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发布时间:2023-05-10 18:03:58

① 求救一篇 写我为什么喜欢英国的 英语作文

窗外天气渐渐的热了,打开窗户。花香也伴着微风,徐徐地钻进我的鼻孔。说实话,除了英国人有点儿让人讨厌之外,英国的环境应该算是不错的。总有不同的人问我,这其中英国人。 一个重大的问题出现,他们很好奇的问我,到底喜不喜欢英国? 我回答:SOMETIMES,SOMETIMES IS GOOD ,SOMETIMES IS SHIT! (感觉有些不同,有些时候还算不错,有些时候很糟糕。)但是,糟糕的时候都和英国的环境没有关系,当然,不包括糟糕的天气。别说英国的雨,说起它就倒胃口。 那么,我有什么理由喜欢英国?因为,英国的春天。我很喜欢旅游,也很喜欢看那些有关的旅游资讯。英国BBC我除了看新闻以外,就很少看其他的节目。但是,有一个节目除外。她就是《SPRINGWACTH》(春天观察)。虽然,现在应该算是夏天,不过就英国的气候来讲,要说是春天也没啥错。鉴于英国天气的变化无常,英国人的穿衣服实在是没啥品味。那种人们印象里的英国的男士西服和女士得体服饰,早已不复存在。看看伦敦的大街小巷,看看车来车往人来人往的闹市区,穿着随便邋里邋遢并不是很罕见到的现象。 好像,话题扯远了。其实,不远。英国人的穿衣随便也是我喜欢的一个理由。但这是次要的,主要的还要说是英国春天的景象。 英国的春天时间很长(我说的是英格兰),一般在每年的二月份就算是开始了,什么时候结束?不知道,如果说英国没有夏天,那连着夏天一起算,应该到八九月份吧。为啥这么算,八九月份就开始下连雨喽。 还是那个问题,到底应不应该喜欢英国? 不好说,真的不好说。有人再问我,我还是那句话,SOMETIMES(时好时坏)。Graally the heat of the weather outside the window, open the windows. Flower is also accompanied by the breeze, slowly to my nostrils drilling. To be honest, apart from a bit irritating than the British, Britain's environment should be good. There are always different people ask me, of which the British. A major problem, they are curious ask me, in the end like it or not Britain? I replied: SOMETIMES, SOMETIMES IS GOOD, SOMETIMES IS SHIT! (Feel a bit different, sometimes pretty good, sometimes bad.) However, poor environment at all times and the United Kingdom does not matter, of course, does not include bad weather . Never mind that Britain's rain, talking about it off-putting. Well, I have reason to prefer the United Kingdom? Because the United Kingdom in the spring. I like travel, liked to see those related to travel information. In addition to English, I read the news outside the BBC, we rarely look at other programs. However, there is a program exception. She is "SPRINGWACTH" (Spring observation). Although it is supposed to be summer, but the British climate is concerned, say it is the spring Mosha fault. Given the vagaries of British weather, the British clothes is Meisha taste. Impression that the people of British decent men and women dress suits, long gone. Take a look at the streets of London to see cars coming and going to drive to the downtown, dressed casually Lalilata is not very rare for the phenomena. It seems the topic of pulling distance. In fact, far. British casual dress is my favorite for a reason. But this is secondary, the main spring should be said that the UK scene. United Kingdom in the spring time is very long (I am talking about England), usually in February each year even started, when the end? Do not know, if there is no English summer, that summer, linked with the calculation, should go to Ba Jiuyue copies bar. How did such a calculation, Ba Jiuyue were started with the next rain through!. Still the same problem, in the end should not be like the United Kingdom? Hard to say, really hard to say. Some people ask me, I was saying, SOMETIMES (when the good and bad).

