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A. G這個字母有什麼特殊意思

Important derivatives are: come,welcome,become,adventure,convene,convenient,event,invent,prevent,revenue,souvenir,base1 basis,acrobat,diabetes
重要派生詞為: come,welcome,become,adventure,convene,convenient,event,invent,prevent,revenue,souvenir,base1 basis,acrobat,diabetes
Contracted from*g wa…- Also g wem-
縮約於*g wa…- 另為 g wem-
To go, come.
去, 來.
come , from Old English cuman , to come;
come , 源自 古英語 cuman , to 過來;
welcome , from Old English wilcuma , a welcome guest, and wilcume , the greeting of welcome, from Germanic compound *wil-kum½- , a desirable guest ( *wil- , desirable; see wel- 1 ), from *kum½- , he who comes, a guest;
welcome , 源自 古英語 wilcuma , 一位受歡迎的客人, 和 wilcume , 歡迎的問候, 源自 日耳曼語 復合詞 *wil-kum½- , 非常受歡迎的客人 ( *wil- , 令人想要的; 參見 wel-1 ), 源自 *kum½- , 過來的男子, 客人;
become , from Old English becuman , to become, from Germanic compound *bi-kuman , to arrive, come to be ( *bi- , intensive prefix; see ambhi ). a, b, and c all from Germanic *kuman .
become , 源自 古英語 becuman , 變成, 源自 日耳曼語 復合詞 *bi-kuman , 到達, 走向 ( *bi- , 強調的前綴; 參見 ambhi). a, b, 和 c 所有都源自 日耳曼語 *kuman .
Suffixed form*g w(e)m-yo- . venire , venue ; advent , ( adventitious ), ( adventure ), ( avenue ), circumvent , contravene , convene , ( convenient ), ( convent ), ( conventicle ), ( convention ), ( coven ), ( covenant ), event , intervene , invent , ( misadventure ), parvenu , prevenient , prevent , provenance , ( provenience ), revenant , revenue , souvenir , subvention , supervene , from Latin venºe , to come.
添加後綴的形式*g w(e)m-yo- . venire , venue ; advent , ( adventitious ), ( adventure ), ( avenue ), circumvent , contravene , convene , ( convenient ), ( convent ), ( conventicle ), ( convention ), ( coven ), ( covenant ), event , intervene , invent , ( misadventure ), parvenu , prevenient , prevent , provenance , ( provenience ), revenant , revenue , souvenir , subvention , supervene , 源自 拉丁語 venºe , 來,進展,歷經,發生.
Suffixed zero-grade form*g w&;-yo- . base 1 , basis ; abasia , acrobat , adiabatic , amphisbaena , anabaena , batophobia , ( diabase ), diabetes , hyperbaton , katabatic , stereobate , stylobate , from Greek nein , to go, walk, step, with basis (N *g w&;-ti- ), a stepping, tread, base, -batos (N *g w&;-to- ), going, and -bat¶s (N *g w…-to- , zero-grade of *g w³- ), agential suffix, 「one that goes or treads, one that is based.」
添加後綴的零級形式*g w&;-yo- . base 1 , basis ; abasia , acrobat , adiabatic , amphisbaena , anabaena , batophobia , ( diabase ), diabetes , hyperbaton , katabatic , stereobate , stylobate , 源自 希臘語 nein , 走, 走行,步驟, 和 basis (N *g w&;-ti- ), 一步, 梯級, 根基, -batos (N *g w&;-to- ), 出去,和 -bat¶s (N *g w…-to- , *g w³- 的零級形式), 表示動因的後綴, 「行進或行走的物體, 被作為基礎的物體.」
Suffixed zero-grade form*g w(…)-u- in compound form *pres-g wu- , 「going before」 (see per 1 ).
添加後綴的零級形式*g w(…)-u- 在復合形式 *pres-g wu- 中, 「走在…之前」 (參見 per1 ).
Basic form*g w³- . bema , from Greek b¶a , step, seat, raised platform.
基本形式*g w³- . bema , 源自 希臘語 b¶a , 步驟, 位子, 高聳的講台.
juggernaut , from Sanskrit jig³i , he goes.
juggernaut , 源自 梵語 jig³i , 他走了.

Pokornyg ø}³- 463.
波科爾尼g ø}³- 463.

