⑴ 英国历史的英语是什么
印欧人的第二次入侵是在公元五世纪中叶,当时生活在现在的德国和丹麦交界处有两个部落,一个是石勒苏益格(Schleswig)的盎格鲁(Angles),另一个是霍尔施坦因(Holstein)的萨克森(Saxon)。石勒苏益格/霍尔施坦因现在是德国最北面的两个州。这两个部落从那里跨过北海,占据了英格兰,原来的塞尔特人很快地后退到威尔士、爱尔兰和苏格兰高地。English一词就出自Angles,原意为“角落”,意即他们来自欧洲大陆的一角。在古英语中Angle写作Engle,他们的语言叫做Englisc(在古英语中“sc”读如“sh”,如“sceap”—— “sheep”)。顺便说一句,“塞尔特”(Celt)中的c可以读如s或k,所以也叫“凯尔特”。
这些外来语使英语成为一个表达力丰富的语言。尽管溶入了如此众多的“外来语”,古英语仍然构成了它的核心——不到五千的古英语单词一直保持到了今天。在此期间英语逐渐向高层发展,1399年继承王位的亨利四世是第一个以英语为母语的英国国王。在十四世纪快要结束的时候,乔叟(Chaucer)完成了‘坎特伯雷的传说’(Canterbury Tales),以伦敦方言为代表的现代英语终于开始出现:一个来自当年“角落”的语言。
⑵ 英国历史简介(英文)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) was created by the Act of Union 1800 and constitutes the greater part of the British Isles, a group of islands lying off the northwest coast of Europe. The largest of the islands is Great Britain, which comprises England, Wales and Scotland. Next largest is Ireland, comprising Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and, in the south, the Republic of Ireland.
Culture in the United Kingdom is rich and diverse, with a strong tradition of literature, theatre, popular and orchestral music and the performing arts. These, together with collections in UK museums and galleries, act as a magnet for overseas visitors and make a substantial contribution to the economy. According to economic estimates made by the Department for Culture,Media and Sport (DCMS), the creative instries accounted for nearly 8 per cent of UK gross domestic proct in 2000, and provided nearly 2 million jobs in December 2001. Colour brochures are available here on various aspects of UK culture, including the arts, architecture, dance, the visual arts, and literature and poetry.
⑶ 英国的历史(英文叙述)
BC Iberian Mediterranean, BAK, Celtics, had come to Britain. 1-5 Year century Great Britain for the south-east of the Roman Empire rule. After the withdrawal of the Romans, the Anglo people in northern Europe, the Saxons, and Jutes people one after another invasion and settlement. 7th century feudal system began to take shape, and many of the small country into seven of the Kingdom, for hegemony over 200 years, known as the "Anglo - Saxon times."
829 King of Wessex in love Gebert unified England. 8 Denmark were hit by the end of the century, from 1016 to 1042 for Denmark piracy empire. Following a short-term rule of King, Duke of Normandy in 1066 crossing the conquest of England. 1215 King John to sign Magna Carta, the monarchy has been inhibited.
From 1338 to 1453 the British and French for "Hundred Years War," to win the British after the defeat. Beat Spain in 1588, "Armada", to establish supremacy at sea. Britain in 1640 in the world's first outbreak of the bourgeois revolution, to become bourgeois revolution. May 19, 1649 announced the establishment of the Republic. Dynasty restoration in 1660, in 1668 occurred in the "Glorious Revolution", defined the constitutional monarchy. 1707 England and Scotland merged in 1801 with the merger of Ireland.
The second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century to become the world's first instrial revolution in the country. 19th century British Empire is the peak, in 1914 the colonial possession of more than 111 times that of the local large, is the first colonial power, claiming to be "the sun does not set the Empire." After the First World War began to decline. Britain in 1920 set up the North County Ailan, and from 1921 to 1922 to allow Ireland in the south from its rule, the establishment of an independent country. Westminster bill enacted in 1931, was forced to admit its dominion in the internal affairs and foreign policy of independence, the British Empire from the colonial system shaken. World War II greatly weaken the economic strength and political status of the decline. With the 1947 India and Pakistan's independence one after another, until age 60, of the British Empire collapse of the colonial system. January 1973 accession to the European Community.
