導航:首頁 > 觀義大利 > 義大利食物有哪些英語


發布時間:2025-01-10 09:14:55

1. 義大利披薩中文名字翻譯成正宗的英語,萬分感謝!

1. Garden pizza (tomato sauce, onlion slices, mushrooms, fresh fruits, Mozzarella cheese)
2. Fruit pizza (fruit jam, pineapple, peach, banana, fresh fruits, Mozzarella cheese)
3. Spicy chicken pizza( tomato sauce, onlion slices, chicken. mushrooms, red and green pepper, Mozzarella cheese)
4. Hawaiian pizza (tomato sauce, onlion slices, ham, Mozzarella cheese, shrimp meat)
5. Italian beef pizza (tomato sauce, onlion slices, beef, corns, roasted potatoes, Mozzarella cheese)
6.Bacon shrimp pizza (tomato sauce, onlion slices, shrimp meat, Naples bacon, roasted potatoes Mozzarella cheese)
7. Apennine seafood pizza ( tomato sauce, squids, crab stick, mussels, shrimp meat, Cherry tomatoes, Mozzarella cheese)
8. Mixed sausages pizza (tomato sauce, onlion slices, ham, smoked sausages, bacon, sausages, red and green pepper, Mozzarella cheese)
9. Italian pizza in cheese flavor (tomato sauce, spices, Mozzarella cheese)
10. Carnival pizza (tomato sauce, pineapples, onlion, bacon, smoked sausages, ham, chicken, shrimps, green and red pepper, corns, olives, Cherry tomatoes, Mozzarella cheese)


2. 英語西方傳統食物有哪些

簡單點的有:hamburger漢堡 pizza披薩
French fries法式薯條 beefsteak 牛排 red wine紅酒 spaghetti義大利面 cheese乳酪如果是吃西式大餐就多了. 西式自助餐 Western buffet
西式冷餐 Western buffet
冷餐 buffet

1.冷盤 cold dish
1)沙拉 salad

沙拉 salad
色拉 salad
火腿沙拉 ham salad
雞沙拉 chicken salad
雞脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad
雞絲沙拉 shredded chicken salad
雞蛋沙拉 egg salad
魚片沙拉 fish salad
蝦仁沙拉 shrimp salad
大蝦沙拉 prawn salad
蟹肉沙拉 crab salad
素沙拉 vegetable salad
蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad
鮮蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad
黃瓜沙拉 cucumber salad
鮮黃瓜沙拉 fresh cucumber salad
奶油黃瓜沙拉 cucumber salad with cream
西紅柿黃瓜沙拉 cucumber salad with tomato
西紅柿沙拉 tomato salad
甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad
紅菜頭沙拉 beetroot salad
沙拉油 salad dressing; mayonnaise
沙拉醬 salad dressing; mayonnaise

2)肉 meat

冷雜拌肉 cold mixed meat
冷什錦肉 cold mixed meat
冷肉拼香腸 cold meat and sausage
冷火腿蔬菜 cold ham with vegetables
什錦肉凍 mixed meat jelly
肝泥 mashed liver; live paste
牛肝泥 mashed ox liver; ox liver paste
牛腦泥 mashed ox brain; ox brain paste
冷烤牛肉 cold roast beef
冷烤裡脊 cold roast fillet
冷烤羔羊腿 cold roast lamb leg
冷烤豬肉 cold roast pork
冷燴茶腸 cold stewed sausage
冷茶腸 cold sausage
乳酪 cheese

3)魚 fish

紅燴魚片 stewed fish slices with brown sauce
茄汁燴魚片 stewed fish slices with tomato sauce
雞蛋鯡魚泥子 minced herring with eggs
雞蛋托鯡魚 herring on eggs
熏鯡魚 smoked herring
熏鯉魚 smoked carp
沙丁油魚 sardines
魚肉凍 fish jelly
釀餡魚 stuffed fish
紅魚子醬 red caviar
黑魚子醬 black caviar
大蝦泥 minced prawns
蟹肉泥 minced crab meat

