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发布时间:2022-07-22 17:05:55

㈠ 推荐饮料或者酒.最多的给分


1. highball (通常用的是普通的大玻璃杯)

烈酒liquor,甜酒liqueur和调酒用饮料mix(各种juice,soda,coke或milk)混合的鸡尾酒。一般由1盎司的酒和相应的饮料勾兑而成。通常是house highball(酒店饭店自己命名的鸡尾酒highball),或者其它一些通用的叫法,也是酒吧常见的鸡尾酒(highball类的),比如Tom collins,John collins,Mai Tai,killer koolaid,greyhound,screwdriver,seebreeze, zombie,sling,tequila sunrise,long island iced tea, godfather, blue lagoon,(bartender’s) rootbeer(跟beer无关) 等等很多名字。

点酒的时候,直接说名字就可以,比如“tequila sunrise,please”(通常1 盎司烈酒)或者你也可以说“2 ounces tequila sunrise,please”(此时调酒师会用2盎司的酒,也可以说“double tequila sunrise,please”同样的意思,double指的是用2盎司酒)


2. martini


用的杯子是martini glass(锥形的高脚杯)。martini根据不同调法,有不同的叫法。比如sex and the city里面那个女主角carrie,到酒吧点的martini总是cosmopolitan 。其他常见的一些martini有:Manhattan, crantini(用的是cranberry juice),sicilian kiss, water melon,rob roy等等。

如果你到酒吧只说“one martini,please”,服务员一般都会问你“Gin or Vodka”,所以你也可以具体的说“gin martini,please”或“vodka martini,please”。

有的martini里经常用到一点苦艾酒(vermouth,含草药成分的甜酒,分为红色的sweet vermouth和白色的dry vermouth,跟葡萄酒类似的颜色),有的martini 用sweet vermouth,有的用 dry vermouth。如martini里有vermouth的话,通常是1/4 盎司的vermouth(dash of vermouth)。如果用的 sweet vermouth和dry vermouth的量相同(the same dash),此时叫perfect martini,又如perfect Manhattan 就表示既有sweet vermouth,又有dry vermouth,其它还有perfect rob roy。


3. margarita(冰和调配用juice用搅拌器打碎后与酒混合后的一种饮料)

常见的margarita有:chi chi, daiquiri, margarita, pina colada 等等. 跟highball一样,用1盎司的酒,如果你想烈一点(more booze),可以点2盎司。

4. shooter


5. beer

去酒点,你会发现有很多种类.也有不同的分类方法.如果根据发孝口感颜色的不同,分为: lager(好象是中文里的黑啤,市场上常见的牌子"blue" beer), light (如cools light), ale(如sleeman ale),stout(也是黑色的啤酒,如Guinness), dry (如molson dry)等.

在这儿见过用两种不同的啤酒组合而成,有颜色不同的两层,不知道你们点过没有,叫"black and tan"(到的时候有点技巧,不然就混合了,1/2 stout 和1/2 ale或别的)

6. wine



“2 ounces scotch on the rocks,please” 要一杯两盎司加冰的苏格兰酒

“scotch over,please”一杯加冰的苏格兰酒

“scotch straight up” “scotch up”一杯不加冰的苏格兰酒

8. 洋酒的小常识

一般鸡尾酒(highball, martini, margarita)都由一种烈性酒liquor和甜酒liqueur及mix调制而成.

主要的liquor: vodka(伏特加)


scotch(苏格兰威士忌whisky, 中文里最常见的牌子"芝华士",就是scotch)



bourbon(美国威士忌whisky,常见的牌子jack daniels)

rum(莱姆酒,分三种颜色的莱姆酒:white, amble, dark, 其中属amble rum 最贵,因



甜酒liqueur: 甜酒的种类特别多,一般甜酒的名字就是酒的牌子(与liquor不同,比如可有不同牌子的rye).只列出几种


Triple Sec(橘子味的甜酒)



Martini vermouth(苦艾酒,分红白两种)

creme de cocao (奶油味甜酒)

creme de menthe (薄荷味的甜酒,类似的甜酒但是不同的牌子和名称:pepermint


peach schnapps(桃子味的甜酒)

creme de banana (香蕉味的甜酒)

blue curacao(兰色的甜酒,橘子味的)

Melon liqueur(绿色的,哈密瓜味的甜酒)

Grand Marnier(橘子味的带有白兰地味的甜酒)


一般的liquor store有四五个区(liquor,liqueur,wine and champagne,beer,other)

