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发布时间:2022-08-22 22:45:07

1. 英国议会大厦是由下面哪一位设计的

现今的议会大厦(威斯敏斯特宫),是由查尔斯·柏利Charles Barry于1835年竞标成功,而大厦的图画以及内部的哥特式设计大多出自巴里的助手佩吉恩Augustus Pugin。所以可以说是这两人共同完成的。

2. 英国的着名建筑有哪些



威斯敏斯特大教堂(The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster),通称威斯敏斯特修道院(Westminster Abbey,意译为西敏寺),坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座天主教本笃会隐修院,始建于公元960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年建成,1220年至1517年进行了重建。




3. 华盛顿国会大厦上的油画《独立宣言》是画的什么内容



4. 1948年伦敦奥运会会徽象征什么


5. 关于英国议会大厦



THE Houses of Parliament have had a long and violent history. Guy Fawkes tried to blow them up, Hitler destroyed large parts of them, and they were burnt to the ground in 1834 because someone stuffed too many government forms into the stove that heated them. So the building you see today by the river Thames isn't really very old. Only a few parts of it date back much more than a hundred years. But it still remains, with St Paul's Cathedral and Buckingham Palace, one of the most famous buildings in London and, indeed, the world.

The Palace of Westminster

The proper name for the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster and, in fact, there has been a royal palace on that site ever since the days of Edward the Confessor_H. The last king actually to live there was Henry VIII who left the Palace of Westminster after a bad fire in 1529. The Houses of Parliament are still a royal palace and were controlled by the Lord Great Chamberlain himself until 1965. There are records of a keeper of the palace since 1150, and he was paid 7d a day for the job from that day until 1884, when the position was abolished. And if you think that is funny, remember that even today all the M.P.s' cloakroom pegs have a little loop of red tape hanging from them --- to hold their swords! The oldest part of the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Hall. Parts of this were built by William Rufus who succeeded William the Conqueror_H. But most of it was built by a famous architect called Henry Yevele between 1394 and 1399. When William Rufus first built Westminster Hall it was called the New Hall to stop it being confused with the Old Hall built by Edward the Confessor. From that day to this the courtyard in front of it has been known as “New Palace Yard.”

Westminster Hall was the scene of many famous trials and Sir Thomas More,_H Charles I, and Guy Fawkes were all tried and condemned to death there.

Burning and building

On the 16th October 1834 the Palace of Westminster was almost totally burnt down. Only Westminster Hall and a few rooms and corridors were left. The rest was a heap of smouldering ruins. Parliament had sat at the palace since 1547 but now they had to make do with some small and unsatisfactory rooms that had been patched up. After five months of this it is not surprising that the members decided to rebuild the Houses of Parliament properly. They soon decided that the designs of Mr Charles Barry were the best and the foundation stone was laid by his wife in 1840. It took just ten years to build the new palace and Parliament re-assembled there in 1850.

The palace is built on a great bed of concrete ten feet thick and has over 1,000 rooms. There are more than a hundred staircases and over two miles of corridors. New Members of Parliament take a long time to find their way about and it is unlikely that any one man has ever been everywhere.

The Palace is bombed�

The Houses of Parliament are so big that it was almost impossible for the German bombers ring the 1939---1945 war to miss them. They were, in fact, hit by bombs on 14 separate occasions, although only a few caused any real damage. The worst of all was on 10th May 1941 when they were hit by twelve bombs. The bombs caused a disastrous fire which burnt out the Chamber where the M.P.s actually sit and destroyed a number of rooms and corridors.

Rebuilding began the week the war ended. Although the parts that were bombed were rebuilt very much as Barry had first designed them, they were brought up to date inside and made much more roomy and comfortable.

But one arch was left with the marks of the bomb splinters still on it to remind future M.P.s of the ordeal that the Houses of Parliament had gone through.

Big Ben�

The one part of the Houses of Parliament that people all over the world immediately recognize is _HBt5;Big Ben._H But nearly everybody gets it slightly wrong because Big Ben is really the name of the big bell which strikes the hours. The tall tower which holds the clock is correctly called the Clock Tower.

The dials --- all four of them --- of this enormous clock are 23 feet across and its works weigh five tons. The big bell which strikes the deep hour notes weighs 13�1/2� tons. In spite of its huge size, Big Ben is a very good timekeeper and almost never gets more than a second off time.

In the tower there are some cells into which M.P.s who misbehave themselves are put, although it hasn't been used for this purpose since 1880. And at the very top of the tower you can see a little light burning when the House is actually sitting.


The Houses of Parliament are the home of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is made up of Members of Parliament who are elected by the people of Great Britain to run the country for them. There are 630 of them, although it is very seldom that they are all there at once.

The House of Lords is made up of “peers of the realm”, who are titled lords, bishops, and very senior judges. Most of the Lords are “hereditary” which means that their titles have come down from father to son, but recently a new sort of Lord, a “life peer”, has been introced into the House of Lords. Life peers are men and women of great experience and ability who have done a great deal of work for the country and whose worth has been recognized in this way. A great many Lords who have the right to a seat in the House of Lords never bother to attend at all.

Too old, too cramped�

Although the Houses of Parliament are admired by many people outside, the Members of Parliament, the Lords, and the Civil Servants who actually work there find them very uncomfortable and old fashioned. Over the last few years the complaints have been getting louder and louder as M.P.s find that they've got no room to do their work properly. Some want to move to a new building entirely, others want big new buildings tacked on to Barry's masterpiece. But they can't agree on what is to be done.

One idea was to dig out a whole lot of new rooms underneath the present building, another was to fill up New Palace Yard with new buildings. yet another idea was to leave the buildings and London entirely and build totally new Houses of Parliament somewhere nearer the middle of Great Britain.

But it is almost certain that when you are grown up and with children of your own that the Lords and the Commons will still be in the Palace of Westminster as they have been for more than 400 years.

Mr. Speaker�

There are a number of important people in the Houses of Parliament --- the prime minister, the_HBt6; Lord Chancellor_H, the leader of the House of Commons, and many others. But the man who is most respected is the Speaker of the House of Commons who is an M.P. elected by all the other M.P.s to run the business of the House of Commons. When he is offcially on ty he wears magnificent robes and a full wig and everyone stands up as he passes. No one is allowed to argue with him and even the prime minister has to obey the Speaker's rulings.

The Speaker has his own beautiful house in the palace itself with its own library and courtyard and its own little lawn.



























—— 译自:〔英〕《知识画报》周刊

6. 英国房子怎么画

从十五世纪说起,英国那会儿在亨利八世的统治之下,作为都铎王朝(Tudor Dynasty 1485年-1603年)的第二代君王,他比自己的父亲态度更强硬,直接与罗马教皇反目推行宗教改革,不仅让英国完全脱离了罗马天主教会体系,还建立了以自己为最高统治者的英国国教会。这时期的建筑风格被称为“都铎式建筑”(Tudor architectural period)。

7. 议会大厦的建筑特点是什么


8. 伦敦有哪些标志性建筑物 图片


  1. 伊丽莎白塔

伊丽莎白塔(Elizabeth Tower),旧称大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,世界上着名的哥特式建筑之一,伦敦的标志性建筑。英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟,2012年6月,英国宣布把伦敦着名地标“大本钟”的钟楼改名为“伊丽莎白塔”。










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