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發布時間:2024-07-27 03:51:03

⑴ 義大利語高手進~~~!!


Testo: G. Fasano–G. Grottoli-A. Vaschetti
Musica: G. Fasano–G. Grottoli–A. Vaschetti

C:Questa storia è pazzesca
Quasi grottesca, vi piacerà
E』 successa davvero
Quello che dice è la verità
Dai, dai comincia, dai, dai comincia.

S:Mamma mamma cosa è capitato
Non si vede più la TV
Mmma mamma io non sono stato
Non mi sono mica sposta…to
Posso sapere adesso come si fa?
C』è il mio programma preferito!

C:E』 cominciato già!
S:Mamma mamma ma dove è finito
Presto presto chiama papà!
Che c』è il ra…marro l』ispettore tutto
sauro, strabizzarro con tre erre
C:Ramarro con tre erre
S:Arriva in punta di zampette con la lente
E l』impermeabilino verde
C:Ramarro con tre erre

S: Corre sui muri, sui pendii più rocciosi
Non gli fa paura niente
E』 autotermoregolato da energia solare presa in quantità!

C: Questa storia è pazzesca
Ma adesso il bello arriverà

S: Ra ra ramarro
C: C』è un problema all』antenna
Oh che sfortuna, come si fa?
Dai, dai continua! Dai, dai continua!

S:Uffa mamma, pà non c』 è riuscito
Vieni vieni provaci tu
Ha urlato ed è scappato
Mi è sembrato un po』 spaventa…to C: Oh!
Posso sapere che cos』è che non va?
Perché ridete a crepapelle?
C: Ah ah ah ah ah!
Mamma mamma cosa è capitato
Fate ridere pure me!
C: C』era un ramarro dietro la televisione
Un ramarro veramente.
Però non era l』ispettore del cartone
Sarà stato un suo parente
S: E a mio papà che è molto schizzinoso
Ancora un po』 gli prende un accidente
Perché è un fifone con e effe
Cosa posso fare, soffrirà di stress!

C: Di stress, di stress!
S: Mentre il ramarro come tutti gli animali
Vuole vivere tranquillo
C: Ramarro con tre erre
S: Non c』è bisogno di strillare a squarciagola!
Non è mica un coccodrillo!
C: Ramarro con tre erre
S: Probabilmente dai cespugli del giardino
Lui per inseguire un grillo
Si è ritrovato ingarbugliato in mezzo ai fili
Dietro la TV!
Dietro la TV!

C: C』era un ramarro dietro la televisione
Un ramarro veramente.
Però non era l』ispettore del cartone
Sarà stato un suo parente
S: Così ogni tanto quando ho voglia di guardare
Un bel ramarro intelligente
C: Molto intelligente
Lo cerco fuori lì in giardino e finalmente
Lascio spenta la TV!
C: Lascio spenta la TV!
S+C: Questa è la storia del ramarro con tre erre
S: Esci, cercalo anche tu!
C: Questa storia è pazzesca
Quasi grottesca, finisce qui
S: Ra ra ramarro
C: E』 successa davvero
Quello che dice è la verità
S: Ra ra ramarro!