② 我喜欢的国家是英国,写一篇英语作文,写明为什么喜欢和理由。

Graally the heat of the weather outside the window, open the windows. Flower is also accompanied by the breeze, slowly to my nostrils drilling. To be honest, apart from a bit irritating than the British, Britain's environment should be good. There are always different people ask me, of which the British. A major problem, they are curious ask me, in the end like it or not Britain? I replied: SOMETIMES, SOMETIMES IS GOOD, SOMETIMES IS SHIT! (Feel a bit different, sometimes pretty good, sometimes bad.) However, poor environment at all times and the United Kingdom does not matter, of course, does not include bad weather . Never mind that Britain's rain, talking about it off-putting. Well, I have reason to prefer the United Kingdom? Because the United Kingdom in the spring. I like travel, liked to see those related to travel information. In addition to English, I read the news outside the BBC, we rarely look at other programs. However, there is a program exception. She is "SPRINGWACTH" (Spring observation). Although it is supposed to be summer, but the British climate is concerned, say it is the spring Mosha fault. Given the vagaries of British weather, the British clothes is Meisha taste. Impression that the people of British decent men and women dress suits, long gone. Take a look at the streets of London to see cars coming and going to drive to the downtown, dressed casually Lalilata is not very rare for the phenomena. It seems the topic of pulling distance. In fact, far. British casual dress is my favorite for a reason. But this is secondary, the main spring should be said that the UK scene. United Kingdom in the spring time is very long (I am talking about England), usually in February each year even started, when the end? Do not know, if there is no English summer, that summer, linked with the calculation, should go to Ba Jiuyue copies bar. How did such a calculation, Ba Jiuyue were started with the next rain through!. Still the same problem, in the end should not be like the United Kingdom? Hard to say, really hard to say. Some people ask me, I was saying, SOMETIMES (when the good and bad).

