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❶ 摩德納的學校

摩德納大學有兩個校區,主校區在摩德納市,另一個校區在雷焦·艾米利亞市(義大利皮革製造中心)。兩個校區距離很近,約半小時車程。 軍事學院

❷ 摩德納足球俱樂部球隊介紹

成立於1912年4月5日的FBC摩德納俱樂部,歷經多次更名,從Modena Calcio到摩德納FBC,再到Zenit Modena,最終在1959年定名為摩德納FC。這家位於義大利艾米利亞——羅馬涅大區摩德納的俱樂部,以黃色和藍色為隊色,在義大利足球乙級聯賽中活躍。





1912年4月5日,FBC摩德納俱樂部成立。1925年,更名為摩德納踢球者(Modena Calcio)。1943年,更名為摩德納FBC。1957年,更名為澤尼特•摩德納(Zenit Modena)。1959年,更名為摩德納FC。 摩德納足球俱樂部是義大利艾米利亞——羅馬涅大區摩德納的一家足球俱樂部,成立於1912年,目前在義大利足球乙級聯賽中參賽。球隊的顏色是黃色和藍色。

❸ 義大利摩德納簡介


History inancient times

The territory around Modena was inhabited by the Villanovans in the Iron Age, and later by Ligurian tribes, Etruscans, and the Gaulish Boii. Although the exact date of its foundation is unknown, it is known that it was already in existence in the 3rd century BC, for in 218 BC, ring Hannibal's invasion of Italy, the Boii revolted and laid siege to the city. Livy described it as a fortified citadel where Roman magistrates took shelter. The outcome of the siege is not known, but the city was most likely abandoned after Hannibal's arrival. Mutina was refounded as a Roman colony in 183 BC, to be used as a military base by Marcus Aemilius Lepis, causing the Ligurians to sack it in 177 BC. Nonetheless, it was rebuilt, and quickly became the most important centre in Cisalpine Gaul, both because of its strategic importance and because it was on an important crossroads between Via Aemilia and the road going to Verona.



A view of Piazza Grande


In the 1st century BC Mutina was besieged twice. The first siege was by Pompey in 78 BC, when Mutina was defended by Marcus Junius Brutus (a populist leader, not to be confused with his son, Caesar's best known assassin). The city eventually surrendered out of hunger, and Brutus fled, only to be slain in Regium Lepidi. In the civil war following Caesar's assassination, the city was besieged again, this time by Mark Antony, in 44 BC, and defended by Decimus Junius Brutus. Octavian relieved the city with the help of the Senate.

在公元前1世紀摩德納兩次被圍困。第一次是公元前78年被龐培圍困,當時馬庫斯.尤尼烏斯.布魯圖守在摩德納(一位平民派領袖,不要和他那個刺殺了凱撒的兒子混淆)。城市最終因為飢餓投降,布魯圖逃跑,之後在Regium Lepidi兵敗身死。凱撒遇刺之後的內戰中,這座城市再一次被圍,這次是被安東尼於公元前44年所圍。守將是德奇姆斯.布魯圖。屋大維在元老院的支持下赦免了這座城市。

Cicero called it Mutina splendidissima ("most beautiful Mutina") in his Philippics (44 BC). Until the 3rd century AD, it kept its position as the most important city in the newly formed Aemilia province, but the fall of the Empire brought Mutina down with it, as it was used as a military base both against the barbarians and in the civil wars. It is said that Mutina was never sacked by Attila, for a dense fog hid it (a miracle said to be provided by Saint Geminianus, bishop and patron of Modena), but it was eventually buried by a great flood in the 7th century and abandoned.

西塞羅在他的文章Philippics中稱摩德納為最美麗的摩德納。直到公元3世紀,摩德納始終是新設的艾米莉亞行省最重要的城市,但是隨著羅馬帝國的崩潰,摩德納地位下降,因為它逐漸成為抗擊蠻族和軍閥混戰的軍事基地。據說摩德納從來沒有被阿提拉洗劫過,因為濃霧掩蔽(據說是Saint Geminianus,摩德納主教和保護人創造的奇跡)。但是它最終還是因為公元7世紀的大洪水被人們拋棄。

As of December 2008, Italian researchers have discovered the pottery center where the oil lamps that lit the ancient Roman empire were made. Evidence of the pottery workshops emerged in Modena, in central-northern Italy, ring construction work to build a residential complex near the ancient walls of the city. "We found a large ancient Roman mping filled with pottery scraps. There were vases, bottles, bricks, but most of all, hundreds of oil lamps, each bearing their maker's name", Donato Labate, the archaeologist in charge of the dig, stated.


Main sights


Town Hall

Facing the Piazza Grande (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the Town Hall of Modena was put together in the 17th and 18th centuries from several pre-existing edifices built from 1046 as municipal offices.

