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发布时间:2023-11-09 12:58:12

❶ 英国国旗 中英



❷ 英国国旗的所代表的意义,历史由来要英文版的哦,请大侠们帮帮忙哦!!!

British flag : Flag known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland flag M is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Union Jack flag. The first meters in the Union Jack on April 12, 1606 when England, Scotland and James I of England reunification birth. It is from England, Scotland and St. George's Cross of St. Andrew's cross playwrights. But this banner in the face today is not the flag of dark blue with light blue instead. Wales has been in England since the early conquest surrounded by Eardo life is a part of England, there is no time on the British flag. Today's word-meter flag was born in January 1, 1801, the British component of the United Kingdom and Ireland. St. Patrick's Irish Red Cross water meters and re-flag banner with the words, and thus the word today meter flag. In fact, the royal family is the first m characters flag banner Even today, and Britain has not recognized by law meters to the British Union Jack flag, but it has no functional difference with the national flag. In 1908 the British Parliament declared that the "rice British Union Jack flag should be considered." British Interior Minister declared that 1933 is "the British flag is the Union Jack." Many of the former British colonies on the Union Jack flag in the upper left corner to meters, to show the relationship with the United Kingdom. Those countries include Australia and New Zealand. The use of the national flag of Canada in 1965, there are meters characters flag designs. Chinese national flag : Before the founding of New China, June 16, 1949, the first preparatory meeting of the CPPCC National Committee meeting, decided to set up a development the national flag, national emblem, national anthem, the program team, which issued Call for Papers. Material on the job one month before the domestic incident in 1920, the 1992 rate design. The candidates have their own national programs, such as the Tan Kah Kee hammer-sickle flag is the flag design; Guo Moruo design of the flag are two long, the birthplace of the Chinese nation symbol of the Yangtze and the Yellow River; Zhu blue rectangular design of the flag to the upper left corner, containing a red five-pointed star, symbol of a clear sky. After careful selection of these images, pictorial issued to elect 38 deputies to increase, so we appraisals. Finalization of the complex pictorial characters No. 32, and Mao Zedong in September 27 to review the first plenary session of the CPPCC National Committee formally adopted for the state flag of the PRC. Zeng Liansong, the designers in front of this flag is an ordinary economic Shanghai workers. The moral is : A Big Star flag to guide the last few small satellite around then, the struggle to form a symbol of power and Gongbei trend, namely, the Communist Party of China Star, a small behalf of the Chinese people, united party and the people from victory to victory. In determining the number of small satellites, he think of Chairman Mao "On People's Democratic Dictatorship" the article said : "Four people, including class, or the working class, peasant class, the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie. "So he decided to sing on behalf of four small majority of the people. Since then, the five-star red flag as the official flag of the PRC. Flag reference specifications supporting surface 288cmX192cm flagpole height of 12 meters to 15 meters 1 # 2 # 3 # 192cmX128cm 240cmX160cm 9 meters to 12 meters to 19 meters meters 144cmX96cm 4 # 5 # 4 m to 6 m and 1.5 m to 3 m 96cmX64cm British flag : Flag known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland flag M is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Union Jack flag. The first meters in the Union Jack on April 12, 1606 when England, Scotland and James I of England reunification birth. It is from England, Scotland and St. George's Cross of St. Andrew's cross playwrights. But this banner in the face today is not the flag of dark blue with light blue instead. Wales has been in England since the early conquest surrounded by Eardo life is a part of England, there is no time on the British flag. Today's word-meter flag was born in January 1, 1801, the British component of the United Kingdom and Ireland. St. Patrick's Irish Red Cross water meters and re-flag banner with the words, and thus the word today meter flag. In fact, the royal family is the first m characters flag banner Even today, and Britain has not recognized by law meters to the British Union Jack flag, but it has no functional difference with the national flag. In 1908 the British Parliament declared that the "rice British Union Jack flag should be considered." British Interior Minister declared that 1933 is "the British flag is the Union Jack." Many of the former British colonies on the Union Jack flag in the upper left corner to meters, to show the relationship with the United Kingdom. Those countries include Australia and New Zealand. The use of the national flag of Canada in 1965, there are meters characters flag designs.

