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发布时间:2023-03-31 11:26:52

① 中国新闻社(CNS)的英文全拼是什么

China News Service
中国新闻社铅纯简称“中新社”,英文全称为槐氏咐China News Service,简称核枝CNS。

② 谁能帮我将这篇产经新闻报上的文章翻译成中文,急!

都市三尖瓣阁不许大陆上的允许总督石原"如果逮捕并不能理解核心成果,"11:18 与土地业权人 (1 / 2 页) [石原。都関系列人错过了日本的主权的书桌
"一个真正的实体发现判断基于""真记者社会看起来就像这提到 Fujimura,长官长主任"指买移民规划首都难日航。地主诵念协定 》 说大陆请提供关于教区及政府的意向,以验证并回答"我想你要承认在负责任的政府"。不许为了避免与中国的完美借口的摩擦,政府正在寻找可用性的原因。请提供土地业权人,并同意了各大洲 Seki 专业人才。它是关于信息交换资本和临时契阵亡将士纪念日战争篇文章 15,打破了。而就在最近,开始被挪用的焦虑买移民规划的大都市的真实和良好的价格谈判,也是难日航。土地业权人看到家庭不许 27,扰绝祥说"政府已托管,由于票价的决定"对可能出现的。政府在 7 月底买了吗? 作为都市圈捐赠阅读没宏念有预定的 14 亿 4000 万日元 = 24、 遗赠) 超过约 20 礼物给地主 40 日元。自己和长滩世博园周围的土地权利国有化的谈判行首席副长调查员联系已囤积的促进。27、 干涸的政府当局,说"不实行国有化的野田佳彦政权和想",显示信心促进谈判的展览。政府已制定了利用规划的三尖瓣阁刚国有化假定 (下一页)。"土地业权的人,即使是现在那些与都市基础知识放谈判具有"语言障碍的人,谈判预计仍然缠绕。"不了解"石原
在此期间资本大洲不许接受轻微体检由岛内详细,变得不可能。知事石原是"没有理由的原因 '为和平与稳定维持控股管理' 第一次进入验证说不"和"的判断不能明白。大城市本地空调单元考试,直至该项认证就像,继续强至少问的想"的宣布置评。本地空调机组考试是规划要看野生的大陆上,小船被分开,附近青岛海困难的救助船上为充气船提供了各大洲。都関的人士指出,"以及空调单元考试的新资本,表明日本的主权是协会错过的政府滑台"。石原已经宣布 10 月再小的体检。"要告诉的位置,并且还认为。如果您持有核心成果",显示到各大洲的意愿。资本 Rep 还"次要考试中此有关要进一步步骤,基本信息元素的基础 ; 一次要体检"和解释有关稀土的未成年人。轻微的考试在资本不动主席的海洋和原始的状态,房子、 财产估价师鉴、 全市退休成员从 25 人。车风迷住在大多数考试 8 月份发现饲料,尽早进行清晨 9/2。在南青岛北小岛和岛淘气鱼儿捕鱼不动属性鉴恒平授权土地资源和水资源的百分比,包括未成年人西装,多-测定海水和由于进入杠杆的气氛。停泊设施合适的土地去探索,如确认的沿海地区、 深度。

③ 中国产经新闻报用英语怎么说


Chinese Sankei news

④ 新闻分类中“国际新闻”,“中国新闻”的英语翻译

用china news chinese news是汉语新闻

⑤ 报纸 用英语怎么写


英 [ˈnju:zpeɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈnu:zpeɪpə(r)]



keep newspapers 保存报纸

print a newspaper 印刷报纸

publish a newspaper 出版报纸

daily newspaper 日报

evening newspaper 晚报


We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.






英 [ˈnju:zprɪnt] 美 [ˈnu:zprɪnt]


例句:Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the issue.


⑥ 报纸用英语怎么说




英['njuːzpeɪpə; 'njuːs-];美['nuzpepɚ]

n. 报纸,报社,旧报纸

例:They read their daughter's allegations in the newspaper.