⑵ 義大利語Ti prego, dimmi perché是什麼意思阿

ti 是 tu 變位後的一種方式 「你」的意思
prego 也有「不客氣」的意思
dimmi 就是:「告訴我」的意思
perché 就是「為什麼」的意思

⑶ 給我一些英文單詞以及短語的縮寫 比如loud of love是lol and是nd you是

AAP – Always a pleasure 很高興
AAR – At any rate 任何價格
AB/ ABT – About 關於
ABT2 – Meaning 『about to』 將……
ACC – Anyone can come 誰都能來
ACK – Acknowledgement 感謝
ADBB – All done, bye-bye 完了,再見
ADD/ ADR – Address 地址
ADMIN – Administrator 管理員
ADVD – Advertised 被廣告的
AEAP – As early as possible 越早越好
AFAIC – As far as I concerned 我覺得……
AFAIK – As far as I know 我只知道……
AFAIUI – As far as I understand it 我明白……
AFAP – As far as possible 越遠越好
AH – At home 在家
AISB – As it should be 它應該專業……
AISB – As I said before 像我之前說的
AISI – As I see it 我看……
AKA – Also known as 還叫……
ALOL – Actually laughing out loud 正在大聲笑
AMAP – As much as possible 越多越好
AMBW – All my best wishes 最好的祝願
AML – All my love 我所有的愛
AMOF – As a matter of fact 事實是……
APP – Application 應用程序
AQAP – As quick as possible 越快越好
ATB – All the Best 最好的
ATM – At the moment 現在
ATEOTD – At the end of the day 最後
ASAP – As soon as possible 越快越好
AWESO – Awesome 真棒
AYDY – Are you done yet? 你完事了沒?
AYEC – At your earliest convenience 你最方便的時候
AYOR – At your own risk 由自己負責
AYSOS – Are you stupid or something? 你傻啊還是什麼別的?
AYS – Are you serious? 你說正經的呢?
AYT – Are you there? 你在嗎?
AYTMTB – And you're telling me this because 你跟我說這個是因為……
AYW – As you wish 如你所願
AZN – Asian 亞洲人(別忘了是主要指印度人哦!)

B2W – Back to work 回去上班
BF – Boyfriend 男朋友
BG – Background 背景
B4 – Before 之前
B4N – Bye for now 先這樣
BAU – Business as usual 正常營業
BB – Be back 馬上回來
BBIAB – Be back in a bit 馬上回來
BBIAM – Be back in a minute 馬上回來
BBIAS – Be back in a second 馬上回來
BBL – Be back later 一會回來
BBQ – Barbeque 燒烤!!!好想吃!
BBS – Be back soon 一會回來
BBT – Be back tomorrow 明天回來
BCOS – Because 因為
BDAY/ B-DAY – Birthday 生日
BF – Best friend 最好的朋友
BFF – Best friend forever 永遠的好朋友
BFFL – Best friend for life 一輩子的好朋友
BFFLNMW – Best friends for life, no matter what 不管怎樣都是一輩子的朋友
BFFN – Best friend for now 暫時最好的朋友
BFN – Bye for now 暫時拜拜
BHL8 – Be home late 會晚回家
BIF – Before I forget 在我忘記之前
BION – Believe it or not 愛相信不相信
BLNT – Better luck next time 下次再試吧!
BM – Bite me 寓意是就這樣了,咋招?不是咬我的意思。
BME – Based on my experience 根據我的經驗
BM&Y – Between me and you 你我之前
BN – Bad news 壞消息
BOL – Best of luck 祝你好運
BOYF – Boyfriend 男朋友
BRB – Be right back 馬上回來
BR – Best regards 最好的祝福
BRBB – Be right back babe 馬上回來
BRNC – Be right back, nature calls 馬上回來,去上廁所
BRD – Bored 無聊
BTW – By the way 順便說一下

C4N – Ciao for now 拜拜,Ciao是義大利語的再見,是的,跟那個字發音很相似
CAD – Control + Alt + Delete
CAM – Camera 相機
CB – Coffee break 休息時間
CB – Crazy Bi**h 飄過……
CM – Call me 打給我
CMB – Call me back 給我回電話
CMIIW – Correct me if I』m wrong 糾正我如果我錯了
CMON – Come on 拜託!!
COB – Close of business 停業
COS – Because 因為
CQRT – Security 安全
CR8 – Create 創造
CRAFT – Can』t remember a freaking thing 什麼都沒記住
CRB – Come right back 馬上回來
CRBT – Crying really big tears 大哭
CRZ – Crazy 瘋了
CSL – Can』t stop laughing 停不了的笑
CT – Can』t talk 說不了話
C-T – City 城市
CTN – Can』t talk now 說不了話
CU – See you 再見
CUA – See you around 再見
CUL – See you later 一會見
CUIMD – See you in my dreams 夢里見
CX – Cancelled 取消了
CWYL – Chat with you later 一會聊
CYE – Check your e-mail 查你的郵件
DA – Meaning 『the』 英文的「the」
DEY – They 他、她們
DF – Dear friend 親愛的朋友
DGA – Don』t go anywhere 哪都別去
DGT – Don』t go there 別去那
DIKU – Do I know you? 我認識你嗎?
DITTO – Same here 這兒也一樣
DKDC – Don』t know, don』t care 不知道,不管
DL – Download 下載
DN – Down 往下,下面
DNR – Dinner 晚飯
DNT – Don』t 別……
D00d – Dude 哥們,老兄
DXNRY – Dictionary 字典