③ 我最向往的国家英国伦敦小学生作文

那里的人们总喜欢亲热的与阳光的接触。,正午的阳光肆意的挥洒在草地上,大片大片的覆盖人们的肌肤。太阳也总是很眷顾他们, 晚上9点钟, 才肯收起温暖的微笑, 让人们临睡之前还可以看到唯美的日落。

在我的印象中,伦敦是一座古老而又优雅的城市。 它拥有很多很多全世界最早的东西,比如地铁,电话亭,双层巴士......但是它却像是被一大团久远的时光包裹住的琥珀一样,当全世界都变得仿佛电子舞曲一般,被电子产品占领,二十四小时都被LED屏幕照亮的时候,伦敦依旧保留着这些已经呼吸沉重的老家伙们。 这里有很多世界着名的建筑:伦敦塔桥,圣保罗大教堂,大本钟,白金汉宫,威斯敏斯特教堂,环球剧院......伦敦的建筑大都是维多利亚时代遗留下来的,颇具哥特风格的美,几百年的历史和变迁烙在了房屋的每一块砖瓦上,散发出仿佛被雨水冲洗后陈旧的铁锈气息 伦敦作为一个国际大都市,没有巴黎的时尚,没有纽约的张扬,没有上海的繁华,它更像是一位贵妇,典雅而安宁。伦敦没有什么高楼大厦,树木填满城市的每一个空隙,城市居民也不多,人们的生活悠闲而随意。难怪我的一个朋友说她喜欢伦敦市因为伦敦让人觉得亲切想要靠近。 2012年的伦敦奥运会让全世界的目光聚焦在这里,也让人们开始了解“雾都”。 奥运会的开幕式我是全程观看的,7个小时的时差,格林威治时间的7月26日21点,北京时间的7月27日凌晨4点。英国人用一个类似舞台剧的盛大演出展示着他们的历史和他们引以为自豪的一切。 开头的短片我记得很深刻。从泰晤士河的源头沿着河水的轨迹,穿过那么多森林绿地,经过无数次的分流和交汇,翻涌的河水被电影般的特写镜头描绘的淋漓尽致,激起波浪,飞溅的水花每个细微之处都被扑捉下来。水流将我们的视线带到了伦敦,之前推得很快的镜头也放慢脚步,缓慢地走过塔桥,宽阔的水平面一直延伸到伦敦碗。 英国人对泰晤士河有种别样的情怀,我一直觉得河流能赋予一个国家和民族的灵魂。就像长江和黄河,筑造了中华民族的豪迈和大气,就像塞纳河带给法国的是无限的浪漫与艺术气息。 关于工业革命的部分也让我印象深刻,整个场馆中央就像是一个被机械和金属包裹的黑色钢铁怪物,巨大的烟囱一个接一个升起,吐出大量白雾,绿色的庄园被工厂取代。这倒是让我想起了狄更斯笔下《雾都孤儿》里无穷罪恶、贫穷、混乱的雾气——它笼罩着的伦敦,充满了后蒸汽时代的迷人质感,又颓废,又矜贵。“雾都”也是得名于当时严重的环境污染,使伦敦上无尽关于雾的描写。那种工业蒸汽时代的特有的混合了煤烟、蒸汽、尘埃、空笼罩着终年散不去的大雾。现在的伦敦,天空很清澈,干净的让人难以置信。但我还是很向往那个被大雾淹没的城市,那样的伦敦一定有一种特别的美,所以无数的作家会把它写进自己的故事里 开幕式我最喜欢的地方是主火炬的点燃。我好喜欢这个主火炬的创意——刻着两百多个国家名字的“铜花瓣”组成的花朵。火焰蔓延开来,一圈一圈,由外到内,全部燃起的时候,底部的金属支架开始抬高,在空中花瓣汇聚在一起形成一朵火光四色的花朵。巨大火焰冲上空中,火光照亮了整个伦敦碗,也点燃了所有人的心。 最让我感动的是主火炬点燃后,想起的熟悉旋律。Beatles乐队的主场之一——保罗·麦卡特尼演奏起他们的经典歌曲《Heyjude》。他的声音不再像原来那么清澈,有一种被时光打磨后的沙哑和苍老,像是峭壁上经过几百年风雨洗礼风化了的石灰岩。这首伴随一代人成长的歌曲,在现场引起了8万人的大合唱。披头士无疑是这个世界上最伟大的乐队,没有之一,尽管他们早就不复存在,但是他们的音乐却依然能在几十年后的今天令人动容。这才是真正的伟大。麦卡特尼先生的眼睛里闪烁着仿佛那晚伦敦上空的星辰。在唱出最后一个绵长的尾音,他从钢琴前起身,在高台上举起双臂。骄傲的像个王。 后来开幕式结束的时候,电视的转播镜头给了一个伦敦的夜景镜头。夜已经很深了,此时的伦敦已经进入了新的一天。伦敦的夜景很迷人,也很安静,不像中国的大城市在夜晚的绚烂,伦敦像是睡着了一般,俯视时只看见伦敦碗中心一团火红。我想,这就是伦敦,这就是英国。它古老,但又现代;它矜贵,但又亲切。它很特别,它让无数人向往,让无数人着迷。

