㈠ 義大利語句式問題
跟let me~相似的有一個fare fare的用法,就是讓某人做什麼事,比如你讓我走let me go,就是mi fai andare.make me~大概也可以套用吧,但是建議你還是學習說地道的句子來表達意見,畢竟是兩個不同的語言,像一般義大利人表達let me have a look都是用「我能看一下嗎」,有些情景還有別的方法表達才能弄清楚的,祝你進步
㈡ 義大利人們第一次見面怎麼打招呼英語版
Italy people first met how to say hello
One, hello:
Greetings from the Italian language is divided into two periods, from the early morning to 4 PM with one, after 4 pm is another kind of.
Giorno Buon. How do you do (from morning to 4 PM)
Sera. Buona is good at night (4 pm, the Italians don't say good afternoon.)
Ciao. hello (greetings and farewell to friends and friends)
Three commonly used terms in italian:
Mr. Signore
Mrs. Signora
Miss Signorina
Two, (body) how?
The Italians in the meeting after greeting usually ask:
STAI come? What about you?
Sta Come? What about you (body or other aspects)?
VA Come? How's it?
The answer can be said bene STO, Grazie. I'm fine. (the sto is stare in Italian, the first person in the singular first person. Stare l'indicatif now when a STAI sta stiamo state are sto stanno)
In Italian "third person singular expression -- you.
Three, goodbye.
Arrivederci arrivederLa said this is goodbye!! goodbye.
Ciao! Goodbye.
Domani A! See you tomorrow
Presto A!
Vediamo Ci! We'll see you again!
We use arrivederci and friends in the Italian dialogue, and we use ciao.
There is a time + word, which is often used in Italian dialogue such as: a Domani! See you tomorrow (Domani a Luned sera for tomorrow). See you on Monday evening.
Buon giorno . 您好(從清晨到下午4點)
Buona sera. 晚上好(下午4點之後,義大利人一般不說下午好的。)
Ciao. 你好(熟人和朋友之間的問候和告別語)
Signore 先生
Signora 太太
Signorina 小姐
come stai? 你(身體或者其他方面)怎樣?
Come sta?您(身體或者其他方面)怎麼樣?
Come va?最近怎麼樣?
回答可以說sto bene ,grazie .我很好。(這里的sto是義大利語中stare 是,在. 的單數第一人稱變位。Stare 直陳式現在時的變位分別是sto stai sta stiamo state stanno)
Arrivederci! 再見 arrivederLa! 這個是表示尊稱的再見。
Ciao! 再見
A domani! 明天見
A presto! 很快見!
Ci vediamo! 我們再見!
還有一種就是a+時間詞,這個在義大利語對話中也是經常用到的比如:a domani! 明天見(domani意為明天) a lunedì sera。周一晚上見
㈢ 義大利人用英語怎麼讀音標也要
Italian 義大利人
美式發音 [ɪˈtæljən]
英式發音 [ɪ'tælɪən]