導航:首頁 > 觀義大利 > 義大利單獨彩盒英語怎麼說


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⑴ 誰知道包裝材料的英文名字

彩盒gite box
插卡Inserts the card
泡殼Soaks the shell
瓦楞箱carton box
不幹膠lable帶條碼的稱為upc lable
掛袋cord bag
吊卡zip tag
還有內盒稱為inner box
另外有pvc box,pet box
再就是如果是彩盒的話,一般製作時需要將材質分為幾部分,如XXg的粉灰卡+k9那麼它可以用xx g ccnb+125g+250g(E flute)

⑵ 請用專業英語表達:覆膜彩盒,上光彩盒

覆膜不良 Poor film
poor 貧窮的,貧乏的; 令人憐憫的,可憐的; 匱乏的; 低劣的;

film 薄層

⑶ QA的常用英語有哪些

中文 英文
1.返工好重新檢查數量:125pcs Quantity inspected after rework 125pcs
2.原因:漏電及漏裝水煲蓋,說明書,水杯 Reasons:Hi-pot failure, missing of Kettle cover, instruction manual and cup
3.在22-Oct-2008,報告PO:6071 QTY:1504pcs Report date:22-Oct-2008 PO:6071 Qty:1504pcs
4.漏裝水煲蓋,說明書及水杯 Missing of Kettle cover, iustuction manual and cup
5.機身污糟 Dirty housing
6.手柄離隙 Gap on handle
7.吸塑刮花 Scratches on clamshell
8.吸塑污糟 Dirty clamshell
9.漏裝卡紙 Missing of paper mat
10.內有物 Foreign material inside
11.吸塑有批峰 Flashes on clamshell
12.插頭未裝到位 Plug is not installed in place
13.吸塑刮花 Scratches on clamshell
14.吸塑漏孔 Missing punch on clamshell
15.返好工重新檢查,數量:80pcs Re-inspection after rework,Qty:80pcs
16.卡通箱 Carton Box
17.彩盒 Gift Box
18.左發泡膠 Left Foam
19.右發泡膠 Right foam
20.PE袋 PE bag
21.說明書 Instruction Manual
22.功能貼紙 Rating label
23.線插 Receptacle Terminal
24.奶咀 Closed end connector
25.銅碼 Splicer
26.電阻 Resistor
27.氖燈 Neon lamp
28.纖維管(高溫) Sleeving tube
29.手柄夾線 Wire jammed at handle
30.咭紙變形 Paper mat deformation
31.咭線爛 Paper mat broken
32.咭紙未裝好 Paper mat not install in place
33.用以下插頭做測試 To do with the following plug test
34.歐洲 Europe plug
35. 瑞士 Switzerland plug
36.義大利 Italy plug
37.英國 BS plug
38.南美 South America
39.反光碟脫電鍍層 Poor chrome plate on reflected dish
40.後大身 Rear housing
41.前大身 Front housing
42.柱斷 Column broken
43.燈片未裝到位 Len not install in place
44.腳不平 Unbalance rubber foot
45.大身刮手 Flash on housing
46.漏裝膠粒 Missing rubber foot
47.大身花 Scratches on housing
48.大身污 Dirty housing
49.BS插頭緊 BS plug tight
50.漏電源線及說明書 Missing of power cord and instruction manual
51.絲印刮花 Silk-screen scratched
52.污糟 Dirty
53.刮花 Scratch mark
54.功能貼紙貼反 Rating label upside down
55.面板刮花 Scratches on metal tray
56.大身污糟 Dirty on housing
57.功率高 Wattage exceed spec
58.下大身污糟 Dirty on bottom housing
59.每隻用膠袋裝並印有紅色環保嘜頭放入彩盒有IB(說明書)及發泡膠 Each unit put into a polybag with red color recycle symbol, together with instruction manual and poly foam then insert into the gift box