Until recently the centuries before the island of Great Britain by a number of different countries take in the history of Britain before it is the dispute between these countries history. England became the dominate force in the "Great Britain" It's large, with other countries at different times combine to form the United Kingdom now.
⑷ 用英语简单描述一下英国的历史
BC in the Mediterranean Iberian people, BAK people, Celtic, has come to Britain. 1-5 century, south-east England, the Roman Empire. , After the withdrawal of the Romans, the Anglo people in northern Europe, Saxons, Jutes invaded and settled in succession. The 7th century the feudal system began to take shape, many small countries, and into seven kingdoms strive for hegemony over 200 years, called "Anglo - Saxon era." 829 King of Wessex love Gebert unified England. 8 end of the century the Danes were struck from 1016 to 1042 as part of the Danish Viking empire. King was later short-term rule, in 1066, Duke of Normandy crossed the sea to conquer England. In 1215 King John was forced to sign Magna Carta, kingship was inhibited. From 1338 to 1453 English law, "the Hundred Years War," the British after the defeat and win a victory. In 1588, defeated the Spanish "Armada", to establish maritime supremacy. Bourgeois revolution broke out in 1640. May 19, 1649 declared a republic. 1660 Dynasty restoration took place in 1668 "Glorious Revolution" established a constitutional monarchy. 1707 England and Scotland merged in 1801 they merged with the Irish. The latter half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, becoming the world's first instrial revolution, a complete country. 19th century was the heyday of the British Empire in 1914 the colonial possession of 111 times more than the local big was the first colonial power, claiming to be "follow the sun empire." After World War I began to decay. British in Northern Ireland was established in 1920, the county, and in 1921 to 1922 in southern Ireland, from its rule to allow the establishment of an independent country. Westminster Act, enacted in 1931, was forced to recognize its dominion in the internal affairs and foreign policy of independence, the British Empire, shaken from the colonial system. World War II, greatly weakened the economic strength and political status declined. With the 1947 India and Pakistan have independence, to 60 years, the British Empire, the collapse of the colonial system. In January 1973 to join the EC.
⑸ 求一篇关于英国历史的简介,要有英文和翻译!字数不用多了,急需!!
Britain, the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in ancient Britain is known as the "day not fall" empire is England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom.It is a capitalist country in Western Europe
THE British national anthem is "GOD SAVE THE Queen", which is THE translation of Chinese GOD SAVE THE Queen.And that diamonds are the country by, white heart red rose is a symbol of the country.
In London, the capital of the UK takes a seat.The city of London a and economy, politics and culture in one place.Here, you can appreciate the wide of the Thames, Big Ben's majesty.
Britain also has a long history, from the earliest civilizations to Roman times, and then through the medieval period, the instrial revolution, the colonial expansion, and the world war ii, has been in the present day.
The UK is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.In this country, the king is the head of state, however, the real power in the cabinet, actually.Parliament is the highest judicial and regulatory institutions, by the king, under the house of lords and the house of Commons
On the economic front, the UK is the world's one of the important economic and trade and the global financial center.He is still the world's sixth-largest economy system, is the world fastest growing economy and one of the highest living standards.Among them, the household is its export of Rolls-Royce
British culture is also very rich.
First,the ecation popularity is very high, it also promoted the development of the British ecation.Britain's ecation and academic research level is currently in the world's leading position.The world-famous ecation have a holy land at the university of Cambridge and Oxford University.
