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發布時間:2023-07-11 10:49:46

❶ sha la la是什麼意思

every shalala every wo'wo still shines
every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're startingt

❷ blalala是什麼意思

正確的是blah blah....表示很無聊或者不想仔細說的意思


1 I feel blah. — adjective equivalent to "apathetic," related to the above mention of the February blahs

2 Blah, blah, blah, blah… - to show irritation towards someone who speaks monotonously or on a tedious topic. Additionally, may be a placeholder for describing a bunch of writing

3 Also, when I… blah… - to show that the speaker forgot what he/she was talking about

4 Blah you! — as a replacement for a (usually monosyllabic) expletive

5 Hmmmm… blah — to show feelings of indifference

6 Sometimes people say "blah blah blah blah blah" to represent their monotonous attitude.

7 This tastes so, I don't know, Blah? - to help describe a lack of any specific flavor, used mainly to indicate it's flavorless.



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