60.每隻外箱裝3隻 3 pcs per carton
61.用透明膠紙封箱,打工字型封箱 Sealed the carton with transparent adhesive tape in 「工「shape
62.漏移印 Pad print missing
63.離隙 Gap
64.大身脫油 Poor painting on housing
65.擋制發白 Switch button whiten
66.手柄漏水 Leakage at handle
67.燈不亮有功能 Mal-function of light
68.內有物(金屬、塑膠) foreign material (metal,plastic)
69.發熱體生銹 Rust on heat plate
70.底板花 Scratches on base cover
71.電源線污 Dirty power cord
72.蒸氣細 Less steam
73.鋼圈變形 Defomation of metal ring
74.引線、排線不良 Poor wiring
75. 鋼圈松 Metal ring loose
76.裝配不良 Poor assembly
77.支撐架(細) Small support bracket
78.支撐架(大) Large support bracket
79.反光碟(大) Large reflected dish
80.反光碟(小) Small reflected dish
81.發熱圈固定夾(大) Large heater holder clamp
82.發熱圈固定夾(大) Small heater holder clamp
83.線扣 Cord buckle
84.膠腳 Rubber foot
85.菊花介子 External tooth washer
86.彈弓介子 Spring washer
87.索帶 Cable tie
88.電源線 Power cord
89.底板漏水 Base covEr Leadage
90.無蒸氣 NO steam
91.噴水不良 Poor spray
92.手柄破裂 Broken handle
93.手柄松 Loose handle
94.燈片破 Lens broken
95.發熱體脫油 Oil peel off from heating plate
96.鎖扣松 Loose lock
97.手柄離隙 Gap between on handle
98.手柄脫電鍍 Poor plating on handle
99.鎖扣緊 Lock tighten
100.發熱體刮花 Scratches on heat plate
101.透明蓋花 Scratches on trunsparent cover
102.大身噴油不良 Poor spray on housing
103.日碼不清晰 Date code not clear
104.上下大身離隙 Gap between top and bottom housing
105.焊錫不良 Poor soldering
106.按鈕不良 Mal function on press bottom
107.漏貼功能貼紙 Missing rating label
108.指示燈裝反 Instructing light not install in place
109.插頭污槽 Dirty on plug
110.大身脫電鍍 Poor plating on body
111.漏打螺絲 Missing screw
112.電鍍不良 Poor plating
113.吸塑變形 Plastic deformation
114.開關不良 Bad switch

⑷ 包裝盒: 彩盒/白盒/吸塑 Color/White box/Blister packing

英語Bliste 就是吸塑包裝的意思。

⑸ 中性包裝彩盒用英語怎麼說

性包裝(Neutral Packing)是指商品和內外包裝上均無生產國別和生產廠商名稱。主要是為了適應國外市場的特殊要求,如轉口銷售,有可能你的買家不是最終的買家,只是一個中間商,所以要使用中性包裝.或者為了打破某些進口國家的關稅和非關稅壁壘.這種中性包裝的做法是國際貿易中常見的方式,在買方的要求下,可酌情採用。對於我國和其他國家訂有出口配額協定的商品,則應從嚴掌握,因為萬一發生進口商將商品轉口至有關配額國,將對我國產生不利影響。出口商千萬不能因圖一己之利而損害國家的聲譽和利益。

⑹ 英語翻譯

part應已為眾數 parts

The glued parts of the color box separated.

The glued part of the color box separated from each other.

The glued part of the color box separated.

glued part用膠水貼的部位

⑺ 彩盒英語的E-Flute是什麼意思

pack in clam shell,then put into 4c window box, e-flute with lamination PC / inner white tray 4C window box + 1C printed tray +1 color printed inert (e- flute paper) laptop screwed on an e-flute cardboard, then insert into the open style gift box.
吸塑盒包裝,放入4c開窗彩盒/窗口彩盒,E瓦楞復合紙板(或PC薄板)/ 內襯白色托盤,4C開窗彩盒+1C印製盤+1C原色印製盤+1彩色列印(E瓦楞紙),筆記本上安個E瓦楞硬紙板,最後插到這個開放式的禮品盒裡
4C就代表用4個原色來印刷(黑(K)、品紅(M)、藍(L)、黃(Y)`` )4c window box是用4原色印刷的帶有透明膠片的彩盒 C代表COLOR

⑻ 小彩盒用英語怎麼說

Small color box

⑼ 和彩盒包裝用英文怎麼說

and packaged with color box
color box意思是彩盒

⑽ 彩盒包裝的「平口平底」和「蓋口插底」用英語怎麼說

平口平底 The flat flat
蓋口插底 Cover mouth plug at the end of



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