⑴ 《低俗小說》電影里有哪 六個部分分別是什麼故事的順序是什麼
約翰·特拉沃爾塔飾演Vincent Vega,1954年2月18日出生於美國新澤西州,美國演員、製片人。
⑵ The Sixth Sense靈異第六感的全部對白
靈異第六感/鬼眼 The Sixth Sense (1999)
[first lines]
Anna Crowe: It's getting cold.
Malcolm Crowe: That is one fine frame; one fine frame that is. How much...
[he sits down with a grunt]
Malcolm Crowe: ... does a fine frame like that cost, do you think?
Anna Crowe: I never told you, but you sound a little like Dr. Seuss when you're drunk.
Cole Sear: We were supposed to draw a picture, anything we wanted. I drew a man who got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver.
Malcolm Crowe: You saw that on TV, Cole?
Cole Sear: Everyone got upset. They had a meeting. Mom started crying. I don't draw like that any more.
Malcolm Crowe: How do you draw now?
Cole Sear: Draw... people smiling, dogs running, rainbows. They don't have meetings about rainbows.
Vincent Gray: Do you know why you're afraid when you're alone? I do. I do.
Cole Sear: Are you a good doctor?
Malcolm Crowe: Well... I used to be. I won an award once. From the Mayor. It had an expensive frame.
Cole Sear: I'm gonna see you again, right?
Malcolm Crowe: If that's okay with you.
Stanley Cunningham: Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in this country. A lot of generations have lived here and died here. Almost any place you go in this city has a history and a story behind it. Even this school and the grounds it sits on. Can anyone guess what this building was used for a hundred years ago, before you went to this school, before I went to this school? Yes, Cole?
Cole Sear: They used to hang people here.
Stanley Cunningham: No, uh, that, mm-mm, that's not correct. Uh, where'd you hear that?
Cole Sear: They'd pull the people in, crying and kissing their families 'bye. People watching would spit at them.
Stanley Cunningham: Uh, Cole, this, this building was a legal courthouse. Laws were passed here. Some of the very first laws of this country. This whole building was full of, uh, lawyers, uh, lawmakers.
Cole Sear: They were the ones that hanged everybody.
Cole Sear: Tell me the story about why you're sad.
Malcolm Crowe: You think I'm sad?
[Cole nods]
Malcolm Crowe: What makes you think that?
Cole Sear: Your eyes told me.
Malcolm Crowe: Once upon a time there was this person named Malcolm. He worked with children. He loved it. He loved it more than anything else. And then one night, he found out that he made a mistake with one of them. He couldn't help that one. And he can't stop thinking about it, he can't forget. Ever since then, things have been different. He's not the same person that he used to be. And his wife doesn't like the person that he's become. They barely speak anymore, they're like strangers. And then one day Malcolm meets this wonderful little boy, a really cool little boy. Reminds him a lot of the other one. And Malcolm decides to try and help this new boy. 'Cause he feels that if he can help this new boy, it would be like helping that other one too.
Cole Sear: How does the story end?
Malcolm Crowe: I don't know.
Cole Sear: I see dead people.
Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?
[Cole shakes his head no]
Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?
[Cole nods]
Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?
Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.
Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?
Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.
Cole Sear: They see only what they want to see.
Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you...
Lynn Sear: Cole, please stop...
Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you she saw you dance. She said, when you were little, you and her had a fight, right before your dance recital. You thought she didn't come see you dance. She did. She hid in the back so you wouldn't see. She said you were like an angel. She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?
Lynn Sear: Do... Do I make her proud?
Cole Sear: She came a long way to visit me, didn't she?
Malcolm Crowe: I guess she did.
Cole Sear: I walk this way to school with Tommy Tammisimo.
Malcolm Crowe: He your best buddy?
Cole Sear: He hates me.
Malcolm Crowe: Do you hate him?
Cole Sear: No.
Malcolm Crowe: Did your mom set that up?
Cole Sear: Yes.
Malcolm Crowe: Do you ever talk to your mom about how things are with Tommy?
Cole Sear: I don't tell her things.
Malcolm Crowe: Why not?
Cole Sear: Because she doesn't look at me like everybody else, and I don't want her to. I don't want her to know.
Malcolm Crowe: Know what?
Cole Sear: That I'm a freak.
Malcolm Crowe: Hey... you are not a freak. Okay? Don't you believe anybody that tries to convince you of that. That's bullshit! You don't have to go through your life believing that. Okay?
Cole Sear: You said the "s" word.
Malcolm Crowe: Yeah... I know. Sorry.
Lynn Sear: Look at my face; I was not thinking anything bad about you.
Cole Sear: Some magic's real.
Cole Sear: You know the accident up there?
Lynn Sear: Yeah.
Cole Sear: Someone got hurt.
Lynn Sear: They did?
Cole Sear: A lady. She died.
Lynn Sear: Oh my god. What, you can see her?
Cole Sear: Yes.