Important derivatives are: quick,vivid,revive,survive,vital,vitamin,whiskey,bio-,amphibious,microbe,hygiene
重要派生詞為: quick,vivid,revive,survive,vital,vitamin,whiskey,bio-,amphibious,microbe,hygiene
or Also gwei…- To live.
或 也作 gwei…- 活著,存活,維生.
Suffixed zero-grade form*g wi-wo- , *g wº-wo- (N *g wi…-wo- ), living.
添加後綴的零級形式*g wi-wo- , *g wº-wo- (N *g wi…-wo- ), 活著的.
quick , quicksilver , from Old English cwic , cwicu , living, alive;
quick , quicksilver , 源自 古英語 cwic , cwicu , 現存的, 活著的;
(couch grass ), quitch grass , from Old English cwice , couch grass (so named from its rapid growth). Both a and b from Germanic *kwi(k)waz .
(小糠草 ), 茅草 , 源自 古英語 cwice , 小糠草 (之所以這樣命名是因為它長得很快). a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼語 *kwi(k)waz .
vivify , viviparous , from Latin vºs , living, alive;
vivify , viviparous , 源自 拉丁語 vºs , 活的, 活潑的;
viand , victual , viva , vivacious , vivid ; convivial , revive , survive , from Latin denominative vºe , to live.
viand , victual , viva , vivacious , vivid ; convivial , revive , survive , 源自 拉丁語 從名詞派生出的動詞 vºe , 活,維生.
azoth , from Sanskrit jº- , alive.
azoth , 源自 梵語 jº- , 活潑的.
Further suffixed form*g wº-wo-t³ . viable , vital ; vitamin , from Latin vºa , life.
附加的添加後綴形式*g wº-wo-t³ . viable , vital ; vitamin , 源自 拉丁語 vºa , 生命.
Further suffixed form*g wi-wo-t¿t- . usquebaugh , ( whiskey ), from Old Irish bethu , life.
附加的添加後綴的形式*g wi-wo-t¿t- . usquebaugh , ( whiskey ), 源自 古愛爾蘭語 bethu ,生活.
Suffixed zero-grade form*g wi…-o- . bio- , biota , biotic ; aerobe , amphibian , anabiosis , cenobite , dendrobium , microbe , rhizobium , saprobe , symbiosis , from Greek bios , life (O biot¶} , way of life).
添加後綴的零級形式*g wi…-o- . bio- , biota , biotic ; aerobe , amphibian , anabiosis , cenobite , dendrobium , microbe , rhizobium , saprobe , symbiosis , 源自 希臘語 bios ,生命 (O biot¶} , 生活的方式).
Variant form*g wy½- (N *g wyo…- ).
變體形式*g wy½- (N *g wyo…- ).
azo- , ( diazo ), from Greek zo¶} , life.
azo- , ( diazo ), 源自 希臘語 zo¶} , 生命.
Suffixed form*g wy½-yo- . -zoic , zoo- , zoon 1 , -zoon , from Greek z½n , z½n , living being, animal.
添加後綴的形式*g wy½-yo- . -zoic , zoo- , zoon 1 , -zoon , 源自 希臘語 z½n , z½n , 生物, 動物.
Prefixed and suffixed form*su-g wi…-es- , 「having good life」 ( *su- , well; see su- ). hygiene , from Greek hugi¶s , healthy.
添加前綴和後綴的形式*su-g wi…-es- , 「過著美好的生活」 ( *su- , 良好的; 參見 su-). hygiene , 源自 希臘語 hugi¶s , 健康的.
quiver 1 , from Old English cwifer- , nimble, possibly from g wei-.
quiver 1 , 源自 古英語 cwifer- , 靈敏的, 可能源自 g wei-.

Pokorny 3.g ø}eð- 467.
波科爾尼3.g ø}eð- 467.

