❶ 求一篇關於汽車轉向的中英文翻譯 字數在1500左右 求各位大俠幫忙 郵箱[email protected]
汽車引擎 Engine for automobile
汽車化油器 Carburetor for automobile
汽車曲軸 Crankshaft for automobile
汽車連桿 Connecting rod for automobile
汽車凸輪軸 Camshaft for automobile
汽車汽缸頭(含汽門導管) Cylinder head for automobile
汽車汽缸體 Cylinder block for automobile
汽車汽門座 Valve seat for automobile
汽車濾清器 Filter for automobile
汽車燃料油泵 Fuel pump for automobile
柴油引擎用噴油泵 Fuel injection pump for diesel engine
汽車活塞及環 Piston and ring for automobile
汽車水箱(散熱器) Radiator for automobile
其他汽車引擎零組件 Other engine parts for automobile
懸吊避震器 Suspension shock absorber
汽車驅動軸及差速總成 Drive axle with differential assy for automobile
汽車傳動軸 Transmission axle for automobile
汽車離合器總成 Clutch assy for automobile
汽車變速箱 Gear boxes for automobile
汽車用十字及三叉式接頭 Universal joint for automobile
汽車輪圈 Wheel rim for automobile
其他汽車傳動系統零件 Other transmission parts for automobile
汽車方向盤、轉向柱及轉向箱 Steering column for automobile
汽車轉向齒輪 Steering pinion & racks for automobile
汽車轉向連桿 Steering linkage for automobile
汽車連接桿 Connecting rod for automobile
其他汽車轉向系統組件 Other parts of steering system for automobile
汽車火星塞 Spark plug for automobile
汽車起動馬達 Starter motor for automobile
分電盤 Distrinutor
汽車發電畝茄機 Generators for automobile
汽車喊宴點火線圈 Ignition coil for automobile
車頭燈 Head lamp for automobile
車後燈 Rear lamp for automobile
其他汽車用電燈組 Other lamp for automobile
其他汽車電氣零組件 Other electric parts for automobile
汽車剎車總泵鄭耐銀 Brake master cylinder for automobile
汽車剎車盤式(或碟式)總成 Brake disc assy for automobile
汽車剎車來令 Brake lining for automobile
汽車剎車總成 Brake assy for automobile
汽車真空煞車倍力器 Vacuum brake booster for automobile
防鎖剎車系統 Burglar brake system for automobile
其他汽車剎車零組件 Other brake parts for automobile
汽車速度表 Speedometer for automobile
汽車油壓表 Oil pressure gauges for automobile
汽車轉速計 Tachometer for automobile
其他汽車儀表 Other instrument meters for automobile
其他汽車儀表 Other instrument meters for automobile
大客車車身 Bodies for bus
小貨車車身 Bodies for light ty truck
大貨車車身 Bodies for heavy ty truck
其他汽車車身 Bodies for other automobiles
汽車車架大梁 Frame cross-member
車身沖壓件 Body stamping and press parts for automobile
汽車防撞桿 Bumper for automobile
汽車排氣管 Exhaust pipe for automobile
汽車鑄件 Casting parts for automobile
安全氣囊系統 Air bag system
汽車座椅安全帶 Seat belt for automobile
其他未列名汽車零件 Other parts for automobile
古董車(Antique car)、古典車(Classic car)、露營車(Recreation Vehicle)、
旅行車(Sedan Wagon)、廂型車(Van)、掀背車(Hatchback)、斜背車(Notchback)、雙門車(Coupe)、敞篷車(Convertible)、貨卡車(Pickup Trucks)、
廂式休旅車(Minivan)、肌肉車(Muscle Car)、微型車(Microcar)、
