導航:首頁 > 印尼資訊 > 印尼雅加達的寄宿學校是怎麼樣的


發布時間:2024-10-27 21:10:04

① 我在暑假6月份要去印尼首都雅加達支教 父母很擔心那邊的安全問題 大家能不能給點意見

我去過那裡,在那裡也碰到許多華人在那裡支教,一般情況下是安全的,在那裡生活要注意一些其他的東西,如出門打的,一定要打藍鳥的(blue bird),只有那種才是正規的,平時盡量不要到處亂走,一般沒事。

② 印尼雅加達的消費水平怎麼樣


③ 雅加達的住宿水平怎麼樣

你好,檔滾首先行游餘1人民幣約等於1350印尼盾,我在雅加達住過三天,第一天是在Gambir square附近的私人旅店,90 000印尼盾(不到60人民幣),當然條件很差,沒有空調;第二天住在連鎖酒店,每晚240 000(200人民幣左右),和國內七天連鎖類似,最後一磨昌天住在機場附近的RM7酒店,非常舒適,有shuttle bus including breakfast,人民幣400塊。你可以酌情選擇。另外雅加達taxi很便宜,起步費3塊人民幣的。祝你旅行愉快!

④ 求 雅加達英文介紹!

雅加達市區分老城區和新城區兩部分。北部的老區臨近海灣,風光獨特,古跡眾多,多數建築物都有典型的歐洲古典風格,如總統府(原荷蘭總督府);此外還有早年華人聚居地——草埔等。南部的新區則充滿現代感,是雅加達的政治金融中心。雅加達繁榮的代表是位於商業中心的黃金三角地帶(Golden Triangle),此區段聚集了辦公大廈、豪華飯店及外國使館,穿著入時的男女與繁忙的交通,使人有一種人在紐約的感覺。
雅加達是印尼三大旅遊城市之一,市內綠樹成蔭,街道兩旁遍植常綠樹種,世界著名的波格爾植物園及茶園坐落在此,還有獨立廣場公園、印度尼西亞縮影公園、安佐爾夢幻公園、千島群島、中央博物館、伊斯蒂赫拉爾清真寺等名勝古跡。科塔(Kota)是17世紀荷蘭古城鎮八達維亞(Batavia)的中心,其四周是由鵝卵石鋪成的塔門法塔西拉廣場(Taman Fatahillah Square)。從科塔這座精緻古老的荷蘭建築往北走,就會來到古老的帆船碼頭(Sunda Kelapa),在這里會令人回憶起當年世界各國各種帆船群聚的時代。
雅加達國民收入構成為:農業佔1.3% ,工業佔15.96% ,建築佔3.29% ,運輸、通訊佔9.38%,商業佔50.67% ,銀行業佔6.68% ,政府收費佔6.81% ,房租佔2.27% ,水電氣佔1.62% ,酬金佔2.02% 。年經濟增長率為7% -9% 。
印尼伊斯蘭教徒佔全國人口的88% ,其餘信奉基督教新教、天主教、佛教及印度教。雅加達居民主要信奉伊斯蘭教,基督教徒多為上層人士,佛教徒多為華人。