例:It is the nation's fastest growing national daily newspaper.








1、in the newspaper在报纸上

2、newspaper reporter记者

3、newspaper officen. 报社

4、english newspapern. 英文报纸

5、read the newspaper看报

6、newspaper advertising报纸广告

⑦ 新闻用英语怎么说





Journali ***


新闻组 Newsgroup ; Usenet ; Usenet newsgroup ; Usegroup

每日新闻 Mainichi Shimbun ; Daily News ; Mainichi ;

新闻学 journali *** ; Journalistik ; Print journali *** ;

新闻媒体 news media ; Media ; Press corps ; Media outlets

产经新闻 Sankei Shimbun ; Sankei ; Chanjing ; Sangyou Keizai Shimbun

新闻节目 news program ; News bulletin ; News programming ; news zero

新闻聚焦 NewsFocus ; Newsreel ; News ; focus

晚间新闻 Evening News ; News Rounp ; Nightly News ; Newsnight


1. I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news.


2. Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.


3. At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.


4. She had heard the news-flash on a TV channel's news update.


5. The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time.


6. She appears nightly on the television news, speaking for the State Department.


7. The government says it will not be bullied by the press.

*** 声称不会屈服于新闻媒体的压力。

8. Information officers are in the front line of putting across government policies.

新闻发言官处于传饥册孝达 *** 政策的第一线。

9. It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.

*** 事件成了新闻报道的好素材,真是令人难以接受。

10. Local news organizations are being criticized for sensationalizing the story.


11. He was enraged by news of plans to demolish the pub.


12. First, we have this rounp of the day's news.


13. A daily one-hour news show can cost $250,000 to proce.


14. Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly ll.


15. Stipe attended yesterday's news conference to lend his support.


⑧ china press是什么意思



china: n. 瓷器;瓷料,白瓷土,瓷质黏土。 a piece o ...
press: n. 【历史】强迫征募,抓壮丁。 vt. 【历史】 1. ...

1. University of science and technology of china press , 1990

2. China press and publication news

3. Parallel graph algorithm . university of science and technology of china press , 1991

4. Text book : molecular diagnostics . china press of traditional chinese medicine . lv jianxin , yin yibing
教材: 《分子诊断学》 ,中国医药科技出版社,吕建新、尹一兵主编。

5. " the chinese should unite and think of ways to introce their music to the world so that it can be accepted globally , " he said in an article inchina press

6. The acquisition gives the mca control over malaysia s second - and third - largest chinese - language dailies - the 55 - year - old china press and the 78 - year - old nanyang siang pau - and is seen by many as a move to kill three birds with one stone

7. The journalism school of fudan university , the china press and publishing journal and the school of international and public affairs ( sipa ) , columbia university jointly held the executive training program for sino - us mainstream media leaders 2007
复旦大学新闻学院和哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院连续第四年合作,并且携手新闻出版报社,举办2007 “中美新主流传媒领袖高级研修项目” 。

8. In the 1990 ' s , china press business entered into the period of warring states . surveying the whole nation , the press competition has five regio nal feature , with bright age mark . 1 ) cheng is a symbol of westsouth ern china . 2 ) guangdong is a representative of the south of china . 3 ) be ijing is a door of northern china . 4 ) shanghai is called " paris of the ori enf ' . for its special status , the government ' s controling is closely related with the press developing level . so , we shall study paper ' s competitive situation in shanghai alone . 5 ) nanjing . which is known as an old city o f the six dynasties , is a pattern of the china . taking a general view of paper ' s market in nanjing , there are seven kinds of daily newspaper ab out life and sevice , which try to rush to occupy the limited market spac e . so , at the same time , so much newspaper ' s price is failed to two even one jiao each one while yangzi evening still keep five jiao , and persist on its own character and innovation
华北以北京为门户。素有“东方巴黎”之称的上海,由于其特殊的地位和身份,政府的调控与报业发展高度相关,因此上海报业的竞争格局单独研究。华东以六朝古都? ?南京为典范,纵观南京的报业市场,在不大的城市里“共生”着七家生活服务类日报,它们想方设法挤占有限的市场空间,一时间两毛钱甚至一毛钱一份的报价大战铺天盖地;而坚持五毛钱一份的扬子晚报,固守本色,坚持创新,发行量在最初的稍降后迅速持续攀升,直至创下全国报业的新标高。