其实中国人买瓶洋酒就喝,就跟喝白酒似的,总是抱怨洋酒不好喝.实际上喝的方法不对,洋酒一般是两种以上的酒(liquor加liqueur,或 liqueur和liqueur)互相勾兑着喝,并且经常加相应的juice,soda等什么的.网上可能有很多recipe,学着调调酒情调一下吧。

最流行的vodka(伏特加): 绝对伏特加 ABSOLUT

享誉国际的顶级烈酒品牌绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA)在最近福布斯(Forbes)商业杂志所评选的美国奢侈品牌独占鳌头。这次它所赐予ABSOLUT VODKA的头衔也是花落名家,名至实归。酿造绝对伏特加的瑞典公司已有一百多年的历史,所生产的顶级伏特加不但口感圆润,而且质量无与伦比,但其品牌所体现出来的完美和无穷创造力更是为世界所首肯,从而名扬九州。

ABSOLUT VODKA名字不仅考虑到产品的绝对完美,也叙述了其品牌的来历。1879年,Lars Olsson Smith利用一个全新的工艺方式酿制了一种全新的伏特加,叫做“绝对纯净的伏特加酒”(Absolut Rent Branvin),这一工艺被ABSOLUT VODKA沿用至今,特选的冬小麦与纯净井水保证了ABSOLUT伏特加的优等质量与独特的品味。

ABSOLUT VODKA在众多高档奢侈品牌,如Tiffany和BMW,脱颖而出,更重要的是它是烈酒种类中唯一获得如此殊荣的品牌。自从 1999年ABSOLUT VODKA全新的营销活动展开以后,ABSOLUT VODKA已渗入了多种视觉艺术领域,例如时装,音乐与美术。但无论在任何领域中,ABSOLUT都能凭借自己品牌的魅力吸引众多的年轻富裕而忠实的追随者。

最响亮的老品牌: 史密诺夫(皇冠) SMIRNOFF


常见的Gin(金酒) : 哥顿金酒 GORDON'S GIN

㈡ 英国和中国,在饮料的方面有什么不同


㈢ 英国常见的各种食物和饮料

The average Briton can make 10 meals from scratch without having to look at a recipe, a survey suggests。


Spaghetti bolognese is the most popular dish, with 65% of people saying they know the recipe by heart。


The traditional roast dinner comes in second place with 54% of people able to prepare it unaided。


The survey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the return of its Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3,000 people。


The survey suggests the average cook is more comfortable preparing foreign dishes than

British classics at home。


Chilli con carne is the third most popular dish for cooks to attempt, with 42% saying they can manage it without looking at a cookbook or recipe online。


Some 41% of cooks feel confident they can prepare the classic Italian dish lasagne。


The research defined a recipe as a main course dish containing four or more ingredients。


Matthew Fort, presenter of Market Kitchen, said: "The results provide a good snapshot

of what Brits are eating week in, week out, because if you cook something regularly

enough you will remember the recipe."


Those surveyed admitted they made an average of just four home-cooked meals per week。


Only 16% of those aged under 25 cook every day compared with 45% of those aged 56 and



The study revealed British cooks own an average of five recipe books each but are increasingly turning to the internet and television cooking shows for inspiration。



Spaghetti bolognese 意大利肉酱面 (65%)

Roasted dinner 传统英式烤肉/菜 (54%)

Chili con carne 香辣肉酱 (42%)

Lasagne 意大利千层面 41%

Cottage or shepherd's pie 农家馅饼/牧羊人馅饼 (38%)

Meat or fish stir fry 爆炒肉片/鱼片 (38%)

Beef casserole 炖牛肉 (34%)

Macaroni cheese 奶酪烤通心粉 (32%)

Toad in the hole 约克郡烤饼卷香肠 (30%)

Meat, fish or vegetable curry 咖喱肉/鱼/蔬菜 (26%)

苏打酒属于另类酒,新西兰称为RTD(Ready-to-Drink意是随时随地可以饮用),不简单是苏打水(carbonated beverage)的一种,实际是调和酒加入二氧化碳,产生类似香槟酒的气泡,酒精度很低,类似啤酒。

㈣ 伦敦唐人街餐馆打工的中英文菜单有谁知道还有酒水的英文

香妃鸡(Steamed chicken with saltedsauce)
糖醋鸡块(Chicken in sweet and sour sauce)
三杯鸡翼(Chicken wings in three cups sauce)
赛海蜇拌火鸭丝(Shredded roast deck with wnow fungus)---ysmchee注:Shredded roast ck with jelly fish
镬仔叉烧(Roast pork in wok)
菜䓕滑肉片(Sliced pork with vegetable shoots)