Indonesia capital the Jakarta city introced Indonesia capital Jakarta (Jakarta) is located northeast the Island of Java, is national politics, the economy, the cultural center, the population 9,000,000, is the Southeast Asia biggest city.Jakarta called 「Jakarta」, when A.D. 5 centuries here only is a small fishing village, the present Jakarta already is an internationalization metropolis. Jakarta differentiates the old city and the new city two parts.The north old liberated area approaching bay, the scenery is unique, the historical site is multitudinous, the most buildings all have the model European classical style, like presidential palace (original Dutch residency general); In addition also had long ago the Chinese people to live together - - grass Guangdong and so on.The south newly developed area fills the modern feeling, is Jakarta's politics financial center.Jakarta prospers representative is located the business center the gold triangle region (Golden Triangle), this sector gathered the office building, the luxurious hotel and the foreign embassy, is putting on the stylish men and women and the busy transportation, enable the human to have one kind of person in New York's feeling. Jakarta is Indonesian one of three big traveling cities, local the greenery create shades, both sides the street plants the evergreen tree to plant, the world famous wave Ghale botanical garden and the tea garden are situated in this, but also has the independent square park, the Indonesian miniature park, the peaceful Zoll illusion park, the Kurile Islands, the central museum, Iraqi Si Dihe scenic spot and historic resort and so on Rall mosque.Cota (Kota) is 17th century Holland ancient cities eight Davee the Asian (Batavia) center, it all around is west the pyller law tower which becomes by the cobblestone shop pulls the square (Taman Fatahillah Square).Constructs from cota this fine ancient Holland toward the north walks, can arrive the ancient sailing ship wharf (Sunda Kelapa), could make one in here recollect the same year various countries each kind of sailing ship cybotaxis time. Jakarta is most early a harbor terminal, is called as him to add Raba, Italy is the coconut tree, the overseas Chinese called it is the Jakarta.This harbor terminal in investigate looks up in 14 century ownerships pulls the dynasty.In 1522, ten thousand Dan kingdoms conquered this place, and constructed the city.On June 22, 1527, changed name for looks up elegant Jar to reach, Italy for triumphal returned the city, Jian Chengwei Jakarta.In 1596, Holland has invaded Indonesia, in 1621 a Jakarta should for Dutch name Batavia. On August 8, 1942, after the Japanese forces invaded Indonesia to restore Jakarta's name.On August 17, 1945, the Republic of Indonesia had been established officially, the capital decides in Jakarta.After on January 20, 1950 Indonesian Establishment Federal state, Jakarta should be Batavia, on March 31, 1950 changed name as Jakarta, in 1961 should for the Jakarta special zone until now. Jakarta constructs the city date for June 22, this day all must hold the large-scale commemorative activity every year.The Jakarta city emblem is five jiao shields, in the shield has a blue color front door, middle is setting up the white nationality monument, tablet left side is the golden yellow wheat ear, right flank for the green leaf Bai Tao cotton tree, underneath two white ocean waves, is symbolizing the port city and the island country, place above has the pink color great inscription, is representing the great capital fight spirit. Indonesia is the multinational country, some more than 100 clans and tribes, Jakarta inhabitant by Xun trigram he race and Javan race primarily.The local resident besides uses the Indonesian language, added the Jakarta dialect and the Javan language. Chinese and Indian Nixi was inferior on April 13, 1950 to establish the foreign relations, on October 30, 1967 interrupted, on August 18, 1990 foreign relations restoration. The Jakarta national income constitution is: The agriculture accounts for 1.3%, the instry accounts for 15.96%, the construction accounts for 3.29%, the transportation, the communication accounts for 9.38%, the trade accounts for 50.67%, the banking instry accounts for 6.68%, the government charge accounts for 6.81%, the house rent accounts for 2.27%, the water electricity accounts for 1.62%, the remuneration for services rendered accounts for 2.02%.The year economic growth rate is 7% -9%. Jakarta has trans-region's major instry 27, mainly proces the steel procts, the building materials, the paper, the chemical proct, the textile and so on.The Jakarta resident daily life consumable mainly depends on the handicraft instry and the small processing factory proction.The whole city has ready-made clothing processing factory 1750, lumber processing mill 1024, flax proction factory 2800, leather processing factory 281. If Jakarta farm crops owner paddy rice and vegetables, rice paddy area 16,000 hectares, output near 60,000 tons; Vegetables area 10,000 hectares, output 73,000 tons. Jakarta mainly exports the ready-made clothing, the rubber, the glass proct, the rattan, the glued wood, the coconut oil, the prawn, the frog leg, the tea, the ornamental fish, the coffee, the fruit, the cement and so on, whole year exports creates foreign exchange 240,000,000 US dollars. Jakarta is the commercial city, the whole city has large-scale nonstaple food market 4, city level market 18, supermarket 21, open market 45, township level market 27.The whole city has each kind of cooperative society 956, the member 220,000 people, the money sum 9,600,000,000,000 shields, the reserve amount 2,100,000,000,000 shields. Jakarta takes the tourism extremely, in recent years builds on a large scale, constructs the hotel, the transformation tourist facility, simultaneously raises the service level, additionally builds the new active project, attracts more tourists.The year receives the foreign tourist 800,000. In recent years, the Jakarta transportation