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发布时间:2023-09-14 05:21:36

㈠ 400字关于英国文学的英语作文

the term english literature refers to literature written in the english language, including literature composed in english by writers not necessarily from england; joseph conrad was polish, robert burns was scottish, james joyce was irish, dylan thomas was welsh, edgar allan poe was american, salman rushdie is indian, v.s. naipaul was born in trinidad, vladimir nabokov was russian. in other words, english literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of english spoken around the world. in academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising english studies in secondary and tertiary ecational systems. despite the variety of authors of english literature, the works of william shakespeare remain paramount throughout the english-speaking world.
this article primarily deals with literature from britain written in english. for literature from specific english-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page.
contents [hide]
1 old english
2 renaissance literature
3 early modern period
3.1 elizabethan era
3.2 jacobean literature
3.3 caroline and cromwellian literature
3.4 restoration literature
3.5 augustan literature
4 18th century
5 romanticism
6 victorian literature
7 modernism
8 post-modern literature
9 views of english literature
10 see also
11 external links



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