④ 以“我喜欢英国”为题的长篇英语作文中文带翻译

只是范文 主持人自我介绍1、我们这一代年轻人,适逢中国和平崛起的伟大时刻,历史给了我们最好的机遇和最强烈的挑战。我的梦想是成为一名真诚的对话者、现实世界的守望者。在未来,我希望自己有着深深的中国的根,繁茂的世界的枝叶,在东西方文化的交汇中快乐成长。我深知这是一条艰难的路,但是我记得前美国第一夫人希拉里曾经说过这样一句话“我并非生来就是第一夫人”,是的,没有人生来就是成功者,只要你拥有雄心和梦想,只要你付出持之不懈的努力,人生将因此而精彩。2、亲爱的观众朋友大家好,我是来自北京航空航天大学的安娜,从小学主持内蒙古电视台《娜荷芽》节目开始,我就深深喜欢上了主持人这个职业,从各类辩论演讲比赛冠军到杂志封面,从魅力宝贝全国亚军到中央电视台2006世界杯足球宝贝,从电视主持到电台主持,现在的我终于有机会站在央视的舞台上,与这么多优秀的名嘴一起展示真我风采,请允许我用我所会的汉语英语蒙语德语四种语言说“***(蒙语你好),Ich bin Anna,please support me,谢谢大家”。3、我是××号选手唐振华。我磨宏来自陕西安康,西北的山城,北方的江南。我喜欢旅行、喜欢运动、更喜欢阅读。喜欢英国作家罗素,罗素用诗的语言讲述了支撑他人生意义的三种东西:知识、爱和悲悯。我没有罗素一样深沉的阅历,但我发现能够支撑我人生幸福的东西也有三种。这三种东西其实是三重不同的身份:一重是学生,做学生不断体验求知的乐趣,所以我现在还是学生;第二重是教师,做教师可以不断体验启迪他人的乐趣。我目前执教于北京新东方学校;第三重是尚未成就的梦想,一个有个性的电视节目主持人。在我看来做主持人与做教师无异,因为电视媒体能为我提供一个更大的讲台,因而一个好的主持人能够启迪更多的人!4、来之前,有朋友说这里是没有硝烟的战场。看不见的对手,你四面楚歌;顶着对手的重炮,提防着处处的陷阱。说的够残酷,不过所谓地狱在左,天堂在右,我倒是更愿意将这里比做现在的股市。同样一个市场,只要不是一种“博傻”状态,总会有人欢喜有人忧。真正进入之前,首先要明确一点,不能“套”其中。在大赛中,我要学会“识套”,我要在大赛中学会“朝避猛虎,夕避长蛇”,我要打开自己“巨大的上升空间”。请评委老师给我机会体会“无招胜有招”、“简单就是最好”的真谛。近期虽横盘多日,动静不大,但我却是来自新疆板块的一只不折不扣的“蓝筹股”,近8年的主持经历让我具备拉动大盘的能力,虽说曾经也一度成长为“绩优股”,但市场终究考察的是你的“升值潜力”,大家如果看好我,那就请记住这个编号×××,选中我,没错的!5、车、钳、铣、刨、焊,对,这就是我大学的专业—工业外贸学习的一部分,工科的学习生涯,培养了我理性的思维,外贸的知识,让我多了几分感性!理性+感性,让我走上了今天的主持人道路,我愿意认真做事,更愿意用心做事,今后的路还很长,我还需要更加努力!6、我毕业于中国传媒大学英语播音与主持艺术专业,目前在英国伦敦政治经济学院和美国南加州大学攻读全球传媒与传播的双硕士学位。专业的知识积累和多元文化的经历给了我海纳百川的性格,我衷心的希望自己能够做一名沟通的使者,架起一座连接中国和世界,电视和观众的桥梁,让交流更加顺畅,生活充满和谐,希望您给我这个宝贵的机会!谢谢! 大家好! 我叫刘畅,刘畅的刘,刘畅的畅。幼年时曾作过许多色彩斑斓的梦,当个播音员、或者信高当一名电视节目主持人是我最大的梦想。于是,我利用一切机会学播音,练演讲,说相声,打快滑游尺板,表演舞蹈,主持节目。我参加爸爸所在部队的春节文艺晚会,我表演的快板书绕口令受到战士们的热烈欢迎。我深深的知道,作一名合格的播音员或者电视节目主持人是一件非常不容易的事情,成长的道路上会有成功的喜悦,但更多的是失败的沮丧;会有收获的幸福,但更多的是耕耘的艰辛。但我有勇气、有决心去面对这一切。于是,今天,我站在了同学们中间。我和在座的同学们一样,渴望展翅高飞,渴望将来有更大的发展空间,有施展才华的更广阔的天地。我想,有耕耘就会有收获。未来的四年里,由各位老师的倾情传授,我们一定会有一个无限美好的未来。 好诗好画好山水,乡曲乡音乡情美,一曲龙船调,回绕洞庭北。两江汇流,三镇鼎立,九省通衢。我的家乡是湖北省的省会——美丽的江城武汉。亲不够的是巍然屹立黄鹤楼,看不够

⑤ 英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语


英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇1

English is one of the main subjects in our ecation, it ranks as important as Chinese and math. English is my favorite subject, I learn so many interesting things. Other students always complain that English is so difficulty to learn, but Learning English is a kind of joy of me.


The reason that I like English so much is that I can broaden my vision. Before I learned English, I only cared about the things in our country, I even refused to know more about the foreign country, because I thought all of them were bad things. But when I learned English, I started to learn that foreign culture had their charm.


I like to make friends, when I learn English, I can make friends with people from different countries. I have made friends with people from American and England. Talking with them makes me excited, we share our culture and have a nice talk.

我喜欢交朋友,当我学习英语时,我可以和来自不同国家的人交朋友。我已经和来自美国和英国的人交了朋友。与他们交谈让我兴奋,我们分享文化, 聊得很愉快。

English the most widely used language, it is necessary to master it. The passion about English helps me learn English so easily.


英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇2

Hello, everyone. I am Jane. Everyone has his own likes and dislikes. I like to eat apples, pears and other fruits. I often eat vegetables, but I don't like junk food because they are harmful to my health. Weekend is free. I like playing badminton or volleyball with my friends. I feel very refreshed when I sweat. Besides these, I like reading and chatting, but I don't like people talking to me about everything without scruple. What about you?