4)家禽 poultry

雞肉凍 chicken jelly; chicken in aspic
水晶雞 chicken in aspic
雞肉泥 minced chicken meat; chicken paste
雞肝泥 minced chicken liver; chicken liver paste
鴨肝泥 minced ck liver; ck liver paste
釀餡雞蛋 stuffed eggs
乳酪釀餡雞蛋 stuffed eggs with cheese
釀餡雞 stuffed chicken
冷烤油雞蔬菜 cold roast chicken with vegetables
冷烤火雞 cold roast turkey
冷烤山雞 cold roast pheasant
冷烤野雞 cold roast pheasant
冷烤鴨 cold roast ck
冷烤野鴨 cold roast wild ck
烤鴨凍粉 roast ck jelly
冷烤鵝 cold roast goose
冷烤野鵝 cold roast wild goose

5)素菜 vegetable dish

什錦蔬菜 assorted vegetables
紅燴茄子 stewed egg-plant brown sauce
釀青椒 stuffed green pepper
釀西紅柿 stuffed tomato
酸蘑菇 sour mushrooms
酸黃瓜 sour cucumbers; pickled cucumbers
泡菜 pickled cabbage; sour and sweet cabbage

2.熱小菜 appetizers

奶油燴香腸 stewed sausage with cream
紅燴灌腸 stewed sausage with brown sauce
紅酒汁燴腰花 stewed kidney with red wine; kidney with red wine
奶油燴腰花 stewed kidney with cream; kidney with cream
芥末煎火腿豌豆 fried ham and peas with mustard
奶油煎火腿豌豆 fried ham and peas with cream
奶油汁煎牛肝 fried liver with cream sauce; liver with cream sauce
雞蛋汁煎鯡魚 fried herring with egg sauce
乳酪口蘑烤魚 fish au gratin
乳酪口蘑烤蟹肉 crab meat au gratin
奶油乳酪口蘑烤蟹肉 crab meat au gratin with cream
清煎雞蛋 fried eggs
火腿煎蛋 fried eggs with ham; ham and eggs
火腿蛋 fried eggs with ham; ham and eggs
鹹肉煎蛋 fried eggs with bacon; bacon and eggs
香腸煎蛋 fried eggs with sausage; sausage and eggs
清炒雞蛋 omelette/omelet
香腸炒蛋 sausage omelette/omelet
火腿炒蛋 ham omeletter/omelet
番茄炒蛋 tomato omelette/omelet
菜花沙蛋 cauliflower omelette/omelet
豌豆炒蛋 green peas omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with green peas
鮮蘑炒蛋 mushroom omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with mushrooms
果醬炒蛋 jam omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with jam