Lynn Sear: Where is she?
Cole Sear: Standing next to my window.
Lynn Sear: Cole, you're scaring me.
Cole Sear: They scare me too sometimes.
Lynn Sear: They?
Cole Sear: Ghosts.
Cole Sear: Grandma says hi.
[Lynn looks up sharply]
Cole Sear: She says she's sorry for taking the bumblebee pendant. She just likes it a lot.
Lynn Sear: [when Cole comes to Lynn to ask to sleep in her bed] Look at my face; I'm not very mad.
Lynn Sear: [at accident] Look at my face; I would never think that about you. Ever! Got it?
[Malcolm arrives late for dinner with his wife]
Malcolm Crowe: I thought you meant the other Italian restaurant I asked you to marry me in.
Cole Sear: [unimpressed after Malcolm Crowe's magic trick with coin] I didn't know you were funny.
Cole Sear: De profundis clamo ad te, domine.
Cole Sear: You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?
Malcolm Crowe: Yes.
Cole Sear: And the tiny hairs on your arm, you know when they stand up? That's them. When they get mad... it gets cold.
Malcolm Crowe: Anna Crowe, I am in love... in love I am.
Kyra Collins: I'm feeling much better now.
Cole Sear: Do you want to tell me something?
Cole Sear: Stop looking at me. I don't like people looking at me like that.
Cole Sear: Instead of something I want, can it be something I don't want?
Malcolm Crowe: Okay...
Cole Sear: I don't wanna be scared anymore.
Cole Sear: I want to tell you my secret now.
Malcolm Crowe: [referring to the award his just received] Wow. We should hang it in the bathroom.
Malcolm Crowe: [to Anna] I would like some wine in a glass, I would not like it in a mug, I would not like it in a jug.
Malcolm Crowe: [Looking at Vincent in the bathroom] Vincent Gray. I do remember you. Quiet, very smart, compassionate. Unusually compassionate.
Vincent Gray: You forgot cursed.
Vincent Gray: [screaming at Malcolm] You failed me! You failed me!
Malcolm Crowe: [a co-worker of Anna's asks her out, he cannot decide whether to leave or not, then finally leaves] Keep moving, cheesedick.
Spanish Ghost on Tape: [Spanish ghost speaks to a young Vincent Gray] Yo no quiero morir!
Malcolm Crowe: [after watching the school play] I thought Tommy Tammisimo sucked big time.
Malcolm Crowe: [to Anna sleeping in a chair] Anna?
Anna Crowe: [in her sleep] I miss you.
Malcolm Crowe: I miss you too.
Anna Crowe: Why, Malcolm?
Malcolm Crowe: What, what is it?
Anna Crowe: Why did you leave me?
Malcolm Crowe: I didn't leave you.
[the ring Anna is holding falls out of her hand to the floor, and Malcolm suddenly remembers everything]
Malcolm Crowe: [after being shot by Vincent Gray] I think I'm okay really. I think it just went in and out. I... It doesn't even hurt anymore.
[last lines]
Malcolm Crowe: [after realizing the time has come for him to move on] I think I can go now. Just needed to do a couple of things. I needed to help someone; I think I did. And I needed to tell you something: You were never second, ever. I love you. You sleep now. Everything will be different in the morning.
Anna Crowe: [in her sleep] Good night, Malcolm...
Malcolm Crowe: Good night, sweetheart.
Ghost in the Closet: Is someone out there? Open this door, please! Come on. I can't breathe! If you can hear me, open this door... I swear on my life I didn't take the master's horse! OPEN THIS DOOR, OR I'LL BREAK THROUGH IT AND GRAB YOU!
Teenage Boy Ghost: Hey, come on! I'll show you where my dad keeps his gun. Come on!
[turns to reveal bloody hole in the back of his head]
The Cabinet Lady: You can't hurt me anymore!
[holds up her wrists, which are slit]
Bobby: Silence, village idiot!
Lynn Sear: Cole, you're scaring me.
Cole Sear: They scare me too sometimes.
Lynn Sear: They?
Cole Sear: Dead people.