英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇3

The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these ring the Spring festival.

So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family.

In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.fRom joozone.com.

英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇4

My favourite animal is fish.The fish are very cute.


There are many kinds of fish,such as,Goldfish,the beautiful fish,many people like to feed them.Tropical fish,they live in the sea.Whale,They are the largest animal in the world.


They fish sleep without close eyes.Some fish sleep ring the day , and some fish sleep at night.Generally sleep through out the night.


英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇5

In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are shouter.It's very hot.People like to go swimming.I like swimming very much.

So I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.

In the summer the trees and leaves are green.

Flowers are open too.People don't like to go outside.They want to stay at home.Because in the room.It's very cool.

In the summer.People like to eat ice-cream.So there are many kinds of ice-cream.

I like swimming and I like eat ice-cream.So I like summer too.

英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇6

My name is Li Siyu. I am ten. I have two big eyes and a small mouth. My hair is long. I can ski and I can swim. I can play the violin. I play the violin very well. I like English. I like playing. I like playing the violin. I like Maths. I like Chinese. I like Art. I like P E. I like my mother and my father.

I like reading. In the evenings I read books. I like……

My hobbies are too many! Thank you!

英语作文:我为什么喜欢英语 篇7

My favorite holiday has a lot of, have tomb sweeping day, Dragon Boat Festival, children's day, the Mid-Autumn festival, but my favorite is the Spring Festival.

"Clicks" firecrackers on New Year's eve, the street, the sky flashing dazzling spark, every household lights, the window of golden yellow, yellow-green, in combustion and off graally, flowers, seemed to open the TV at the same time, in the play the wonderful show.

I stood on the sixth floor of the balcony, look, the New Year's eve the night sky is bright, many colorful fireworks shining in the sky, sometimes like to live the day cage with, often is exploded here, before falling again raised a few, and then blasted, rise again... Some fireworks at lightning speed, ten 10 to move in the air, pour down, as if the next beautiful meteor shower, is like a big waterfall, also really a little "plunges three thousand feet" feeling! My mood is particularly bright and clear, this is "firecracker sound bowed out, every family to meet the New Year".




⑥ 我喜欢的国家英国及原因的一篇英语作文有中文翻译

In my 18 years of life, there have been many things. University days are the best part of them. I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. I at once fell in love with it. After the arous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies. The classes given by the teachers are excellent. They provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can. Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers. However, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, I made remarkable progress. Now I've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports. Learning is a long process; I'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. This summer I got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. A publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and revision. At the beginning I was belittled by my colleagues. But they were really surprised when I translated seven English articles over 5,000 words on only one day. Graally, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. I also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. So I often tak

⑦ 求英语作文 你为什么要到英国上学,英国那些方面吸引了你 要求800字左右

第一、质量.英国的教育从第一所牛津大学开始到现在有差不多八九百年的历史,教育质量在世界上享有非常高的声誉,这样高的教育质量吸引了很多知名校友,这样高质量教育有一整套这么多年来的教育扩张体系.第二、特色.它是很有传统的国家,但是在它的传统基础上又讲到创新,目前英国的科技水平上,英国人口只有占世界人口的1%,但是科技产出占9%左右,所以科技创新能力非常好.第三、在英国有非常好的体验.主要是和美国、澳大利亚相比英国有非常丰厚的历史底蕴,同时很有现代化感觉的国家,留学生在英国可以感受历史的厚重和现代的欢快.First,quality.The first British ecation from Oxford University began to now have almost nine years of history,the ecation quality in the world enjoy very high reputation,high quality of ecation attracts many well-known schoolfellow,high quality ecation has a set of ecation expansion for so many years.Second,the characteristic.It is a tradition in the country,but it's also innovation that based on the traditional technology,only 1% of the world's population,but science output 9%,so the technology innovation ability is very good.Third,in Britain u may have very good experience.Mainly,compared United States,Australia British has very generous history,and a sense of national modernization,students can experience Britain history of massiness.and modern city.

⑧ 为什么我对英国情有独钟
















在巴克斯伍德学校,学术课程涉及广泛并且形式多样。既有1或2年的GCSE课程,又有1或2年的A Level课程,科目多种多样,很多大规模学校都少有开设。同时,学校也非常注重学生的实践经验和技能学习,经常组织很多校外教育旅行活动。














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