Important derivatives are: devil,emblem,metabolism,parable,parliament,parlor,problem,symbol,ball2 ballad,ballet,kill1
重要派生詞為: devil,emblem,metabolism,parable,parliament,parlor,problem,symbol,ball2 ballad,ballet,kill1
or Also gwel- To throw, reach, with further meaning to pierce.
或 也作 gwel- 投擲, 延伸, 和附加的含義:穿透.
Words denoting to throw, reach. Variant*g wl¶- , contracted from *g wle…- .
表示投擲、延伸意思的單詞. 變體*g wl¶- , 縮約於 *g wle…- .
Suffixed zero-grade form*g w§-n-…- .
添加後綴的零級形式*g w§-n-…- .
ballista ; amphibole , astrobleme , bolide , devil , ( diabolic ), emblem , epiboly , ( hyperbola ), hyperbole , metabolism , ( palaver ), parable , ( parabola ), ( parley ), ( parliament ), ( parlor ), ( parol ), ( parole ), problem , symbol , from Greek ballein , to throw (with o-grade *bol- and variant *bl¶- );
ballista ; amphibole , astrobleme , bolide , devil , ( diabolic ), emblem , epiboly , ( hyperbola ), hyperbole , metabolism , ( palaver ), parable , ( parabola ), ( parley ), ( parliament ), ( parlor ), ( parol ), ( parole ), problem , symbol , 源自 希臘語 ballein , 投擲 (有O級 *bol- 和變體 *bl¶- );
ball 2 , ( ballad ), ( ballet ), bayadere , from Greek ballizein , to dance.
ball 2 , ( ballad ), ( ballet ), bayadere , 源自 希臘語 ballizein , 跳舞.
Suffixed o-grade form*g wol…-³ . bolometer , from Greek bol¶} , beam, ray.
添加後綴的O級形式*g wol…-³ . bolometer , 源自 希臘語 bol¶} , 光線, 輻射.
Possible suffixed o-grade formg wol(…)-s³ . boule 1 , abulia , from Greek boul¶} , determination, will (N 「throwing forward of the mind」), council.
可能為添加後綴的O級形式g wol(…)-s³ . boule 1 , abulia , 源自 希臘語 boul¶} , 決心, 意向 (N 「打入腦海中」), council.
Suffixed variant zero-grade form*g wel…-mno- . belemnite , from Greek belemnon , dart, javelin.
添加後綴的變體零級形式*g wel…-mno- . belemnite , 源自 希臘語 belemnon , 飛標, 標槍.
Words denoting to pierce.
Suffixed o-grade form*g wol-eyo- .
添加後綴的O級形式*g wol-eyo- .
quell , from Old English cwellan , to kill, destroy;
quell , 源自 古英語 cwellan , 殺, 毀壞;
quail 2 , from Middle Dutch quelen , to be ill, suffer. Both a and b from Germanic *kwaljan .
quail 2 , 源自 中古荷蘭語 quelen , 生病, 遭受. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼語 *kwaljan .
Suffixed zero-grade form*g w§-yo- . kill 1 , from Middle English killen , to kill, perhaps from Old English *cyllan , to kill, from Germanic *kuljan .
添加後綴的零級形式*g w§-yo- . kill 1 , 源自 中古英語 killen , 殺死, 可能源自 古英語 *cyllan , 殺戮, 源自 日耳曼語 *kuljan .
Full-grade form*g wel- . belonephobia , from Greek belon¶} , needle.
全級形式*g wel- . belonephobia , 源自 希臘語 belon¶} , 針.

Pokorny 2.g ø}el- 471, 1. g ø}el- 470.
波科爾尼2.g ø}el- 471, 1. g ø}el- 470.

An important derivative is: queen
重要派生詞為: queen
Suffixed form*g wen-³- .
添加後綴的形式*g wen-³- .
quean , from Old English cwene , woman, prostitute, wife, from Germanic *kwen½- ;
quean , 源自 古英語 cwene , 婦女, 妓女, 妻子, 源自 日耳曼語 *kwen½- ;
banshee , from Old Irish ben , woman;
banshee , 源自 古愛爾蘭語 ben , 女的;
zenana , from Persian zan , woman.
zenana , 源自 波斯語 zan , 女性的.
Suffixed lengthened-grade form*g w¶n-i- . queen , from Old English cw¶n , woman, wife, queen, from Germanic *kw¶z , woman, wife, queen.
添加後綴的變長級形式*g w¶n-i- . queen , 源自 古英語 cw¶n , 女人, 妻子, 女王, 源自 日耳曼語 *kw¶z ,女人, 妻子, 女王 .
Suffixed zero-grade form*g wö-³- . -gyne , gyno- , - gynous , -gyny ; gynecocracy , ( gynecology ), gynoecium , from Greek gun¶} , woman.
添加後綴的零級形式*g wö-³- . -gyne , gyno- , - gynous , -gyny ; gynecocracy , ( gynecology ), gynoecium , 源自 希臘語 gun¶} , 女性的.

Pokornyg ø}en³ 473.
波科爾尼g ø}en³ 473.

