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发布时间:2024-01-23 22:31:13

Ⅰ 英国礼仪文化英语介绍



Etiquette custom

British people meet: first met one another, usually shake hands. In addition to the men and women, walking passionately general people don't hand in hand. The British don't like others to interfere with their personal life.

When you visit an English person, get first in the door knocking at the door, until he said, "come in," to get in. Gentlemen, ladies room hat in interior, not take.

British people in everyday life often talk about the topic is the weather, and is often the first topic.

Lady first and gentleman: in Britain, respect women is to reflect an important aspect of the gentleman poise. Lady first is a well-known standards of behaviour.

Washroom and go "100," : the bathroom the meaning of the word for hand washing or face place, but the actual meaning is the toilet, British the toilet not say straight out "to go to the toilet. If you would like to go to the toilet, may say "to man's room", or "to the woman's room", also say "excuse me a few minutes" or "I'd like to wash my hands", etc. Children want said "I'm going to urine that place". In between friends and family internal, "to 100," is the most common parlance.

Gifts and give tips: in Britain, is limited to give the waiter and taxi drivers in groceries and tips, besides pay carfare 10 or 1/8 money. The hotel's retinue or railway porter service for you, you also have to pay after a few tips.

Forbidden avoid

Can't stoppering of britons have lined up, habit. You can see them one by one to line up on a bus, train, or buy a newspaper. Jump the queue is a screening nasty behavior.

Can't ask a lady's age: British very don't like to talk about man's wages and woman's age.

Can't bargain: in Britain, the most taboo is shopping bargaining.

Westerners feasters etiquette

Whether you are traveling abroad or business, if someone invite you to attend a formal party, then you need to know some basic etiquette of western social places.

Arrived: you'd better arrive on time, late four or five minutes to also go, but never late for more than a quarter of embarrassing, or when no one else but you. If go to is rich and cultured somebody else, you enter the gate when the first man may be a male soldier, responsible for help you hang clothes or give you the way, so you don't get rush to shake hands with him, look again decision.

Preparation: into the living room, you don't try so hard to seek seat sit. Westerners in this occasion to break, everywhere for himself to master introce other guests. You can send wine from the waiter with other drinks a cup of the right side inside chosen drink edge and other people chat. Until the dining room door opened, male host and guests will take you into went into the dining room, the hostess and male the guest should walk in the final, but if the man is the guest of a big shot, the hostess and he might walk in the front.

The custom of the take: western food sitting very exquisite, seats, then arrange general had come, and you the sir or madam will never be arranged on your side. Europeans think acquaintances chat of opportunity very much, want to take this opportunity to make more friends. Men and women were sitting in the rectangular table host on the right, the hostess, below the guest is male, male host is the right into bin. Other guests sit method is men and women alternate with. The man before attempting to help right lady opened after ms chair, to remain to table.

Everybody takes a seat after, master bring a napkin, follow the bring a napkin. Remember: whatever then appear what circumstance (such as the host has dinner pray habit), the host does not bring a napkin before you can't take napkins.

Dinner: general cookbook is three to five dish, the former three courses should be cold meats, soup, fish, hind two dish is the main course (meat or seafood and vegetables), dessert or fruit, finally is the coffee and cookies. Eating do not put all your energy on gastric enjoy, want to talk to people and left. Dessert after, if coffee with didn't appear, that could be wait please go to the sitting room to drink. Anyhow, see the hostess put napkin on the table stood up, you can put down the napkin left their seats. At this moment, polite man and to stand and help lady opened by the chair and take care of the tandem nursing lady don't YanQinYou special feeling, this is he should be.

Farewell: if you don't want too dramatic, you'd better not first leave, nor the last one to leave, in the meantime what time do you leave can, just once leave should be frank to leave.








禁 忌













Ⅱ 英国的礼仪有什么

英国人British在初相识时,一般的礼节是:向老年人引见年轻人;向妇女引见男子;向有贵族头衔的人介绍没有头衔的人;向地位高的人引见地位低的人;在两个妇女之间,是向已婚的引见未婚的,如果未婚的妇女明显地年长,则又是向年纪大的引见已婚的年轻妇女;如贵族是男的,另一方是妇女,则遵从“Ladies first”的原则,把贵族介绍给妇女。
英国人一般不行拥抱礼,相互之间也很少拥抱(hug),甚至父亲也不拥抱儿子,只有在儿子小的时候才会拥抱。英国人也较少跟别人握手(shake hands),甚至跟常见面的朋友也不握手。只有在第一次介绍相识,或朋友之间很久没有见面时才握手。
和英国人说话语气都委婉一些比较好 Would you mind, Could you please等等句子都常用。另外,对于同辈人年轻人,说谢谢,直接说Cheers就好,对于年长的还是用比较正式的Thank you。
在英国很忌讳最这几件事:挤队queue-jump砍价过问私事 如果您去英国旅游,千万不要问人家“您去哪儿”Where will you go?、“吃饭了吗?”Did you eat?这类问题,中国人认为很热情,英国人会认为你很粗鲁rude,英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资pay和女人的年龄age,甚至他家里的家具值多少钱,也是不该问的。如果你问了一位女士的年龄,也是很不合适的,因为她认为这是她自己的秘密,而且每个人都想永葆青春,没有比对中年妇女说一声“你看上去好年轻”You look so young.更好的恭维了。



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