導航:首頁 > 觀義大利 > 義大利口音式英語怎麼說


發布時間:2025-01-05 06:11:59

A. 義大利語è的發音


B. 義大利人說英語有什麼口音



The Italian man who went to Malta
One (a) day I'm gonna to Malta to a big hotel.
In the morning, I go down to eat a breakfast.
I tell the waitress that I wanna two pieces of toast.
She brings me only one piece.
I tell her: "I wanna two piece."
She said: "Go to the toilet !!"
I said: "You don't understand!! I wanna two pieces on my plate."
She said: "You'd better not piss on the plate !! You son of a bitch !!"
I don't even know the lady and she called me the son of the beach??!!
Later, I go to eat at a bigger restaurant.
The waiter brings me a spoon and a knife but no fork. I tell her: "I wanna the fork."
She tells me : "Everyone wanna the fuck !!"
I tell her: "You don't undertsand!! I wanna the fork on the table."
She said : "You'd better not fuck on the table!! You son a bitch !!"
So I go back to my room in the hotel, and there is no sheets on the bed.
I called the manager and tell him: "I wanna the sheet." He tells me: "To go to the toilet !!"
I said: "You don't understand!! I wanna the sheet on my bed !!"
He said: "You'd better not shit on the bed!! You son a bitch !!"
I go to the check out and the man at the desk
said: "Peace on you!!"
I said: "Piss on you, too!! You're the son of beach!!" I'm going back to Italy!

C. 義大利人英語說的怎麼樣





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