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发布时间:2023-11-24 05:12:23

A. 英国皇室的人为什么那么爱戴帽子


在皇室成员中,例如像英女皇伊莉莎伯二世(Queen Elizabeth II)与凯特王妃(Kate Middleton)一样,她无论出席任何大场合总会以漂亮的帽子来配衬造型,尽显英国淑女独有的典雅与风范。

究竟帽子对于他们来说有何意义呢?不妨看看以下7个重点来了解一下吧!还有Meghan Markle的首次礼帽造型及Kate Midlleton的帽子穿搭也值得你一看。




英文例如Hat in hand或Take one’s hat off to (someone)都是表达恭敬、敬仰的意思,而这此句子都是与帽子有关;再加男士在街上遇到熟人要脱帽行礼,以示尊敬,让帽子与他们的文化、语言融为一体,亦让他们视帽子为尊敬的代名词。

(图为Zara Phillips,安妮公主长女兼英女皇的长外孙女)






(图为Sophia, Countess of Wessex,女皇三子爱德华王子之妻子)



(图为Princess Eugenie及Princess Beatrice,女皇次子的女儿)





不同节日的帽子色调、款式及戴法也有不同。例如葬礼必定要挑选黑色与设计简约的款式,再配衬黑色服装。而Kate Middleton与皇室成员出席国??纪念日(Remembrance Day)则穿上沉色服饰,并戴上深色帽子来纪念在战争牺牲的军人。


为英国皇室设计帽子的设计师包括有Rachel Trevor-Morgan(英女皇的帽子大部分都出自她手)、Philip Somerville、Philip Treacy、Frederick Fox、Gina Foster及Stephen Jones等。图中Kate Middleton与英女皇伊莉莎伯二世所戴的帽子,则是出自英国设计师Rachel Trevor-Morgan之手。

Royal Ascot是疯狂帽客的集中地

英国皇室一年一度的Royal Ascot(英国皇家赛马会)至今已逾300年?v史,不少皇室成员都会戴上得体又漂亮的帽子盛装出席。

Royal Ascot举行的日子,出席的女士们均戴上不同造型,而且非常浮夸的帽子来争?斗丽一番。

准王妃Meghan Markle在早前的皇室圣诞聚餐中以啡色帽子配搭Sentaler卡其色大?与Chlo Pixie Red Saffron 手袋完美示范出流行的啡色系穿搭。

拥有不少礼帽造型的Kate Middleton,每次都能带给我们惊喜。一身粉红色穿搭的她,加上设计典雅的帽子,尽显英国淑女风范。

身穿白色裙子的Kate Middleton,配搭立体花卉礼帽,展现气质满满的一面。

Kate Middleton与威廉王子出席Royal Ascot(英国皇家赛马会)盛会时,以Dolce & Gabbana的米白色喱士裙配搭Janet Taylor的立体帽子,非常抢镜。


早前一家到加拿大外访时,Kate Middleton还来过全蓝色穿搭,可谓抢眼度十足。

早前现身皇家海军学校75周年活动时,Kate Middleton还穿上一袭粉蓝色连身裙,配上深蓝色的礼帽,展现?凸庞值溲诺囊幻妗?/p>


加入羽毛作装饰的礼帽总是最受女性欢迎,就连Kate Middleton也不例外。作为拥有不少漂亮帽子造型的皇室成员,不知道Kate Middleton 的地位会否被Meghan Markle威胁到呢?


B. 外国小孩生日戴的尖尖的纸帽子

History of Birthday Celebrations Some historians believe that one of the first things people began celebrating once they figured out how to tell when a year had passed by studying the moon, was in fact the birthday. Like many of our modern celebrations, the origins of the birthday celebration lay deep in human history, pre-dating all the world’s major religions. Some historians believe that one of the first things people began celebrating once they figured out how to tell when a year had passed by studying the moon, was in fact the birthday. In many ways, this celebration, and many of the traditions associated with it, like gift giving, birthday cards, birthday cakes, and parties is as old as the human conception of time. Humans were, and still are to a large extent, ruled by superstition. Those who study history believe that ancient humans thought they were haunted and hunted by evil spirits. These spirits, according to the legends, were especially strong when someone was undergoing a change in their life, such as getting married, having a child or, in this case, turning a year older. This is in fact why the tradition of having a party on one’s birthday began. It was believed that by having lots of friends and family around, by laughing and having a good time, that the evil spirits could be kept at bay. Similarly, it is believed that loud noises scared off the evil spirits, which is why we have noise makers and sing songs and such as part of our birthday celebrations. The traditions of birthday card and birthday presents are closely related to this. Ancient people mostly brought good wishes and thoughts for the person whose birthday they were celebrating, in the same way that we bring birthday cards with wishes for the person’s emotional and physical well-being for the next year. Although people didn’t routinely bring presents, it was an especially fortuitous sign if they did, it was supposed to bring the person extra good luck for the next year. Today, when bring well wishes and presents for or friends and family on their birthdays, we are really protecting them from evil spirits, according to ancient humans. Other birthday traditions, like making a wish on candles, also originated from the beliefs about evil and good spirits. There are two lines of thinking about birthday candles; one is that the flames would send a signal to the good spirits or the gods. Another theory about birthday candles is that the smoke and the fire some how warded off the bad spirits. This can been seen in other areas today as many cultures light fires and use smudge sticks, which smoke, to chase away evil spirits. Either way, it is clear that the tradition of blowing out candles was a very early part of the birthday celebration. Lastly, there is the tradition of wearing a hat or a crown. It is believed by most historians that birthday celebrations were the most common among the rich and nobility. This is because these are the only people who could afford to have a party. They could afford things like presents and sweets and candles that went along with having a birthday celebration. It is largely believed that being the king for the day and the tradition of wearing a hat or a crown originated with the celebrations of a birthday among the nobility. As you can see, the birthday celebration is very old and many of the traditions we associate with it are very old too. One that isn’t old is the birthday song. Although people probably have been singing at birthday parties since the very first one, the actual birthday song as we know it didn’t come about until 1935. The melody was written in 1890 by a woman named Mildred Hill. The words were later written by her sister, Patti Hill and published in 1935. The song was made popular in a Broadway play that was staged a couple years later called “As Thousands Cheer.”

C. 在欧洲有什么社会地位的人才能戴帽子,帽子有什么作用




D. 英国人为什么喜欢戴帽子英国人性格保守的原因分析




E. 上到王宫贵族下到劳动人民的欧洲人,为何都喜欢戴帽子



F. 欧洲人为什么这么喜欢戴帽子






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