小型車(Compact car)、中型車(Mid-size car)、大型車(Full-size car)、轎車(Sedan)、貨車(Trucks)、拖車(Trailer)、計程車(Taxicab)、大客車(Bus)、
概念車(Concept Car)、跑車(Sports car)、賽車(Racing car)、超級跑車(Supercar)、國民車(Economy car)、高級車(Luxury Car)
水路兩用車(Amphibious vehicle)、無人駕駛車(Driverless car)、飛行車(Flying car)
兩輪驅動(2WD)、四輪驅動(4WD)、前輪驅動(Front-wheel drive;FWD)、
後輪驅動(Rear-wheel drive;RWD)
內燃機(Internal combustion engine)、蒸氣車(Steam car)、電動車(Electric vehicle)、
氫氣車(Hydrogen vehicle)、混合動力車(Hybrid vehicle)、替代燃料車(Alternative fuel vehicle)、汽油(Gasoline)、柴油(Diesel)、液化石油氣(Autogas)、
生質柴油(Biodiesel)、直接噴射(Direct Injection)、間接噴射(Indirect injection)、
汽油直接噴射(Gasoline Direct Injection;GDI)、
柴油直接噴射(Diesel Direct Injection;DDI)
前置引擎(Front-engine design)、前中置引擎(Front-mid-engine design)、
中置引擎(Mid-engine design)、後中置引擎(Rear-mid-engine design)、
後置引擎(Rear-engine design)
汽油引擎(Gasoline engine)、柴油引擎(Diesel engine)、
火花點火(Spark ignition;SI)、壓縮點火(Compression ignition;CI)、
二行程循環(Two-stroke cycle)、四行程循環(Four-stroke cycle)、
汽門挺桿式(Over Head Valve;OHV)、頂上凸輪軸式(Over Head Camshaft;OHC)、
頂上雙凸輪軸式(Double Over Head Camshaft;DOHC)、直列引擎(Straight engine)、
往復引擎(Reciprocating engine)、水平對卧引擎(Flat engine)、
轉子引擎(Wankel engine)、V型引擎(V engine)、H型引擎(H engine)、
W型引擎(W engine)
撞擊緩沖區(Crumple zone)、擋泥板(Fender)、葉子板(Fender skirts)、
水箱罩(Grille)、引擎蓋(Hood)、引擎蓋進氣口(Hood scoop)、車柱(Pillar)、
蝴蝶車門(Butterfly doors)、鷗翼車門(Gull-wing door)、鍘刀車門(Scissor doors)、
對開車門(Free-Style doors)
天窗(Sun roof)、遮陽板(Sun visor)、擋風玻璃(Windshield)、
雨刷(Windscreen wiper)、擋風玻璃清潔液(Windshield washer fluid)
後視鏡(Rear-view mirror)、電動後視鏡(Power mirrors)
保險桿貼紙(Bumper sticker)、引擎蓋標志(Hood ornament)
日間行車燈(Daytime running lamp)、霧燈(Fog lamp)、大燈(Head lamp)、
方向燈(Indicator)、尾燈(Taillight)、氣體放電式電燈(High-Intensity Discharge;HID)
故障指示燈(Malfunction Indicator Lamp;MIL)、車距感知器(Distance sensor)、
停車感知器(Park sensor)
排氣管(Exhaust pipe)、消音器(Muffler)、觸媒轉化器(Catalytic converter)、
氧氣感知器(Oxygen sensor)
空氣冷卻(Air cooling)、防凍劑(Antifreeze)、水箱(Radiator)、
調溫器(Thermostat)、中央冷卻器(Intercooler)、乙二醇(Ethylene glycol)
油表(Fuel gauge)、時速表(Speedometer)、轉速表(Tachometer)、
里程錶(Odometer)、全球定位系統(Global Positioning System;GPS)、
抬頭顯示器(Head-up display;HUD)
方向盤(Steering wheel)、排檔桿(Gear stick)、手煞車(Hand brake)、
扶手(Armrest)、長型座椅(Bench seat)、桶型座椅(Bucket seat)、
兒童安全座椅(Child safety seat)
安全 氣囊(Air-bag)、安全帶(Seat belt)、兒童安全鎖(Child safety lock)、
汽車安全(Automobile safety)
車輪蓋(Hubcap)、鋼絲輪圈(Wire wheels)、合金輪圈(Alloy wheels)、
鋁合金輪圈(Aluminium alloy wheel)、鎂合金輪圈(Magnesium alloy wheel)
輻射層輪胎(Radial-ply tire)、斜紋層輪胎(Bias-ply Tire)、
