導航:首頁 > 觀義大利 > 義大利米蘭公園在哪裡


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① 米蘭在哪



② 米蘭在義大利哪個位置






③ 米蘭在什麼地方


④ 義大利米蘭有什麼推薦景點嗎




⑤ 米蘭在哪個國家


⑥ 米蘭以及米蘭附近有哪些值得玩的地方有推薦的嗎




⑦ 米蘭的具體位置~!

如果說羅馬是古代義大利的中心,那麼米蘭就是現代義大利的心臟; 如果羅馬代表的是義大利的精神文明,那麼米蘭代表的就是義大利的物質文明。這座位於阿爾卑斯山脈南麓與平原交會處的義大利第二大城,北有傲人山水之美的廣大湖區、南有驚人物產之豐的波河平原, 地理位置絕佳,自古就是兵家、政治家和商家的必爭之地。


⑧ 英語導游(義大利 米蘭)

General Information
Location: Lombardy, northwest Italy.
Population: 1,181,700 (official estimate for 2002).
Ethnic mix: 96.5% Italian, 1% Asian, 1% African, 1% European, 0.5% American.
Religion: Predominantly Roman Catholic.

Milan is divided into 20 distinct zones that are identified numerically by the local council, but which also have names. Although every area is not listed here, each plays its own special role in the history of Milan; from the importantissimo historical centre to the modern 「dormitory quarters」 of San Siro.

The Historical Centre, incorporates the fashion district, and Castello Sforzesco, the glorious Piazza della Scala and other areas of historical interest. Many people actually live in the city centre, but they find that there are some disadvantages involved in living there e.g. lack of parking spaces, supermarkets and dry cleaner's, the rent can also be incredibly high. On the upside, there is always plenty to do; there are many excellent restaurants and bars within walking distance, and a summer's evening stroll through this area is absolute bliss.

North of the centre are some well-known streets, which are popular with residents, businessmen and visitors: Corso Venezia and its intersecting roads are lined with noblemen's palaces; in some cases these are still used as residences, in others, they have been converted into luxury offices. The gardens of Porta Venezia make up a small, enclosed park, which is one of the most beautiful in Milan. Further north, is Corso Buenos Aires, one of the largest commercial main roads, which is easy to reach and is well served by the metro; it has a cosmopolitan feel, many immigrants live here, and because of this, there are many different ethnic restaurants.

Corso Magenta is in the Magenta district and leads into the centre; this corso is 『healthy and wealthy', one half has hardly any shops, but many gorgeous palazzi with exquisite, hidden gardens while the other half has a multitude of shops, some of which are very prestigious. The corso is well served by public transport; it has lots of traffic and few parking spaces ring the day, but becomes a great deal more peaceful at night-time.

Southwest of Milan stands the Ticinese-Navigli area, this quarter is a mixture of old and new. Many of the original residents (or their descendants) still live in Ticinese and there are many case di ringhiera - apartments with wrought-iron balconies that face inwards. Blue-collar workers lived here at the beginning of the twentieth century. The apartments have undergone renovation and some now house architects, artists, fashion designers et al. This area is full of bars and shops selling clothes and basic necessities to meet the needs of employees and residents. Via Chiesa Rossa, (which is on the Naviglio, the city's canal system), is characterized by the wave of immigration which took place here in the '50s and '60s. The area by Il Naviglio teems with nightclubs, which means that it is always lively and chaotic. The Naviglio leads to the autostrada for Genova. The Assago complex, where the FilaForum Milanofiori is situated, can be seen on the motorway. The FilaForum is home to concerts, exhibitions and all kinds of events.