3.湯 soup

清湯 light soup; clear soup; consomme
濃湯 thick soup; potage
肉湯 broth
奶油火腿湯 creamed ham soup; ham soup with cream
奶油雞茸湯 creamed mashed chicken soup; mashed chicken soup with cream
奶油蟹肉湯 creamed crab meat soup; crab meat soup with cream
奶油口蘑解肉湯 creamed mushroom soup with crab meat
奶油大蝦湯 creamed prawn soup; prawn soup with cream
奶油鮑魚湯 creamed abalone soup; abalone soup with cream
奶油龍須菜湯 creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
奶油蘆筍湯 creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
奶油菜花湯 creamed cauliflower soup; cauliflower soup with cream
奶油口蘑湯 creamed mushroom soup; mushroom soup with cream
奶油口蘑菜花湯 creamed mushroom soup with cauliflower
奶油西紅柿湯 creamed tomato soup; tomato soup with cream
奶油蕃茄湯 creamed tomato soup; tomato soup with cream
奶油菠菜湯 creamed spinach soup; spinach soup with cream
奶油菠菜泥湯 creamed mashed spinach soup; mashed spinach soup with cream
奶油豌豆湯 creamed peas soup; peas soup with cream
奶油豌豆泥湯 creamed mashed peas soup; mashed peas soup with cream
肉雜拌湯 mixed meat soup
牛尾湯 ox-tail soup
牛肉丸子湯 beef balls soup
牛肉蔬菜湯 beef soup with vegetables
牛肉茶 beef tea
冷牛肉茶 cold beef tea
雞湯 chicken soup
口蘑雞湯 chicken soup with mushrooms
番茄雞湯 chicken soup with tomato
雞腿蔬菜湯 chicken leg soup with vegetables
咖哩雞丁湯 curry chicken cubes soup
雞塊湯 chicken chips soup
雞塊面條湯 noodles soup with chicken chips
雞塊大米湯 rice soup with chicken chips
高加索雞塊湯 chicken soup a la Caucasus
雞球蔬菜湯 chicken meatballs soup with vegetables
雞雜湯 chicken giblets soup
雞雜菠菜湯 chicken giblets soup with spinach
魚湯 fish soup
家常魚湯 fish soup in home style
紅魚湯 fish soup with tomato
紅菜湯 borsch
蔬菜湯 vegetables soup; soup with vegetables
丸子蔬菜湯 meat balls soup with vegetables
酸菜湯 sour cabbage soup
龍須菜湯 soup with asparagus
蔥頭湯 onion soup
洋蔥湯 onion soup
西紅柿湯 tomato soup
番茄湯 tomato soup
白豆湯 white beam soup
豌豆湯 pea soup
豌豆泥湯 mashed pea soup
清湯肉餅 consomme with meat pie
面球湯 mplings soup
通心粉湯 soup with macaroni
通心粉清湯 consomme with macaroni
番茄通心粉湯 tomato soup with macaroni
清湯卧果 consomme with poached eggs

4.魚蝦 fish and prawn

炸桂魚 fried mandarin fish
土豆炸桂魚 fried mandarin fish with potatoes
番茄汁炸魚 fried fish with tomato sauce
奶油汁炸魚 fried fish with cream sauce
韃靼式炸魚 fried fish with Tartar sauce
韃靼汁炸魚 fried fish with Tartar sauce
清煎鯉魚 fried carp
火腿汁煎魚 fried fish with ham sauce
俄式煎魚 fish a la Russia
罐燜魚 fish a la Duchesse
罐燜桂魚 mandarin fish a la Duchesse
火鍋魚片 fish podjarka
火鍋魚蝦 fish and prawns podjarka
火鍋大蝦 prawns podjarka
炭燒魚串 fish shashlik
炭燒魚段 fish chips shashlik
鐵扒桂魚 grilled mandarin fish
鐵扒比目魚 grilled turbot
奶油汁烤魚 baked fish with cream sauce
魚排 fish steak
奶油口蘑烤桂魚 mandarin fish au gratin
乳酪口蘑烤魚蝦 fish and prawns au gratin
白汁蒸魚 steamed fish with white
白酒汁蒸魚 steamed fish with white wine
紅酒蒸魚 steamed fish with red wine
番茄汁蒸魚 steamed fish tomato sauce
檸檬汁蒸魚 steamed fish with lemon sauce
雞蛋汁蒸魚 steamed fish with egg sauce
口蘑汁蒸魚 steamed fish with mushroom sauce
紅汁蘑菇蒸魚 steamed fish with mushrooms and brown sauce
番茄汁蘑菇蒸魚 steamed fish with mushrooms and tomato sauce
波蘭式蒸魚 steamed fish a la Poland
土豆煮魚 boiled fish with potatoes
黃油汁土豆煮魚 boiled fish and potato with butter sauce
炸大蝦 fried prawns
炸明蝦 fried prawns
軟煎大蝦 soft-fried prawns
黃油汁煎大蝦 fried prawns with butter sauce
罐燜大蝦 prawns a la Duchesse
乳酪口蘑烤大蝦 prawns au gratin
火腿乳酪炸大蝦 fried prawns with ham and cheese
鐵扒大蝦 grilled prawns
大蝦蛋奶酥 prawn souffle

