① 关于扬州的诗句英文
The yellow crane tower of old, the fireworks yangzhou in March. The far all the blue sky shadow solitary, but see the Yangtze river flow over the sky.
Shaw niang face difficult wins the tears, peach leaves eyebrows are easy to worry, all three distinct moon light, binary rogue in yangzhou.
The long history of the yangzhou gestates ShaoBo town, ShaoBo not only beautiful scenery, there are profound cultural,Mr. Zhu ziqing here spent his childhood .
ShaoBo has many cultural heritage,Many folk song was listed in the cultural heritage,you can go to listen to it, Here teems with lobster, Cooking method also are various,formed the lobster food market now popular feast.
This town, With the passage of time and decline, leaving ShaoBo lake of Folk songs.
Yangzhou, ancient Guangling, Jiang, Yangzhou and other, China's first batch of historical and cultural city, is located in the central part of Jiangsu Province, adjacent to the East and Yancheng, Taizhou City; south of Yangtze River, and Zhenjiang City, across the river; Southwest and Nanjing city is connected; in the Northwest and Huaian City and Anhui Province Chuzhou City to pick up soil is Nanjing metropolitan circle close cities and cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations. State key engineering project of diverting water from the south to the North East water to. 译文: 扬州,古称广陵、江都、维扬等,中国首批历史文化名城,地处江苏省中部,东与盐城市、泰州市毗邻;南临长江,与镇江市隔江相望;西南部与南京市相连;西北部与淮安市和安徽省滁州市接壤,是南京都市圈紧密圈城市和长三角城市群城市,国家重点工程南水北调东线水源地。
Slender Western Lake (瘦西湖)Named after Hangzhou's famous West Lake, this long, narrow stretch of water which meanders through Yangzhou's western limits is a well-known scenic spot. A long bank planted with weeping willows spans the lake; at its midpoint stands a square terrace with pavilions at each of the corners and one in the center. Around the lake is a park in which are found several attractions: Lotus Flower Pagoda (Lianhua SO, a white structure reminiscent of the White Pagoda (Baita) in Beijing's Beihai Park; Small Gold Mountain (Xiao Jin Shan); and the Fishing Platform (Diaoyutai), a favorite retreat of the Qing emperor Qian Long. The emperor was so gratified by his luck in fishing at this spot that he ordered additional stipends for the town. As it turns out, his success had been augmented by local swimmers who lurked in the lake busily attaching fish to his hook.。
The Yangzhou Shouxi lake for our country famous lake in the botanical garden, is situated northwest Yangzhou, is south of Yangzi River's tourist attraction since the ancient times. Shouxi lake total area 103.7 hectares, the water surface area 49.9 hectares, are the country key scenic spot area Suchuan post - - Shouxi lake scenic spot area hard core slender winding lake roads, the string by the causeway spring the willow tree, four bridge misty rains, Xu Yuan, small Jinshan, breaks off, five pavilion bridges, Bai Ta, 24 bridges, the exquisite prostitutes' quarters, the bright scenic place, to look at spring the building, to recite both banks scenic spots and so on month teahouse, lake front corridor, cliff class sound of flowing water, static fragrant reading room, solemn natural elegant traditional Chinese painting long volume. The level of the lake is tortuous, goes toward the couple extension, the goddess waistband, the obsequious attitude is as if moving. When Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Emperor Qianlong two once several times southern tour Yangzhou, the local tyrannical gentry struggled constructs the garden, then " abundance botanical garden, armor in the world " saying. " weeping simon poplar not breaking of contact remnant wu, neatly lined up Hongqiao draws dignified; Also melts metal a bowl, therefore should call makes Shouxi lake. “all previous dynasties poet literati likes Shouxi lake analogies as the delicate beautiful fascinating' winsome young girl, but distinguishes between the charming plentiful Hangzhou Xihu. From the scope says, Shouxi lake sub-Shi Gongci to the west, after Hongqiao, the causeway spring the willow tree, west the round wine-cup floating, small Jinshan, Bai Ta, five pavilion bridges, stops to Kuanyinshan, but Shouxi lake park from causeway spring willow tree to Kuanyinshan. The Shouxi lake span 4.3 kilometers, are distributing exquisitely many along the lake unique, is situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream building. Shouxi lake botanical garden both some natural sceneries, and has the rich historical culture, the four seasons and the eight solar terms festival, the wind early morning end of the month, causes Shouxi lake to transform the infinite strange tastes. Shouxi lake's scenic spot after many year constructions, becomes especially charming varied. Especially treats to south of Yangzi River's spring scenery arrives, fireworks in March under Yangzhou, strolls with the Shouxi lake bank, but sees a several step willow tree, seems the green fog gentle moving, in addition the camellia japonica, the pomegranate, the cuckoo, the prunus persica and so on charming colored tree accompany, thought that Shu Juan is elegant, slender varied, all kinds rich in poetic and artistic flavor completely present in which.。