It is characterized by a Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio, late 15th century), once paired with another tower (Torre Civica) demolished after an earthquake in 1671. In the interior, noteworthy is the Sala del Fuoco ("Fire Hall"), with a painted frieze by Niccolò dell'Abbate (1546) portraying famous characters from Ancient Rome against a typical Emilia background. The Camerino dei Confirmati ("Chamber of the Confirmed") houses one of the symbols of the city, the Secchia Rapita, a bucket kept in memory of the victorious Battle of Zappolino (1325) against Bologna. This relic inspired the poem of the same title by Alessandro Tassoni. Another relic from the Middle Ages in Modena is the Preda Ringadora, a rectangular marble stone next to the palace porch, used as a speakers' platform, and the statue called La Bonissima ("The Very Good"): the latter, portraying a female figure, was erected in the square in 1268 and later installed over the porch.



市政大廳引人注目的是鍾樓,曾經有一對鍾樓,但是由於1671年的一場地震,另一座鍾樓毀掉了。在市政大廳裡面,火焰大廳值得關注,那裡有Niccolo dell Abbate繪制的艾米莉亞背景的羅馬人物肖像。這個紀念物激發了Alessandro Tassoni的靈感,創作了同名詩歌。另外宮殿走廊上的一個流傳自中世紀的紀念物是一個長方形大理石,那上面曾經是一座演講台,以及上面的雕像。雕像叫做La Bonissima,後來描繪了一個女性人物的肖像,1268年被磨損了,然後就保存在走廊上面。

The Cathedral and the Ghirlandina

The Cathedral of Modena and the annexed campanile are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Begun under the direction of the Countess Matilda of Tuscany with its first stone laid June 6, 1099 and its crypt ready for the city's patron, Saint Geminianus, and consecrated only six years later, the Duomo of Modena was finished in 1184. The building of a great cathedral in this flood-prone ravaged former center of Arianism was an act of urban renewal in itself, and an expression of the flood of piety that motivated the contemporary First Crusade. Unusually, the master builder's name, Lanfranco, was celebrated in his own day: the city's chronicler expressed the popular confidence in the master-mason from Como, Lanfranco: by God's mercy the man was found (inventus est vir). The sculptor Wiligelmus who directed the mason's yard was praised in the plaque that commemorated the founding. The program of the sculpture is not lost in a welter of detail: the wild dangerous universe of the exterior is mediated by the Biblical figures of the portals leading to the Christian world of the interior. In Wiligelmus' sculpture at Modena, the human body takes on a renewed physicality it had lost in the schematic symbolic figures of previous centuries. At the east end, three apses reflect the division of the body of the cathedral into nave and wide aisles with their bold, solid masses. Modena's Duomo inspired campaigns of cathedral and abbey building in emulation through the valley of the Po.


摩德納大教堂以及附屬的鍾樓是聯合國教科文組織的世界遺產之一。1099年6月6日,在托斯卡納伯爵的指導下開始修建,旨在紀念這座城市的保護者Saint Geminianus。6年後摩德納大教堂開始供奉神明,1184年全部竣工。大教堂的建設是在破壞阿里烏斯教派的潮流中進行的,同時也促進城市本身的更新,表達了人們的宗教虔誠,並且激發了第一次十字軍運動。不同尋常的是,建築設計者的名字Lanfranco也會被人們在他生日的那天慶祝:城市的編年史上記載了他當時對這座傑作的自信:在上帝的憐憫下,人類發現了自己。雕刻家Wiligelmus指導了大教堂的內院建築,他在黑死病時期稱贊過這座建築的落成。雕塑的輪廓沒有在細節的混亂下丟失:狂亂危險的外部世界中,一個聖經中的人物沉思過後,一座通向基督世界的大門向內打開。在摩德納Wiligelmus的雕刻作品中,人體呈現出一種過去象徵人物沒有的全新的物質性。在東邊,三個拱室反映了大教堂的整體分割成中殿,和寬敞的過道。摩德納大教堂的設計激發了大教堂鍾樓和整個波河河谷庄園建設的靈感。


Museum Enzo Ferrari

Inaugurated on 10 March 2012, the museum complex includes Enzo Ferrari’s birthplace and a futuristic automotive design gallery, painted in the yellow that Enzo Ferrari chose as the background for the Prancing horse on his logo. The exhibition gallery was designed by the famous architect Jan Kaplický, who suddenly died in 2009, and carried on by his associate and loyal assistant Andrea Morgante.

The interior features a multimedia display of pictures, unpublished films and precious mementoes of Enzo Ferrari’s life as a man, driver and car-maker throughout the 20th century.

The Exhibition Gallery houses a flexible mounting representing story, figures, places and races of the Modenese sport motor racing.