Except, of course, ecation, the British sports is also very rich.One of the most famous ball sport is football, rugby and cricket.Among them, the cricket is also known as "the movement of a gentleman, it is by 11 people alternating attacks by b
⑹ 英国历史 简单的英文
早期文明在不列颠群岛上很早就有人类活动,约公元前13世纪,伊比利亚人从欧洲大陆来到大不列颠岛东南部定居。约公元前700年以后,居住在欧洲西部的克尔特人不断移入不列颠群岛,其中有一支称为不列吞人,不列颠这一名称可能来源于此。克尔特人已知使用铁器,耕犁在技术上不断进步,并已使用货币。生产力发展促使克尔特社会逐渐分化。罗马时期公元前55和前54年,凯撒两度率罗马军团入侵不列颠,均被不列颠人击退。公元43年,罗马皇帝克劳狄一世率军入侵不列颠。征服不列颠后变其为罗马帝国的行省。到409年,罗马驻军被迫全部撤离不列颠,罗马对不列颠的统治即告结束。中古时期罗马人撤离后,居住在易北河口附近和丹麦南部的盎格鲁-撒克逊人以及来自莱茵河下游的朱特人等日耳曼部落,到7世纪初,入侵者先后建立起7个强国:这个时期史称“七国时代”。盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵时是氏族部落组织。入侵过程中,原来的氏族组织解体,随着生产力发展,土地逐渐变成私有财产,出现了贵族、大土地占有者、依附农和奴隶。村社成为氏族公社土地所有制向封建土地所有制过渡的形式,一般认为是英国社会封建化过程的开始。6世纪末,基督教传入英国。从8世纪末开始,以丹麦人为主体的斯堪的纳维亚人屡屡入侵英国。879年,阿尔弗烈德大王和丹麦人订立条约,将英格兰东北部划归丹麦管辖,称为“丹麦区”。10世纪初,阿尔弗烈德大王的后继者逐渐收复丹麦区。11世纪初,丹麦人卷土重来。丹麦人占领期间,英国封建化过程加速。英王爱德华死后无嗣,法国诺曼底公爵威廉于1066年率军入侵,同年10月进入伦敦,加冕为英王威廉一世(1066~1087在位),史称“征服者威廉”。威廉征服后建立起的强大王权对巩固封建秩序起了积极作用。约翰被迫于1215年 6月接受《大宪章》,与封建主妥协。大宪章本质上是一个封建性文件,是保护封建领主的利益;但也有如保护市民贸易自由这样有进步意义的条文。但约翰不久就否认宪章,君臣之间内战连绵不断。1380年,国王理查二世(1377~1399在位)为征集英法百年战争战费,增收人头税,导致起义于1381年5月爆发,领袖是泥瓦匠瓦特.泰勒,史称“瓦特.泰勒起义”。起义虽遭失败,但震撼了英国的封建农奴制度。14世纪末,英国农奴制实际上已经解体。15世纪时,绝大多数农奴赎得人身自由,成为自耕农,他们在法律地位上分为自由领有农和公簿持有农。货币地租成为地租的主要形式,封建主阶级也发生变化,从富裕农民、占有土地的商人以及中小贵族中产生新贵族,他们采用资本主义经营方式。旧贵族的统治陷入危机,封建骑士制度日趋解体,经过1455~1485年的玫瑰战争,旧贵族力量大大削弱,为资本主义关系的发展创造了有利条件,得到新贵族和资产阶级支持的亨利七世即位(1485~1509在位),开始了都铎王朝的统治。圈地运动是英国资本原始积累的重要手段之一。1536年英格兰与威尔士合并。15~16世纪,毛织业成为英国的“民族工业”,对羊毛的需求成倍增加。地主把农场改为牧场,还通过圈地围田或侵占公地,把小地产集中,连成大片。这样一来,大批自耕农失去土地而破产,沦为流浪人。国王从1530年起颁布一系列血腥立法,迫使流浪人受雇于新贵族和资本家。海外掠夺和贸易也是原始积累的重要途径。16世纪以后,英国陆续组织许多贸易公司,进行海盗掠夺,码头官吏、海关人员、海军官兵,甚至地方高级官吏,都勾结海盗。海盗J.霍金斯贩运黑人致富,F.德雷克则在伊丽莎白一世赞助下劫掠西班牙美洲殖民地,并于1577~1580年间进行了震惊欧洲的环球航行。1588年,英国战胜西班牙的无敌舰队,在攫取世界海洋霸权上迈出第一步。1603年,伊丽莎白女王死后无嗣,苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世继承英国王位,称詹姆斯一世(1603~1625在位),开始斯图亚特王朝统治(1603~1649,1660~1714)。16世纪后半叶到17世纪前半叶,资本主义经济迅速发展,经济实力日益强大的资产阶级和新贵族越来越不能忍受封建王权的专制统治。