斜向交織層輪胎(Bias Belted Tire)、防爆輪胎(Run-flat tire)、光頭輪胎(Slick tire)、
輪胎壓力偵測系統(Tire Pressure Monitoring System;TPMS)
變速箱(Transmission)、自動變速箱(Automatic transmission;AT)、
手動變速箱(Manual transmission;MT)、
手自排變速箱(Automatic Manual transmission;AMT)、
半自動變速箱(Semi-automatic transmission)、離合器(Clutch)、
萬向接頭(Universal joint)、差速器(Differential)、傳動軸(Driveshaft)、
排檔桿(Gear stick)、 扭力轉換器(Torque converter)、太陽齒輪(Sun Gear)、
行星齒輪(Planet Gear)、環形齒輪(Ring Gear)、鎖定差速器(Locking differential)、
防滑差速器(Limited Slip Differential;LSD)、
無段自動變速箱(Continuously Variable Transmission;CVT)、
變速箱控制單元(Transmission Control Unit;TCU)
防鎖死煞車系統(Anti-lock braking system;ABS)、
電子制動分配系統(Electronic Brakeforce Distribution;EBD)、碟式煞車(Disk Brake)、
鼓式煞車(Drum Brake)、 液壓煞車(Hydraulic brake)、空氣煞車(Air brake)、
動力煞車(Power brake)、引擎煞車(Engine brake)、行車煞車(Service brake)、
停車煞車(Parking brakes)、緊急煞車(Emergency Brake)、煞車片(Brake pad)、
煞車油(Brake fluid)、手煞車(Hand brake)
❷ essor中文怎麼翻譯啊
1. esor electronically scanned optical receiver 電子掃描光學接受器
2. lessor n. 出租人, 地主
3. user n. 用戶, 使用者
4. Assor 阿索爾
5. Esser n. 埃瑟
6. Eser 埃塞爾
7. error n.錯誤, 過失, 誤差, 謬誤
8. soar vi.翱翔, 高飛, 猛增, 高漲, 高...
9. sour adj.酸的, 酸腐的, 刻薄的 ; v...
10. osier n. 柳樹, 杞柳, 紫皮柳, 青剛柳畝薯轎
11. jessur[醫] 傑塞耳毒蛇(亞洲南部及東南部)
12. iessur傑塞耳毒蛇
13. decor n. 裝飾, 陳設, 布置
14. visor n. 帽舌
15. ESAR n. 電子掃描雷達
16. soor 鵝口瘡
17. ASOR(=asialo-orosomucoid) 缺乏唾液酸基的血清手碰粘蛋白
18. Jesser耶瑟爾
19. Wesser韋塞爾
20. iasor ice and snow on runway 在跑道上的冰雪
❸ 拉力賽車的專業術語~
為了使比賽組織緊湊,組織者可設重組,重組區視同為禁區,在入口處和出口處應設時間 控制點,賽員在重組區內停留的時間可以不同,以便整個賽事可以按時進行並且把正在 比賽的賽員集合到一起。
❹ 帽子的英語詞彙「中英文」
帽里 lining
帽圈 hat band
帽邊 hat brim
帽帶 hat ribbon
帽木模 hat block;block;cap piece;blockhead
帽撐 cap stretcher
帽架 hat tree;hatrack;hat stand
掛帽釘滑帶培 hat peg
帽檐 cap peak;peak;visor
帽頂 top of hat
制帽材料 hatting
帽胚 hat felt
帽護耳 cap tab;earflap;earlap;the eartab
帽徽 cap cockade;cap insignia;cockade
帽飾絨球 cap pompon
信唯帽飾流蘇 cap tassel
;❺ F1中英文詞彙(要專業 官方的)
F1 技術詞彙掃盲 Aerodynamics 空氣動力學
The study of airflow over and around an object and an intrinsic part of Formula One car design.
Apex 彎道頂點
The middle point of the inside line around a corner at which drivers aim their cars.
Appeal 上訴
An action that a team takes on its drivers' behalf if it feels that they have been unfairly penalised by the race officials.
Ballast 壓艙物
Weights fixed around the car to maximise its balance and bring it up to the minimum weight limit.
Bargeboard 側箱整流板
The piece of bodywork mounted vertically between the front wheels and the start of the sidepods to help smooth the airflow around the sides of the car.
