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发布时间:2023-08-25 02:36:08

1. 中国传统乐器 英文介绍

1,古琴(Chinese zither)

The oldest plucked instrument in China has a history of more than 3,000 years.


Known as the first of the four arts, in ancient times is the highest status of Musical Instruments. Guqin is full of legendary symbolic colors.



One of the original silk stringed Musical Instruments in China, it has 25 strings.


After thousands of years of silence, "youlan han music" has once again presented the legendary voice on the stage.


3,箜篌(The harp)

The ancient stringed musical instrument in China started in the han dynasty and has a long history.


Wide range, soft and clear tone, strong expression.

(音域宽广、音色 柔美清澈,表现力强。)

In the tang dynasty, it was used in xiliang, qiuci, shule, koryo and tianzhu. It was lost for 300 years after the Ming dynasty.


4,方响(The ring)

The ancient percussion instrument consists of sixteen rectangular jade pieces of the same size.


With thickness different fixed tone high, points up and down two suspension, with a small hammer.


Appeared in the northern zhou dynasty. In the sui and tang dynasties, it was used in yan music and later in the court.



A kind of traditional Chinese instrumental wind and percussion music.


It was the earliest scientific classification of Musical Instruments in Chinese history.


In the western zhou dynasty, the Musical Instruments were made according to their materials.


2. 中国古典乐器的英文简介





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