E1/ Every1 – Everyone 每個人
E123 – Easy as one, two, three 跟1,2,3一樣容易
EF4T – Effort 努力
EMA – E-mail address 郵箱地址
ENUF – Enough 夠了
EOD – End of day 最後
EOL – End of lecture 講座最後
ESAD – Eat shit and die 吃屎,去死
EVA – Ever 曾經,永遠
EZ/ EZY – Easy 容易

F – Meaning 『female』 女人
F2F – Face to face 面對面
F2P – Free to play 免費玩
FAQ – Frequently asked questions 經常問到的問題
FB – Facebook 臉書,非死不可(歐美社交網站)
FBFR – Facebook friend 臉書上的朋友
FBY – Fine by me 我可以、同意
FC – Fingers crossed 手指交叉,意思是保佑
FW – Forward 向前,轉發(郵件)
FYI – For your information 根據你的信息

GF – Girlfriend 女朋友
G9 – Genius 天才
GA – Go ahead 進行
GAL – Get a life 做點有益的事
GAS – Got a second? 有工夫嗎?
GB – Goodbye 拜拜,也是大英帝國的縮寫Great Britain,常見於汽車後面會見到
GBTW – Get back to work 回去上班
GBU – God bless you 上次保佑你
GFI – Go for it 去做吧!
GFN – Gone for now 現在不在
GG – Gotta go 得走了
GGP – Got to go pee 要去尿尿
GJ – Good job 乾的不錯
GL – Good luck 祝你好運
GL2U – Good luck to you 祝你好運
GN/ GNITE – Good night 晚安
GOI – Get over it 別想了
GR8 – Great 不錯、很好
GRATZ – Congratulations 祝賀
GRL – Girl 女孩
GTSY – Great to see you 很高興見到你
GUD – Good 不錯、很好
GWHTLC – Glad we had this little chat 很高興我們有了這番談話

H – Hug 抱抱
H8 – Hate 討厭、恨、不喜歡
HAK – Hug and kiss 抱抱,親親
HAU – How about you? 你如何?你怎樣?
H&K – Hugs & kisses 抱抱,親親
H2CUS – Hope to see you soon 希望不久能見到你
HAGN – Have a good night 祝今晚過得愉快
HAND – Have a nice day 祝今天過得愉快
H-BDAY – Happy Birthday 生日快樂
HBU – How about you? 你如何?你怎樣?
HF – Have fun 玩的愉快
HOAS – Hold on a second 等一下
HRU – How are you? 你好嗎?
HTH – Hope this helps 希望這個能幫到你、希望這個對你有用
HV – Have 有……
HW – Homework 作業

I2 – I too = me too 我也是
IA8 – I already ate 我吃過了
IAC – In any case 無論如何
IB – I』m back 我回來了
IC – I see 哦……
ICAM – I couldn』t agree more 我非常同意
IDBI – I don』t believe it 我真不敢相信
IDC – I don』t care 我不管
IDTS – I don』t think so 我不這么認為
IDUNNO – I don』t know 我不知道
IHNI – I have no idea 我不知道
IK – I know 我知道
ILBL8 – I』ll be late 我會遲到
ILU – I love you 我愛你
IMO – In my opinion 我覺得、我認為
IMS – I am sorry 對不起
IMSB – I am so bored 我特別無聊
IMU – I miss you 我想你
IOW – In other words 換句話說
IRL – In real life 在真實生活中
ITYK – I thought you knew 我以為你知道的
IUSS – If you say so 如果你非要這么說的話
IWALU – I will always love you 我會一直愛你
IYKWIM – If you know what I mean 如果你知道我什麼意思
IYO – In your opinion 你覺得、你認為
IYQ – Meaning 『I like you』 我喜歡你

