導航:首頁 > 觀義大利 > 28060義大利哪裡的郵編


發布時間:2023-01-22 06:57:21

『壹』 義大利郵政編碼


該地址的英文翻譯為;Vinci, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy


『貳』 義大利萊切郵編


『叄』 注冊無名。誰知道義大利郵遞區號

義大利內部的郵政編碼 義大利郵編成為CAP (Codice di Avviamento Postale),梵蒂岡和聖馬利諾也使用義大利的郵政編碼系統。 郵編格式 義大利郵政編碼為"I-"(或者"IT-"、或者無前綴)加上5位數字組成,例如: 00144 其中第1位數字表示郵區,第2位數字表示省份,第3位數字表示本地,第4、5位數字表示投遞區域。 地址寫法 示範: Sig. Mario Rossi VIALE EUROPA 22 00144 ROME RM ITALY 詳細郵編 主要地區郵編:
省份簡稱地區首府城鎮郵編其它城鎮郵編 RomeRMLazio001xx (00118 to 00199)000xx (00010 to 00069) Vatican CityVA-00120- ViterboVTLazio01100010xx (01010 to 01039) RietiRILazio02100020xx (02010 to 02049) FrosinoneFRLazio03100030xx (03010 to 03049) LatinaLTLazio04100040xx (04010 to 04029) TerniTRUmbria05100050xx (05010 to 05039) PerugiaPGUmbria061xx (06121 to 06135)060xx (06010 to 06089) SassariSSSardinia07100070xx (07010 to 07019 and 07030 to 07049) (*) Olbia-TempioOTSardinia07026 (Olbia), 07029 (Tempio Pausania)070xx (07020 to 07029) and 08020 (*) NuoroNUSardinia08100080xx (08010 to 08039) (*) OgliastraOGSardinia08045 (Lanusei), 08048 (Tortolì)080xx (08040 to 08049) (*) CagliariCASardinia091xx (09121 to 09134)090xx (09010 to 09049) and 080xx (08030,08033,08035,08043) OristanoORSardinia09170090xx (09070 to 09099) and 080xx (08010,08013,08019,08030,08034) Carbonia-IglesiasCISardinia09013 (Carbonia), 09016 (Iglesias)090xx (09010 to 09017) (*) Medio CampidanoMD/VS [1]Sardinia09025 (Sanluri), 09039 (Villacidro)090xx (09020 to 09041) (*) TurinTOPiedmont101xx (10121 to 10156)100xx (10010 to 10099) AostaAOAosta Valley11100 (Aosta)110xx (11010 to 11029) CuneoCNPiedmont12100120xx (12010 to 12089) and 18025 VercelliVCPiedmont13100130xx (13010 to 13060) BiellaBIPiedmont13900138xx (13811 to 13899) AstiATPiedmont14100140xx (14010 to 14059) (15010 to 15079) GenoaGELiguria161xx (16121 to 16167)160xx (16010 to 16049) SavonaSVLiguria17100170xx (17010 to 17058) and 12071 ImperiaIMLiguria18100180xx (18010 to 18039) La SpeziaSPLiguria191xx (19121 to 19137)190xx (19010 to 19038) MilanMILombardy201xx (20121 to 20162)200xx (20010 to 20099) VareseVALombardy21100210xx (21010 to 21059) ComoCOLombardy22100220xx (22010 to 22079) SondrioSOLombardy23100230xx (23010 to 23038) LeccoLCLombardy23900238xx (23801 to 23899) BergamoBGLombardy241xx (24121 to 24129)240xx (24010 to 24069) BresciaBSLombardy251xx (25121 to 25136)250xx (25010 to 25089) CremonaCRLombardy26100260xx (26010 to 26049) LodiLOLombardy26900268xx (26811 to 26867) PaviaPVLombardy27100270xx (27010 to 27059) NovaraNOPiedmont28100280xx (28010 to 28079) Verbano-Cusio-OssolaVBPiedmont289xx (Verbania, 28921 to 28925)288xx (28801 to 28899) PiacenzaPCEmilia-Romagna29100290xx (29010 to 29029) VeniceVEVeneto301xx (30121 to 30176)300xx (30010 to 30039) TrevisoTVVeneto31100310xx (31010 to 31059) BellunoBLVeneto32100320xx (32010 to 32047) UdineUDFriuli-Venezia Giulia33100330xx (33010 to 33059) PordenonePNFriuli-Venezia Giulia33170330xx (33070 to 33099) TriesteTSFriuli-Venezia Giulia341xx (34121 to 34151)340xx (34010 to 34018) GoriziaGOFriuli-Venezia Giulia34170340xx (34070 to 34079) PaaPDVeneto351xx (35121 to 35143)350xx (35010 to 35048) VicenzaVIVeneto36100360xx (36010 to 36078) VeronaVRVeneto371xx (37121 to 37142)370xx (37010 to 37069) TrentoTNTrentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol38100 (Trento)380xx (38010 to 