰)海拔3142米。巴厘島是印度尼西亞唯一信奉印度教的地區。80%的人信奉印度教。主要通行的語言是印尼語和英語。沙努爾、努沙-杜爾和庫達等處的海灘,是島上景色最美的海濱浴場,這里沙細灘闊、海水湛藍清澈。每年來此游覽的各國遊客絡繹不絕。 由於巴厘島萬種風情,景物甚為綺麗。因此,它還享有多種別稱,如「神明之島」、「惡魔之島」、「羅曼斯島」、「綺麗之島」、「天堂之島」、「魔幻之島」、「花之島」等。

『叄』 巴厘島在地圖上的位置







最高山:東北部的阿貢山(Gunung Agung),海拔3142米,被稱為「世界的肚臍」。最大湖泊:巴杜爾湖(Danau Batur)。最主要的兩條河流:帕克里桑河(Pakrisan)和貝塔努河(Petanu),這兩條被視為聖河的兩岸,曾經發現許多古代帝國的遺跡。國家森林保護區:西部的珍巴拉納(Jembrana),是仍居住著熊、野豬和鹿等生物的熱帶叢林。

『肆』 印度尼西亞的巴厘島在地圖哪個位置


『伍』 巴厘島用英語 簡略介紹

Bali (Bali) of the Indonesian islands, located on the western end of the Sunda Islands, roughly a diamond, for the east-west axis direction. An area of about 5623 square km and a population of about 2.47 million. East West lying low, traversing mountains, at more than 10 volcanic cones, the eastern part of the Argonne volcano 3,140 meters above sea level, is the peak of the island. Abundant sunshine, rainfall in most parts of about 1500 mm, the dry season about six months. Economic development, population density second only to Java, the second in the nation. Bali is mainly residents, Hin, temple architecture, sculpture, painting, music, textiles, songs, dances, and the world-famous scenery. One of the world's tourist destination. Land reclamation rate of more than 65%, procing rice, corn, cassava, coconut, coffee, tobacco, peanuts, cabbage, onion, such as fruit and palm oil. Cattle, coffee and copra as the main export proct. Bali east of Lombok Strait is part of mainland Asia and Macao two typical line of animals in a special biological significance. Bali is Indonesia's famous tourist area, the small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km2, a population of about 2.8 million. West of Jakarta, the capital of Bali, about more than 1000 km, with the capital of Jakarta where the Java island across the sea, only 1.6 km away from. Since the island is located in the tropics, and the impact of the oceans, climate moderate rainfall, soil is very fertile, Four Seasons Green Love, artless million flowers, towering trees. Bali sex life of flowers, everywhere decorated with flowers, therefore, the island is "Flower Island", and enjoy "the South China Sea Paradise", "Fairy Island" reputation. Most of the island is mountainous, island mountain horizon, the low-lying East West, four, five integrity of the volcanic cone peak, Argonne volcano (Bali) The 3142 m above sea level, is the island's highest point, near eruption in 963 years has been Batur volcano. Shanaoer island, and the Naoshaer of other places, the beaches, the island is the most beautiful scenery of the beach, where fine sand beach width, the clear blue water. This tour each year to visitors from the States. Bali Hin temple in Bali because of the wooden statue of the history of India, cultural and religious implications, the residents mostly Hin, Indonesia is the only local Hin beliefs. But here the local Hin India with the Hin not the same as the Hin doctrines and customs of the combination of Bali, known as the Hin Bali. Residents of the three main worship God (Fantian, Visnu, the god Shiva) and Buddhism Sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, the god of water, Vulcan, such as the winds. Jiamiao Catholics have a home, family composition of the communities temple in the village of the village temple, a temple in the island at more than 125,000, therefore, the island called the "Temple of the Island 1000" reputation. Parthenon, the most famous was the ownership of the Millennium history Besakih temple Tomb, Tombs built in the temple known as "the world's navel" Argonne volcanic slopes, to the worship of this intermittent eruption of the volcano god. Mausoleum of the level of stone temple architecture, similar to Angkor and Cambodia.

『陸』 印度尼西亞巴厘島英語怎麼說

Bali Island, Indonesia

『柒』 巴厘島在什麼地方,屬於哪個國家





計程車:巴厘島計程車很多,但最保險的是BALI TAXI 公司的,全部都是淡藍色的車身,這家公司服務比較正規,5000印尼盾起步價!














『捌』 請教「巴厘島」的英文怎麼拼寫

巴厘島是印度尼西亞(簡稱印尼)13600多個島嶼中最耀眼的一個島,位於印度洋赤道南方8度,爪哇島東部,島上東西寬140公里,南北相距80公里, 全島總面積為5,620平方公里。

『玖』 巴厘島在哪在印度尼西亞印度尼西亞和巴厘島英語各怎麼說

Where is Bali? In Indonesia.



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