Important derivatives are: grave2 grief,aggravate,baritone,guru,brute,blitzkrieg
重要派生詞為: grave2 grief,aggravate,baritone,guru,brute,blitzkrieg
Zero-grade form*g w—…- .
零級形式*g w—…- .
Suffixed form*g w—…-u-i- . grave 2 , gravid , gravity , ( grief ), grieve ; aggravate , ( aggrieve ), from Latin gravis , heavy, weighty.
添加後綴的形式*g w—…-u-i- . grave 2 , gravid , gravity , ( grief ), grieve ; aggravate , ( aggrieve ), 源自 拉丁語 gravis , 沉重的, 重的.
Suffixed form*g w—…-u- .
添加後綴的形式*g w—…-u- .
barite , ( barium ), baryon , baryta ; baritone , barycenter , barysphere , charivari , from Greek barus , heavy;
barite , ( barium ), baryon , baryta ; baritone , barycenter , barysphere , charivari , 源自 希臘語 barus , 重的;
guru , from Sanskrit guru- , heavy, venerable.
guru , 源自 梵語 guru- , 沉重的, 庄嚴的.
Suffixed form*g w—…-es- . bar 2 , baro- ; centrobaric , isallobar , isobar , from Greek baros , weight.
添加後綴的形式*g w—…-es- . bar 2 , baro- ; centrobaric , isallobar , isobar , 源自 希臘語 baros , 重量的.
Possibly*g wrí- . (see ud- ) Greek compound *u(d)-bri- from bri- .
可能為*g wrí- . (參見 ud-) 希臘語 復合詞 *u(d)-bri- 源自 bri- .
Suffixed extended form*g wr¿-to- . brut , brute , from Latin br¿s , heavy, unwieldy, ll, stupid, brutish.
添加後綴的衍生形式*g wr¿-to- . brut , brute , 源自 拉丁語 br¿s , 重的, 笨重的, 鈍的, 愚蠢的, 野蠻的.
Suffixed extended formg wrº-g- .
添加後綴的衍生形式g wrº-g- .
brio , from Spanish brio or Provençal briu , vigor, from Celtic *brº- , strength;
brio , 源自 西班牙語 brio 或 普羅旺斯語 briu , 活力, 源自 凱爾特語 *brº- , strength;
(brig ), brigade , ( brigand ), ( brigantine ), from Old Italian briga , strife, from Celtic *brº³-} , strife;
(brig ), brigade , ( brigand ), ( brigantine ), 源自 古義大利語 briga , 爭吵, 源自 凱爾特語 *brº³-} , 糾紛;
blitzkrieg , sitzkrieg , from Old High German kr¶g , chr¶g , stubbornness, from Germanic *krº- .
blitzkrieg , sitzkrieg , 源自 古高地德語 kr¶g , chr¶g , 頑固的, 源自 日耳曼語 *krº- .
Suffixed full-grade form*g wer…-n³- , millstone. quern , from Old English cweorn , quern.
添加後綴的全級形式*g wer…-n³- , 磨石. quern , 源自 古英語 cweorn , 石磨.

Pokorny 2.g ø}er- 476.
波科爾尼2.g ø}er- 476.

Important derivatives are: grace,grateful,gratitude,agree,congratulate,bard1
重要派生詞為: grace,grateful,gratitude,agree,congratulate,bard1
To favor.
Suffixed zero-grade form*g w—…-to- . grace , grateful , gratify , gratis , gratitude , gratuitous , ( gratuity ); agree , congratulate , disgrace , ingrate , ingratiate , maugre , from Latin gr³s , pleasing, beloved, agreeable, favorable, thankful, with related suffixed forms *g w—…-ti- , *g w—…-t-³- , *g w—…-t-olo- .
添加後綴的零級形式*g w—…-to- . grace , grateful , gratify , gratis , gratitude , gratuitous , ( gratuity ); agree , congratulate , disgrace , ingrate , ingratiate , maugre , 源自 拉丁語 gr³s , 令人喜歡的, 心愛的, 和藹可親的, 贊許的, 感激的, 和添加後綴的形式 *g w—…-ti- 有關的, *g w—…-t-³- , *g w—…-t-olo- .
Possible suffixed zero-grade form*g w—…-d(h)o- , 「he who praises.」 bard 1 , from Welsh bardd and Scottish and Irish Gaelic bard , bard, from Celtic bardo- , bard (but this is possibly from g wer…- 1 ).
可能為添加後綴的零級形式*g w—…-d(h)o- , 「贊美的人。」 bard 1 , 源自 威爾士語 bardd 和 蘇格蘭與愛爾蘭蓋爾語 bard , 吟遊詩人, 源自 凱爾特語 bardo- , 吟遊詩人 (但這可能源自 g wer…- 1 ).