如果楼主又不懂的地方上“抓鸟”网搜一搜就知道了= =Yangzhou (simplified Chinese: 扬州; former spellings: Yang-chou, Yangchow, Yang-chow; literally "Rising Prefecture") is a prefecture-level city in central Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China. Sitting on the northern bank of the Yangtze River, it borders the provincial capital of Nanjing to the southwest, Huai'an to the north, Yancheng to the northeast, Taizhou to the east, and Zhenjiang across the river to the south. Historically it is one of the wealthiest of China's cities, known at various periods for its great merchant families, poets, painters, and scholars.HistoryThe first settlement in the Yangzhou area, called Guangling (广陵, Kuang-Ling) was founded in the Spring and Autumn Period. After the defeat of Yue by King Fuchai of Wu a garrison city was built 12 metres (39 ft) above water level on the northern bank of the Yangtze River c 485 BCE. This city in the shape of a three by three li square was called Hancheng.[1] The newly created Han canal formed a moat around the south and east sides of the city. The purpose of Hancheng was to protect Suzhou from naval invasion from the Qi. In 590 CE, the city began to be called Yangzhou, which was the traditional name of what was then the entire southeastern part of China.Under the second Sui Dynasty (581–617 CE) Emperor Yangdi (r. 604–617), Yangzhou was the southern capital of China and called Jiang upon the completion of the Jinghang (Grand) Canal until the fall of the dynasty. The city has remained a leading economic and cultural center and major port of foreign trade and external exchange since the Tang Dynasty (618-907). At one time many Arab and Persian merchants lived in the city but they were massacred in 760 CE ring the An Shi Rebellion.During the Tang Dynasty many merchants from Korea's Silla Dynasty also lived in Yangzhou.The city, still known as Guangling, was briefly made the capital of the Wu Kingdom ring the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period.In 1280 AD, Yangzhou was the site of a massive gunpowder explosion when the bomb store of the Weiyang arsenal accidentally caught fire. This blast killed over a hundred guards, hurled debris from buildings into the air that landed ten li away from the site of the explosion, and could be felt 100 li away as tiles on roofs shook (refer to gunpowder article).Marco Polo claims to have served in Yangzhou under the Mongol emperor Kubilai Khan in the period around 1282-1287 (to 1285, according to Perkins). Although some versions of Polo's memoirs imply that he was the governor of Yangzhou, it is more likely that he was an official in the salt instry, if indeed he was employed there at all. Chinese texts offer no supporting evidence for his claim. The discovery of the 1342 tomb of Katarina Vilioni, member of an Italian trading family in Yangzhou, does, however, suggest the existence of a thriving Italian community in the city in the 14th century.During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) until the 19th century Yangzhou acted as a major trade exchange center for salt (a government regulated commodity), rice, and silk. The Ming were largely responsible for building the city as it now stands and surrounding it with 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) of walls.After the fall of Beijing and northern China to the Manchu in 1644, Yangzhou remained under the control of the short-lived Ming loyalist government of the so-called Hongguang Emperor, based in Nanjing. The Qing forces, led by Prince Dodo, reached Yangzhou in the spring of 1645, and despite the heroic efforts of its chief defender, Shi Kefa, the city fell on May 20, 1645, after a brief siege. A ten-day massacre followed, in which, as it was traditionally alleged, 800,000 people died. Shi Kefa himself was killed by the Manchus as well, after he refused to switch his allegiance to the Qing regime.The city's rapid recovery from these events and its great prosperity through the early and middle years of the Qing dynasty were e to its role as administrative center of the Lianghuai sector of the government salt monopoly. As early as 1655, the Dutch envoy Johan Nieuhof described the city (Jamcefu, i.e. Yangzhou-Fu, in his transcription) commented on the city's salt trade as follows:This Trade alone has so very much enrich'd the Inhabitants of this Town, that they have re-built their City since the last destruction by the Tartars, erecting it in as great splendor as it was at first.Famed at that time and since for literature, art, and the gardens of its merchant families, many of which were visited by the Kangxi and Qianling emperors ring their Southern Tours, the Qing-era 。
1、In ancient times, Yangzhou was well known to (all over)the world for its beauty already.
