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发布时间:2023-06-16 23:41:58

❶ 一篇英语作文 各举三条你在英国能做与不能做的事情 求解答!急

How to study English well is a very complicated question, especially for students.
In china, as students we have not enough opportunities to communicate with native speaker. Usually we study English in classes from high school, obviously it is not enough. But nowadays it is a impossible work to change this situation, so how to study English well in this case? I have some ideas though I am not a good student.

Firstly we should try our best to grasp a great amount of new words ,which is the most important thing. Just like beginning our own language, we should have the words tool to build up the sentences and articles. There are many approaches to recite new words, while my advice is to find an excellent dictionary: English-English dictionary. From it you will learn and understand how to use these words well according to English habits.

❷ 假如你要去英国旅游,你要干什么用英语说最少五句


❸ 我只会一些简单的英语在英国能做什么工作呢




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