Blistering 過熱(使賽車輪胎脫皮 )
The consequence of a tyre, or part of a tyre, overheating. Excess heat can cause rubber to soften and break away in chunks from the body of the tyre. Blistering can be caused by the selection of an inappropriate tyre compound (for example, one that is too soft for circuit conditions), too high tyre pressure, or an improperly set up car.
Bodywork 車體(可不可以理解為車身組件呢?)
The carbon fibre sections fitted onto the monocoque before the cars leave the pits, such as the engine cover, the cockpit top and the nosecone.
Bottoming 托底
When a car's chassis hits the track surface as it runs through a sharp compression and reaches the bottom of its suspension travel.
Brake balance 制動平衡
A switch in the cockpit to alter the split of the car's braking power between the front and the rear wheels according to a driver's wishes.
Chassis 底盤
The main part of a racing car to which the engine and suspension are attached is called the chassis.
Chicane 減速彎(組合彎?)
A tight sequence of corners in alternate directions. Usually inserted into a circuit to slow the cars, often just before what had been a high-speed corner.
Clean air 無擾流氣體(平穩氣體環境)
Air that isn't turbulent, and thus offers optimum aerodynamic conditions, as experienced by a car at the head of the field.
Cockpit 駕駛艙
The section of the chassis in which the driver sits.
Compound 復合材料(輪胎面)
Tread compound is the part of any tyre in contact with the road and therefore one of the major factors in deciding tyre performance. The ideal compound is one with maximum grip but which still maintains rability and heat resistance. A typical Formula One race compound will have more than ten ingredients such as rubbers, polymers, sulphur, carbon black, oil and other curatives. Each of these includes a vast number of derivatives any of which can be used to a greater or lesser degree. Very small changes to the mix can change compound performance.
Diffuser 氣流擴散裝置
The rear section of the car's floor or undertray where the air flowing under the car exits. The design of the diffuser is crucial as it controls the speed at which the air exits. The faster its exit, the lower the air pressure beneath the car, and hence the more downforce the car generates.
Downforce 下壓力
The aerodynamic force that is applied in a downwards direction as a car travels forwards. This is harnessed to improve a car's traction and its handling through corners.
Drag 風阻
The aerodynamic resistance experienced as a car travels forwards.
Drive-through penalty 穿越維修站處罰
One of two penalties that can be handed out at the discretion of the Stewards whilst the race is still running. Drivers must enter the pit lane, drive through it complying with the speed limit, and re-join the race without stopping.
Flat spot 磨平點
The term given to the area of a tyre that is worn heavily on one spot after a moment of extreme braking or in the course of a spin. This ruins its handling, often causing severe vibration, and may force a driver to pit for a replacement set of tyres.
Formation lap 編隊圈(熱胎圈)
The lap before the start of the race when the cars are driven round from the grid to form up on the grid again for the start of the race. Sometimes referred to as the warm-up lap or parade lap.
G-force G力 (加速度,以1個重力G為基本單位)
A physical force equivalent to one unit of gravity that is multiplied ring rapid changes of direction or velocity. Drivers experience severe G-forces as they corner, accelerate and brake.
Graining 輪胎顆粒化
When a car slides, it can cause little bits or rubber ('grains') to break away from the tyre's grooves. These then stick to the tread of the tyre, effectively separating the tyre from the track surface very slightly. For the driver, the effect is like driving on ball bearings. Careful driving can clear the graining within a few laps, but will obviously have an effect on the driver's pace. Driving style, track conditions, car set-up, fuel load and the tyre itself all play a role in graining. In essence, the more the tyre moves about on the track surface (ie slides), the more likely graining is.
Gravel trap 砂石緩沖帶
A bed of gravel on the outside of corners designed with the aim of bringing cars that fall off the circuit to a halt.
Grip 抓地力
The amount of traction a car has at any given point, affecting how easy it is for the driver to keep control through corners.
Installation lap 測試圈
A lap done on arrival at a circuit, testing functions such as throttle, brakes and steering before heading back to the pits without crossing the finish line.
Jump start 搶發車(偷跑 )
When a driver moves off his grid position before the five red lights have been switched off to signal the start. Sensors detect premature movement and a jump start earns a driver a penalty.
