导航:首页 > 中国资讯 > 你来中国哪里翻译


发布时间:2023-06-13 07:12:56

‘壹’ 你到中国了吗 你现在在哪 译成英语

have you been in China now? Where are you?

‘贰’ 你来自哪里用英文怎么说

Where are you from

where you come

你的笔友来自哪里? 是什么意思? ...你来自哪里Where you comefrom 前路漫漫 哪里才是我的归属 Oh and where is where I belong 我来自黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市 I am from Qiqihar ...

Where do you come from

其,我爱你! 跟你没关系... 是什么意思? ... 海上钢琴师是一部浪漫的文艺片 Pianist is a romantic dramas你来自哪里Where do you come from今天是什么月份 In what is today ...



请问你来自哪里Where do you come from

你是来自哪里From wherever you are ; Where do you come from ; Where you come from ; You comes from where

你来自哪里啊Where you came from ; Where are you from ah

你来自哪里呢Where you came from ; Where do you come from

你来自哪里的呢Where you came from ; Can where you come from ; Where do you come from

你是来自哪里的Wherever you are from the ; Where do you come from ; Where you come from

翻译公司你来自哪里Beauty where you came from

我忘记你来自哪里了I forget where you come from

你妈妈来自哪里Your mother come from ; Where is your mother from ; Where your mother came from

‘叁’ 你要来中国的哪个城市英语怎么翻译

Which city do you want to come to China

‘肆’ 你怎么会到中国来,你哪里人越南话怎么翻译呀

翻译:tai so anh sang Trung Quoc?qur huong cua anh o dou?

‘伍’ 你来自哪里和我来自中国。用英语怎么翻译

Where do you come from? I come from China.

‘陆’ 你到过中国哪些城市 英语翻译。

What cities of China have you been to?

How are you going to spend your wage/salary?

‘柒’ “你来自哪里”英文怎么写

“你来自哪里”的英文是:Where are you from。


1、Is that where you came from;

2、Where do you come from;

3、Where you come from。




所以,综合起来“你来自哪里”的英文就是:Where are you from。


如何回答“Where are you from”:

比如说,在上海的外滩遇到了一位慈眉善目的外国老头,上去搭讪。在交流完了姓名之后,老外问你“Where are you from?” 你的回答也许是“I'm from Ningbo(或者任意一个中国二线城市地名).”

如果仅仅这样,你的回答是不及格,因为对不熟悉中国的老外来说,你的回答就相当于一个美国人对你说“我来自波特兰” 一样没有概念。

推荐一种比较得体的回答“I'm from Ningbo, a coastal city located in the east of Zhejiang Province, which is famous for its seafood.”——就是同位语+从句。


‘捌’ 我来自中国,你来自哪里呢怎么翻译

i am from china ,how about u ?
i come from china ,where are you come from ?



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