‘壹’ 中国的春节是哪些国家也过的吗
1. 世界上与中国一同过春节的国家共有十三个:蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、越南、日本、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、文莱、泰国、菲律宾和缅甸。这些国家大多属于汉字文化圈, exception of Japan, which converted to the Gregorian calendar after the Meiji Restoration and no longer celebrates the Chinese New Year, but continues to observe the festival under a different name.
2. Japan, since the Meiji Restoration, has replaced the Chinese New Year with the Christian New Year (now known as the Gregorian calendar); however, the festival remains deeply ingrained in the culture, and庆祝活动 continue under a different name.
3.韩国和朝鲜与中国地理位置相邻,受到中华文明的深刻影响,因此他们的春节日期与中国一致。 However, they differ in their preference for the color white (while China has had different periods where red was the favored color). The couplets are written on white paper, resembling Chinese funeral couplets, and white envelopes are given instead of the traditional red envelopes.
4.越南自古以来是中国的一部分,越南人在春节期间也会放假几天,并保留到亲友家拜年的传统。 The first guests to visit a home are particularly esteemed as they are believed to bring good luck to the host family.
- 习俗一:置办年货。人们在春节前会购买各种必需品,如烟花爆竹、对联、拜年礼品、瓜果蔬菜以及祭祀先祖的纸钱等。
- 习俗二:祭灶扫尘。在腊月二十三,人们会打扫厨房并祭拜灶神,希望来年得到灶神的庇佑。
- 习俗三:贴对联。对联也被称为年红、门神、横批、年画,贴对联有着悠久的历史。
- 习俗四:吃年夜饭。家人会在除夕夜聚在一起吃年夜饭,餐前要拜神祭祖,年夜饭通常非常丰盛。
- 习俗五:守岁。除夕夜,家人会一起玩耍,守候昼夜交替,迎接新年的到来。
- 习俗六:拜年。大年初一拜祭完祖先后,人们会带着拜年礼物走亲访友,给孩子们压岁钱。