成立於2012年3月10日,這個博物館包括恩佐法拉利的出生地和一座未來主義的自動設計畫廊,畫廊刷著黃色,這是恩佐法拉利為他的商標上駿馬騰空背景選的顏色。畫廊設計出自著名建築師 Jan Kaplický,他於2009年突然死去,但是畫廊繼續由他的助手Andrea Morgante完成。



Teatro Comunale Modena

The Teatro Comunale Modena (Community Theatre of Modena, but renamed in October 2007 as "Teatro Comunale Luciano Pavarotti") is an opera house in Modena. The idea for the creation of the present theatre dates from 1838, when it became apparent that the then-existing Teatro Comunale di via Emilia (in al private and public ownership) was no longer suitable for staging opera. However, this house had been the venue for presentations of all of the works of Donizetti, Bellini and Rossini up to this time, and a flourishing operatic culture existed in Modena.

Under the Mayor of Modena in collaboration with the Conservatorio dell'Illustrissima Comunità (Conservatory of the Most Illustrious Community), architect Francesco Vandelli was engaged to design the Teatro dell'Illustrissima Comunità, as the theatre was first called, "for the dignity of the city and for the transmission of the scenic arts".[2] Paid for in the manner typical of the time - from the sale of boxes - in addition to a significant gift from Duke Friedrich IV, Vandelli created a design for the new theatre combining ideas from those in Piacenza, Mantua, and Milan, and it opened on 2 October 1841 with a performance of Gandini's Adelaide di Borgogna al Castello di Canossa, an opera specially commissioned for the occasion.


摩德納社區劇院(2007年10月改名Luciano Pavarotti社區劇院)是摩德納的一座歌劇院。


"Cotechino Modena", as served with polenta and lentils.

Modena has a rich and diversified cuisine, often including meats, hams and salamis. One of the most famous Modenese dishes is "zampone" (the fatter and heartier version) or "cotechino modena" (cotechino is leaner and less fat than zampone). Cotechino dates back to around 1511 to Mirandola, where, whilst besieged, the people had to find a way to preserve meat and use the less tender cuts, so made the cotechino. By the 18th century it had become more popular than the yellowish sausage had been around at the time, and in the 19th century was in mass proction in and around the area.

Modena's contribution to the Italian pasta culture are tortellini and tortelloni which are squares of pasta shaped in the form of a ring and stuffed with meat or cheese.

"Cappello da prete" is also a popular meal, which is a very fatty pig's trotter. Other dishes include "Torta Barozzi" or "Torta Nera", which is a black tart (a dessert made with a coffee/cocoa and almond filling encased in a fine pastry dough), "Ciccioli", made by slowly cooking, compressing, drying, and aging fatty, leftover pieces of pork, and "Pesto modenese", which is cured pork back fat pounded with garlic, rosemary and Parmigiano-Reggiano used to fill borlenghi and crescentine.

Balsamic vinegar of Modena became a protected geographical indication under EU law in 2000.[3] The vinegar is a condiment for salad, cheese, strawberries and many other dishes. The practice of cooking the must of grapes can be traced back to the ancient Romans: the so-called sapum was used both as a medicinal proct and in the kitchen as a sweetener and condiment.

Modena contains Italy's most acclaimed restaurant, Osteria Francescana, which holds three stars in the Michelin Guide since 2013 and is currently ranked world number 1 in The World's 50 Best Restaurants list.


摩德納有豐富多樣的食物,通常包括肉類,火腿和薩拉米斯。摩德納最著名的一道菜叫做Zampone(肥而膩的一種)或者Cotechino modena(cotechino是精瘦的,沒有zampone那麼肥的)。Cotechino可以追溯到1511年的 Mirandola,當時這個城市被圍困,人們必須找一種辦法保存肉類並且盡量用軟刀切,所以發明了這道菜。18世紀以前,這道菜就比當時的黃香腸更有名,在19世紀這道菜大量生產,流行於整個地區。


Cappello da prete也是一道受歡迎的菜,是一種非常肥的豬蹄。其它的菜包括"Torta Barozzi"或者"Torta Nera",這是一種黑色的蛋撻(一種咖啡/可可做成的,裡麵包著面團的甜點);"CIcioli",一種經過慢煮,打壓,烘乾,老化而肥的豬肉;還有"Pesto modenese",一種伴著大蒜,迷迭香的腌豬肉。

摩德納香醋成為歐盟法律保護的地方特產。這種醋是為沙拉,乳酪,草莓和許多其它菜品准備的調味品。這種烹調未發酵的葡萄汁的做法,最早可以追溯到古羅馬時代: 所謂的sapum經常用於葯物和食物進行調味。

摩德納擁有義大利最有名的飯店,Osteria Francescana飯店,它從2013年開始就一直在米其林指南中保持3星,目前在全球最棒的50家飯店中排名第一。

Automobile legacy

Modena is, along with Turin, one of Italy's main centres of the automotive instry, and has a long automobile legacy. The iconic Ferrari supercar was founded in Modena by Modenese car manufacturer Enzo Ferrari. Several Italian supercars such as Pagani, De Tomaso, and Maserati were either founded or are currently headquartered or built within a few kilometers from the city.



Rail Transport

Modena railway station, opened in 1859, forms part of the Milan–Bologna railway, and is also a terminus of two secondary railways, linking Modena with Verona and Sassuolo, respectively.





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