Be well know to 为。所熟知
all over the world 全世界
2、In ancient times, Yangzhou was famous for its beauty already, which was well known to (all over) the world.
Be famous for因。而着名
② 英国英语怎么说
英国的全称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,常见的简称有United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain,用Birtain比较大众化,不用刻意去分英格兰,苏格兰,北爱和威尔士,本地全国性的新闻就直接用Britain
③ 请问标准镇江方言求大神帮助
镇江地处长江下游南岸,古时近出海口,据称为中国吴文化的发源地。关于吴文化到底是发源于无锡还是苏州,或者镇江,好象没有定论,但最早的青铜宜侯鼎、有姓名有祭文的吴王墓葬均在镇江境内出土,能与《史记》所记载的商末时,泰伯、仲雍为让位于周文王姬昌而奔荆蛮,立国号勾吴相吻合。自从晋室南迁后,北人开始不断涌入江南,也把北方语言带入江南,至少到隋唐宋时期,镇江地区方言应该还是比较完整的吴语,因为地处江北的扬州还说吴语。这个我没仔细研究过,因为记得隋炀帝能以吴语为歌,而辛弃疾也提到吴音云云。今天的镇江话,按照官方的说法,属于江淮方言的次方言,但以镇江市中心以东南10多公里处的谏壁为界限进入吴语方言区,因为地处江淮方言与吴语的交界处,又受到清朝满洲驻防旗人的北方口语影响,所以语言成分颇为复杂。基本属于一种带有吴语特征的江淮次方言。镇江话有6个声调,官方说法是书面语近北方官话,口语近吴语,所以以前镇江人常常认为自己讲的话就是官话,对外地人基本就以镇江话表达,放慢语速而已,还会奇怪别人怎么会听不懂,认为是乡下人,听不懂官话。我自己通过比较觉得,镇江话口语发音仍保留了吴语的发音习惯,但吴语词汇已经越来越少了,因为解放后国家大力推行以北京方言为基础的所谓的普通话,其实这个普通话才是真正的“外语”!普通话从发音习惯到某些词汇,都是地道的阿尔泰语系满-通古斯语族的满洲词汇,或者蒙古语,并非汉人固有语言,只是几次北方阿尔泰民族的大举入侵,并定居北方,才造就了今天的北方方言。语言的更迭,其实很早就开始了,比满洲、蒙古更早的还有突厥人,比如今天的“爸爸、妈妈、哥哥”就是突厥语转化而来。 镇江话发音无翘舌音,入声保留比较完整,口语词汇以阳平居多。无翘舌音不用解释。口语词汇以阳平居多,这个现象很有意思,比如“小”,单独读,读上声,但如果是一个词“小赤佬”,小的发音就成为了阳平,读xiao 2声,这样的现象十有八九,所以讲话声调也因此比较高。入声就是日语中的促声,朝鲜语中的BADQIM,也就是英语中的不完全爆破,喉咙做出发音的动作,却不发音。古代汉语是有入声的,但阿尔泰诸族的频繁入侵,操阿尔泰语的北方民族又模仿汉人说汉语,带来儿化音,造成入声的弱化。现代汉语中入声已经完全消失,但某些方言比如四川方言,山西方言中有假入声的存在。保留入声的方言基本集中在江淮方言、吴语、闽语、粤语、客家话几大方言群中,所以听这些话,会感觉语速很快,音调变化比较多。因为声调多,比如闽语,有多达8个声调,发音方式也比较复杂,发音的能力、模仿的能力也就比其他地区要强,我个人觉得,江浙一带人在学习外语方面语音的模仿能力要明显强于其他地方,所以什么全国的普通话大赛,第一名不是北京人而是上海人;镇江一中有个小姑娘,在国际英语演讲大赛上还比英国人说得还好,拿冠军;国内第一个创立汉语语法研究的不是北方人而是镇江人马建忠;语言大师吕叔缃是镇江丹阳人;不少语言大师都系江浙人氏。