5.素菜 vegetable dish

乳酪口蘑烤蔬菜 vegetables au gratin
黃油菜花 cauliflower with butter
黃油雜拌蔬菜 mixed vegetables with butter
菠菜卧果 spinach with poached egg
奶油汁烤口蘑 baked mushrooms with cream sauce
黃油炒口蘑 fried mushrooms with butter
黃油炒菠菜 fried spinach with butter
黃油炒豌豆 fried peas with butter
黃油炒青豆 fried green peas with butter
炒茄泥 fried mashed egg plants
炸茄子片 fried egg-plant slices
炸番茄 fried tomato
清煎土豆餅 fried potato cake
釀餡西葫蘆 stuffed bottle gourd
燜洋白菜卷 braised cabbage rolls
家常燜洋白菜卷 braised cabbage rolls
燴茄子 stewed egg plants
奶油汁燴豌豆 stewed peas with cream sauce
扁豆炒蛋 omelette/omelet with green beans
咖哩素菜 curry vegetables

6.雞鴨 chicken and ck

烤雞 roast chicken
烤油雞 roast chicken
素菜烤雞 roast chicken with vegetables
棒棒雞 bon bon chicken
煎雞 fried chicken
炸筍雞 fried spring chicken
炸雞 deep-fried chicken
炸雞肉串 fried chicken shashlik
雞肝串 chicken liver shashlik
通心粉煮雞 boiled chicken with macaroni
奶汁煮雞 boiled chicken with cream sauce
鐵扒筍雞 grilled spring chicken
燜雞 braised chicken
家常燜雞 braised chicken in home style
黃油燜雞 braised chicken with butter
黃油燜筍雞 braised spring chicken with butter
黃油燜雞腿 braised chicken legs with butter
紅燜雞塊 braised chicken chips
火鍋雞 podjarka chicken
罐燜雞 chicken a la Duchesse
罐燜筍雞 spring chicken a la Duchesse
高加索燜雞 chicken a la Caucasus
比利時燴雞 Belgian stewed chicken
奶油燴雞片 stewed chicken slices with cream
米飯燴雞鴨 stewed chicken and ck with rice
奶油燴雞飯 stewed chicken and rice with cream
咖哩雞飯 curry chicken with rice
細面條白汁雞腿 chicken legs with spaghetti
雞肉蛋奶酥 chicken souffle
烤鴨 roast ck
酸菜烤鴨 roast ck with sour cabbage
罐燜鴨 ck a la Duchesse
黃油汁煎鴨肝 fried ck liver with butter sauce
烤野鴨 roast wild ck
酸菜烤野鴨 roast wild ck with sour cabbage
蔬菜烤雞鴨 roast chicken and ck with vegetables

7.野味 game

黃油燜鴿子 braised pigeon with butter; braised dove with butter
蘋果汁烤火雞 roast turkey with apple sauce
鹹肉燜山貓 braised hare with bacon
山雞串 pheasant shashlik
酸菜烤野鵝 roast wild goose with sour cabbage
烤仙鶴 roast crane
燜沙雞 braised partridge
燜山鶉 braised partridge

3. 用英語說各國的代表性食物

巴西流行椰果 coconut

義大利流行面條 macaroni(空心面)或者spaghetti

法國流行麵包 bread

西班牙流行牛排 beefsteak

德國流行燒鵝 roast goose

俄羅斯流行乳豬 sucking pig

4. 搜「義大利面、土豆、薯條、牛肉、圈心菜」英語單詞

French fries 薯條 油炸馬鈴薯細條,French fries,一種洋快餐; 有時也用chips,但是chips多翻譯為薯片。fry本意是油炸,fries表炸薯條是用特徵表示全體
beef 牛肉



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