中式午餐(Chinese Lunch)
abalone鲍鱼 hot pot火锅
roast ck烤鸭 sea cucumber海参
cashew chicken腰果鸡丁 shark fin soup鱼翅汤
grouper石斑鱼 rice wine米酒
sautéed prawns炸明虾 steamed rice饭
celery芹菜 crab蟹
fish balls鱼丸 fobster龙虾
roast suckling pig烤乳猪 Chinese mushroom香菇
hair vegetable发菜---ysmchee注:Black Moss
lotus root莲藕 scallop干贝
sweet and sour pork糖醋排骨 carrot胡萝卜

西式午餐(Western Lunch)
apple pie苹果馅饼 chicken nugget炸鸡块
double cheeseburger双层奶酪汉堡 French fries炸薯条
hot dog热狗 ketchup蕃茄酱
napkin纸巾 pizza披萨(意大利薄饼)
sandwich三明治 straw吸管
biscuits小面包,甜饼干 cream奶油
doughnut甜甜圈 hamburger汉堡
ice-cream sundae冰淇淋圣代 mill shake奶昔
pepper胡椒粉 salt盐
sausage香肠 tray拖盘

西式晚餐(Western Dinner)
baked potato烤马铃薯 cake蛋糕
chocolate pudding巧克力布丁 corn-on-the-cob玉米棒
fish pie鱼馅饼 meatballs肉丸
salad色拉 spaghetti意大利面条
wine酒 waiter服务生
cheese奶酪 coffee pot咖啡壶
crackers咸饼干 mashed potato马铃薯泥
pork chop猪排 roast chicken烤鸡
soup汤 steak牛排
beer啤酒 roast beef烤牛肉

台湾小吃(Taiwan Snack)--饭面类
rice porridge稀饭 glutinous oil rice油饭
braised pork rice卤肉饭 sweet potato congee地瓜粥
wonton & noodles馄饨面 spicy hot noodles麻辣面
ck with noodles鸭肉面 eel noodles鳝鱼面
pork, pickled mustard green noodles榨菜肉丝面
flat noodles板条 fried rice noodles炒米粉
clay oven rolls烧饼
fried bread stick油条 fried leek mplings韭菜盒
boiled mplings水饺 steamed mplings蒸饺
steamed buns馒头 steamed sandwich割包
egg cakes蛋饼 100-year egg皮蛋
salted ck egg咸鸭蛋 soybean milk豆浆
rice & peanut milk米浆 rice and vegetable roll饭团
plain white rice白饭 glutinous rice糯米饭
fried rice with egg蛋炒饭 sliced noodles刀削面
sesame pasta noodles麻酱面 goose with noodles鹅肉面
seafood noodles乌龙面 oyster thin noodles蚵仔面线
rice noodles米粉 green bean noodle冬粉

台湾小吃(Taiwan Snack)--汤类
fish ball soup鱼丸汤 egg & vegetable soup蛋花汤
oyster soup蚵仔汤 sweet & sour soup酸辣汤
pork intestine soup猪肠汤 squid soup花枝汤
angelica ck当归鸭 meat ball soup贡丸汤
clams soup蛤蜊汤 seaweed soup 紫菜汤
wonton soup馄饨汤 pork thick soup肉羹汤
squid thick soup花枝羹

台湾小吃(Taiwan Snack)--冰饮甜点类
vegetable gelatin爱玉 longevity peaches长寿桃
hemp flowers麻花 mein mein ice绵绵冰
sweet potato ice地瓜冰 eight treasures ice八宝冰
sugar cane juice甘蔗汁 star fruit juice杨桃汁
tomatoes on stick糖葫芦 glutinous rice sesame balls芝麻球
horse hooves双胞胎 oatmeal ice麦角冰
red bean with milk ice红豆冰 tofu pudding豆花
plum juice酸梅汁 herb juice青草茶