⑶ 如何看待《教父3》中最後文森特射殺那個殺手時的笑
⑷ 低俗小說劇情詳細介紹,電影想表達什麼意思
正如電影的名字一樣,《低俗小說 Pulp Fiction》猶如一本由六個充滿臟話的「低俗」故事匯成的一部小說。導演昆汀·塔倫蒂諾是一個善於講故事的人,這六個故事相互連接了起來,互相補充的同時,也盡可能從更多帆段的角度塑造角色。難以想像,這部拿到奧斯卡最佳原創劇本的作品,最初居然是昆汀·塔倫蒂諾和好友一邊聊天一邊創作出來的。
⑸ 一部老電影一個男的去搶餐廳結果女服務員是前一天來搶劫的
這是昆汀·塔倫蒂諾導的 《低俗小說》影片開始於一個小餐館中,一對鴛鴦小賊「小南瓜」和「小兔兔」靈光一閃打起了搶劫餐館的主意,三兩句簡單的意見交換後,兩人利索的拔出手槍跳上餐桌開始了搶劫。隨後影片轉向了文森特和朱爾斯這兩個打手,講述了他們殺人,拿到手提箱,意外在車內走火打死一個小弟,然後處理車內狼藉現場,去餐館吃飯碰巧遇上片頭兩位的搶劫,文森特奉命陪老大老婆散心,之後文森特在執行任務時被後來的拳擊手送上了西天。這一連串的故事在片中當然不是按如此時間的先後順序來交待,而這條線索中兩位打手在餐館中與鴛鴦小賊的較量則被放在了影片的結尾與開頭遙相呼應,形成完整的環形結構。 另外,在拳擊手那條線索中,講述了布魯斯·威利斯所扮演的拳擊手收受了黑幫老大的賄賂卻沒有按合約輸拳而招致黑幫追殺,逃命的途中拳擊手做掉了黑幫打手文森特,並和黑幫老大意外邂逅,兩人扭打至一二手貨鋪,卻被店主黃雀在後將兩人一同拿下,准備與同性戀朋友一同分享,隨後拳擊手奮勇殺出並於危難中解救了老大,於是兩人恩怨就此勾銷。 盜賊「小南瓜」和「小兔子」是一對情侶,他們在早餐時突發奇想決定打劫正在就餐的餐館和裡面的眾多顧客,並立即拔槍開始行動。 馬沙·華萊士是在洛杉磯隻手遮天的黑社會大哥,最近以布萊特為首的幾個年輕人侵吞了他一隻裝滿黃滲晌金的皮箱,於是派手下朱爾斯和文森特去奪回這只箱子。清晨,朱爾斯和文森特到達目的地並闖進了那幾個人的房間,正在吃早飯的三個年輕人都十分驚恐。文森特找到箱子後,朱爾斯就殺死了除內線馬文以外的三個青年,像往常一樣,在殺人之前,他背誦了一段鍾愛的《聖閉帶經》這部電影是個環形結構。由「文森特和馬沙的妻子」、「金錶」、「邦妮轎喊蘆的處境」三個故事以及影片首尾的序幕和尾聲五個部分組成。
⑹ 梵高作品簽名,寫Vincent,為何不寫Van Gogh,原因和結果太悲情
| 文:天辰
但梵高並沒有簽上「van Gogh」,這個我們習慣稱呼他的名字,而是簽上了「Vincent」,
梵高在1862年畫的素描(有人認為這是他畫的第一張畫)上,「Van Gogh」還被寫在上面,在後面的作品中為什麼不見了呢?
梵高的全名是Vincent Willem Van Gogh,中文一般翻譯為文森特·威廉·梵·高。
在日常使用中,習慣簡稱他為梵高(Van Gogh),因為這是他姓,文森特是他的名字。
荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的一個博物館,館藏了他黃金時期的200多件作品,其中就有《向日葵》。這個博物館就以梵高(Van Gogh)來命名。
同時代印象派奠基人之一的愛德華·馬奈(Édouard Manet)在作品上的簽名也是用姓——馬奈(Manet)。
也有把姓名全寫上的畫家,比如印象派的克勞德·莫奈(Claude Monet),因為姓名短就全寫上了。名字太長,但又想寫完怎麼辦?答案:簡寫。梵高差祥欽佩的法國現實主義畫家讓·弗朗索瓦·米勒(Jean-Francois Millet ),畫面簽名是「J.F.Millet」。不管哪種方式,都會寫上姓。
在日常,英語世界的言語交往中,Vincent 比Van Gogh 更為順口,因此他的很多朋友都喊他Vincent。Van Gogh 發音挺拗口的,在法國甚至很多人都不知道如何發音。梵高曾經寫弟弟提奧寫信說,我的名字雖然在現在算不了什麼,但是在未來,應該像我簽在畫布上那樣,寫在展覽的目錄上——是文森特,而不是梵高,我這樣做只是為了一個簡單的理由,因為這里的人不懂得後一個名字的發音。
在《星夜》里,火焰般的柏樹高高矗立,蜿蜒而上,就像渴望都能觸摸到漫天星辰的天空。梵高何嘗不是這樣呢,他希望作品能觸碰到公眾,期盼星空能看到柏樹的傾訴,哪怕是參加藝術群展。對「Vincent」寄託的理想,一直到他37歲(1890年)死去都未能看到。在離開數年以後,他的作品終於引起轟動了,從荷蘭到國際,由默默無聞迅速地成為了世界聞名的大藝術家。荷蘭政府還專門建蓋了他的博物館——梵高博物館。可這時,賀銷被梵高寄予希望的「Vincent」鮮為人知,反而是「Van Gogh」紅遍了全球。
⑺ 如何評價文森特卡索這個演員
⑻ 低俗小說 文森 最後死了沒