9. Yangzi evening , which established by xinhua daily group , has two a mazing achievement in 18 years : the amount of publication broke one million in 1995 , became " no . l " in the history of jiangshu press ; on se pt 26 , 2002 , the publication amount broke two million , became one of th e monuments of china press history . ring 18 years , staff of yangzi e vening have always keep evening paper ' s feature , stand a point of sendi ng out news in day and night as quickly as possible and make advantag es on three linesiinterview and edition , publication and sale , operation a nd management . so it form four characters : information concentrated , se vice attentive , elegant style and better readable . it declaimed that a new era of press instry is coming
新华日报集团创办的扬子晚报, 18年来实现了两个惊人的跨越: 1995年,发行量突破100万份,创下江苏报业史上的“第一” 2002年9月26日,发行量突破200万份,成为中国报业史上的一座丰碑。 18年来,扬子报人坚持晚报特点,立足于抢发当日新闻和夜间新闻,并在采访和编辑、发行和营销、经营和管理三条线上创造优势,形成了信息密集、服务到位、格调高雅、可读性强的特色,日发行量突破200万份,宣告了报业新纪元的到来。

10. Nowadays , there are two popular editions on the market - - one guided and checked by zhang chenshi ( the china press , published in 1986 ) , and the other by meng zhaogeng and sun shuqi ( shanghai ancient books press , published in 1987 ) , two of which all absorbed the research results of our forefathers , achieved considerable successes in terms of the emendation and adjustment to jiankang shilu , and provide great convenience for scholars all over the world to study and make use of this book

⑨ 报纸用英语怎么读

newspaper 报纸 [拼音] [bao(第四声) (第三声)] 英语名称:newsprint a newspaper ; a broadsheet 相关词组前端处理 (记者可以在自己的终端机上直接输入报纸文本而省去传统的排字过程) front-ending 【新闻】大众化报纸; 通俗报纸 popular paper = Pan - Asian Newspaper Alliance (香港)泛亚报纸同盟 PANANEWS 官方报纸 an official newspaper 主编(报纸,杂志等);担任(出版物等)的编辑 edit 在报纸上登广告 to put an advertisement in a newspaper 专门造谣中伤之报纸或杂志 smear-sheet (报纸等)满版的;全页的 full-page 【新闻】高级报纸; 严肃报纸 quality paper 【英】烟报店(兼售报纸、烟、糖、文具等杂货的小铺子);报刊销售店 paper shop 【美】(报纸、广播的)头条新闻 lead story 剪辑(报纸、杂志等) clip 日本经济新闻社 (提供日本商业金融新闻和信息的组织, 旗下拥有多种报纸、杂志和书籍等媒体) Nikkei 【美】【口】(报纸的)专栏版,特写稿版( opposite editorial page 的缩略) op-ed (报纸等的)彩色增刊 colour supplement 过期报纸 a back number 编报纸 to edit a newspaper 【英】(报纸的)社论 leader (报纸)人事要闻栏;私人广告栏 personal column 行业报纸 a trade paper (报纸等的)标题;大标题 headline 白报纸 newsprint ; newspaper 外文报纸 a foreign language newspaper 外国报纸 a foreign newspaper 报纸[newspaper(s)]是以刊载新闻和时事评论为主的定期向公众发行的印刷出版物。是大众传播的重要载体,具有反映和引导社会舆论的功能。




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