Another district that is famous for its exhibitions and Trade Fairs is Amendola-Fiera; this is a residential area as well, with many tree-lined streets and tall palazzi, most of these palazzi were constructed after 1930, and so they are still in good condition. Vittoria is also a popular residential area that has a working/middle-class feel; Viale Lazio (one of the streets in this area) is predominantly made up of residential, leafy avenues; Corso Lodi reverberates with the hum of commercial activity; Viale Umbria is residential and Corso XXII Marzo is filled with shops. Some fashion houses have their headquarters in Vittoria, between Viale Umbri and Corso Lodi. Further east, between Forlanini's verdant park and Taliedo, (heading towards Linate airport) is the Idroscalo, a large dock filled with water where you can swim, sunbathe, and sail. There is still some instrial activity further east on Viale Mugello and towards Viale Molise (the large complex of Macello Comunale) and further out, beyond the station of Porta Vittoria, is the famous wholesale market, Mercato Ortofrutticolo.

Città Studi (Study city) is located in the east of Milan and as the name suggests, is the University district, home to the Polytechnic and several chemistry, biology and pharmaceuticals departments. Many of the buildings here were constructed in the 『20s, 『30s and 『40s and the overall feel is that of a charming residential area with trees on every street.

To the north of the city lies Isola, located just behind the main station (Stazione Centrale), other zones in the vicinity are home to large hospital complexes, such as Ospedale Maggiore and CTO.

San Siro is famous for its stadio S. Siro football ground and its Monte stella, stadium. This area sums up Milan as it combines a love for music,media, glamour and football!

True, Italy's financial center, business hub, fashion capital, and one of the world's most instrialized major cities is crowded, noisy, hot in the summer and damp and foggy in the winter, less easygoing and more expensive than other Italian places -- in short, not as immediately appealing a stopover as Venice, Florence, or Rome.

Milan, though, reveals its long and event-filled history in a pride of monuments, museums, and churches. It sets one of the finest tables in Italy, features art by such towering geniuses as Michelangelo (his final sculpture) and Leonardo da Vinci (Last Supper), and supports a cultural scene that embraces La Scala, fashion shows, and nightlife. With its dazzling shop windows and sophisticated ways, Milan is a pleasure to get to know -- and, despite all that's been said about the city's exorbitant prices, you needn't empty the bank account to do so.

位置: 義大利北部州名,西北的 Italy。
人口: 1,181,700.( 官員估計為 2002)
人種的混合物: 96.5% Italian , 1% 亞洲人 , 1% 非洲人,1% 歐洲人,0.5% 美國人。
宗教: 居多羅馬天主教。

米蘭被區分為 20個被地方性的會議數字的識別清楚的地域, 但是也有名字。 雖然並非每個區域不被在這里列出,在米蘭的歷史中的每場游戲它的自己特別的角色;從 importantissimo 歷史的中心到現代人 San Siro 的 "宿舍四分之一"。

歷史的中心,合並流行區域 , 和 Castello Sforzesco,歷史的興趣光榮的廣場 della Scala 和其他的。許多人們實際上住在城市中心,但是他們找有一些缺點積極叄與的在那裡的生活中舉例來說停車位,自選市場和乾的洗衣店的缺乏,租金也可能是不能採信地高。在上側之上,那裡總是很多做的;在步行距離裡面有許多優良的餐廳和酒吧,而且夏天的傍晚閑逛過這個區域是 absolute 福佑。

中心的北方是一些眾所周知的街道, 對~感到流行居民,商人和訪客: Corso Venezia 而且它的橫斷道路與~一起排成一行 noblemen's 宮殿;在某些情況這些仍然被當作住宅使用,在其他人中,他們有被轉換成奢侈辦公室。 Porta Venezia 的花園捏造一個小的, 被附上的公園, 是在米蘭最美麗的之一。比較遠的北方,是 Corso 布也諾賽麗斯,最大的之一商業的干線道路, 對到達並且被大城市很好地服侍是容易的;它有一個四海為家的人感覺,許多移民在這里居住,而且因為這,有許多不同的人種餐廳。

Corso 紅紫色是進入中心之內在紅紫色區域和領引中; corso 是『健康的和富有的 ',一一半地剛剛有任何的商店,但是有精緻的,藏著花園的許多華麗的 palazzi 而另一個一半有商店的多數,一些哪一個是很享有聲望。 corso 被公眾的傳送很好地服侍;它在天期間有許多交通和很少的停車位, 但是在晚上變得更和平-時間。