JAC/ JAS – Just a second 等一下下
JAM – Just a minute 等一下
JDI – Just do it 做吧!
JFF – Just for fun 只是想玩玩,高興高興
JIC – Just in case 以防萬一
JJ – Just joking 只是開玩笑的
JK – Just kidding 只是逗你玩的
JLMK – Just let me know 到時通知我一下
JTLYK – Just to let you know 只是想通知你一下
JW – Just wondering 覺得……

KK – Knock, knock 敲門聲,意思就是有沒有人在啊?
KK – Okay, okay 好的,好的
K8T – Katie 凱特(名字)
KB – Keyboard鍵盤
KEWL – Cool 酷
KIT – Keep in touch 保持聯系
KNOW – Meaning 『knowledge』 知識

L2K – Love to come 很想來
L8R – Later 過會兒,一會兒
LBAY – Laughing back at you 對你笑
LD – Long distance 遠距離
LEMENO/ LMK – Let me know 告訴我
LH6 – Let』s have sex 讓我們ML吧!
LHO – Laughing head off 大笑
LOL – Laughing out loud 大聲笑,非常常見
LOLO – Lots of love 很多愛
LSHMBH – Laughing so hard my belly hurt 笑到肚子疼

M8 – Mate 兄弟,哥們(英國經常用)
MGMT – Management 管理
MKAY – Meaning 『Mmm, okay』 嗯,好的
MLM – Meaning give the middle finger 豎中指的意思
MNC – Mother nature calls 大自然在召喚,意思就是要上廁所
MOO – My own opinion 我自身認為
MSG – Message 信息
MTF – More to follow 還有更多
MYOB – Mind your own business 先管好你自己的事兒

N1 – Nice one 不錯
NALOPKT – Not a lot of people know that 很多人都知道……
NBD – No big deal 沒那麼嚴重
NE – Any 任何
NE1 – Anyone 任何人
NFS – Not for sale 不出售
NM – Never mind 沒事
NO1 – No one 沒有人
NOWL – Meaning 『knowledge』 知識
NOYB – None of your business 跟你沒關系
NP – No problem 沒問題
NTHING – Nothing 沒事
NVM – Never mind 沒事
NVR – Never 不、絕不
NW – No way 不可能吧!

O4Y – Only for you 只為了你
OMG – Oh my god 我的天啊!
OM – Oh, my 哦,天啊……
OMDB – Over my dead body 除非我死了
OMGYG2BK – Oh my god, you got to be kidding 我的天啊,你開玩笑呢吧!
OMW – On my way 在路上
ONL – Online 在線上
OTP – On the phone 在打電話
OTT – Over the top 過分了啊!
OTW – Off to work 去上班了
OVA – Over 結束

P2P – Pay to play 付款玩
PCM – Please call me 請打給我
Peeps/ PPL – people 人們
PIC – Picture 圖片、照片
PLS/ PLZ – Please 請
PLZTLME – Please tell me 請告訴我
POV – Point of view 觀點
PROLLY – Probably 可能
PRT – Party 聚會
PTMM – Please tell me more 請告訴我多一點
PXT – Please explain that 請解釋你什麼意思
PZ – Peace 和平、安寧
PZA – Pizza 比薩

QIK – Quick 快
QOTD – Quote of the day 今日引用,像名人的話啊什麼的。
QQ – Meaning 『crying eyes』 哭著的眼睛
QQ – Quick question 問個很快的問題

R8 – RATE 比率、價格
RUT – Are you there? 你在嗎?
AUOK – Are you ok? 你ok嗎?

