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发布时间:2023-01-12 20:35:21

① 中国人事出版社怎么样

英文名:Beijing China Renshi Press

② 中国人事出版社怎么翻译成英语

China Personnel Press

③ “彭景直,瀛洲河间人”文言文翻译是什么



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1 related administrative jurisprudence is administering the affairsof state the aspect achievement to summarize may see also Chief EditorYang Haikun: "Strides in the 21st century China Administrativejurisprudences", Chinese human affairs publishing house in 2000, 446th- 474 page. 2 sees also Hu Jian Miao: "Administrative jurisprudence", legalpublishing house in 1998, 381st page. When 3 administrative punishments law "42nd 1st section 6thstipulation" hold hearing, the investigator proposes the litigantillegal fact, the evidence and the administrative punishmentsuggestion; The litigant carries on protests and questions witnesses", when simultaneously" Shanghai Administration Punishment HearingProcere Implementation Stipulation "22nd stipulation" hold hearing,by the case investigator proposed the litigant illegal fact, theevidence and are suitable the hearing procere the administrativepunishment suggestion; The litigant carries on the statement, protestswith the questioning witnesses "; The 23rd article 1st sectionstipulation "the hearing evidence including the book card, matterwitness, witness testimony, the written, concts an inquest therecord, the scene record, the audio-visual material, litigant'sstatement and so on"; The 24th article 5th stipulation "the hearingmust manufacture the record. The hearing records must stipulate thefollowing item: ... ... (5) case investigator proposed the fact, theevidence and are suitable the hearing procere the administrativepunishment to suggest ". 4 the 42nd 1st section 4th item "the hearing which assigns the non-this case investigator manages from" Administrative Punishment Law"the stipulation by the administrative organ" to look that,specifically implements the hearing procere organization's functionto lie in manages the hearing procere, therefore may understand forso long as this function can realize, actually this organization orthe multi- people is composed by a person, belongs to thisadministrative organ deciding after deliberation. 5 Yang Huiji: "Hearing Procere Introction", Shanghai Universitypublishing house in 1998, 240th - 242 page





1. Regarding the achievement digest of administration jurisprudence in administrative hearings, refer to the "Stepping into the 21st Centry: China Administration Jurisprudence" compiled by Yang Haikun, China Human Affairs Publishing, P446-474.

2. P381, "Administration Jurisprudence", Hu Jianmiao, Law Publishing, 1998

3. Clause 6, Section 42-1, Administration Penalty Act, "ring the hearing, investigators raise the offence facts, evidences and the suggested administration penalty; the defendant protests and queries the investigators"; Section 22, Shanghai Administration Penalty Hearings Procere Rules (Trial), "In hearings, investigators raise the offence facts, evidences and the administration penalty applicable to the hearing procere; the defendant protests and queries the investigators"; Section 1-23, "evidence in hearings includes, but not limited to, written evidence, physical evidence, testimony, authentication decision, reconnaissance record, on-scene record, audio/video materials, litigant statements."; Section 24-5, "hearing shall be put down in writing, the minute shall record the following items: ... (5) Facts, evidence and administrative penalty suggestions applicable to the hearing."

4. Clause 4, Section 42-1, Administration Penalty Act, "hearings shall be managed by independent investigater assigned by administrative authorities". Therefore, the ty of the unit implementing the hearing procere is to manage the procere. Hence, it can be interpreted as, provided that the unit can fulfill this ty, the number of its member(s) remains to the administrative authorities' decision.
5. P240-242, Outline of Hearing Procere, Yang Huiji, Shanghai University Publishing.



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