enterprise develops quickly, the communications network has spread the city and countryside.Jakarta is the harbor city, the biggest harbor is Dan the Rung not mediocre artificial port, the coastal code head length 8340 meters, in which container code head length 400 meters, the oil transfer wharf length 100 meters.Harbor water depth 5-11 meter.Year volume of goods handled 6,800,000 tons. Indonesia has the railroad in Java and Sumatra, the span 8000 kilometers.Jakarta is a terminal, the year passenger transport rate 30,000,000 people. The Indonesian hawk records the aviation limited company headquarters to be located in Jakarta, has each kind of airplane 150, the year passenger transport rate 9,000,000 people, the transported goods volume 40,000 tons. Jakarta has three large-scale airports: Su the Ganoe - hada international airport, is the Indonesian biggest airport.The Harling airport, is located southeast Jakarta, annoys the direction for the international flight airplane and the domestic date the class and grade take off and landing.Gram Masurium Yaolan the airport, is located northeast Jakarta, mainly supplies the middle and small scale airplane take off and landing. Jakarta has automatic digit dialing telephone 477,000, may put through 145 countries and the area, with overseas 49 city direct telephone conversation.Jakarta drinks the water source mainly is the ground water, local constructs large-scale gathers the watering can, sells the tap water 92,840,000 cubic meters every year, collects fees 9,500,000,000 shields. In order to alleviate the population pressure which grows day by day, Indonesia started in 1976 to develop Jakarta - bugor - Tang Koruna - the primary Cassie area, took Jakarta's satellite town, dispersed Jakarta's population. Jakarta has college 41 (privately established 31), secondary technical or specialized school 68 (privately established 52), middle school 1205, elementary school 3105.The famous university has Indonesian University, constructed in 1950, was the nationwide comprehensive university; The cooperation cooperation university, constructed in 1983, got down supposes 6 departments and 3 institutes; The open university, constructed in 1984, the similar correspondence university, had the student 70,000 people.In addition also has the marine transportation institute, the aeronautical institute and the medical school and so on. Jakarta has 10 large-scale museums, like central museum, military museum, textile museum, drawing museum, puppet museum, celebrity museum and so on.The whole city has 156 movie theaters. Indonesia Broadcasting station and the television station are located in Jakarta, the former constructed at September 11, 1949, used language foreign broadcasts and so on the England, Holland, law, Arab, India, Chinese, the latter constructed in 1962. The Indonesian three big news agency addresses are located in Jakarta.Peaceful Tala Country News agency Association, is the official news agency, constructed in December 13, 1937, the old name news agency, was equipped with the branch in the domestic each place; Indonesian Nationality News agency, is the personal news agency, constructed in 1967, old name Indonesia Nation Cooperation News agency; The armed force news service, sponsors by Indonesian National defense Safety department. Jakarta publishes many nationwide publication, in addition, Jakarta also publishes many about aspect and so on language, literature, history, science and technology publications. Jakarta existing each kind of hospital 45, the whole city has doctor 2677 people.Jakarta has 8 large-scale sports community - Chinese zither to accept raises the stadium, the Jakarta Local authority stadium, Jia Yala the Asia? Pulls south the tribute the stadium, the university student stadium, pulls the tile awn old man stadium, pulls in Vassar the stadium, prospers the stadium, the great boat aquatic sport center.In addition, Jakarta also has special stadium 7, swimming pool 5, racetrack 1, middle-aged person athletic field 5, young people athletic field 2, sports scientific research center 1, the athlete treats recover center 1.The Jakarta popular sports project is the soccer, the badminton and the tennis, they all have respective association. The Indonesian Islam believer accounts for the national population 88%, other believe in the Christianity protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism and Hinism.The Jakarta inhabitants mainly believe in Islamism many, the Christian are the upper society people, the Buddhist many are the Chinese people. Jakarta has size park 355, the occupying a land area of 9521 hectares.The Indonesian miniature park, in the garden constructed has manifested Indonesian each place and clan's and tribe's characteristic, was each place culture, the artistic essence assembly point, the domestic and foreign tourists all liked here visiting; Iraqi Si Meyer? Horse Erzhu gives the park, for the Jakarta art center, is demonstrated domestic and foreign artistic the place, its varied and colorful entertainment project and the exciting movement overseas have attracted more than ten million tourists every year; The Jakarta zoo, the animal type is complete, in the garden is equipped with the Research Institute of Zoology. Jakarta retained many had the historical significance construction, like president lived, the work national independence palace, the Declaration of Independence drafted - the Declaration of Independence palace, as well as the youth oath building, the nationality awakened the building, the former Congress building, the national monument, set up a stone monument alone, the heroic tomb, the Surakarta royal family grave and so on.

⑤ 印尼雅加達一月 住宿費和伙食費大概多少左右700美金夠在那生存嗎


⑥ 我即將去印尼那邊 教中文 每個月 五百美金。包吃住。不知道可以去不因為不了解 那邊的生活情況




總之,印尼這個國家屬性和當地文人屬性是陰陽不諧調(你看她的國旗是紅與白組合,按我們中國人的風水來說是喜事和白事滲在一起)。但,只要你適應了這里的屬性,就有可能比國內生活的還舒服(可以請很多的丫環)。當然現在給你說太多了你也不太明白,等你自敗肆己過來慢慢了解就會知道的。(物以類聚,當地華人很有錢) ......

⑦ 請問印度尼西亞的蘇臘巴亞(泗水)和雅加達都有幾所華人高中





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