米蘭檯子的西南 Ticinese- Navigli 區域, 這四分之一以前是一個混合和新的。許多最初的居民 (或他們的後裔) 仍然住在 Ticinese ,而且有許多情形 di ringhiera- 由於面對臀酢的鑄鐵陽台的公寓。 藍領階級的工人在這里從最初的地方二十的世紀居住。公寓有遭遇革新和一些現在收容建築師,藝術家,流行設計者 et al。 這個區域充滿酒吧和商店賣衣服和基本需要符合職員和居民的需要。 經由 Chiesa Rossa,(是在 Naviglio 之上,城市的運河系統),被在 19 50 年代和 19 60 年代中發生的移民波特色。 Il Naviglio 的區域由於夜總會充滿, 意謂它總是活潑的和混亂的。 為 Genova 的對 autostrada 的 Naviglio 領引。 Assago 合成物,在 FilaForum Milanofiori 是位於的地方,能在汽車高速公路上被看到。 FilaForum 是在家到音樂會,展覽和各種的事件。

以它的展覽和貿易展覽會而聞名的另外一個區域是 Amendola-Fiera ;這由於許多樹排成一行的街道和高的 palazzi 也是一個住宅的區域大多數的這些 palazzi 在 1930 之後被構造, 和因此他們仍然是在好的情況。 Vittoria 也是一個有工作/中產階級感覺的流行住宅的區域; Viale Lazio(這個區域的街道之一) 居多由~組成住宅的, 葉茂盛的大街; Corso Lodi 由於商業的活動嗡嗡聲回響; Viale Umbria 是住宅,而且 Corso XXII Marzo 被裝滿 商店。 一些流行房子在 Vittoria 中有他們的總部,在 Viale Umbri 和 Corso Lodi 之間。進一步的東方,在 Forlanini's 翠綠的公園和 Taliedo 之間 ,(向 Linate 飛機場朝向)是 Idroscalo ,被裝滿 水的一個大的碼頭你能哪裡游泳,日光浴 , 和帆。有在 Viale Mugello 之上比較進一步東的仍然一些工業的活動和向 Viale Molise(Macello Comunale 的大合成物) 而且促進出,超過 Porta Vittoria 的車站,是出名的批發市場, Mercato Ortofrutticolo。

Citt à Studi(研究城市 ) 位於那米蘭東部而且當名字提議,是大學區域,回家到各種工藝的和一些化學,生物學和葯學的部門。 許多建築物這里在『 20 年代,『 30 年代和『 40 年代中被構造,而且全部者感覺是有每條街道上的樹迷人的住宅區域的。

到城市的北方躺卧 Isola, 僅僅在主要的車站 (Stazione Centrale) 之後位於, 其他的地域在接近中是在家到大的醫院合成物,例如 Ospedale Maggiore 和科技長。

San Siro 以它的 stadio S. Siro 足球地面和它的 Monte stella 而聞名,體育館。 在米蘭上面的這個區域總數當它為音樂,媒體,迷人的美和足球聯合愛之時!

真實的,Italy's 財政的中心 , 生意轂,形成首都,而且世界的大部分之一工業化主要的城市在夏天是擁擠的,吵雜的,和熱的而在冬天是潮濕的和霧深的, 較不逍遙自在的和更貴的比較其他的 Italian 放置 -- 簡而言之, 不同樣地立刻上訴一個逗留如威尼斯,佛羅倫斯或羅馬。

米蘭在一群紀念碑,博物館和教堂中,雖然,顯示它的長和事件填充的歷史。它在 Italy 中設定最好的桌子之一,為如此的高聳 geniuses 的藝術作廣告如米開蘭基羅 (他的結局雕刻) 和達文西 (最後的晚餐) ,而且支援文化的現場以擁抱 La Scala ,流行表演和夜生活。 藉由它的眼花撩亂的商店窗戶和復雜的方法,米蘭是快樂開始知道 --並且 ,不在乎所有的被被說有關城市的過度價格的事,你不需要倒空這麽做的銀行帳戶。



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