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『壹』 以父之名前面那段義大利文怎麼讀

Nel padre dello spazio, stiamo volendo l'essere umano tutto a revere il vostro san chiamato. Sta volendo il vostro paese per arrivare, spera la vostra linea del decreto sul posto, come il collega nello spazio. La nostra dieta quotidiana di spesa, oggi conced per noi. Esenta il nostro debito, era simile a noi esentare il debito dell'essere umano. Ci non è denominato per venire a contatto della sonda, non li salva da separare da rogue dichiarano, (o è separato da wickedness) a causa del dichiarare, la destra legale, il glory, tutto è voi, fino a per sempre.aman.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


『貳』 幫忙翻譯一下,給分給分,英文和義大利文

甲方: 乙方:
譯員: 語種:
Party A: Party B:
Translator: Language:
譯期間:年 月 日 至 年 月 日(共天)
Translation Period: Year Month Day To Year Month Day
Translation Fee: (By 8 hours per day).
Overtime Work Fee: (By 1 hour for the smallest calculating unit).
Transportation Fee: Afford by Party B (Translators can take the commuter bus. )
Business Travel Fee:Afford by Party A, provided that the working place is out of the

permanent residence of Party B. (Mission allowance and other affairs are carried out

according to the regulations of Pary A).
Other Fee:
Modes of Settlement: (1)Bank Transfer (2)Check (3)Cash Settlement Period

合同生效日後乙方及付給甲方50%翻譯服務金: 。翻譯工作最後一個工作日付清剩餘翻譯服務金元。共

After the contract taking into effect, Party B pays 50% of translation service fee: .
On the last day of the translation period, Party B pays the rest translation service fee

RMB . Total RMB .
Party A guarantees that the translators master necessary language skills and the working

ability and comply with the rules and regulations of Party B.
2.甲方承諾譯員將嚴守乙方技術及商務秘密,未經乙方許可,甲方或者其譯員 不得以任何方式將服務

Party A promises that the translators keep the technical and business information a close

secret. Party A or the translators will in no way leak the service content to the third

party without the permission of Party B.
Party B promises that Party B will not arrange extra translation work to the translators of

Party A without the permission of Pary A.
When Party B considers that the translator of Party A is incompetent, Party B has the right

to request a new translator from Party A in written.
Party B should provide Party A with related background materials, references and glossary

when possible.


During interpretation, if there are faults in the service of Party A(missed interpretation,

on-purpose wrong interpretation and so on), Party B can dect 10% of the service fee of

service fee of Party A.

There are two copies for this contract, one for each. The contract will take into

effect after the two parties faxed their signed .
甲方(蓋章): 乙方(蓋章):
代表人(簽字): 代表人(簽字):
簽訂地點: 簽訂地點:

『叄』 請告訴我N種語言的"生日快樂"怎麼說

英語happy biryhday
韓語생일은 즐겁다 讀:三一兒 促卡哈么尼嗒
日語おたんじょうび おめでとうございます 讀:ao tang jiao bi ao mai dai (tao) gao za yi ma si {漢語拼音}
法語Bon Anniversaire讀:bong a ni wai he sai he ,讀作 崩 啊尼歪喝賽喝

『肆』 520種語言的生日快樂,

英 語:I love you
法 語:Je t'aime,Je t'adore
德 語:Ich liebe Dich
希 臘語:S'agapo
猶 太語:Ani ohev otach(male o* **male)

Ani ohevet otcha (male o* **male)
匈 牙 利:Szeretlek
愛 爾 蘭:taim i'ngra leat
愛 沙 尼 亞:Mina armastan sind
芬 蘭:Min rakastan sinua
比 利 時佛蘭芒語:IK zie u graag
意 大 利語:ti amo,ti vogliobene
拉 丁語:Te amo,Vos amo
拉 托 維 亞:Es tevi Milu
里 斯 本:lingo gramo-te bue',chavalinha
立 陶 宛:Tave Myliu
馬 其 頓:Te sakam
馬 爾 它:Inhobbok
波 蘭:Kocham Cie,Ja cie kocham
葡 萄 牙:Eu amo-te
羅 馬 尼 亞:Te iu besc,Te Ador
荷 蘭:IK hou van jou
捷 克:Miluji te
丹 麥:Jeg elsker dig
阿 爾 薩 斯:Ich hoan dich gear
亞 美 尼 亞:Yes Kezi Seeroom yem
巴 伐 利 亞:I mog di narrisch gern
保 加 利 亞:ahs te obicham
西 班 牙加泰隆語:T'estim
克 羅 地 亞:Volim te
阿 塞 疆 語:Men seni serivem
孟 加 拉:Ami tomay bhalobashi
緬 甸:chit pa de
柬 埔 寨:Bong salang oun
菲 律 賓:Mahal Kita,Iniibig Kita
印 度 古 吉 拉 特 語:Hoon tane prem karun chuun
北 印 度 語:main tumse pyar *n
印 度 尼 西 亞:Saja kasih saudari
日 本:Kimi o ai****eru Sukiyo
朝 鮮:Tangshin-i cho-a-yo
爪 哇 語:aku tresno marang sliromu
老 撾:Khoi huk chau
馬 來 語:saya Cinta Mu
蒙古語:bi chamd hairtai
尼泊爾:Ma tumilai maya garchu,Ma timilai man parauchu
波斯語:Tora dost daram
他加祿語:Mahal kita
南非語:Ek het jou lief Ek is lief vir jou
迦納:Me do wo
衣索比亞阿姆哈雷地區:Ene ewedechalu(for ladies)

Ene ewedehalwe(for men)
阿拉伯語:Ana Ahebak(to a male)
Arabic Ana ahebek(to a female)
瑞士德語:Ich li b Dich
克里奧爾語:Mon *u
豪薩語:Ina sonki
印度阿薩姆邦語:Moi tomak bhal pau
南亞泰米爾語:Tamil n'an unnaik kathalikkinren
印度泰盧固語:Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
泰國:Ch'an Rak Khun
烏爾都語:Mein tumhay pyar karti hun(woman to man)

Mein tumhay pyar karta hun(man to woman)
越南:Em ye'u anh(woman to man)
Anh ye'u em(man to woman)
冰島:e'g elska tig
阿爾巴尼亞:T Dua Shume
俄羅斯:Ya vas Iyublyu,Ya Tibia Lyublyu
塞爾維亞:Volim Te
斯洛維尼亞語:Ljubim te
西班牙:Te amo,Tequiero
瑞典:Jag lskar dig
土爾其:Seni seviyorum
烏克蘭:ja vas kokhaju
威爾士:Rwy'n dy garu di
亞述語:ana bayanoo* male) & ana bayina* female)
高加索切爾克斯語:wise cas
漢 語:我愛你




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