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发布时间:2022-09-22 03:30:16

1. 名言用英语怎么说

1. saying
2. logion
3. quip
4. witticism
5. wisdom
6. MOT
7. bons mots
8. term(ination)
9. a celebrated remark
10.awise saying

Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."
Sandburg's poetry was filled with sayings,scraps of anecdotes and conversations,and descriptions of steel mills and of farms.
Take an American student or teacher aside later today and ask if he or she hasn't committed those words to memory.They are from the document by which we created our country,the Declaration of Independence.
We can go on from here with the words of Abraham Lincoln in our hearts:"with malice toward none,with charity for all,with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right."

2. 祖国的英语名言


1.The chief manifestation of patriotism is to love the career that you are engaged in.爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。谢觉哉

2.We shall never try to placate an aggressor by the false and wicked bargain of trading honor for security. In the final choice a soldiers pack is not so heavy as a prisoners chains.我们不应为了安抚侵略者就以错误和邪恶地出卖荣誉来换取安全。在最后的选择中,一个士兵的背包并不像一个囚犯的锁链那样沉重。[美国]德怀特艾森豪威尔

3.I am a Chinese. As a member of the Chinese people, I should do my best to promote the prosperity of the country, improve the lives of my fellow countrymen and make our nation stronger in all the centuries come.我是中国人,作为一名炎黄子孙,我应尽个人力量,促进祖国之繁荣昌盛,使同胞生活美好,民族世世千秋更强大。李嘉诚

4.Patriotism is a vivid kind of feeling of collective honor.爱国主义是一种生动的集体荣誉感。 [英国] 奥尔丁顿

5.I will always be with you, the mud in my hometown and the land of my motherland, to bathe in the sunshine, rain and dew, and grow up together with the grain seedlings.我家乡的泥土,我祖国的'土地,我永远同你们在一起接受阳光雨露,与花树、禾苗一同成长。巴金

6.I want to devote my heart to billions of people.捧出一颗丹心,献于亿兆生灵。

7.Ask not what yout country will do for youask what you can do for your country.不要问你的祖国能为你做什么,要问你能为你的祖国做什么。

8.If the country has troubles, you shall stand in the front.祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。陈毅

9.Motherland is more important than our lives; she is our mother and or land.祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。[智利] 聂鲁达

10.Patriotism is a kind of emotion which is the purist, the acutest, the noblest, the strongest, the mildest, the most merciless, the gentlest, and the harshest. A person who really has deep love for his motherland is an honest one in every aspect.热爱祖国,这是一种最纯洁、最敏锐、最高尚、最强烈、最温柔、最无情、最温存、最严酷的感情。一个真正热爱祖国的人,在各方面都是一个正直的人。[苏联] 苏霍姆林斯基

11.Anyone who does not love his country and nation is a person without any national spirit.不爱民族,不爱祖国就是丧失民族气节。Patriotism is a ty and an honor.爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。

12.Patriotism is a ty and an honor.爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。徐特立

13.We are striving for justice today, and then there will be freedom in every corner tomorrow.取义成仁今日事,人间遍种自由花。陈毅

14.Loving our country and working hard for its future is the sacred ty that the time assigns us.爱祖国,为祖国的前途而奋斗,是我们时代赋予我们的神圣职责。苏步青

15.I grew up in Hong Kong; I am a Chinese. My heart is attached to my homeland and country tightly.我生长在香港,是一个中国人。我的心紧紧地与家乡、祖国相通。霍英东

16.Like any other moral emotions, patriotism makes people become more and more noble.爱国主义和其他道德一样,使人趋于高尚。[苏联] 凯洛夫

17.Homeland is the mother. Everybody only has one.祖国是母亲,对于每一个人来说母亲只有一个。乔安山

18.I prefer die for my country rather than live in humiliation.与其忍辱生,毋宁报国死。何香凝

19.It is foolish and futile to destroy and discard your own data and refuse to recognize your ancestors.毁弃自己的资料,不认识自己的祖宗,这是愚蠢而徒劳的。巴金

20.It is the most honorable thing that I can dedicate myself to my country and strive for my ideal.能够献身于自己祖国的事业,为实现理想而斗争,这是最光荣不过的事情了。吴玉章

21.My hope is that China will be powerful and the lives of Chinese people will be colorful. Chinese people must win credit for the country and the people. I am always confident in the development of our nation.中国强大起来,中国人民的生活丰富起来,这就是我的希望。中国人要为国家、民族争一口气!我对我们这个民族的发展始终都是充满信心的。李嘉诚

22.We shall defend our island, whatever the cost maybe, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.我们将不惜任何代价防卫本土,我们将在海滩上作战,我们将在敌人登陆的地点作战,我们将在田野和街头作战,我们将在山区作战;我们决不投降。[英国] 丘吉尔


3. 名人名言用英语怎么说

名人名言的英语是:famous sayings of famous persons


读音:英[ˈfeɪməs] 美[ˈfeməs]

adj. 着名的,出名的; 〈古〉一流的,极好的;

比较级:more famous

最高级:most famous


读音:英['seɪɪŋz] 美['seɪɪŋz]

n. 谚语; 话( saying的名词复数 ); 说话; 这说明不了什么;



读音:英[əv] 美[ʌv]

prep. 关于; 属于…的; 由…制成;

aux. 助动词 [非标准用语、方言] =have [主用于虚拟语气];


读音:英['pɜ:snz] 美['pɜ:snz]

n. 人( person的名词复数 ); (语法) 人称;



名人名言的英语也可以写成:Celebrity motto


读音:英[səˈlebrəti] 美[səˈlɛbrɪti]

n. 名流; 名声; 名人,知名人士; 名誉;



读音:英[ˈmɒtəʊ] 美[ˈmɑ:toʊ]

n. 座右铭; 格言; 箴言; 主题句;


4. 中国有句古话用英语怎么说

As the old Chinese saying goes,
There is an old Chinese saying



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