❸ 英国国旗的“米”字是什么意思

英国国旗是大家相当熟悉的一面国旗,但一些人可能不知道它是由三面旗合并而成的,而且还其有一段很长的历史。 据大不列颠岛先前岛民的传说,大约在西元几世纪时前,有一位名叫圣乔治(St. George)的骑士杀死了一头恶龙,传说当时圣乔治杀死恶龙后,龙的血流到地面上,正好形成了一个十字形。 时间来到十二世纪,十字军东征时。一一九○年,第三次十字军东征,由英格兰(England)国王理查王领军,在亚康大获全胜。圣乔治打败恶龙的地方就在这附近,英人便认为是圣乔治在保佑他们胜利,圣乔治被视为守护圣人。一二七七年,英人设计了一面白底红十字的“圣乔治旗”为英格兰国旗。 一六○三年,苏格兰(Scotland)国王詹姆士一世兼任英格兰国王,使英格兰与苏格兰两国合一。詹姆士认为应该要有一面共同代表英格兰与苏格兰的旗帜,于是在一六○六年将苏格兰国旗,蓝底白X字的“圣安德鲁旗”(St. Andrew's)与圣乔治旗合并,出现了最早的米字旗。 一六四八年,发生“清教徒革命”,清教徒领袖克伦威尔处死英王查理一世,废除王政和上议院,一六四九年成立共和政体,并将国旗换为英格兰旗。一六六○年恢复王政,同时将国旗换回米字旗。 一八○一年一月一日,爱尔兰的白底红X字“圣帕特里克旗”(St. Patrick's)被并入英国国旗中,成为了现在的样式,使用迄今。 英国国旗的图案看起来就像一个“米”字,所以华人把她称为“米字旗”;但“米”毕竟是个中国字,英国人当然不会这样称呼他们的国旗。英文里把英国国旗叫做“Union Jack”或“Union Flag”。 Union 为联合之意,英国是由数个王国联合组成的国家,所以这里的 Union 即是指英国; jack 是“舰艏旗”,是一种悬挂在船头的旗帜,英国国旗最早的用途是挂在船头标识国籍,故以 jack 称之。两字组合起来,就是英国的旗帜之意。

❹ 英国国旗为什么既叫The Union Flag,又叫The Union Jack

英文里把英国国旗叫做“Union Jack”或“Union Flag”.Union 为联合之意,英国是由数个王国联合组成的国家,所以这里的 Union 即是指英国; jack 是“舰艏旗”,是一种悬挂在船头的旗帜,英国国旗最早的用途是挂在船头标识国籍,故以 jack 称之.两字组合起来,就是英国的旗帜之意.

❺ 英国国旗的含义是什么



英国国旗(米字旗),正式称呼是“the Union Flag",也常常称为“the Union Jack"。Union Flag是意为“联合旗帜”;Jack是海军用语,指悬挂在舰首的旗帜。英国国旗上的十字综合了原英格兰(白地红色正十字旗)、苏格兰(蓝地白色交叉十字旗)和北爱尔兰(白地红色交叉十字旗)的旗帜标志。现国旗的白边红色正十字代表英格兰主保圣人(将基督教传到英格兰的基督教传教士)圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰主保圣人圣安德烈,红色交叉十字代表五世纪将基督教传播到爱尔兰的爱尔兰主保圣人圣帕特里克。


❻ 英国国旗为什么叫“Union Jack” 它是怎么来的

在1600年之前,Jack这个词被用来描述一种安装在船首桅杆的小旗帜。在1627年,缩小版本的英国国旗也被插在船舶相同的位置。因为位置相同、大小相似,其后许多年来,英国国旗开始被称为“The Jack”、“Jack Flag”,或“The King’s Jack”。在英文中,Jack有水手和打猎捕鱼的意思,象征了英国岛国海洋文明的生活传统。

也有另一种观点认为军人穿着的“夹克”(Jacket)的简称就是"杰克"(Jack),所以Jack更像是一种指代;还有人认为Jack是来源于詹姆士的拉丁、法文名字:Jacobus、Jacques。直到1674,国旗开始被称为“His Majesty’s Jack”,变成王权的象征。从这段时期的国旗名称中可以看出英国当时封建君主的强权政治。


与此同时,海船上的旗帜已经成为了识别海军的重要标志。作为一个海洋国家,海军是一个国家实力的象征,海军旗帜的权威不言而喻,因此海军的旗帜也开始被称为国旗,“The Union Jack”的名字便也为世人所知。






❼ “英国国旗”也就是“米字旗”用英文怎么说




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