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发布时间:2022-09-30 18:39:22

❶ 印度的政体是什么,其国歌是国旗跟国徽什么样子,其内涵是什么呢。 谢谢了



3,印度国旗:长方形,长宽之比为3:2。旗面由橙,白,绿三个相等的横长方形组成。旗面中心有一个含24根轴条的蓝色法 轮。
橙色象征了勇气,献身与无私,也是印度教 士 法衣的颜色,白色代表了真理与和平,而绿色则代表繁荣,信心与人类的生产力。法 轮是印度孔雀王朝鼎盛的阿育王时代佛教圣地石柱柱头的狮首图案之一,神圣的法 轮象征着真理与道德,也代表了印度古老的文明。法 轮的24根轴条则可代表一天的24小时,象征国家时时都向前进。

4,印度国徽:印度国徽图案来源于孔雀王朝阿育王石柱顶端的石刻。圆形台基上站立着三只金色的狮子,象征信心、勇气和力量。台基四周有四个守卫四方的守兽:东方是象、南方是马、西方是牛,北方是狮。守兽之间雕有法 轮。图案下面有句用梵文书写的、出自古代印度圣书的格言“唯有真理得胜”。

❷ 印度国徽和国旗英文介绍


The National Flag of India is a horizontal rectangular tricolour of deep saffron, white and India green; with the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel, in navy blue at its centre. It was adopted in its present form ring a meeting of the Constituent Assembly held on 22 July 1947, when it became the official flag of the Dominion of India. The flag was subsequently retained as that of the Republic of India. In India, the term "tricolour" (Hindi: तिरंगा,) almost always refers to the Indian national flag. The flag is based on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National Congress designed byPingali Venkayya.
The flag, by law, is to be made of khadi, a special type of hand-spun cloth, or silk made popular by Mahatma Gandhi. The manufacturing process and specifications for the flag are laid out by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The right to manufacture the flag is held by the Khadi Development and Village Instries Commission, who allocate it to the regional groups. As of 2009, the Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha has been the sole manufacturer of the flag.
Usage of the flag is governed by the Flag Code of India and other laws relating to the national emblems. The original code prohibited use of the flag by private citizens except on national days such as the Independence day and the Republic Day. In 2002, on hearing an appeal from a private citizen, Naveen Jindal, the Supreme Court of India directed the Government of India to amend the code to allow flag usage by private citizens. Subsequently, the Union Cabinet of India amended the code to allow limited usage. The code was amended once more in 2005 to allow some additional use including adaptations on certain forms of clothing. The flag code also governs the protocol of flying the flag and its use in conjunction with other national and non-national flags.
The emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath, preserved in the Varansi Sarnath Museum in India. It was adopted on 26 January 1950, the day that India became a republic.
The emblem forms a part of the official letterhead of the Government of India and appears on all Indian currency as well. It also sometimes functions as the national emblem of India in many places and appears prominently on Indian passports. The Ashoka Chakra on its base features in the centre of the national flag of India.
The usage of the emblem is regulated and restricted under State Emblem of India Act, 2005. No indivial or private organisation is permitted to use the emblem for official correspondence.
The actual Sarnath capital including four Asiatic lions standing back to back - symbolizing power, courage, pride, and confidence - mounted on a circular base. At the bottom it has 1 horse & a bull, at its centre it has a beautiful wheel . The abacus is girded with a frieze of sculptures in high relief of an elephant , a bull , a horse , and a lion , separated by intervening wheels, over a lotus in full bloom, exemplifying the fountainhead of life and creative inspiration. Carved out of a single block of polished sandstone, the capital is crowned by the Wheel of the Law.
In the emblem adopted by Madhav Sawhney in 1950 only three lions are visible, the fourth being hidden from view. The wheel appears in relief in the centre of the abacus, with a bull on the right and a galloping horse on the left, and outlines of Dharma Chakras on the extreme right and left. The bell-shaped lotus beneath the abacus has been omitted.
Forming an integral part of the emblem is the motto inscribed below the abacus in Devanagari script: Satyameva Jayate सत्यमेव जयते . This is a quote from Mundaka Upanishad, the concluding part of the sacred Hin Vedas.

❸ 印度国徽的介绍


❹ 印度国徽的起源

印度国徽的由来得从阿育王说起。 阿育王是印度古代孔雀王朝的第三代国王,原名阿输迦,意为“无忧”,故又称“无忧王”。公元前273年一前232年在位。 阿育王结束了列国时代小国林立、征战不已的分裂局面,建立了印度历史上第一个幅员广大的奴隶制帝国。

❺ 印度国的国徽有什么意义





印度国徽的由来得从阿育王说起。 阿育王是印度古代孔雀王朝的第三代国王,原名阿输迦,意为“无忧”,故又称“无忧王”。公元前273年一前232年在位。 阿育王结束了列国时代小国林立、征战不已的分裂局面,建立了印度历史上第一个幅员广大的奴隶制帝国。

阿育王根据佛教的典章为他的臣民制定了严格的道德规范。 为了严明戒律,公诸世人并使之永久保留,阿育王下令把诏令戒律刻在全国各地带有狮头的石柱上。

❻ 一红一白是哪个国家的国旗












❼ 下面的国徽分别是什么德国的是什么鸟印度的是什么


❽ 印度尼西亚国徽的介绍


❾ 印度国徽的格言

印度国徽:印度国徽图案来源于孔雀王朝阿育王石柱顶端的石刻。圆形台基上站立着三只金色的狮子,象征信心、勇气和力量。台基四周有四个守卫四方的守兽:东方是象、南方是马、西方是牛,北方是狮。守兽之间雕有法 轮。图案下面有句用梵文书写的、出自古代印度圣书的格言“唯有真理得胜”。

❿ 印度尼西亚的国徽中盾牌里的铁链象征




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