S2S – Sorry to say 很遺憾的說……
SB – Should be 應該
SB – Smiling back 回笑
SBX – Starbucks 星巴克
SC – Stay cool 保持酷
SDMB – Sweet dreams, my baby 好夢,我的寶貝
SH^ - Shut up 閉嘴
SIT – Stay in touch 保持聯系
SK8 – Skate 溜冰
SK8GN – Skating 溜冰ing
SK8R – Skater 溜冰手
SK8RBOI – Skater boy 溜冰男孩
SLAP – Sounds like a plan 聽起來像個計劃
SOAB – Son of a B***h 飄過……
SOL – Sooner or later 遲早、早晚
SRSLY – Seriously 說真的呢!說正經的呢!
SPST – Same place, same time 同一地點同一時間
SQ – Square 正方形、平方、廣場
SRY – Sorry 對不起
STR8 – Straight 直的,也可理解為是異性戀,不是同性戀
SUL – See you later 一會見
SYS – See you soon 一會見

TAM – Tomorrow A.M. 明天上午
TBC – To be continued 待續,美劇最後經常見到
TBH – To be honest 說實話……
TBL – Text back later 一會再發(簡訊)
TC – Take care 保重
THX – Thanks 謝謝
THNQ – Thank you 謝謝你
TIA – Thanks in advance 先謝謝了
TLK2UL8R – Talk to you later 一會再聊
TMB – Text me back 回我簡訊
TPM – Tomorrow P.M. 明天下午
TTLY – Totally 簡直、完全的
TTUL – Talk to you later 一會再聊
TTG – Time to go 該走了
TTYL – Talk to you later 一會再聊
TTYS – Talk to you soon 一會再聊
TYT – Take your time 不用著急慢慢來
TYSM – Thank you so much 非常感謝你
TYVM – Thank you very much 非常感謝你

UN4TUN8 – Unfortunate 很不幸的
UNBLEFBLE – Unbelievable 令人不可相信
UNCRTN – Uncertain 不確定
UR – You are 你是……
URA* - You are a star 你是個英雄、新星(名人)
UAH – You are hot 你很性感
URSKTM – You are so kind to me 你對我真好
URW/ UW – You are welcome 不客氣
USU – Usually 通常情況下……、經常……

VBS – Very big smile 非常大的一個笑容
VFM – Value for money 價格很劃得來
VGC – Very good condition 狀態良好
VRY – Very 非常

W@ - What? 什麼?
W3 – www. 網址的前端
WAM – Wait a minute 等一會兒
WAN2TLK – Want to talk 想聊天
WAS – Wait a second 等一會兒
WAM – Wait a minute 等一會兒
WAYF – Where are you from? 你哪裡來的?
WB – Welcome back 歡迎回來
WBU – What about you? 你呢?
WC – Who cares? 誰管、在乎啊?
WEND/ WKD – Weekend 周末
WE – Whatever 隨便、無所謂
WK – Week 星期
WRK – Work 工作
WRU@ - Where are you at? 你在哪呢?
WRUD – What are you doing? 你干嗎呢?
WUZ – Meaning 『was』 is的過去時
WYWH – Wish you were here 希望你也在這里

X– Kiss 親一下,最常見的英文縮寫,老外在簡訊和e-mail最後一般都會寫個x,並不是曖昧才可以用,普通朋友之間也可以。
XD – Meaning 『really big smile』 非常大的一個笑容
XME – Excuse me 對不起麻煩一下、對不起
XOXOXO – Hugs & kisses 親親抱抱
XLNT – Excellent 很好!

Y? – Why? 為什麼?
Y2K – You are too kind 你人真好
YKW – You know what 你知道嗎?
YIU – Yes, I understand 是的我明白
YL – Young lady 年輕女孩
YNK – You never know 你怎麼會知道
YR – Your 你的
YTB – You』re the best 你是最棒的
YW – You are welcome 不客氣
YYSSW – Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever 好好好,隨便

Z% - Zoo 動物園
ZZZZ – Sleeping or sleepy 困的意思

⑷ 哪國語言中的「警方」一詞拼做「polis」

polis 瑞典語,意思是警察


⑸ 義大利文的十二個月份分別是什麼呀> <

一月 Gennaio

二月 Febbraio

三月 Marzo

四月 Aprile

五月 Maggio

六月 Giugno

七月 Luglio

八月 Agosto

★九月 Settembre

十月 Ottobre

十一月 Novembre

★十二月 Dicembre



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