KERS 運動能量回收系統
Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, or KERS, are legal from 2009 onwards. KERS recover waste kinetic energy from the car ring braking, store that energy and then make it available to propel the car. The driver has access to the additional power for limited periods per lap, via a 'boost button' on the steering wheel.
Left-foot braking 左腳剎車
A style of braking made popular in the 1990s following the arrival of hand clutches so that drivers could keep their right foot on the throttle and dedicate their left to braking.
Lollipop 棒棒糖人 維修站機械團隊的Leader,名字很cool,老外真有想像力
The sign on a stick held in front of the car ring a pit stop to inform the driver to apply the brakes and then to engage first gear prior to the car being lowered from its jacks.
賽車進站後,棒棒糖人在賽車前舉著個牌牌-信號牌(那真是顯擺啊! ),通過觀察機械師的工作情況,告訴車手何時剎車,接著(完成輪胎更換後)通知車手在賽車從升起架上落下之前將賽車打到1檔-掛檔起步。
Marshal 馬歇爾 賽道工人
A course official who oversees the safe running of the race. Marshals have several roles to fill, including observing the spectators to ensure they do not endanger themselves or the competitors, acting as fire wardens, helping to remove stranded cars/drivers from the track and using waving flags to signal the condition of the track to drivers.
Monocoque 單車體
The single-piece tub in which the cockpit is located, with the engine fixed behind it and the front suspension on either side at the front.
Oversteer 轉向過度
When a car's rear end doesn't want to go around a corner and tries to overtake the front end as the driver turns in towards the apex.
Levers on either side of the back of a steering wheel with which a driver changes up and down the gearbox.This often requires opposite-lock to correct, whereby the driver turns the front wheels into the skid.
An enclosed area behind the pits in which the teams keep their transporters and motor homes. There is no admission to the public.
Parc ferme
A fenced-off area into which cars are driven after qualifying and the race, where no team members are allowed to touch them except under the strict supervision of race stewards.
Pit board
A board held out on the pit wall to inform a driver of his race position, the time interval to the car ahead or the one behind, plus the number of laps of the race remaining.
Pit wall
Where the team owner, managers and engineers spend the race, usually under an awning to keep sun and rain off their monitors.
An area of track separated from the start/finish straight by a wall, where the cars are brought for new tyres and fuel ring the race, or for set-up changes in practice, each stopping at their respective pit garages.
A hard wooden strip (also known as a skid block) that is fitted front-to-back down the middle of the underside of all cars to check that they are not being run too close to the track surface, something that is apparent if the wood is excessively worn.
Pole position
The first place on the starting grid, as awarded to the driver who recorded the fastest lap time in qualifying.
The periods on Friday and on Saturday morning at a Grand Prix meeting when the drivers are out on the track working on the set-up of their cars in preparation for qualifying and the race.
An action lodged by a team when it considers that another team or competitor has transgressed the rules.
The knock-out session on Saturday in which the drivers compete to set the best time they can in order to determine the starting grid for the race.
Reconnaissance lap
A lap completed when drivers leave the pits to assemble on the grid for the start. If a driver decides to do several, they must divert through the pit lane as the grid will be crowded with team personnel.
When a car has to drop out of the race because of an accident or mechanical failure.
Ride height
The height between the track's surface and the floor of the car.
Safety Car
The course vehicle that is called from the pits to run in front of the leading car in the race in the event of a problem that requires the cars to be slowed.
The technical checking of cars by the officials to ensure that none are outside the regulations.
For timing purposes the lap is split into three sections, each of which is roughly a third of the lap. These sections are officially known as Sector 1, Sector 2 and Sector 3.
A brief test when a team is trying a different car part for the first time before going back out to drive at 100 percent to set a fast time.
The part of the car that flanks the sides of the monocoque alongside the driver and runs back to the rear wing, housing the radiators.
A driving tactic when a driver is able to catch the car ahead and ck in behind its rear wing to benefit from a rection in drag over its body and hopefully be able to achieve a superior maximum speed to slingshot past before the next corner.
'Splash and dash'
A pit stop in the closing laps of the race when a driver calls in for just a few litres of fuel to be sure of making it to the finish.
One of three high-ranking officials at each Grand Prix appointed to make decisions.