台湾小吃(Taiwan Snack)--点心类
oyster omelet蚵仔煎 stinky tofu臭豆腐
spicy hot bean curd麻辣豆腐 prawn cracker虾片
spring rolls春卷 salty rice pudding碗糕
red bean cake红豆糕 pig‘s blood cake猪血糕
fried white radish patty萝卜糕---ysmchee注:Turnip cake/ Raddish Cake
Taiwanese meatballs肉圆 rice-meat mplings肉丸
betel nut槟榔 coffin棺材板
oily bean curd油豆腐 tempura天妇罗
shrimp balls虾球 chicken rolls鸡卷
rice tube pudding筒仔米糕 bean paste cake绿豆糕
glutinous rice cake糯米糕 taro cake芋头糕
pyramid mplings水晶饺 dried tofu豆干
Desserts 甜品
- Ice cream 雪糕 - Sundae 圣代
- Cheese cake 芝士蛋糕
Beverages 饮料
- Pop (Coke) 汽水 (可乐) - Tomato juice 西红柿汁
- Grape juice 葡萄汁 - Orange juice 橙汁
- Milk 牛奶 - Water 水
- Coffee 咖啡 - Tea 茶
- Cocoa 热巧克力饮料 - Apple juice 苹果汁
- Iced tea 柠檬茶 - Milkshake 奶昔
- Honey 蜜糖水 - Fruit juice 什果汁
- Fruit Punch 什果宾治 - Cappuccino (Italian coffee)卡普契诺咖啡
- Grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁(西柚汁) - Cranberry juice 越橘汁
Carrot juice 胡萝卜汁 - Lemonade 柠檬水
- Champagne 香槟 - Rum 兰姆酒
- Whisky 威士忌 - Brandy 白兰地
- Cocktail 鸡尾酒 - Wine 酒
- Gin and tonic 碳酸琴酒 - Martini 马丁尼酒
- Manhattan 曼哈顿鸡尾酒 - Tequila 龙舌兰酒
- Vermouth 味美思酒 (一种开胃酒)

Dim Sum 点心
- Shrimp mplings 虾饺
- Shark-fin mpling in soup 鱼翅灌汤饺
- Fried sweet bun 炸馒头
- Red bean mash puff 豆沙锅饼
- Steamed sweet bun 蒸馒头
- Sesame seed ball 香麻煎堆球
- Shrimp stuffed fresh mushroom 百花酿鲜菇
- Pork mplings (Shiu Mai) 烧卖
- Steamed pork and veggi mplings 菜肉蒸饺
- Custard bun 奶黄饱
- Bean curd skin roll 鲜竹卷
- Zhiu zhou mpling 潮州粉果
- Steamed peking mplings 北京蒸饺
- Pan fried pork bun 生煎饱
- Bee‘s nest taro puff 蜂巢香竽角
- Pan fried bean curd skin 鲜虾腐皮卷
- Sticky rice in lotus leaf 糯米鸡
- Black sesame soft ball 擂沙汤圆
- Turnip pudding 萝卜糕
- Fried spring roll 炸春卷
- Beef rice noodle roll 牛肉肠粉

Fast Food 快餐
- French fries 薯条
- Hamburger 汉堡饱
- Cheeseburger 芝士汉堡饱
- Hash brown 炸薯饼
- Corn on the cob (corn-cob) 玉米棒子
- Hot dog 热狗
- Fried chicken 炸鸡
- Bagel 圈状硬面饱
- Muffins 松饼
- Fish burger 鱼柳饱
Canton Food 广东食品
- Steamed fish 蒸鱼
- Scallops potage with egg white slices 蛋白蒸干贝
- Steamed green scallops 蒸青口
- Stewed shark‘s fin 炖鱼翅
- Steamed lobster 蒸龙虾
- Stewed ck 炖焖鸭
- Bamboo shoots in chili sauce 辣椒炒竹笋
- Assorted vegetarian delicacies 什锦素食
- Pork satay 猪肉沙嗲
- Fresh snow peas and sausages 雪豆炒腊肠
- Stuffed coconut 海南椰子盅
- Diced chicken with chili pepper 辣椒炒鸡粒
- Sweet and soup carp 糖醋鱼
- Deep-fried assorted vegetable rolls 酥炸什菜卷
- Minced chicken balls with mushroom 冬菇鸡球
- Curried beef 咖喱牛肉
- Congee 粥
- Steamed chicken with oyster sauce蒸豉油鸡
- Creamy curried chicken 咖喱鸡
- Sweet and sour pork 糖醋咕噜肉
- Chinese tea 中国茶
Finnish Food 芬兰食品
- Graavilohi (Smoked Salted Salmon) 烟三文鱼
- Kaalikaaryleet (Cabbage Rolls) 椰菜卷
- Pulla (coffee bread) 咖啡面包