清兵南下,镇江作为南北要冲军事重镇,康熙年间设将军府,主要为防范台湾郑匪进犯长江,旗人开始进入镇江。旗人讲汉语,自然与土语大不一致,但经过两百多年的侵染,镇江土语也受到了旗人汉语的影响,有一个现象:镇江话中是没有儿化音的,但却有儿化的动作,比如:明天,镇江话叫“明厄”,这个“厄”是入声,连在一起,有点象北京话的“明儿个”,因为镇江人的发音习惯,发不出那个儿字,所以简化成了“明厄”,这个明显是受旗人影响。这个“明”字还是按吴语发音习惯,敏恩连读,中间有个音变过程,并非普通话的“明”。 镇江话保留古代汉语较多,所以很多词可以按照汉语变化规则来对应,比如J开头可以改作G开头,如“解”读“改”;Y开头一般不发音,如“眼”读“俺”;H开头有读K,如“环”读“宽 2声”,X开头读H,“下”读“哈 入声”。但也有很多特殊现象,无法用汉字写出,当然,其实我们现在用的常用汉字只占汉字的一小部分,真正要翻开康熙字典,或者真能找到对应的字或词。下面举点小例子说说镇江话的一些特殊词汇、发音、词尾(拼音尾部有加字母的表示入声,数字表声调): 江苏镇江,位于扬子江畔,素有“襟山带江,控楚负吴”之美誉。 镇江方言大体属于北方方言,是北方方言与吴方言两大方言的结合部。古代的镇江话属吴方言,由于特殊的政治、社会、交通等原因,导致方言属性的变化。镇江方言构成复杂,其中既有吴方言的遗痕,又有京腔的影响。 豁:HUO1。意思为蒸,热。例句:包子冷特了,豁哈字再切。翻译:包子凉了,热一下再吃。 嚆:HAO1。意思为发霉,有霉味的。例句:这个瓜子嚆特了,表切了。翻译:这个瓜子发霉了,别吃了。 攒:ZAN3,意思是很好,厉害。好象台湾人也这样表达好的意思。 噱:XUEG4。意思是骗人,糊弄人。例句:你表噱我哦。翻译:你不要骗我哦。 屌:DIAO2。一个意思为坏了,糟糕了,完了。例句:甲:上次那事怎腻样了?乙:屌特了!翻译:甲:上次那事儿怎么样了?乙:完蛋了!一个意思为很牛,很得意。例句:你屌甚腻?翻译:你得意什么? 歹怪:DAI3 GUAI4,意思为偏偏,但是。例句:歹怪他就不听我的。翻译:他偏偏就不听我的。 火豆:HUO2 DOUD4,意思为一会儿,等会儿,马上。例句:火豆我就过来。翻译:我马上就来。 结棍:JIG4 GUNN4,意思为很厉害,很牛屄。例句:这个房子搞得结棍了。翻译:这个房子建得真牛屄。 来丝:LAI2 SI1,结棍的同义词,但有比较好,很不错的意思。例句:你蛮来丝的迈。翻译:你好厉害。曾经看到过一个镇江话教学,居然用结棍和来丝互训,比较搞笑,外地人怎么可能懂。 滴板:DIG4 BOON3,意思为很好,可与来丝通用。 板则:BAN3 ZEG4,意思也是很好。 结奏:JIG4 ZOU4,意思为很麻烦,糟糕。例句:这哈结奏了。翻译:这下麻烦了。 百脚:BOG4 JIAG4,意为蜈蚣。 百脚子:百脚是蜈蚣,百脚子可不是小蜈蚣,而是一种蟋蟀的名字。 笛厄:DI2 EG4,两字连读。意思为一点点。例句:笛厄就够。翻译:一点点就够了。 撬线:QIAOG4 XIANN1。意思为蚯蚓,就是地上爬的蚯蚓。 滑冼:HUAG4 XIANN3,意思为闪电。例句:刚才打滑冼了。翻译:刚才有闪电。 卡强:KA2 QIANG2。意思为霸道。例句:这人太卡强。翻译:这人太霸道了。 哈甲:HAG4 JIAG4,意思为胡说,骗人。例句:你不要哈甲来。翻译:你不要骗人了。 甲蛆:JIAG4 QU1,与哈甲同意。意思就是嘴里吃蛆,也就是胡说八道,臭嘴。 假麻:JIA2 MA4。意思为假如,如果,就当做,闹着玩,装做什么什么的样子。