但詹姆斯一世和查理一世无视这些变化,坚持“君权神授”,致使矛盾激化。1641年11月,议会向国王提出《大抗议书》;翌年1月,国王企图逮捕议会反对派首领未逞,逃出首都,8月在诺丁汉向议会宣战。克伦威尔率领的主要由信仰清教的自耕农和手工业者组成的一支骑兵队伍,新模范军在1645年6月纳斯比战役中击败王党军队。翌年,国王被俘,1647年底,查理国王逃跑,1648年2月,王党势力乘机又挑起内战,在独立派、平等派联合打击下,王党势力复被击败,第二次内战结束,1648年12月,克伦威尔清除了议会中的长老派;1649年1月30日,查理一世被斩首。年4月,克伦威尔驱散残余议会,12月建立护国政府,实行军事独裁。1660年2月,斯图亚特王朝复辟。1688——1689爆发的“光荣革命”。它所宣布的《权利法案》限制王权,扩大议会权力,奠定了英国君主立宪制的基础。 此后,英国议会君主制逐渐形成和发展。[6]1707与苏格兰合并。工业革命工业革命又称产业革命,指资本主义工业化的早期历程,即资本主义生产完成了从工场手工业向机器大工业过渡的阶段。是以机器生产逐步取代手工劳动,以大规模工厂化生产取代个体工场手工生产的一场生产与科技革命,后来又空扩充到其他行业。殖民扩张英国的殖民地在19世纪猛烈扩张。1801年合并爱尔兰,英国的正式名称成为大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国。对亚洲的侵略继续扩大。19世纪中叶,发动两次侵略中国的鸦片战争,参与镇压中国太平天国革命;镇压1857~1859年印度民族大起义,强化对印度的统治。1876年,保守党B.迪斯累里内阁为维多利亚女王加冕,使其成为印度女皇。此后英国又称为大英帝国(或英帝国)。此外,在伊朗、缅甸、南非、埃及、东非以及新西兰、澳大利亚等地也扩大侵略,还逐步对南美洲进行渗透,成为那里最大的投资者。1867年,加拿大成为英国第1个自治领地。世界大战19世纪70年代以后,英国逐渐丧失工业垄断地位。后起的美国逐步赶上并超过英国,导致相互间矛盾的空前激化。20世纪初,德国成为英国竞争对手。面对严峻的形势,英国政府积极扩充军备,尤其是海军。为对付德国,英国放弃19世纪奉行的“光辉孤立”外交政策,1907年以后,英、法、俄“三国协约”实际上形成。1914年8月,第一次世界大战爆发。1917年,英国最终击败德国的“无限制潜艇战”,维护了它的制海权。战争中英帝国参战人员阵亡总数达50万以上。大战以德国等同盟国的失败告终,也是美国的一大胜利。1939年9月,德国进攻波兰,二战爆发,英国对德宣战。1940年4月丘吉尔组成战时联合内阁。丘吉尔上台后,立即组织敦刻尔克撤退,把国民经济纳入战时轨道,并迅速扩充军备。1940年7~9月在德国发动的“不列颠空战”中,英国空军有效地打击了敌人。1944年6月英美军队在法国诺曼底登陆,1945年5月8日德国投降。当代战后英国于1947年参与拟定并接受马歇尔计划,从美国得到大量援助,经济逐步复苏。与此同时,工党政府还实施一些改善劳动人民状况的措施:第二次世界大战后的英国,由工党和保守党轮流执政。经济发展缓慢。1979年大选后,保守党执政,撒切尔夫人成为英国历史上第一位女首相。1982、1987年连任。撒切尔政府采取国有企业私有化的政策,在振兴经济方面取得不小成绩。开始推动部分企业私有化,为了使英国经济恢复活力。简单的英语:hello,thanks,here you are,you are welcome,sorry,excuses me⑺ 英国的历史可以用什么词来形容
英国历史-正文全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。欧洲西北部岛国,国土由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰岛上的北爱尔兰 4部分和众多小岛组成。西、西北濒临大西洋,南、东和法国、荷兰、丹麦隔海相望。海岸线曲折漫长,岛上河流纵横,航运便利。面积244108平方公里,人口5625.6万(1984),主要是英格兰人,占人口的80%以上,其次为苏格兰人,爱尔兰人,威尔士人等。居民多信奉基督教,其中大部分属于英格兰教会(英国国教),一部分属于苏格兰教会,另有部分居民信奉天主教。通用英语,首都伦敦。
古代不列颠 在不列颠群岛上很早就有人类活动。约公元前第3千纪,伊比利亚人从欧洲大陆来到大不列颠岛东南部定居。约公元前700年以后,居住在欧洲西部的克尔特人不断移入不列颠群岛,其中有一支称为不列吞人,不列颠这一名称可能来源于此。克尔特人已知使用铁器,耕犁在技术上不断进步,并已使用货币。生产力发展促使克尔特社会逐渐分化。
