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發布時間:2024-11-18 20:17:39

❶ 越南地形用英語描述

Vietnam terrain long and narrow terrain West High East low, the territory of 3/4 for the mountains and the plateau. The northern and northwestern parts of the mountains and highlands. Huanglianshan fansipan peak 3142 meters above sea level, the peak for Vietnam; the Changshan mountains, more than 1 thousand kilometers long from north to south, west slope is gentle, the original formation of the western plateau in justry - Kon Tum Province, dorothy. The Changshan mountains from north to south, there are some low pass. The eastern coastal plain, low-lying, dense river network, about 3 meters above sea level.

❷ 越南英語怎麼說


1. English for Vietnamese speakers: 這個是針對越南本土人群的英語課程,也是越南教育部門比較常使用的說法,通常縮寫為「EVS」。該課程旨在幫助越南學生掌握英語基礎知識、語法、詞彙以及日常交流能力。

2. Vietnamese English: 這個概念通常指的是越南英語口音的特點。越南英語發音和普通英語發音的不同之處在於,越南英語有一些獨特的音節和口音特點,這些特點主要受到越南語母語語音和語調的影響。因此,有些人可能會把越南英語和普通英語混淆。




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