Pokorny 4.g ø}er(…)- 478.
波科爾尼4.g ø}er(…)- 478.

Derivatives are: bequeath,quoth
派生詞為: bequeath,quoth
To say, speak.
Basic form*g wet- . bequeath , quoth , from Old English cwethan , to say, speak, from Germanic *kwithan .
基本形式*g wet- . bequeath , quoth , 源自 古英語 cwethan , 說話, 演說, 源自 日耳曼語 *kwithan .
Suffixed form*g wet-ti- . bequest , from Old English -cwis , will, from Germanic *kwessiz .
添加後綴的形式*g wet-ti- . bequest , 源自 古英語 -cwis , 遺囑, 源自 日耳曼語 *kwessiz .

Pokorny 2.g ø}et- 480.
波科爾尼2.g ø}et- 480.

Important derivatives are: bid,bead
重要派生詞為: bid,bead
To ask, pray.
要求, 祈求.
Suffixed form*g whedh-yo- . bid , from Old English biddan , to ask, pray, from Germanic *bidjan , to pray, entreat.
添加後綴的形式*g whedh-yo- . bid , 源自 古英語 biddan , 要求,祈求, 源自 日耳曼語 *bidjan , 祈求,墾求.
bead , from Old English bed(u) , gebed , prayer ( ge- , intensive and collective prefix; see kom ), from Germanic *bidam , entreaty.
bead , 源自 古英語 bed(u) , gebed , 祈禱者( ge- , 表示強調和集合的前綴; 參見 kom), 源自 日耳曼語 *bidam , 乞求.
Suffixed form*g whedh-to- . infest , manifest , from Latin -festus , probably in ºs , hostile, (N *ög whedh-to- , 「inexorable」; *ö- , not; see ne ), and perhaps in manifestus , caught in the act, red-handed ( manus , hand; see man- 2 ).
添加後綴的形式*g whedh-to- . infest , manifest , 源自 拉丁語 -festus , 可能在 ºs , 敵對的, (N *ög whedh-to- , 「冷酷的」; *ö- , 不,非; 參見 ne), 而且可能在 manifestus 中, 當場被抓住的, 正在作案的 ( manus , 手; 參見 man-2 ).

Pokornyg ø}hedh- 488, 2. bhedh- 114.
波科爾尼g ø}hedh- 488, 2. bhedh- 114.

Important derivatives are: bane,gun,defend,fence,offend
重要派生詞為: bane,gun,defend,fence,offend
To strike, kill.
攻擊, 殺戮.
O-grade*g whon- .
O級*g whon- .
bane , from Old English bana , slayer, cause of ruin or destruction;
bane , 源自 古英語 bana , 殺害, 引起毀滅或破壞的;
autobahn , from Middle High German ban , bane , way, road (? N 「path hewn through woods」). Both a and b from Germanic suffixed form *ban-½- .
autobahn , 源自 中古高地德語 ban , bane , 道路, 公路 (? N 「通過砍伐森林開辟出的路」). a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼語 添加後綴的形式 *ban-½- .
Suffixed zero-grade form*g whö-ty³- .
添加後綴的零級形式*g whö-ty³- .
gun , from Old Norse gunnr , war;
gun , 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 gunnr , 戰爭;
gonfalon , from Italian gonfalone , standard, from Germanic compound *gund-fan½- , 「battle flag」 ( *fan½- , flag; see pan- ). Both a and b from Germanic *gundj½} , war, battle.
gonfalon , 源自 義大利語 gonfalone , 標准, 源自 日耳曼語 復合詞 *gund-fan½- , 「戰爭的旗幟」 ( *fan½- , 旗幟; 參見 pan-). a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼語 *gundj½} ,戰爭,戰斗.
Suffixed form*g when-do- .
添加後綴的形式*g when-do- .
defend , ( defense ), ( fence ), from Latin d¶e , to ward off ( d¶- , away; see de- );
defend , ( defense ), ( fence ), 源自 拉丁語 d¶e , 避開 ( d¶- , 離去的; 參見 de-);
offend , ( offense ), from Latin offendere , to strike against, be offensive, offend ( ob- , against; see epi ).
offend , ( offense ), 源自 拉丁語 offendere ,攻擊, 侮辱, 冒犯 ( ob- , 反對; 參見 epi).
Suffixed zero-grade form*g whö-tro- . bezoar , from Persian zahr , poison, from Old Iranian *jathra- .
添加後綴的零級形式*g whö-tro- . bezoar , 源自 波斯語 zahr , 毒葯, 源自 古伊朗語 *jathra- .