公元前55和前54年,G.J.凯撒两度率罗马军团入侵不列颠,均被不列颠人击退。公元43年,罗马皇帝克劳狄一世率军入侵不列颠。征服不列颠后变其为罗马帝国的行省。罗马人以位于泰晤士河口的伦敦为中心,向四面八方修起大道,连接各地的城市,使伦敦成为罗马不列颠统治和对外联系的中心。为阻止北方克尔特人南下,公元1世纪20年代罗马皇帝P.A.哈德良在位时期,罗马人在大不列颠岛北部修建了一条横贯东西、全长 118公里的长城,史称哈德良长城(见彩图)。在罗马人统治的东南地区,罗马人和克尔特人上层抢占部落的公有土地,建立起奴隶制大田庄,变克尔特人或战俘为奴隶。罗马人强迫奴隶从事耕种、采矿,奴隶贩子还把奴隶远销到欧洲大陆。3~4世纪,随着奴隶反抗斗争的加剧,罗马帝国逐渐衰落。4世纪中叶前后,不列颠反抗罗马统治的斗争也渐趋激化。到407年,罗马驻军被迫全部撤离不列颠,罗马对不列颠的统治即告结束。
⑻ 用英语描述英国一段历史
King Alfred (849-899) and his contributions
Alfred was a king of Wessex. He defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879. The Danes gained control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.
He founded a strong fleet and is known as “ the father of the British navy”. He reorganized the Saxon army, making it more efficient. He translated a Latin book into English. He also established schools and formulated a legal system. All this earns him the title “Alfred the Great.”
The Norman Conquest and its consequences
The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with the Continent were opened, and the civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners and architecture were introced. The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.
⑼ 用英文介绍英国(介绍完后用中文翻译)
The United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state in Europe.
Lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland, the country includes the island of Great Britain (a term also applied loosely to refer to the whole country), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands.
Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state: the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea in the east and the English Channel in the south.
The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. The UK has an area of 243,610 square kilometres (94,060 sq mi), making it the 78th-largest sovereign state in the world and the 11th-largest in Europe.
1、要想学好英语首先就要煅炼好自己的听力。环境 很重要,在平时选择多听,多看,比如多看些英语电影,多听些英语听力,提高听力。
5、学好英语还要注意多写,多写需要有扎实的语法功底,两者相铺相成。平时要坚持用英语写日记,文章、散文,将英语深深滴融入自己 的生活之中,运用自如才是最高境界。