38089) Bolzano-BozenBZTrentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol39100 (Bolzano)390xx (39010 to 39058) BolognaBOEmilia-Romagna401xx (40121 to 40141)400xx (40010 to 40069) ModenaMOEmilia-Romagna41100410xx (41010 to 41059) Reggio EmiliaREEmilia-Romagna42100420xx (42010 to 42049) ParmaPREmilia-Romagna43100430xx (43010 to 43059) FerraraFEEmilia-Romagna44100440xx (44010 to 44049) RovigoROVeneto45100450xx (45010 to 45039) MantuaMNLombardy46100460xx (46010 to 46049) Forlì-CesenaFCEmilia-Romagna47100 (Forlì), 47023 (Cesena)470xx (47010 to 47043) RiminiRNEmilia-Romagna47900478xx (47814 to 47855) Republic of San MarinoSM-47890 (City of San Marino)4789x (47891 to 47899) RavennaRAEmilia-Romagna48100480xx (48010 to 48027) FlorenceFITuscany501xx (50121 to 50145)500xx (50010 to 50068) PistoiaPTTuscany51100510xx (51010 to 51039) ArezzoARTuscany52100520xx (52010 to 52048) SienaSITuscany53100530xx (53011 to 53049) Massa-CarraraMSTuscany54100 (Massa), 54023 (Carrara)540xx (54010 to 54038) LuccaLUTuscany55100550xx (55010 to 55064) PisaPITuscany561xx (56121 to 56128)560xx (56010 to 56048) LivornoLITuscany571xx (57121 to 57128)570xx (57014 to 57039) GrossetoGRTuscany58100580xx (58010 to 58055) PratoPOTuscany59100590xx (59011 to 59026) AnconaANMarche601xx (60121 to 60131)600xx (60010 to 60048) Pesaro e UrbinoPUMarche61100 (Pesaro), 61029 (Urbino)610xx (61010 to 61049) MacerataMCMarche62100620xx (62010 to 62039) Ascoli PicenoAPMarche63100630xx (63010 to 63049) TeramoTEAbruzzo64100640xx (64010 to 64049) PescaraPEAbruzzo651xx (65121 to 65129)650xx (65010 to 65029) ChietiCHAbruzzo66100660xx (66010 to 66054) L'AquilaAQAbruzzo67100670xx (67010 to 67069) BariBAApulia701xx (70121 to 70131)700xx (70010 to 70059) FoggiaFGApulia71100710xx (71010 to 71049) BrindisiBRApulia72100720xx (72010 to 72029) LecceLEApulia73100730xx (73010 to 73059) TarantoTAApulia74100740xx (74010 to 74028) MateraMTBasilicata75100750xx (75010 to 75029) NaplesNACampania801xx (80121 to 80147)800xx (80010 to 80079) CasertaCECampania81100810xx (81010 to 81059) BeneventoBNCampania82100820xx (82010 to 82038) AvellinoAVCampania83100830xx (83010 to 83059) SalernoSACampania841xx (84121 to 84135)840xx (84010 to 84099) PotenzaPZBasilicata85100850xx (85010 to 85059) CampobassoCBMolise86100860xx (86010 to 86049) IserniaISMolise86170860xx (86070 to 86097) CosenzaCSCalabria87100870xx (87010 to 87076) CatanzaroCZCalabria88100880xx (88020 to 88070) CrotoneKRCalabria88900888xx (88811 to 88842) Reggio CalabriaRCCalabria891xx (89121 to 89135)890xx (89010 to 89069) Vibo ValentiaVVCalabria89900898xx (89812 to 89868) PalermoPASicily901xx (90121 to 90151)900xx (90010 to 90049) TrapaniTPSicily91100910xx (91010 to 91029) AgrigentoAGSicily92100920xx (92010 to 92029) (93010 to 93019) EnnaENSicily94100940xx (94010 to 94019) CataniaCTSicily951xx (95121 to 95131)950xx (95010 to 95049) SyracuseSRSicily96100960xx (96010 to 96019) RagusaRGSicily97100970xx (97010 to 97019) MessinaMESicily981xx (98121 to 98168)980xx (98020 to 98079)

『肆』 歐洲 中東 東南亞 義大利水城威尼斯的郵政編碼是多少

110 119 120


『伍』 諾瓦拉的郵編是多少

郵政編碼 28100


國家 義大利
地區 皮埃蒙特大區
省份 諾瓦拉省

海拔高度 162米
面積 103平方公里
人口 (截至2006年6月30日)
- 總數 102,846人
時區 CET, UTC+1

座標 45°27′N 08°37′E
電話區號 0321
郵政區號 28100

『陸』 義大利羅馬的郵編


『柒』 義大利的郵政編碼

您好!T0-San Giorgio Province of Benevento Italy的郵編是82015


『捌』 求義大利米蘭郵政編碼,十萬火急!




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