German Food 德国食品
- German sausage 德国肠
- Schweinebraten (German pork roast) 德式烤肉
- Roast nuernberger sausages 龙堡猪肉肠
- Vegetable strudel 蔬菜馅卷饼
- German-style chicken 德式

Japanese Food 日本食品
- Sake 日本米酒
- Shabu-shabu (quick-cooked beef) 牛肉什锦铁锅 / 涮涮锅
- Oyako-donburi (chicken and egg over rice) 鸡扒滑蛋饭
- Satoimo 日式芋头煲
- Tempura (deep fried vegetables) 天妇罗
- Niku-jaga (beef and potato stew) 牛肉焖马铃薯
- Huyashi-chuuka (cold Chinese-style noodles) 冷面
- Chawan (egg custard) 茶碗蒸蛋
- Tamago (egg sushi) 日式煎蛋寿司
- Takoyaki (octopus balls) 日式墨鱼丸
- Oshinko (pickled Chinese cabbage) 日式泡菜
- Okonomiyaki 日式烧饼
- Unadon (grilled eel over rice) 日式鳗鱼饭
- Yakitori (grilled chicken) 日式烤鸡
- Sashimi (raw fish) 鱼生
- Maguro (raw tuna with seasoned rice) 黑鲔寿司
- Tekkamaki (tuna and seasoned rice rolled in seaweed) 海苔鲔鱼细卷
- Green tea 绿茶
- Sushi 寿司
- Simmer pumpkin 日式煮南瓜
- Peony mochi 日式糯米饭团

French Food 法国食品
- Escargot (snails) 法国蜗牛
- Potato croquettes 法式炸马铃薯肉饼
- Crisp mushroom and chestnut pastries 蘑菇栗子酥皮点心
- Crusty French bread 法式面包
- French apple tart 法式苹果挞
- Potato omelet 马铃薯奄列
- Potato and Spinach Croquettes 法式炸马铃薯菠菜肉饼
- Seafood coconut soup海鲜椰子汤
- Salade hermine (chicken salad) 鸡肉沙律
- Omelette aux fines herbes (fresh herb omelette) 香草奄列
- Paves de rumsteak au poivre vert sirlon steaks with green peppercorns)黑椒西冷牛扒
- Feuilletes de saumon (salmon with lime sauce) 烤三文鱼伴青柠汁
- Concorde (chocolate meringue cake filled with chocolate mousse) 巧克力蛋白甜饼
- Croissant 牛角包
- Gratine a l‘‘oignon (classic onion soup) 法国洋葱汤
- Hors d‘‘oeuvres (starters) 开胃品
- French mixed vegetable soup 法式杂菜汤
- Goat cheese salad 暖羊奶芝士沙
- Chutney veal curry French style 法国查尼酱小牛肉咖喱
- Braised tripe in red wine 芥酱红酒牛肚
- Creme caramel (caramel custards) 焦糖软冻
- Grilled lamb chops 烧羊扒
- French toast 西多士
- Apple gateau 苹果蛋糕

Italian Food 意大利食品
- Baked ziti (pasta baked in the oven)
- Spaghetti with meatballs 意式肉丸意粉
- Garlic bread 香蒜饱
- Chicken rice doria 意式鸡皇

Mexican Food 墨西哥食品
- Ensalada de pollo (chicken salad) 鸡肉沙律
- Mexican Salad 墨西哥沙律
- Ensalada de pepinos (cucumber salad) 青瓜沙律
- Eggplant au gratin 炸茄子
- Dulce de mango (mango pudding) 芒果布丁
- Pastel de fresa (strawberry cake) 草莓蛋糕
- Chocolate Mexicano (Mexican hot chocolate) 墨西哥热巧克力
- Manzanas al Horno (baked apples)

Greek Food 希腊食品
- Tzaziki (sauce) 希腊酱汁
- Melitzanosalata (eggplant salad) 茄子沙律
- Horiatiki (Greek salad) 希腊沙律
- Tyropita (cheese pie) 芝士批
- Keftedes (meatballs) 肉丸
- Giouvetsi (lamb stew) 焖羊肉
- Taskebap (stewed meat) 焖肉
- Galaktoboureko (milk cake) 牛奶蛋糕
- Olives 橄榄
- Olive oil 橄榄油
- Pita bread 全麦中东包
- Spanakopita (spinach pie) 菠菜批
- Greek spinach salad 希腊菠菜沙律

㈤ 西餐饮料


㈥ 英国人在日常生活中主要喝什么酒


有的人喜欢加冰,有的喜欢不加冰,有的会加一些饮料兑 着喝,如可乐








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