例句:假麻我死得了,他会烧香吗?。翻译:如果我死了,他会给我烧香吗? 恰欲:QIA2 YU4。意思为就当做,权当作。例句:你表来烦我了,恰欲我死特了。翻译:你不要来烦我了,就当我已经死了。 我错:WOE2 CUO4。意思为相差,不同,不对等。例句:我们两个年纪我错10岁。翻译:我们两个年纪相差10岁。 洋盘:YANG2 POON2。意思为玩花样,搞噱头,乱考究,也说人比较时髦。例句:你洋盘腻迈?翻译:你真考究。 木次:MOG4 CI1。意思为傻,憨,呆。例句:那人木次木次滴。翻译:那人傻乎乎的。 嘎扣,嘎KI:GA1 KOU1,GA4 KI1。意思为回家。例句:你带我死家去(SI2 GA1 KI1)。翻译:你给我滚回去。 切茶:QIG4 CA2。写做吃茶,不要以为这个是喝茶,这个意思是喝水。喝茶是吃茶叶。例句:切茶吧?切茶叶吧?翻译:喝水吗?要不要茶叶? 笑格:XIOEG。两字连读为一字。意思为向上一蹿,一爬,趴伏的动作。 夯八朗当:HANG4 BAG4 LANG1,意思为总共,一起。例句:这些东西夯八朗当给一块钱好了。翻译:这些东西一起给一块钱吧。 结结奏奏:JIG4 JIG4 ZOU4 ZOU4,意思为拖拉,不利索。例句:你做笛厄事,结结奏奏的。翻译:你做这么点儿事,一点不利索。 神气六骨:SHEN2 QII4 LOG4 GOG4。意思为特别开心,特别得意的样子。例句:你看他,神气六骨滴。翻译:你看他多得意。 走头六怪:ZOU4 DOU4 LOG4 GUAI4。意思为很不听话,很倔强,脾气不好。例句:这个人,走头六怪滴。翻译:这个人脾气不太好。 麻腻木凿:MA2 NI4 MOG4 ZOG4。意思为人很糊涂,总搞不清楚状况,拎不清。例句:你怎腻麻腻木凿滴奥。翻译:你怎么这样糊涂。 粘鸡刮瘩:NIAN2 JI1 GUAG4 DAD4。意思为一种粘粘得状态,很恶心,就象美国异型里那种黏液的状态。 哇五瘩鸡:WA1 WU4 DAD4 JI1。意思为很邋遢,很脏,很恶心。例句:这个哇五瘩鸡滴,赶紧扔了。翻译:这个恶心死了,赶紧扔了。 荷却麻污:HEG4 QUED4 MA4 WU1。意思为很黑,没有一点光线。例句:黑人长得荷却麻污滴。翻译:黑人长得很黑。 胡字麻当:HU2 ZI4 MA1 DANG1。意思为大大咧咧,不太懂规矩,不当回事儿,不知道厉害。例句:这人胡字麻当滴。翻译:这个人有点不太懂规矩。 西大六刚:XI1 DA4 LOG4 GANG1。意思也是不当回事儿,不知道厉害。例句:你表西大六刚滴噢。翻译:你别不当回事儿。 小屄养滴:XIAO2 BI2 YANG1 DI1。脏话,意同北京话的丫。屄发2声,声音拉长,听起来是鄙夷两个字的音,所以音有点怪异。这个是最常见的脏话。 一些词尾: 豆:高豆=上面 哈豆=下面 前豆=前面 里豆=里面 外豆=外面 NIA2:表示惊讶,例句:你做NIA2?翻译:你干什么?很惊讶的口气。做是2声 NIA4:表示愤怒,例句:你做NIA4?翻译:你干什么!很生气的口吻。做是2声 NI1:法语词,无意义。例句:你做NI4 NI1?翻译:你干吗呢?做是2声 NI4:表示疑问,例句:你做NI4?翻译:你干什么那?很不耐烦的口气。做是2声 NIAO4:表示哀求,例句:你做NIAO4?翻译:你干什么呀?有点哀求的样子。做是2声 BAO1:法语词,无意义。例句:切包?翻译:吃不吃? DIAO1:表示疑问,例句:切掉?翻译:吃了吗? DIA1:表示疑问,例句:切DIA1?翻译:吃了吗? DIE1:表示肯定,例句:切DIE1。翻译:已经吃了。
④ 江苏扬州话的"永远"和"雄鹰"怎么说
⑤ “英国话”用英语怎麽说
British English
⑥ 角用扬州话怎么说