Stop-go penalty
A penalty given that involves the driver calling at his pit and stopping for 10 seconds - with no refuelling or tyre-changing allowed.
Tear-off strips
See-through plastic strips that drivers fit to their helmet's visor before the start of the race and then remove as they become dirty.
A system that beams data related to the engine and chassis to computers in the pit garage so that engineers can monitor that car's behaviour.
Literally, the turning or twisting force of an engine, torque is generally used as a measure of an engine's flexibility. An engine may be very powerful, but if it has little torque then that power may only be available over a limited rev range, making it of limited use to the driver. An engine with more torque - even if it has less power - may actually prove quicker on many tracks, as the power is available over a far wider rev range and hence more accessible. Good torque is particularly vital on circuits with a number of mid- to slow-speed turns, where acceleration out of the corners is essential to a good lap time.
The degree to which a car is able to transfer its power onto the track surface for forward progress.
Traction control
A computerised system that detects if either of a car's driven (rear) wheels is losing traction - ie spinning - and transfers more drive to the wheel with more traction, thus using its more power efficiently. Outlawed from the 2008 season onwards.
The result of the disruption of airflow caused by an interruption to its passage, such as when it hits a rear wing and its horizontal flow is spoiled.
Tyre compound
The type of rubber mix used in the construction of a tyre, ranging from soft through medium to hard, with each offering a different performance and wear characteristic.
Tyre warmer
An electric blanket that is wrapped around the tyres before they are fitted to the car so that they will start closer to their optimum operating temperature.
Where the front end of the car doesn't want to turn into a corner and slides wide as the driver tries to turn in towards the apex.
A separate floor to the car that is bolted onto the underside of the monocoque.
❻ 博世發明了自動遮陽板,比你想的還自動
❼ 需要一篇15000字的中英文對照翻譯譯,必須是與汽車相關的。望各位幫忙!
興永升汽車用品批發商行 廈門市湖裡區
澳德巴克斯汽車用品超市 廈門市思明區
群興益汽車用品批發中心 廈門市園山南路273號店
車香坊汽車用品經營部 廈尺慎汪門市湖濱北路97號
君興隆汽車用品批發中心 廈門市湖裡區枋湖南路422-424號
興時達汽車用品 廈門市湖裡區枋湖東路135
輪之林汽車用品 廈門市思明區
鑫華福汽車用品園山店 廈門市湖裡區園山南路302之14
華誼汽車用品有限公司 廈門市思明區蓮岳路189號底層
美鷹美汽車用品有限公司 廈門市湖裡區呂嶺路753號-759號
瑞孝脊琪汽車用品 廈門市金尚路372號
鑫萬通汽車用品商行 廈門市思明區仙岳路400號之十七
福田新世紀汽車用品 廈門市金山西路194-196號店面
成易達汽車用品商行 廈門市蓮前西路169號中展鈴木4S店
華鵬汽車用品廈禾路連鎖店 廈門市後江埭路
清風汽車用品商行 廈門市仙岳路415-2號汽車服務專業市場二樓16號
鑫奕鑫汽車用品 廈門市嘉禾路398號財富港灣2202
歐德力汽車用品 廈門市海滄區
Xing Yongsheng automotive supplies wholesalers, Huli District, Xiamen, auto supplies stores Autobacs Group, Siming District, Xiamen City, Xing Yi automotive supplies wholesale center of Xiamen City, 273 Park Hill Road car Xiangfang automotive supplies store operation of the Xiamen City, North Lake Jun 97 Xinglong Road, wholesale auto supplies, Huli District, Xiamen City, Hunan Road, 422-424 Hing Fang reached automotive supplies Fang, Huli District, Xiamen City, 135 Lake Road, the forest of automotive supplies
There is not much significance, the site reported that the manufacturers generally price, in fact, around the dealer\u0026#39;s offer as it is now the degree is different, because now in the automobile market restructuring and listing of new car, many cars have a larger discount range, according to an example, like the Buick LaCrosse and the Camry to be cheaper than the price of long-3W and more business is not in the offer, the dealer\u0026#39;s price will be relatively low, they still look at some quotes around the dealer portal , or directly to the market point of view is also that when the actual purchase, the dealer will usually have some activities instead of price cuts, it depends on what brand of cars