Pokorny 2.g ø}hen-(…)- 491, bhen- 126.
波科爾尼2.g ø}hen-(…)- 491, bhen- 126.

Important derivatives are: burn1 brand,brandy,brandish,forceps,furnace
重要派生詞為: burn1 brand,brandy,brandish,forceps,furnace
To heat, warm.
加熱, 溫暖的.
Zero-grade*g whr- .
零級*g whr- .
burn 1 , from Old English beornan , byrnan (intransitive) and bærnan (transitive), to burn;
burn 1 , 源自 古英語 beornan , byrnan (不及物動詞) 和 bærnan (及物動詞),燃燒;
brimstone , from late Old English brynst³n , 「burning mineral,」 sulfur ( st³n , stone; see stei- );
brimstone , 後來源自 古英語 brynst³n , 「燃燒著的礦物,」 sulfur ( st³n , 石頭; 參見 stei-);
brindled , from Old Norse brenna , to burn. a, b, and c all from Germanic *brennan (intransitive) and brannjan (transitive), formed from *brenw- with nasal suffix and analogical vocalism.
brindled , 源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 brenna , 發光. a, b, 和 c 都源自 日耳曼語 *brennan (不及物動詞) 和 brannjan (及物動詞), 由帶有鼻音的後綴和類似的母音系統的 *brenw- 形成.
brand , from Old English brand , piece of burning wood, sword;
brand , 源自 古英語 brand , 一片燃燒的木頭, 刀劍;
brandy , from Dutch branden , to burn, distill;
brandy , 源自 荷蘭語 branden , 燃燒,蒸餾;
brandish , from Old French brand , sword;
brandish , 源自 古法語 brand , 刀劍;
brandade , from Old Provençal brand , sword. a, b, c, and d all from Germanic *brandaz , a burning, a flaming torch, hence also a sword.
brandade , 源自 古普羅旺斯語 brand , 刀劍. a, b, c, 和 d 都源自 日耳曼語 *brandaz , 燃燒物, 燃燒的火把,因此也有「劍」的意思.
Suffixed form*g wher-mo- . therm , -therm , thermo- , -thermy ; hypothermia , from Greek thermos , warm, hot, and therm¶} , heat.
添加後綴的形式*g wher-mo-

B. 幫我翻譯成義大利語

1) è troppo buio , non si vede niente. buio 是黑,scuro是暗,如果說顏色深, 黑的話用scuro.
2) dove stanno gli altri ? sono tutti usciti.
3) che cosa vuoi mangiare 你想吃什麼東西? (著重問什麼東西.) vuoi mangiare qualcosa?你想吃些什麼嗎?(著重問想不想吃)
4)ho messo il mio libero a un posto ,ma non mi ricordo dove.
5) a nessuno piace la guerra ,a meno che sia impazzito . piacere這個動詞的用法有點特別.
6)lei sta semple a casa , non è andata nessuna parte.
7) tutti sono pronti a fare la gità ?
9)ho una fame ,devo cucinare qualcosa da mangiare.
10)c'è qualcosa nello mio occhio
11)sono tutti nel bagno? no ,è gratuito. 邏輯上有點問題,不知道按中文意思翻譯的句子是否合適.
12)Rebecca abita vicino Cardiff, non so il suo indirizzo preciso.
13)che cosa hai detto? non ho detto niente, non ho aperto la mia bocca.
14)loro non hanno sete ,perciò non bevonno. 中文意思中看不出時態,我給你的是現在時.
15)non sono andato/a nessuna parte nelle ferie.
16)Leo sa tutte le cose di computa./ Leo sa qualsiasi cosa di computa.
17)stanno tutti lì ,tra ne Bill.
18)non riesco a trovare il mio ombrello, ho cercato da per tutto.
19)dove sono gli altri ? stanno giocando al calcio.
20)hai presso le cose chi tu desederi ?
21)dovunque vada ,incontro le persone buone.
22) tutti hanno il libero inglese?
23)tutti abiamo fame, andiamo a cenare. 是所有人的肚子都餓了吧.
24)nalla casa di loro ,ci sono i gatti da per tutto . dovunque sia, si vede i gatti.
25)tutti vogliono partecipare la festa?
你的追問: 給他指去火車站的路. / 補充:指給他從火車站到你家的路, 不要太復雜.(難) / 補充:而且當我給你打電話時你還在睡覺.(這句話時態搭配上不太合適吧)



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